نظرة عامة
تدور أحداث فيلم Grand Prix Racing '1' في العصر الذهبي لسباق الجائزة الكبرى، ويحكي قصة جيل من السائقين الكاريزماتيين الذين تسابقوا على حافة الهاوية، وخاطروا بحياتهم خلال الفترة الأكثر دموية في الفورمولا 1، والرجال الذين وقفوا وغيروا الرياضة إلى الأبد.
تاريخ الاصدار
تم إصداره
معرف IMDB
معرف TMDB
الشركات المنتجة
Exclusive Media
Flat-Out Films
Spitfire Pictures
The story of the drivers who risked their lives and the men that changed the sport forever.

نص الفيلم

قم بالإعلان هنا عن منتجك أو علامتك التجارية

اليوم تواصل معنا

ترجمة وتنفيذ التنين افلام اكشن 2023 مترجم كامل جديد زياد

طارت ساندريلا في الهواء

بعيدا عن كلّ الأشياء

القبيحة والعادية

عندما هبطت على الكرة

وجدت نفسها

محاطة كثيرا و بشكل وقح

من قبل القراصنة

كان هناك آلف ميسن القبيح جدا

والذي باعته أمه مقابل قنينة شراب

بيل جوكيس

كلّ بوصة في جسده عليها وشم

وأسوأ من كلّ افضل افلام ذلك

هوك ذي العيون الزرقاء

كأنها تقول لا تنسني

يقوم بخمش بطنك

بالهوك الحديدي الذي لديه

بدلا من يدّه اليمنى

في ذلك الوقت سيما للجميع

عيونه انقلبت الى حمراء

يابناتي، قال هوك


من اجلكن ايتها النعال الزجاجية

من تكون لتأمرني

وتدعوني هكذا؟

اليك ذلك

اليك ذلك اليك ذلك


هوك أتى اليها

ماذا حدث عندها؟

ماذا حدث ؟

ساندريلا الشجاعة أنهت

المسألة بشكل نهائي



ليلة المغامرات الإستثنائية

لهؤلاء الأطفال

قد قيلت من اجل البدء

كان نانا

ينبح على النافذة

لكن لم يكن هناك شيء

لا طير ولا ورقة

لذا الأطفال نسوا


ما يزعج البالغ

لن يزعج طفل

جورج العزيز ماري العزيزة

أية رحلة قضيتها

وقت الحمّام

ليس موقع سيما لايت عدلا

ليس عدلا في الحقيقة لكن نانا كانت

الممرضة الأجود في أربعة كفوف

لا لا، أنا سوف لن

أغفر لك

لم يكن هناك

عائلة أسعد و ابسط

السّيد دارلنج كان مصرفيا

عرف كلفة كلّ شيء حتى موقع سيما كلوب وي سيما الحضن

السّيدة دارلنج كانت منهو ولدنا ماي سيما أروع

سيدة في بلومزبري

بفمّ هازئ حلوّ

كانت ترسم عليه قبلة واحدة

لم يكن لويندي ان يحصل عليها

مع ذلك هو كان هناك

واضح جدا

على الزاوية اليمنى

وأحيانا كانت هناك

العمّة ميليسنت

التي شعرت ببعد عن الممرضة

التي تنزّل كل نغمة الحي

حسنا حسنا

حسنا، حسنا

أقل ضوضاء

دعنا نستقرّ

هذه ليست مزرعة

برافو، جورج برافو

انه دور ويندي

يجب على ويندي سيما رواية قصّة

سيكو، من قطع اسمه

على الحاكم في غوا

نودلر، بأيديه

على الخلفية

ايتها السماوات



هوك، من عيونه

تصبح حمراء عندما يمسكك

على روحي، كم من الأطفال

متعلّمون في الوقت الحاضر

أخشى اني لست

متعلّما مطلقا، ياعمّة

لكنّي أعرف شيء أو إثنان

حول ويسيما القراصنة

طموحي موقع شاهد فور يو الغير متحقق لكتابة رواية عظيمة

في ثلاثة أجزاء حول مغامراتي

أية مغامرات؟

أنا لحدّ الآن ليس لدي واحدة

لكنّها ستكون

مثيرة جدا

لكن الروائيون ليسوا مقدرين بحد كبير

في المجتمع الجيد

ولا شيء

أصعب من الزواج بروائي




تعال نحوي، ماي سينما عزيزي

حتى أقدّرك


تعال إلى عمّتك

انهض بشكل مستقيم





أوه، تماما كما توقّعت

ويندي لها ذقن امرأة

ألم تلاحظ؟

لاحظ فمّها


في الزاوية اليمنى

هل تلك قبلة؟


كقبلة أمي

قبلة خفية

لكن لم هي موفيز ؟

انها لأعظم


لقد وجدوها

نزلت من والى السماء

وجدوا ماذا؟

صاحب القبلة



تقريبا امرأة

يجب أن تقضي وقتا أقل

مع إخوتها

ووقت أكثر معي

هي يجب أن يكون عندها غرفتها الخاصة

غرفة سيدة شابة


جورج، ابنة كاهن

لا يمكنها تمنّي الزواج مثل المدير

يجب أن تحضر حفلات أكثر

تصنع بعض الكلام مع

رؤسائك في المصرف

ذكاء عصري جدا

في الوقت الحاضر




لكن ما كان هناك أثر لجثة

او لاي شيئ سقط

بالتأكيد هي كانت تحلم


إذا كنت أنت في السرير



الآنسة فولسوم بعثت رسالة

غاضبة إلى السّيد دارلنج

الذي وضع المعايير الجديدة

من التزمت، حتى لها

نعم، سيدتي

السّيد دارلنج كان يتحدث

كلّ العصر

أقول، هو طقس لطيف لدينا

والآن فرصته حانت

السّير إدوارد كويلير كوتش

رئيس المصرف

كان رجلا يتمتع بالثرثرة

تقريبا نفس قدر

الميزانية الجيدة

تصرف ويندي كان كالمدانين

وبعد ذلك المصير

الرسالة إنتظر توقّف

ويندي، لحظة

العودة افضل

أقول، أي ربطة رائعة

انتظر أنت هناك توقّف

ويندي نانا، عودوا

إستثمار أجوديسيووس؟

في الحقيقة



أنت هناك، توقّف انتظر

توقّف إنتظر



يمكنني أن أوضّح


لقد تعرضت للاذلال


يجب أن أصبح رجلا

يخشونه الأطفال و يحترمه البالغون

والا سننتهي افلام مصريه 2022 كلناّ

في الشارع

جورج، ليس عاليا جدا

الجيران سيسمعون

دعهم يسمعون

دع العالم بأكمله يعرف

هذه ليست ممرضة هذا كلب

غدا تبدأ


مع العمّة ميليسنت

حان وقت لتكبر


هلّيمكن لأيّ شئ ان يؤذينا

بعد انارة الاضاءة الليلية ؟

لا، يا غالي

انها العيون التي تتركها الأم

لحراسة أطفالها

أمي هل يجب أن نذهب

إلى الحفلة؟

رجاء، أمي

نعم، أمي

أنت ليس من افلام جوني ديب الضروري أن تذهب

أبي يمكن أن يذهب لوحده

رجاء، افلام رعب أمي


أبوك رجل شجاع

لكنّه سيحتاج

القبلة الخاصّة لمواجهة

زملائه اللّيلة

أبي؟ شجاع؟

هناك أنواع

مختلفة من الشجاعة

هناك شجاعة التفكير

بالآخرين قبل نفسه

الآن، أبوك ليس لم

يلوّح بسيف ولا أطلق

مسدّس، حمدا لله

لكنّه يقدم العديد من التضحيات


ويضع جانبا العديد من الأحلأم

أين افلام اجنبي يضعهم؟

يضعهم في درج

وأحيانا، لساعة متأخرة من الليل

نحن نخرجها و نعجب بها

لكنّ الأمر أصعب وأصعب

حين اغلاقه


ولهذا هو شجاع

وتذكّر، ان كلّ غيمة

لها بطانة فضّية

لا،انها تثلج

أوه، نحن سنمسك بموتنا

الموت أفضل من الثرثرة

أنت ستدخل غرفة الرسم

برأسك المرفوع عاليا



واحد، إثنان،



تعال هنا، أنت


مع تحيات زيـــاد


ياولد، لماذا تبكي؟

يمكنك أن تطير

ما اسمك؟

ما اسمك؟

ويندي مويرا أنجيلا دارلنج

بيتر بان

أين تعيش؟

البناء الثاني إلى اليمين وبعد ذلك

بشكل مستقيم حتى الصباح

وضعوا افلام 2023 هذا على الرسائل؟

لا تستلم أيةّ رسائل

لكن أمك تستلم الرسائل

ليس عندي أم

لا عجب أنك كنت تبكي

لم اكن أبكي بخصوص الأمهات

كنت أبكي لأنني لا أستطيع

ادخال الظلّ كي يلتصق

وأنا لم اكن أبكي

أنا يمكنني أن أخيّطه لك

هذا قد يؤذي قليلا

هل يمكن أن أستعير سكينك؟


أوه، ذكاءي

بالطبع، لم افعل شيء

لقد فعلت القليل


ليلة سعيدة


بنت واحدة تساوي أكثر

تعتقد هذا حقا ؟

أعيش مع الأولاد الأولاد المفقودون

هم مسمون بشكل جيد

من هم؟

الأطفال الذين يسقطون من عرباتهم

عندما تكون الممرضة لا تنظر

إذا لم يطالب بهم احد في سبعة أيام

هم يرسلون إلى نيفيرلاند

هل هناك بنات أيضا؟

البنات ذكيّات جدا ولا يسقطن من عرباتهن

بيتر، انها رائعة جدا

الطريقة التي تتحدّث بها عن البنات

أنا أودّ أن أعطيك


ألا تعرف ما هي القبلة؟

سأعرف عندما تعطيني واحدة

أفترض اني

سأعطيك واحدة الآن

إذا أحبّبت


كم عمرك، بيتر؟

صغير جدا

ألا تعرف؟

لقد هربت

في ليلة ما، سمعت أمي

وأبيّ يتكلّمان عن ما سأصبح عندما أصبح رجلا

لذا هربت إلى كينسينجتون

غاردن و قابلت تينك


تينكر بيل

هي جنيّتي

لكن ليس هناك مثل هذا الشيء

لا تقول ذلك

كلّ مرّة شخص ما

يقول بأنّ جنيّة

تنزل ميتة في مكان ما

وأنا لن أجدها

إذا كانت ميتة

أنت لا تعني ان

هناك جنيّة في هذه الغرفة

نأتي للإستماع

إلى القصص

أحبّ قصةالأميرالذي لا يستطيع أن

يجد السيدة التي لبست النعال الزجاجية


بيتر، لقد وجدها


عاشا بسعادة طوال افلام نتفلکس 2022 العمر

عرفت ذلك


أنا أودّ أن أعطيك


ما هذا؟


تينك تينك، لا

هي ليست مؤدّبة جدا

تقول إذا حاولت ان

تعطيني كشتبان ثانية،

هي ستقتلك


وأنا إفترضت الجنّيات


بيتر، لا تذهب يجب أن أخبر

الآخرين عن ساندريلا

لكنّي أعرف الكثير من القصص

قصص يمكنني أن أخبرها للأولاد تعال معي

أنا لا سيما فور يو أستطيع الطيران

أنا سأعلّمك

أنا سأعلّمك ركوب ظهر الريح

و سنذهب بعيدا

هل يمكن أن يأتي جون ومايكل أيضا؟

مايكل مايكل

جون جون

لم افعل ذلك

هناك ولد يمكنه

أن يعلّمنا الطيران

لديك سببا، سيدي

أنا أودّ أن

افعل ذلك معك

أنت فقط تفكّر أفكارا سعيدة

وهم يرفعونك إلى الهواء

هذا سهل

امسكته امسكته

سيوف، خناجر، نابليون

ارجع للوراء


ويندي ويندي راقبيني

حلويات، فطائر طين، آيس كريم

لا يجب أن يستحمّ ثانية


يا الهي

ابتعد عالم سكر ابتعدّ وقت الافلام إلى نيفيرلاند

أوه ماذا عن أمي؟



هناك حوريات بحر

حوريات بحر؟





يا الهي

جون، انتظرني

هل لي أن أقدّم زوجتي





شكرا ، سّير فاصل إدوارد


انسيهم، افلام هندية 2023 ويندي

انسيهم افلام مترجمه كلّهم

تعال معي حيث لا

يجب أن تقلق بخصوص النضوج ثانية

ماذا هناك؟ ماذا حدث؟

انه وقت طويل جدا

سيكون مبهجا ذكر بأنّهم وصلوا

روضة الأطفال في الوقت المناسب

لكن عندها لن تكون هناك قصّة

لكنّك مغطّى

بشعر الكلب، سيما فور عزيزي

مرحبا، ايها الشاب الكبير

مساء الخير


يا الهي


من أنت؟

أنا جون


أمسك هذا

كلتا اليدين


مايكل، فور يو امسك كاحلي

ويندي، امسكي كاحلي

ومهما حدث

لا تدع



يكذب، يسرق

حياة رذيلة

سنذهب للقرصنة

نحن متأكّدون ان الإجتماع هناك

أطلق المدافع

صبّ شراب الروم

وزع البطاقات

لليل جاء

سنذهب افلام هندي 2023 للقرصنة

طير شيطاني


كابن؟ بينما كنت أجلس

واسع العينين على ساعتي،

لاحظت بأنّه كان وقت شتاء في

الماء وموسم ربيع على الشاطئ

أقول لنفسي

من المبكر للربيع ان افلام شاهد فور يو يكون نشيطا

تحقق من الوقت بنفسك

كابن، وبعد ذلك أخبر

كنت أحلم ببان

ببان كابن؟

وفي حلمي،

أنا كنت زميل شهم افلام ديزني 2023

ملئ بالمغفرة

شكرت افلام كرتون بان

لقطع يدّي


هذا الصقر الرائع

والحناجر الممتازة

وأخرى لمثل هذه الإستعمالات البيتية

كما تمشيّط شعري

بان قدم لك خدمة اذن؟


رمى يدّي

إلى تمساح

الوحش أحبّها كثيرا

هو يتبعني منذ ذلك الوقت،

يسيل لعابه

لالتهام بقيتي

اتسمي هذا خدمة؟

لا لا لا لا


اشكر إبليسا الوحش فيلم لابتلاعه lone star 9-1-1 season 1 ماي سيما ساعة

لو لم يكن يحب القساوة

لكان التهمني قبل الآن

لم أيقظتني، سمي؟

كما قلت، كابن

الثلج يذوب

الشمس خارجا

والزهور متفتحة

لقد عاد

أربعون مدفعي

يجب أن تصل الى اواحد وعشرين عقدة

تحت وى سيما الشراع الكامل

نودلر، افلام اكشن 2022 مترجم كامل جديد بأيديه

على الخلف


كلّ منطقة فيه عليها وشم


لنلق نظرة أقرب



راقب هذا

يا الهي

يا الهي قبعتي

سمي القبيح

سمي السمين القبيح

كسوف الشمس

انه ظلام هنا

اخرجوني اخرجوني

لا أستطيع الرؤية

انه مظلم هنا اريد شمعة

أحتاج شمعة النجدة النجدة

اجلب مدفع بعيد المدى


النجدة النجدة

تينك، جد ويندي

ودع البقية لي


أوه، النّقيب هوك


ابق معه

أنت لا تستطيع امساكي




يا الهي

مايكل، هل أنت مصاب؟

لم أتأكد لحد الآن

لكن هناك شيء أسوأ

أوه، ماذا يمكن أن يكون أسوأ؟

أفكاري ليست سعيدة جدا

أفكار سعيدة

أفكار سعيدة

ماذا يفعل أمي وأبّي؟



أعد تحميل المدفع بسرعة

أعيد تحميل المدفع؟

لكن، كابن، لقداختفى

أيّ مساهمات أخرى؟

فتّش الغابة

اجلب لي أولئك الأطفال

ما هو؟

انه طير أبيض كبير

قبيح جدا أيضا لا

أعطيني اياه

عندما يغيب بيتر

أنا المسؤول

علي النظر

من خلال المنظار

انه يقترب أكثر

يا الهي،لقد عميت

أنا أعمى عميت

أنا أعمى

مرحبا، تينك اين بيتر؟

مرحبا، تينك

انها تعميني

مرحبا، تينك

مرحبا، تينك

أية أخبار عن ساندريلا؟

الآن، تينكر بيل ما كانت سيئة تماما

أحيانا هي كانت جيدة جدا

لكن الجنّيات هن صغيرات جدا لدرجة

عندهن مكان لشعور واحد كلّ مرة

تقول تينك الطير

اسمه ويندي

وبيتر يريدنا ان

أوه، بيتر أوه


حسنا، لدينا اوامرنا

اضرب طير ويندي

نعم، نعم

جاهز؟ هدّف


مع مشاهدة افلام فيلم سطار السعودي السلامة

ثلاثة، إثنان،


نجحت نجحت

لم يكن طيرا

انها سيدة


توتليس قتلها

لقد عدت وهناك أخبار عظيمة

أعرف ما حدث لساندريلا

لقد هزمت القراصنة

كان هناك نزيف حادّ، متقطّع

و عاشوا بسعادة للأبد

حسنا، لقد ارتحنا

يجب أن أقول انها أخبار رائعة

اخبرتك انها قالت لساندريلا

أن تخبرنا قصصا



هذا مأساوي


رمية جيدة، مع ذلك

لمن السهم؟

لي، بيتر

ضربة، بيتر

بصدق ضربة

ويندي حي

انها قبلتي

قبلتي انقذتها

أتذكّر القبل

دعني أراها

نعم، تلك هي قبلة


دعنا نحملها للأسفل

إلى البيت


هي قذرة نوعا ما

يجب أن تبقى هنا وتموت


أوه، كيف فكرت بذلك؟



نحن افلام توم كروز سنبني

بيتا حولها

مع مدفأة

و مقرعة باب باب


تينك فعل ذلك

تينكر بيل؟

أوه، تينكر بيل؟

هل كان أنت، يا تينك؟

سبحان الله سبحان الله

اذن أنا لم اعد صديقك


الأولى مهمة جدا جدا

ها هي


سيدة ويندي، بنينا لك

هذا البيت فشار مع مقرعة باب

و مدفأة

واحد، إثنان، ثلاثة

رجاء كوني أمنا


حسنا، هذا ساحر جدا

لكن، ترى

أنا لم يكن عندي تجربة حقيقية

هل تقصين القصص؟


اذن هذا مثالي

حسنا جدا

سأبذل جهدي

عذرا على ربطة العين

يجب أن نكون حذرين

هناك بعض الشرّيرين هنا

إذا اكتشف هوك مخبأنا


كم هذا مخيف

أوه، نحن نحيا لهذا

لكنّ الوقت حان

للقاءأبّي، أمي

أتطلع ا

لأن أكون إبنك

مرحبا، أمي

الإنضباط هذا ما

يؤمن به الآباء

يجب أن تصفع الأطفال فورا

قبل أن يحاولوا قتلك ثانية

في الحقيقة، يجب أن نقتلهم



أوافق سينما بأنّهم

مروّعون جدا

لكن بقتلهم

سيعتقدون انهم مهمين

مهمين جدا


أقترح شيئا

أكثر افزاعا بكثير


هو الأكثر توحشا


النوع الحلوّ الدبق

اقتلنا، رجاء

اقتلنا، واي سيما رجاء

ليتليست أولا مايكل؟

مايكل جون إخوتي

سيما ماي من؟


مرحبا؟ مرحبا؟ مرحبا؟

هو افلام رعب 2023 أعلى من داخل

هذه الصخرة

كم هذا غريب جدا


أفكار سعيدة

سيوف، خناجر، نابليون

كم هذا مهين

جون، هناك شيء أسوأ

الأميرة تيجير ليلي

نبحث منذ زمن طويل عن بيتر بان

ومخبأه السري

لحسن افلام تويتر الحظ، ولدان

من معارفه

رأيا سقوط

هإلى هذا الجزء من الغابة

هل رأيتهم؟

هي تقول

للأسف لا

هوك يعتقد

انه بلى ايتها الأميرة

أقول، حلّ ذلك الممزق

انت الممزق

الآن، حوريات البحر ليست

كما هن في كتاب القصص

هن مخلوقات مظلمة

على اتصال بكلّ الأشياء الغامضة

إذا هوك قد أسر

إخوة ويندي،

حوريات البحر تعرفن

أوه، كم هذا حلو

هل حوريات البحر لسن حلوّات؟

هم سيغرقونك بشكل حلوّ

إذا اصبحت قريب جدا

هوك لديه إخوتك

في القلعة السوداء

مثل كلّ الهجمات المفاجئة

يجب أن تقاد

بشكل غير صحيح

ضع الأطفال افلام 2022 على الصخرة

آسف، سموك

أيةّ كلمات أخيرة؟

استجدى حياتك

أيها السادة أخّي وأنا

سادة إنجليز افلام اكشن محترمون

السادة المحترمون الإنجليز لا يستجدون


رجاء رجاء

رجاء لا تقتلنا

رجاء لا تقتلني، أنا ايضا

أنا أبدا لم افعل ايجي بست أيّ شئ

انه بارد انه بارد


تعال طر إلى الإنقاذ،

وبعدذلك سأضربك منّ

خلال نواياك النبيلة

جلبت هذه

هلّ بالأمكان أن تستعملها؟

عدني بشيء واحد

دع هوك لي


انتظر اشارتي

انتظر هنا؟


هكذا ويندي وضعت عيونها أولا على

الرقم المظلم الذي طارد قصصها

رأت العيون الثاقبة

ولم تكن خائفة،

لكنها داخت

نحن متأكّدون ان اللقاء تحت

السّيد سمي؟

هذا انت كابن؟

كبريت وصفراء، يارجل

ماذا تعتقد أنك فاعل؟

حسنا، وضعنا الأطفال

على الحبل، كابن،كما قلت



حسنا، ماذا عن فخّك؟

حرّرهم،والا ساضع هوك فلم فيك

لا أعرف ما يريد منهم

أنا مجرّد أبله تافه، أليس كذلك؟

قيدهم و لنذهب

وخذ قطّتك معك

السّيد سمي؟

نعم، كابن؟

أيّ اثر له؟

لا، كابن

أين الأطفال؟

لا بأس، كابن

تركناهم يذهبون

ماذا فعلت؟

تركناهم يذهبون

تركتهم يذهبون

سّيد سمي

من انت ايها الغريب؟

أنا هوك جيمس

قائد جولي روجر

إذا أنت هوك

اذن من أنا؟

أنت سمك القدّ

خبرني، هوك

هل لك اسم آخر؟












ولد عادي؟


ولد رائع؟

نعم هل تستسلم؟


أنا فاصل اعلاني


بيتر، احذّر

ها هو

هو كتلة قدّاس أرواح الموتى، ياولد

جاهز لفقدان الآخر؟

ليس هذه المرة


من تكون لتناديني ابنتي؟

افتح الباب


لو كنت مكانك، كنت أستسلم

لو كنت مكاني، سأكون قبيحا افلام هندي 2022




الحق بالمركب

أدر المركب


والآن، بيتر بان،

أنت ستموت

الموت سيكون

مغامرة كبيرة جدا

أوه، لا

افلام ديزني 2022 اضربه




هذا مأساوي نوعا ما

حقا، أليس كذلك؟

المحارب مجروح

هي تنادي روح النسر

لشفاء المحارب

رائع جدا

المحارب شفى





يوم شريّر

وجد نفسه


وهوك افلام مصرية كوميدية 2023 وحيد

انا أيضا

أنت أيضا؟

مبعد؟ تسك الكلب

أعتقد أنت وانا

يجب أن نتكلّم


هو تخيّلي فقط

أليس كذلك؟

بأنّه وي سينما انت وأنا

أوه نعم


هذا يجعلني أبدو

كبير السن جدا حتىاكون أبا حقيقيا


ما بديل ماي سيما مشاعرك الحقيقية؟


ماذا شاهد فور تشعر؟

سعادة؟ الحزن؟










أنا أبدا ما سمعت عنه

أعتقد انك فعلت ماى سيما يابيتر

أستطيع القول سيما روم اني

أحسّه بنفسك

نحو شيء أو شخص ما

أبدا حتى صوته



لماذا تفسد كلّ شيء؟

نحن نقضي وقتا ممتعا، أليس كذلك؟

علّمتك المحاربة والطيران

ماذاهناك أكثر من ذلك؟

هناك الأكثر بكثير

ماذا؟ ماذا هناك عدا عن ذلك؟

لا أعرف أعتقد ان الأمر يصبح

أكثر وضوحا عندما تكبر

حسنا، سوف لن أكبر

أنت لا تستطيع ارغامي

سأبعدك كما تينكر بيل

أنا لن يتم ابعادي

ثمّ اذهب إلى البيت

اذهب ايجي بست افلام إلى البيت واكبر

وخذ مشاعرك



بيتر، ارجع بيتر

بيتر لم يرد ويندي أن ترحل

مرة أخرى

هو زار بيت ويندي

ليرى إذا السّيد والسّيدة دارلنج

غلقا النافذة

لكن، كما في السّابق، رأى

السّيدة دارلنج في كرسيها

بالنافذة، عيونها متعبة

بالبحث في السماوات




نحن افلام اكشن 2022 لا نستطيع اخذها كلينا ايتها سيدة

جون مايكل


النافذة مغلقة

جورج جورج، افضل افلام 2022 ساعدني

ما الآمر؟ هل عادوا؟

النافذة مغلقة

يجب دائما أن تكون مفتوحة لهم

دائما افلام ماي سيما دائما

لم يعودوا

يربط أفاست السفينة الشراعية الإنجليزية

ثمأخذنا وغرقنا بسرعة


إلى الطاقم

جعلناهم يمشّون اللوح الخشبي

اللوح الخشبي المرح

يمشي هكذا


حتى يهبط

وأنت تذهب للأسفل


كتبها بنفسه

ويندي، عزيزتي

مسكات شاهد فور يو آنستي؟

أنا بنت صغيرة

شراب روم، ثمّ؟

لا، شكرا

قيل لي انك هربت من البيت

أنا ما سبق وأن

فكّرت بذلك بهذه افلام هندي الطريقة

أفترض بأنّني موقع ماي مسلسل the last of us موقع ماي سيما سيما فعلت

كم هذا رائع

أبوايّ أرادوني أن أكبر


عمل بربري،

ملئ بالإزعاج


الأشياء كانت أسهل

عندما كنت أصغر

وبعد ذلك بدأت الفوضى

تأتي المشاعر

بان محظوظ جدا

كي يكون غير متأثّرابهم

أوه، لا هو لا يستطيع ان يحب

هذا جزء من اللغز

في افلام هنديه 2023 تكوينه


أوه، هناك، هناك


تسك تسك

لا يجب أن يكون

الأمر بهذه الطريقة

أما افلام وددت أبدا ان ماي سيما بالطو تكون

قرصانا، قلبي؟

إعتقدت مرّة

اني دعوت نفسي

ريد هاندد جيل

أوه، اي اسم رائع

هكذا سندعوك

إذا التحقت بنا

لكن ماذا ستكون واجباتي ؟

أنا لا يمكن أن أتوقّع السلب

هل بالصدفة يمكنك

رواية القصص؟

ثم جميعا عاشوا بسعادة ابدا




هل يمكن أن أخذ وقتا

لدراسة عرضك الكبير؟


بالطبع، أنت يجب ان تفعل

زملائي سيرجعونك

حيث وجدوك

لاأحد من طاقمي سيتبعك


هوسي الجديد هو أنت،

ليس بيتر بان أو مكانه

ماذا ستفكر امي

يان اصبحت قرصانا؟

حتى نجتمع ثانية

ماذا ستعتقد امي

إذا أصبحت قرصانا؟

لكن كلما فكرت ويندي بامها

يمكنها أن تتذكّر أقل


أنا ما كنت لأفعل أيّ شئ



ما اسم أبوك؟

اسم أبي؟ بيتر


نعم، بيتر

مايكل، من أمك؟

حسنا،اليك الأمر السهل

أنت أمي، ويندي

وأليست هي من الدرجة الأولى؟

هناك قرصان جديد

على متن جولي روجر

حوريات البحر تقول انها

تدعى ريد هاندد جيل

مغامرة أخرى، ياأولاد


ريد هاندد جيل ؟

تبدو مفزعة جدا


هي فقط راوية قصص

فقط راوية قصص؟

ريد هاندد جيل

قد تكون مبارزة شجاعة

بنت مثلها؟

شجاعةأو لا

سوف أخضعها

اذن جهز نفسك، بيتر بان،

لأجلي ريد هاندد جيل



' صدق تيس، جون

أختك كانت



لكن، أمي، هوك شرير

و نصّاب


أجد النّقيب هوك

رجل مشاعر

أمي وأبّي

يحاربان ثانية


غير أنيق وناقص

كيف أنا ناقص؟

أنت مجرد ولد

هل حقا ستصبحي قرصان، أمي؟


سنذهب إلى البيت


ونترك نيفيرلاند؟

نحن يجب أن نفعل



يجب أن نرحل حالا

قبل ان

ينسى الأمر

نسيت أبويّ

يجب أن نرحل

إذا تمنيت ذلك

اذا تمنيت

اذا تمنيت

قتل إقتل إقتل إقتل

قتل إقتل إقتل

لا تخف،

مع بان ميت،

سنكون كلانا أحرارا

رتّبت دليل جنّي

ليهديكم في طريق العودة


كنا نتكلّم

ماذا لو عدت


هل يمكن أن نذهب، افلام ديزني بيتر؟

رجاء، بيتر، هلّ بالأمكان أن نذهب؟

إذا أردت

أحضر أشيائك

أنت أيضا، بيتر

هل يرسلونني للمدرسة؟


ثمّ إلى سيما كلوب المؤسس عثمان الموسم الرابع مكتب؟

أفترض هذا

قريبا يجب أن أكون رجلا

أنت لا تستطيع مسكي وجعلي رجلا


أريد دائما ان أكون ولدا

وأقضي وقتا ممتعا

تقول هذا، لكن أعتقد ان هذا هو ادعاؤك الأكبر

شكرا لمتابعتكم: زيـــــاد

مع السلامة

ليس هناك مثل هذا الشيء


لا يتنسي أدويتك


عصر جديد يبدأ


لا أدوية

لا اريد أن أخذ دواءا


خشية أنه يجب أن يؤخذ حيّا،

حمل هوك دائما معه

سمّ مخيف

عندما كان يبكي

من حمرةعينيه


خليط من الحقد

والغيرة والإحباط،

كان قاتلا فورا

وبدون دواء

أنا لم اكن نائما


ويندي؟ هل أنت هناك؟


شربت ادويتي

تينكر بيل؟


لماذا افلام فور يو تخرج هكذا؟

تينك، لماذا أنت بارد هاي سيما موقع وي سيما هكذا؟

ابق دافئا تيك

ابق دافئا

رجاء إرجع

رجاء، تينك، لا تتركني

اغفر لي، تينك

آسف جدا

آسف جدا، تينك

رجاء إغفر لي


لا افلام هنديه 2022 يزال هناك مكان

لراوي القصص

أنا أفضّل أن أموت

كابن، كابن

انظر إلى السماء

وانظر إلى افلام سينما الماء

لا افلام اكشن 2023 شاهد 4 يو بد ان بان ميت

لا لا مستحيل

شركة السفينة، اخلعوا القبعات

لحظة صمت

لعدونا الساقط،

بيتر بان

سنبحر عند الفجر

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

لا لا لا

النجدة النجدة

جيرليس الأول دائما

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنت ماذا؟

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

اخفض تلك الثرثرة والا سأرغمك

أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

افلام رعب 2022 أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل

أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا افلام اون لاين

أوه، تينك، أنت حيّ

أوه، تينك

أنت حيّ أنت حيّ

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات

أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا مسلسل الاصلي أفعل

أنا أؤمن بالجنّيات أنا أفعل أنا أفعل

هو حيّ

أوه، النجدة

انه هوك او انا هذه المرة

ما هو؟ ما هو؟

ستكون عندي قصّة أخيرة

قبل ان تموت

قصّة بيتر بان

في قديم الزمان

في قديم الزمان

ريد هاندد جيل

ستروي لنا قصّة

كان هناك سيما روم ميراكولوس الموسم الخامس ولد

يسمّى بيتر بان


أن لا يكبر

تجاوز المقدّمة

لذا طار بعيدا

إلى نيفيرلاند حيث القراصنة

هل كان أحدالقراصنة

يدعى نودلر؟


ايها القائد، هل سمعت؟

we cima أنا في قصّة

اي متعة كان يحظى موقع سيما بها


لكنّه كان وحيدا


إحتاج ويندي

أحتاج ويندي

مثير جدا

إثنان ماتا حتى الآن

لماذا ويندي؟

لقد أحبّ قصصي

أيّ قصص؟


بياض الثلج الجمال النائم

قصص حبّ؟

مغامرات ينتصر فيها

الخير على الشرّ

جميعا ينتهون بقبلة


هو يشعر بذلك

يشعر بك

هي أخبرته قصصا

وهو علّمها الطيران


فكّر فقط بأفكار سعيدة

فيرفعوك إلى الهواء

للأسف ليست عندي أفكارا افضل افلام 2023 سعيدة


كيف أيضا؟


دعها و شأنها

هذا غبار جنّية

تحتاج غبارا سيما كلوب جنّيا


أيّ بان؟

هل الأفكار الحزينة


ليست لديه أفكارا حزينة

ماذا لو ويندي

مشّت على اللوح الخشبي

اللوح خشبي اللوح الخشبي اللوح الخشبي

اللوح خشبي اللوح الخشبي سيما لايت

اللوح خشبي اللوح الخشبي

أنا حقا كلي

آسف وبشدة حول هذا

أية سخرية

يأتي من أجل هوك

ويصبح قصّة



هل سمعتها

وهي ترتطم بالماء؟

لأنني لم أفعل

الوحش إبتلعها كلّها

الجانب الأيمن

انه يبحث عن أكثر، ايها القائد

اذنّ دعنا نعطيه أكثر

إلى اللوح الخشبي


أنا سأريك الطريق

إلى الموت الترابي

إلى ذلك معك

فتّش عنه

تحرّك، أيها الحثالة


ماكان ذلك؟

انه هنا، ايها القائد الشيطان الشيطان

ايها الوحش الملعون

وقتك حان


اذن بيتر بان

هذا كلّ عملك

نعم، جيمس هوك

هذا كلّ عملي

شباب فخور ووقح،

استعدّ للقاءالموت


دعه هو لي


هنا أنت هنا

لم أكن لأريد ان أكون قرصانا على أية حال

سأقضي بقية

حياتي أفعل من اشهر افلام الجريمة من 6 حروف خيرا



انه هوك انه يطير

وهو يحبّ ذلك

تريد الطيران؟ دعنا نطير

ليس سيئا بالنسبة لرجل عجوز

أعرف ما أنت

أنا أفضل ما اكون

أنت مأساة

انا؟ مأساوي؟

كانت تتركك، بان

ويندي كانت تتركك

لماذا يجب أن تبقى؟

ماذا لديك تعرضه؟

أنت غير كامل

هي تفضّل أن تكبر

ولا تبقى معك

دعنا سيما فوريو نلقي الآن نظرة خاطفة

إلى المستقبل

ما الذي أراه؟

' تيس، ويندي

هي في غرفتها

النافذة مغلقة

أنا سأفتحها

أخشى من ان النافذة مقفلة

أنا سأصيح باسمها

هي لا تستطيع سماعك


هي لا تستطيع رؤيتك


انها تنساك

توقّف رجاء توقّف

وماهذا الذي أراه؟

هناك آخر في مكانك

هو يدعى الزوج

لا بيتر

تموت لوحدك فيلم سطار السعودي سيما كلوب

وانت فشار افلام مكروه





صمت، كلكمّ،

لوداع ويندي


عذرا علي أن أكبر

لكن هذا لك

' تيس مجرد كشتبان


بكل الوسائل، ايتها الجميلة

اعطي بيتر بان

كشتبانك الثمين

هذا يعود لك

ودائما سيكون

ذلك عرب سيد لم يكن كشتبان

تلك كانت قبلتها المخفية

ثبّتوا أنفسكم، ايها الفتيان

' تيس انه شيء قوي

بان، أنت متورد

قسّم ذلك

لا لقد ربحت

أنت عجوز

لكنّي ربحت




لا ربحت ربحت


أفكار سعيدة

أفكار افلام مصرية 2023 سعيدة

تمزيق قتل قتل

خنق المحامين أطباء الأسنان

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا

عجوزا وحيدا افلام مصرية 2022 منتهيا

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا متقيحا

دمّ الأطفال

دمّ الجراء

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا مريضا

هريرات مسرعة على المسامير لا

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا

موت ابيض موت اسود

أيّ موت كأس لذيذ من الشاي

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا

عجوزا وحيدا منتهيا



كبريت وصفراء

صمتا ايتها الكلاب

والا ساغرس المرساة فيك

ربحنا ربحنا

جاهز للنزع؟

نعم نعم،ايها القائد

أوه، هذا ذكاء منك



دعنا نكسره


أوه، نانا

حلمت بأن الصغيرة


حلمت انهم كانوا نائمين

في موقع افلام أسرّتهم

لكنّهم لن يرجعوا ابدا

هم لم يفهموا

انها لا تستطيع أن تراهم

لكن افلام نتفلکس 2023 هي رأتهم في أسرّتهم

غالبا في أحلامها

و إعتقدت ان هذا كان فقط

الحلم الذي كان لا يزال يراودها

مرحبا، أمي إنّه بالفعل نحن




لقد عدنا

جورج، عد بسرعة

انا قادم ما الأمر؟

لقد عدنا أبيّ

هل افتقدتنا؟

لقد عدت

جيد ممتاز


أوه، ملاكي

بالطبع إفتقدتك

حسنا، ياأولاد، اتبعوني

ابعدوا أيديكم من على ورق الجدران

الآن، ادخلوا ان الأمر الأشدّ سخافة

هو ان هؤلاء الشباب المحترمين يقولون ذلك

لقد عدت


أمي، أبي أودّ أن أقدّم

لكم الأولاد المفقودين



هل لي أن أستبقيهم؟

حسنا، أنا أنا

أعني، النفقات

فكّر بالجيران

بؤس الجيران

وبؤس النفقة

مرحبا بكم في العائلة، ياأولاد

شكرا، شكرا

شكرا، شكرا

هل هذه تدعم موقع افلام بدون اعلانات النفقات يا أبي؟

أحدكم يرغب في جولة على مهر؟

أنا توتليس

توتليس، عزيزي

أنا مجعّد

مجعّد، عزيزي

وما اسمك؟

نيبس انا أخطّط المعارك

أترغب افلام عربي بأم، نيبس؟



ما الأمر حبيبي؟

أنا لا أستطيع أن أجد البيت

والآن كلّ ايجي بست الأصلي شخص عنده

أم، ماعداي

هل اسمك سلايتلي؟


اذن أنا أمك

كيف تعرفين؟

أحسّ ذلك في عظمي


جورج ماري عندي إبن

لكن لم اكن استطيع رؤيته

ماعدا ولد غريب

كان يحدّق في النافذة

بيتر بان كان عنده متع لا تحصى

لا يستطيع الأطفال الآخرين

أبدا معرفتها

لكنّه كان ينظر


من منطلق انه يجب أن يكون

محصورا إلى الأبد

العيش كان سيكون

مغامرة كبيرة جدا


أنت لن تنسني، أليس كذلك؟

انا؟ انسي؟


هل سترجع؟

لتسمع قصصا افلام هندية 2022 عنيّ

لكنّي ما كنت لأود رؤية

بيتر بان افلام مصريه 2023 ثانية

الآن افلام مصرية كوميدية 2022 أروي قصّته


وهم سيخبرونها


ولذا هو سيستمرّ

لكلّ الأطفال الذين يكبرون

ماعدا واحد

أدعمنا وأصبح عضو مميز

للإزالة جميع الإعلانات



thought I was de

I didn't have a bruise

on my body.

I didn't have anything at all.

I looked up,

and I saw a red flag.

That's lucky

they've stopped the race.

Back then, we hthe restarts, and...

Also we hspare cars,

so your mind goes,

"get in the spare car."

And new ear plugs!

Yes, okay.

And new gl

and new gloves!

And so, you can't start

until you've seen Professor Watkins.

"Where's sid?

Anybody know where sid is?"

I ran towards him like crazy.

I got there, and he said,

"I can see you're okay.

I've just watched you run

meters. What's the date?"

of march."

He said, "yeah, then

you're fine. Get in the car."

There is no doubt about it

a few years before,

I would have been a deman.

We want

to see something exceptional,

breathtaking, that we

think we can't do.

We want to see gladiators,


And let's face it, we do like

to see a bit of a shunt.

But we don't

want to see deaths.

Miracle of miracles!

This is well nigh unbelievable!

Martin brundle

gets out of the car,

and he's seemingly

all right.

It is

incredible how this changed,

and how suddenly it became unacceptable

to die in the name of sport.

Grand prix is like

the Olympics of motor sports,

with the cars in

all national colors:

Blue for the French,

green for the British,

red for Italy,

and white for the Germans,

until Mercedes stopped using

paint on those silver arrows...

Michael schumacher wins,

and becomes the most successful

grand prix driver of all time!

...The silver cars that

are the pride of Hitler Germany.

Alfa Romeo wins,

driven by the fabulous nouvalri.

What a feeling

for Fernando Alonzo.

He wins the Italian

grand prix at monza.

As the French announce

their search for the fastest man

in a new world championship

with the inaugural race

to be held at silverstone.

Enzo Ferrari for one

is not impressed

with the new wave

of British motor racers.

Il commendatore has labeled

the new independent designers

garagistes, the men

who cannot build engines.

Fangio is beaten

in buenos aires

by former teammate

and fastest rival stirling moss,

in a Cooper funny car,

no less.

What courage

by these men,

to push these cars

and themselves

to their very limits.

was born in a bygone time...

When boys' heroes

reigned in the sky.

When you're young,

You wanted to be an astronaut,

you wanted to be

a fighter pilot.

After the second world war,

the mindset of going off

and doing something

courageous in a vehicle,

this just naturally flowed

When you see photographs

and film of that era,

the seriousness of them

is awe inspiring.

I grew up in that world.

They all hthis

genuineness about them.

They all

were the real article.

I certainly hrespect

to those that went before me.

Some of them

were my contemporaries.

I met one time probably

in my view

the greatest

grand prix driver ever,

and that includes people

like Michael schumacher and ayrton senna.






Juan Manuel fangio.

The first big name

in formula one

may have been

the best driver ever.

Fangio would win

five world titles,

a record that stood

surpassed only

by Michael schumacher.

Whenever you drive those cars

that fangio hto race in,

it's very scary.

You have to hold yourself

on the steering wheel.

No safety belts.

The helmet was

just like a hat.

Goggles. And you

hto be brave.

The most celebrated

driver in a dangerous time


The year fangio retired,

The sport's governing body

announced from Paris

that formula one would crown

two world champions each season

one title for

the fastest driver,

and another for the manufacturer

of the fastest machine.

This was

the evolution, you know?

Each team

has to take engines,

take chassis and technology

to the absolute limit.

In this

new competition,

the British began to challenge

the old world continental powers.

All the English

teams were considered to be

the garagistby... by Ferrari

and the other racing teams.

One englishman would set

the pace of progress,

in racing and the entire

automotive world.

We basically

go racing 'cause I like it.

I like the competitiveness

of it,

I like the comradeship of it.

And I also like the technical

fallout that comes from it.

Colin Chapman

was a great character,

if at times a bit cavalier.

Oh, I don't know about that.

Colin Chapman was

an engineer who learned to fly,

an entrepreneur who made

lightweight sports cars for the public,

as well as for grand prix,

under the name lotus.

In those days, lotus was

an outandout racing car.

My father, he was

always pushing the envelope.

Good engineering means you've

designed something to its limit.

Colin was the Maverick

of all time.

He was a genius.

He was the team owner

that you want to drive for.

Chapman hdesigned

the fastest machine

in formula one...

And he hthe fastest man

behind the wheel of a lotus.

Jim Clark

was the best racing driver

I ever raced against.

The whole exercise was to be

as good as you can get

on the limit.

And Jimmy

drove in such a way

that he was never

over the limit.

He was never erratic.

He was never spectacular.

He was spectacularly fast,

but in an unspectacular fashion.

It was smooth and clean

and beautifully handled.

He would win more formula one

championship races

than any driver before him,

finishing in second place

only once in his career.

He was a country boy.

He was a farmer from

the borders of Scotland,

quiet and almost innocent.

I'd like to get

back here much more often.

It's, uh, great relaxation

to get back here,

and very much

the opposite from racing.

Clark became the face

of formula one,

with another champion,

Graham hill,

playing his affable foil.


was quite close.

Jim Clark

hbeen to our house,

and I knew Colin Chapman

sort of the same way as I knew my d

They sounded the same,

and they hthe same mustache.


was an extreme extrovert,

great fun to be with,

but very different

in character to Jimmy, really.

Jimmy was quieter.

But they were like brothers.

Together, they were

racing on the limit

of manmade speed

and ingenuity.

They won four world

championships between them,

and a record five

British grand prix.

But for all their success,

they failed to take

the checkered flag

at the most famous

motor race of all.

Fast cars and courageous souls

from all over the world

have been racing through

Monaco is terrifying.

You cannot believe

it's possible

to hold a motor race

round Monaco.

In the first few laps, you stick your heup

to see where it went, 'cause

it's just guardrails

that you can't hardly see.

You're millimeters

away from barriers.

You either do a lap that you're so proud of

you're always wondering

if you're ever gonna do that again

or you end up in the wall.

The danger aspect to this

is one of the parts

that drives us racing drivers.

It's something we love.

One man

mastered these streets

like no other driver

in history.

Monaco was

a special place for senna.

He was the best in the world.

His concentration on

one lap was just uncanny.

Ayrton senna

won Monaco a record six times,

one more victory than the man

with the derringdo mustache.

Graham hill came

to defend his

third straight victory.

It's a tremendous race

and a great one to come and watch,

and if anybody's gonna come and see

a grand prix, this is really the one.

It's such a nice place

to be, anyway.

To come to Monaco

and talk to men

is a waste of time,

so excuse me.

That's when motor racing

was really dangerous,

and sex was safe.

Still today,

what defines formula one

is the sense of prestige.

It's an event.

Kings want to be there.

For me,

it's a thrill to see an expert at work.

Upon meeting Graham hill,

you like him.

Watching him made me become

more interested in racing

and what these men were doing.

In those days,

hill's fiercest rivals

were also

his closest friends.

The intimacy was incredible,

from the racing drivers

to the mechanics

to the wives

and the girlfriends.

The camaraderie

was very deep.

We went on holidays together.

We lived together.

We traveled together.

You felt

very much part of this family

growing up together.

Motor racing

was just a part of it.

The drivers

formed a trade union,

the grand prix drivers'


The women soon followed suit

with the doghouse club.


the doghouse club

is where i was kept growing up with

the wives and girlfriends of drivers.

What do they call them now?

Wags, I think.

Betty brabham

stood up at one dinner,

and she said,

"Jack's in the doghouse."

And they all realized they were all feeling

very much the same way.

They were always

playing with engines

or something like that,

not paying nearly enough

attention to us.

The fact that he's going

to work all night on his car,

and then it's going to

break down after two laps.

You have to love this man

to be a good wife

of a racing driver.

♪ Gimme some lovin'

♪ gimme,

gimme some lovin' ♪

♪ gimme some lovin'

Wives did the lap scores,

and that would

decide the grids,

because there was no real

sort of official time keepers.

These kind of slightly

romantic memories

that everyone's got

of the whole thing.

So glyou made it ♪

♪ hey, hey

♪ so glyou made it

we just were

a clan to ourselves.

They traveled by caravan,

town to town,

country to country,

for six months straight.

Even the most celebrated

drivers raced

in the lesser

formula two series

in the off weekends

to keep this family circus

on the ro

I drove formula two

with Bruce mclaren

and jochen rindt and Jackie Stewart

and Jim Clark

all sorts of top drivers

of that era.

I got the shock of my life

because they were putting the brakes on

at about the point going into the corner

that I was taking them off.

There is

a point where you don't think

you should take it beyond,

when you're on the edge,

and you're just pushing

your luck a little.

The problem is,

when you push it to the limit,

it's irresistible,

and as soon as you've done it,

you want to do it again.

The charismatic

young Italian lorenzo bandini,

racing for Ferrari,

died after a fiery crash

This was the beginning,

when the evolution

of the machines

began to overtake

the standards of the tracks.

The seeds h/i>

already been sown

for an uprising

within the drivers' ranks.

Just months

before bandini's death,

the fia changed

the formula for entrance.

They doubled

the size of the engine

and more than

doubled the power.

They were just racing on the same tracks

as they hdone

almost prewar.

The racetracks hadn't changed.

The medical facilities

hadn't changed.

The marshaling hadn't changed.

And suddenly the cars were

going almost twice as fast.

That same year,

Colin Chapman convinced

the mighty

Ford motor company

to invest

in a powerhouse engine

for his new,

even lighter design.

He signed Graham hill

to drive for team lotus,


his old rival Jim Clark.

The number one man

in motor racing

started selling space

on his racing machines,

like billboards in motion.

Sponsors meant money.

Money meant

making better cars.

He'd paint the car

any color you wanted,

as long as he could have more resources

to realize his ideas.

in the grid,

sponsorship meant exposure.

Soon, every boy's hero

was a racer.

My first real hero was

was Jim Clark,

no question about it.

To me, he was the guy

I would like to have been.

One of Jim Clark's

first drives

in the redandgold colors

of gold leaf tobacco

was in Germany.

It was

a formula two race.

In April.

And I was on the grid.

The whole world

stopped when that happened.

You don't understand

when you're young, really, what's going on.

But I remember watching the television

when Jim Clark died.

As you have probably heard,

yesterday Jim Clark,

racing driver Jim Clark,

was killed in Germany.

And I believe

he was a friend of yours.

Yes, he was a good

friend of mine, Peter,

and I think, you know,

I'm very sabout it,

and everyone involved

in motor sport

all around the world

will be very s

He was a very fine

driver, wasn't he?

I think

one of the greatest,

perhaps, uh, perhaps

the greatest yet.

It was a deflating tire,

that's what Colin thought.

He was really,

really devastated.

He was never quite

the same after that.

This is

the tragedy of motor racing,

is when you do get close

to a driver

and there is an accident,

of course it

it hurts you so much more.

He was, I would say,

my best friend,

best friend I've ever h

There was no barrier,

and the car

went in full speed,

into the trees.

I'd always explained

to my wife that

as long as you were

reasonably careful,

it was all perfectly safe.

We suddenly realized that if Jimmy died...


anybody could be killed.

every month

on the same weekend

for four consecutive months.

And we were racing

on the fifth weekend

in circumstances that we should

never have been allowed to go out in.

You couldn't see

sixty meters of visibility

because of the fog

and the heavy rain.

And the very first

question I asked

when I got out of the car

was, "is everybody okay?"

If you spoke

to the fia or the organizers

and you said, "this is

really very dangerous,"

they'd say, "well, if you

think motor racing's dangerous,

"then slow down a bit. Don't drive so fast.

It's entirely up to you."

They were blind to the reality.

They didn't

know those drivers.

They didn't know

the drivers' wives

and the drivers'

fathers and mothers.

I thought

to myself in those days,

if ever I get into a position

of any power in this world,

I will do

something about it.

One month

after Clark's funeral,

Graham hill climbed

back into his lotus

and won

the Spanish grand prix.

What my ddid with lotus,

he regalvanized the team

by not letting this tragedy

be totally destructive to everything.

Graham hill went on,

and he still won

a world championship.

And you just realized

this was another world.

The drivers

could just go on.

Some just don't

care about risk.

Down from the vialone,

Miles an hour,

four cars virtually together,

and down to the parabolica

they come.

Can Stewart hold the line

on this, the last lap?

Somebody's challenging

it's rindt going through!

Jochen rindt takes the lein the parabolica,

on the last corner

of the last lap.

And it's gonna be a fringe

factor to win. It must be!

It's... it's over

the line together!

And it's almost a deheat!

It's Jackie Stewart,

rindt, beltoise, and mclaren!

Nobody has ever seen the finish

of a motor race like that!

I won the race by

about this much,

from jochen rindt.

And the crowd went

absolutely bananas.

They suddenly

were on top of us,

and the police were

trying to keep them back.

We ended up by locking

ourselves in a toilet!

And they were still outside banging the doors,

trying to get in.

There was no more enthusiastic

a crowd of spectators

than that of the Italians.

They really follow

the motor racing with a passion.

They're so spirited,

they're so enthusiastic.

From that point of view

at monza,

it's certainly

the capital of the world.

It's one of their

beloved ferraris in the le

and another of them

in second place.

The tifoall around me

are erupting.

The Ferrari flags are flying.

The counting horses

are counting.

And Michael schumacher

wins in Italy!

Ferrari fans have come

to monza

the tifosi.

Tens of thousands strong,




for a German...

Or a South African...

Or an englishman.

The Italian fans

stormed over

and lifted me up

and carried me down

to the podium.

It was incredible.

In my early years,

I struggled

to sort of understand

what it means, Ferrari.

Yeah, okay,

it's a race car.

Yeah, right,

it looks good,

but didn't understand

about the history.

Enzo Ferrari,

il commendatore,

created a dynasty.

In the first two decades

of formula one,

his powerful engines h/i>

delivered six championships.

Ferrari halso

lost six drivers.

like every other team

on the grid,

was chasing Chapman and lotus

into a brave new world.


we were running biplanes.

When the wings came,

it was a step change.

The aerodynamics

gives the tire more grip.

That enables the car to go

faster round the corner.

Obviously, the drag

from the wings

makes the car go slower

on the straight,

but peak cornering

speeds went up.


as you increase the cornering speed,

things become more dangerous.

This was the evolution

of the sport.

You cannot stop progress.

The first team

to take advantage

of aerodynamics was lotus.

I remember

Colin Chapman arrived

suddenly hthis dream

huge wings.

In Spain, at the second

Chapman ordered his mechanics

to expand the wings

the morning of the race

for his defending champion,

Graham hill,

and his new driver,

a Germanborn formula two

star named jochen rindt.

We could

see from the pits

the wings appear

to start to buckle.

Graham's went first.

One of the boys ran back

to try and signal

jochen's car.

Rindt's wings collapsed

at the same turn in the track.

Hill escaped unhurt,

then fought to pull

his young teammate

out of the wreckage.

Rindt suffered a broken nose,

a fractured jaw,

and shattered confidence

in the man building his cars.

If Jim Clark hbeen like

a brother to Colin Chapman,

jochen rindt

was like a petulant son.

Jochen ha few

ups and downs with the old man.

Orphaned when he was

he assumed his family

and started buying

racing cars.

a fashion model, Nina Lincoln,

the daughter

of another racer.

Jochen was acerbic,

apt to react very

strongly to situations.

On one

or two occasions,

rindt wouldn't actually drive

one or two cars because he felt

that the design of

the car was unsafe.


when they're young,

they will drive

whatever you give them.

Jochen rindt

was completely different.

I can

remember at one point

he put a dollar sign

on his helmet.

He was looking for someone to buy him

out of his contract.

Jochen, he hthis mysterious manager

called ecclestone.

Rindt and Bernie

were always playing cards,

and he ha sort of a livewire,

sort of businessman

feel about him.

Bernie could

handle Colin Chapman.

Normally people

went up to Colin

and they were more or less

on their hands and knees.

He wanted jochen to drive a car

that jochen didn't want to drive,

thought it wasn't safe.

They ha few arguments

over that.

All these cars

were super light

and probably not safe.

It was certainly

gonna be quicker.

Chapman unveiled

a newlook lotus

for his steely young driver

that would bring formula one

into the modern age.

The wedge shape,

the side radiators

it was all highly advanced

and amazingly...


The car was being

developed at race meetings

in the back of trucks.

A lot of things

fell off, broke.

The whole safety

thing wasn't even an issue.

Let's not beat

around the bush

a designer's

first requirement

is to make it fast.

Being quick comes first.

One month

rindt set aside

his reservations

and sent Chapman's

new lotus


into the history books.

Jochen rindt and I

were the two fastest drivers,

that'd be fair to say.

I saw a lot of the back side

They came to monza

with almost twice

as many points

as the second place team,

owner/driver Jack brabham.

At practice, we often decided

to take the wings off the car.

It was all to do

with straightline speed.

At monza, you gained

more down the straight.

Seventyfive percent

of the drivers take the wings off.

The wings were off my car,

and the car was absolutely,

for me, undrivable.

It's the first time I've been

really, really frightened

in a racing car.

Jochen felt the only way

he was gonna go really fast

was to get rid of the wings

and sort of

hang the consequences.

without wings.

I ran back

to see Nina, his wife,

to tell her

what was happening,

but I didn't know what

the situation was with jochen,

but I certainly

didn't want to worry her.

Bernie and I ran down

to the parabolica

to see what we'd find.

Jochen hgone by then.

It comes over you

that you're the last person

they talked to.

You search your brain to see if

there's something that you've done wrong,

but jochen, he said, "leave the wings off,"

he said, "for sure."

That you would

stop racing.

One of the first men

to openly question

the safety of his sport

Two months later,

his widow was awarded

the world championship

the only posthumous title

ever won in formula one.

The lesson of

jochen rindt was that

hhe heven basic

proper medical attention,

he would have survived.

The grand

prix drivers' association

ha really good

articulated vehicle

with everything on board.

The people did not

put him into that vehicle.

They took him

to the wrong hospital,

and the time he'd got

to the right hospital, he'd died.

Jochen rindt was

the third formula one star

to be killed that season.

Bruce mclaren was

killed at goodwood.

Nineteen days later,

piers courage was killed

in the Dutch grand prix.

Those were tragic times

in so many ways,

because we lost some

icons of our sport.

He han accident.

As far as the world knew,

that's what happened

he'd han accident

and got killed.

And nobody really

looked behind it,

why the accident happened

and could somebody have done something

to stop it happening.

It always took some kind of a tragic event

for us to say,

"you know what? We can do better."

We're getting smarter

and smarter about these cars.

We're able to

make 'em go faster.

Why can't we use the same knowledge

to make 'em safer?

There is a parallel

between formula one racing

and space.

As a kid, I followed

all the moon missions.

Five... four... three...

Two... one.

Ignition sequence

Liftoff! We have a liftoff!

It was the same time

they sent men in rockets

to the moon.

They are carrying fire

inside these machines.

They are

driving over the edge...

Into new worlds,

getting beyond boundaries.

Also about life and death.

And that's formula one, too.

You knew when

the season started,

one or two of your

heroes would be killed.

Koen vergeer was among

the legion of boys worldwide

who became obsessed

with formula one

during its most

violent decade.

when he saw his first race,

the Dutch grand prix

at zandvoort.

We went there by train,

and you go into the sand

of the dunes.

And nothing is organized

no signs at all, nothing.

You can be lost in the dunes,

if you want to.

And after a half an hour,

you find the track.

In the early

really a little bit

of a circus act.

You'd go to a grand prix.

Until the cars cars

came out to practice,

you wouldn't know

who's gonna turn up.

Each team would negotiate

with the individual promoters

at these various circuits.

In fact, the organizers paid the broadcasters

to show the grand prix.

The whole business was much more informal

in those days,

so even as a fan,

you could literally

go into the paddock,

and there were your heroes.

Jacky ickx was my hero.

He hhis mysterious name.

Jacky ickx,

the babyfaced Belgian,

was the one driver

who could have caught

jochen rindt

for the championship.

In truth, ickx came

perilously close to becoming

the fourth casualty

of the season.

Being burnt is one of the

most painful things you can have.

You can be broken, you can

have all sort of things,

but being burned,

it's really it's terrible.

I never thought

it could happen to me.

It's not

gonna happen to me.

You always think

it's going to happen

to the other driver,

not to you.

It was never

going to happen to me.

A lot of drivers have the philosophy

that it's always someone else

who has an accident,

it's never themselves.

But of course you're

always on the very thin line

between survival

and even disaster,

or certainly death.

Jackie Stewart ha huge accident at spa.

He was trapped

in his car upside down,

and he was soaked in fuel.

The great fear

was fire in those days.

Those cars were all

effectively a mobile bomb

because in an accident,

the fuel went everywhere

and caught fire.

When jacky hhis accident,

no one was wearing seatbelts.

That's because they preferred

if they hit anything

to be thrown free from the car.

It's proof

how amateur we were


teams, and drivers.

Both jackies

hbeen cut out and escaped,

only to become absolute

rivals in the revolution.

while the other Jackie

won his second world title.

We were

in total opposition.

Pure competition.

The flying scot became chair

of the grand prix drivers'


and as world champion,

the de facto leader

in the uprising.

You're all wearing seatbelts

because in these cars,

an unfastened seatbelt

is no good.

While baby face

refused to join the union.

Jacky was not a believer

in the safety movement.

Jacky just didn't want to

be part of the gdpa

because it didn't quite

suit the image of jacky ickx.

I was not part of it

because that's the way I am.

What he

didn't like was threats.

You know, "we will not race

tomorrow unless you do this."

You know, union tactics.

The fia in those days was very weak,

and anyway the fia consisted

of the organizers,

so there was

no proper organization.

For me,

it was a very simple, blackandwhite case.

You know, we hto get

the race tracks themselves

to recognize they

needed to do more

hto put more fencing up

or more barriers up.

It was all costing money,

and they hnever hto spend the money

on the race track before.

Stewart became

the new face of formula one,

as steel armco barriers

were installed

at places like zanvoort

and silverstone.

Max mosley

became a constructor

and team owner

of march engineering.

Bernie ecclestone joined him

in the paddock as an owner,

after buying Jack brabham's

old team.

And on the wings

of aerodynamics,

a new stable

of young guns arrived

to fill the empty

drivers' seats.

We were very aware then

that the drivers hmassive respect for each other

because they knew,

a bit like fighter pilots

in world war ii,

that they

might not come back.

There was Jody scheckter

of South Africa;

the quiet Austrian,

Niki lauda;

John Watson

of northern Ireland;

other British hopefuls

James hunt,

David purley,

and Roger Williamson;

the super Swede,

Ronnie Peterson;

American playboy

Peter revson,

whose family created

revlon cosmetics;

and the renaissance man

from France, François cevert,

handpicked by Stewart

for team owner Ken tyrrell.

He was

like a young fighting cock.

He was enormously

good looking,

han incredible

pair of eyes, and, uh,

did a lot of damage

with the young ladies.

François absolutely

idolized Jackie.

He was almost up to

Jackie's standard

at that time.

We hprobably one

of the strongest teams

that would have been

in motor racing.

Everything I knew

about the sport,

I was passing on to him.

What do you think about

emerson as a pilot? Who?

Emerson fittipaldi.


You know, the guy who won

the world championship.

Oh, yes! Ha ha!

Colin Chapman h/i>

his fourth world champion

in eight years,

a brilliant young Brazilian

named emerson fittipaldi.


grand prix racing.

Your odds

Colin told me, "emerson,

I don't want to get too close to you,

"and you know

the risk you have.

At any time,

I can lose you."

Cevert's gonna be

your danger, I reckon.

You beat him, I reckon

you'll win the race.

That was Colin Chapman.

My first

grand prix was in silverstone,

the British grand prix.

Graham hill walked into the room,

it was like

almost like a

God walking in.

But if you can't

compete with them

and get into that car,

and go out

and literally "put

your cock on the block,"

then you shouldn't be in it.

The cars now coming up

onto the grid,

and they'll only be

held there for seconds

before the flag falls

and the start of the race.

At the beginning, you were just trying

to prove to yourself

and to other people that you were

fast enough.

The flag's up.

Jackie Stewart

going through on the inside,

behind Ronnie petersen.

Jackie Stewart made

a blinding start.

It's still petersen,

just holding Stewart out

as they go through copse

for the first time.

What a driver is there for is to take it

to the limit and keep it

at that limit,

and that's in every part

of every corner.

It's keeping it

right on that limit.

And then

François cevert.

Jody scheckter's lost it.

Jody scheckter has been hit,

a multiple shot

at the end of the first lap.

Jody scheckter,

with the mclaren.


stopping the race.

Here comes Jackie Stewart,

terribly fast,

and Ronnie petersen

coming up, terribly fast.

It's a lot of

adrenaline's gone into you,

and you're nearly just laughing all the way

to the pits

until you tell the guys

what the bloody hell happened, you know?

Eleven cars retired,

but no one was killed.

Very lucky.

Silverstone, which

was one of the biggest,

if not the biggest accident

in formula one,

brought it home to me

to win, you've got to finish.

Two minutes to go...

The next race was the Dutch

grand prix at zanvoort.

We were up on a hill

because my father could film

very good from there,

and then you could walk

down to a fence.

Behind the fence

was the armco.

I want to be in that

vortex of sound and color.

The sound goes through your bones

into your stomach


and I remember

the first time I saw the cars coming.

I thought,

this is my world!

Eight laps into the race,

there was a singlecar collision

with the newly installed armco barriers.

I saw a car

flying through the air,

and I looked straight

into the cockpit.

But it was in a flash,

and the car shattered

on the asphalt.

Nineteen seventythree,

when I hmarch,

it was Roger Williamson.

One of our cars.

He was a close friend.

David purley

stopped his car, got off,

and he was trying

to lift the car.

And there was all

lots of people

just watching.

Nobody came to give him a hand,

and he was desperate.

We passed it every lap.

Yellow flags were being

flown to slow us down,

but the race

was never stopped.

In those days,

they didn't stop races.

Jackie was probably

the greatest ambassador

the sport has ever h

and he was a great

pioneer of safety,

but if he hto drive,

he would jump

in the car and drive.

When the visor goes down,

you escape from the grief

the dramas, the troubles,

the pain and suffering.

And it was only

when you came back

you know, the visor

went back up

that reality,

you became aware of,


Williamson's de

There's no lap of honor.

Quiet presentation.

It's clear that, in racing,

we are

all the same.

In life, we need

just some extra luck.

it was terrifying,

but also fascinating,

what was happening there.

I think they thought

we were gladiators,

and if you went

into the coliseum,

you knew there

was lions in there,

and that chances are

you wouldn't get out.

I really began to cry,

but at the same time,

I thought,

how can you cry about someone

you knew nothing about?

He was an ordinary workingclass l

who'd just done it

by his own talent.

Those things have a big,

big effect on you.

The year

Roger Williamson died,

the fia established mandatory

ontrack rescue equipment

and fire regulations.

By then, the doghouse club

was raising money each year

for the families

of fallen drivers.

Because there were

things that could be done,

maybe it was immoral,

but on the other hand, I couldn't say,

because there were people

who wanted to do it.

The only requirements

to replace the fallen

on the grid

were guts and money.

Lord Alexander


the third baron

of hesketh!

when he formed hesketh racing.

I got into racing entirely accidentally.

I'd just met the prettiest

hooker I'd ever,

ever met in my life,

and I saw this

post card counter,

and it hthis

charming Teddy bear.

I drew onto the Teddy bear

a crash helmet

and a union Jack.

I think it has an atmosphere

of the oldtype

grand prix teams,

and, uh, I think that's

anything truly British

deserves supporting.

We were there to have some fun.

That was about it.

They were slightly upper class, weren't they?

Lord hesketh and so on.

The more serious

journalists thought

that one didn't come in and do

formula one racing like this,

and drinking champagne

and having fun. Not on.

We don't want any pictures,

we don't want any pictures!

Ha ha ha ha!

He hasn't got

a very good reputation,

but he is very, very fast.

His nickname is

"hunt the shunt,"

'cause he tends

to crash cars.

It was not dissimilar

from a man owning

a very expensive horse,

and his jockey happened

to be James hunt.

You want to you just

want to get a level?

So if I say "shuts and fuck"

and all that sort of stuff.

Oh, dear. Well, cancel it, then.

Can we rub that out?

He drank a lot and

smoked a lot of funny things.

He hhis fun.

He hgirls to die for.

He was the kind

of thing you'd re

in your comic when

you were a kid growing up

and dreaming of being

a grand prix driver.

James was the epitome

of everything a kid would want to be.

James was

so attractive as a person.

He not only attracted girls,

but he also attracted a lot of

a lot of, uh, men.

I mean,

I don't mean like that,

but he just hthat ability

to charm people,

and freedom within himself,

that some people found

a little unnerving.

When you go around

with these racers,

you start to know

almost everybody here.

It's like

a big family for you,

and you get your

big interest with.

It was a lot of fun.

It was a transition

in the world of young people

the sideburns,

the bell bottom trousers,

the hippy time.

Four hours west

of Woodstock, New York,

formula one hosted

an outdoor party

every year for two decades.

Everybody used to stay at a place

called the seneca lodge,

which was a hunting lodge.

With all the American

whoopin' and hollerin',

it was a great scene!

The Glen ha reputation

as a place for champions.

Jochen rindt won

his first grand prix here,

as did emerson fittipaldi.

to his mentor.

came to the Glen

with Jackie Stewart

having already wrapped up

his third

world championship.

that my last race

would be Watkins Glen,

my hundredth grand prix.

Jackie's retirement was still,

um, hushhush at that time.

Only three people knew.

François didn't know,

or even Helen.

I didn't want

to tell my wife,

because I didn't want her saying,

"if it's this dangerous,

why don't you stop now,

and then we'll be happy?"

Oh, it's a fantastic feeling,

even the other one,

because, uh,

the roof thing I've got

is so

smooth and delightful,

it's even a nice

impression for the driver.

You know, it's...

Vrroooom! Very...!


was sort of thinking

he was ready to be

a number one driver in his own right.

He set out to prove it

in qualifying that year,

at the Glen.

Cevert. Bloody hell.

I was the first one on the scene,

and I jumped out the car

to try and help him.

I remember then

trying to get his belts,

and the just turned around

and I knew it was all over.

It was

the most horrible sight.

I wouldn't want

anybody to see that, ever.

Nothing broke in the car.

It was just going too quick.

He hit one barrier,

then he went across the circuit,

hit the other one,

and that turned the car over.

And maybe the barrier

would have been a little bit higher,

then he would have been okay,

but we will never know.

Because of the incident

on the circuit,

practice for today

for formula one cars is now concluded.

Went back to the pits.

I didn't say anything

to Colin, to my wife.

Just walked

into the parking place,

where there was nobody.

And I want to pray

with God and say,

"what I'm doing here?

Help me."


remain standing, please,

for the playing of

the national anthem of France,

in memory of François cevert.

I chose not to race the next day

out of respect to François.

Nothing to do with

my own personal concerns.

It was an unfortunate way

to end a career,

but in the other way,

maybe it was part of why

I never wanted to race again.

I think it was

the right thing, not to race.

Very s

I was

just so angry that the sport

could do it in this way,

and continue to do it

in this way,

and not sufficiently

change itself,

to put its own house

in order.


before the race,

so I was hanging around the pits,

and Bernie said, "well, what are you doing?

What are you doing?"

I said, "well,

François's de"

He said, "well, so what?

He died doing something which,

"up until that fraction

of a second,

was giving him the greatest

joy, pleasure, fulfillment.

You're a racing driver.

Get out and do your job."

Every man

in the world is looking to make

from his passion his business.

That's what I have done.

I cannot be more happy.

Everything I do

about my auto racing,

I enjoy it. Anything.

Because it is my passion.

When the guys

flying the mustangs

came back in from five

or six hours over Germany,

and they probably lost

of the formation,

they went to the bar.

And they went to the bar

with a very good reason.

Sometimes you have

to get up in the morning,

look in the mirror, and say,

"are you prepared to put it on the line?

Are you prepared to actually

lose your life today?"

Because if you're not,

you have no right being there.

I said to myself,

I need to forget everything

that happened before,

because I love this sport.

It is like a drug.

Once you get in it,

it's even more difficult

to get out of it.

emerson fittipaldi

began to fill the void

left by Jackie Stewart,

both as the fastest man

and the voice of reason.

While steel armco

now ringed most circuits,

two more drivers

hbeen killed

after collisions

with the barriers:

The American Peter revson,

and a young Austrian driver

in only his second start,

helmuth koinigg.

The Marshall

appeared with his helmet.

His hewas still in it

because he'd gone

under the barrier and it

just took his heoff.

It was like it was a nightmare.

I remember Barcelona.

Friday morning,

after practice,

I saw the armco barriers

held with just bolts,

no nuts, and wire.

And I touch one.

I kick, and fall.


now with mclaren,

refused to even practice.

The organizers

of the Spanish grand prix

threatened to impound

all the cars in the grid

if the defending champion

did not drive.

I thought,

this is a world sport.

I cannot believe that

a world sport is run like this.

So the drivers ha meeting

in the texaco motor home.

We hto fight with the organizers

I mean really fight.

The track

was sort of in the hills above Barcelona,

and Friday afternoon,

there was silence.

Then there was just one car,

just one engine.

Somebody said,

"it's gotta be ickx."

While Jackie Stewart

hstepped aside,

the other jacky

was still on the title hunt.

Baby face ickx htaken

fittipaldi's place at lotus.

With the racing, frankly,

you have to

be individualistic,

in a way,

and also selfish.

The pavlovian reaction

to the sound

that they could hear,

that was it.

Then they all got in there and drove.

It was

a very, very tense atmosphere,


tense atmosphere.

The actual team mechanics

were bolting these barriers together.

On race day, fittipaldi

held true to his word.

I did one lap and come in,

as defending world champion.

I went back to Geneva,

and when I landed,

Swiss TV waiting for me.

I didn't know what happened

in the grand prix.

The rear wing of Rolf stommelen's


broke off, sending the car

into the barriers.

We're about

laps into the race,

and I can remember saying

to the guys with me,

"Jesus, that's Rolf.

He's in the crowd."

Stommelen survived,

but four people were killed.

Once drivers start

worrying seriously about safety,

you know that their

fastest days are over.

If you took all

the formula one drivers,

even the current crop

of racing drivers,

and said, "here are two cars.

That one is very safe.

That one's extremely dangerous.

If you crash in it,

you'll probably get killed...

But the dangerous one's

two seconds a lap quicker."

There would be no discussion

about which one they'd drive.

They'd all get in

the dangerous one.

That's why it's

the people running the sport

have to take responsibility.

Just weeks after

the failed strike in Spain,

the most unlikely rivalry

would spark

along the Dutch coast

at zanvoort.

A battle between two drivers

would help turn the tide

in the revolution.

Practice Friday, fantastic.

Saturday, blue sky.

Wake up Sunday morning,

and suddenly

it's pissing rain.

Absolute pouring rain.

Everyone else

htheir spanners out,

wings are going up.

I look at the car, I say,

"look, we know

"absolutely fuckall

about how you set a car up,

so we'd better leave it

just the way it is."

James does four laps,

and he's in front

of both ferraris.

When James hunt approached,

all the crowds

went to the fence.

"Yeah, there he is again!

There he is again!"

You'd suddenly

see white car, red car...

...Niki lauda in the Ferrari...

...getting closer,

getting closer.

"Oh, yes! Keep him

behind, keep him behind!"

And then we won.

James hunt held off

Niki lauda

in his powerful Ferrari,

and gave team hesketh

their first win

after three years of trying.

That's just brilliant.

You know, the David

and goliath fantastic story.

The playboy garagistes


over the most storied

team in formula one.

Party basically started

in the back of the truck.

It's fair to say that eventually

I went into blackout.

It was special, 'cause

the only guy who ever,

ever took me seriously

was the commendatore.

But then he was

the only guy who counted.

Mr. Ferrari was the most decorated man

in motor racing.

He'd famously said,

"aerodynamics were for people

who could not build engines."

But he also hadn't won

Until lauda.

You know,

in Italy, there are

a lot of emotions

around the racing team.

If you win,

it's quite easy;

if you lose,

it's quite difficult.

Niki was a clever guy.

He was a good operator.

Probably the ideal

Ferrari driver.

Niki's very technical, cool.

James, even being English,

he was very emotional.

He'd come in my motor

home before every race.

"Emerson, can I use

your toilet?"

I'd say,

"James, come on!"

With one epic win

under his belt,

hunt left

the Teddy bear behind

for a chance

at the title.

constructor, mclaren.

Those days,

you got five years,

with the death rate

and everything else.

He ha new future.

The mclaren

outfit was very structured.

Everybody wore uniforms,

but James just

wore whatever he wanted.

While lauda took

the role of champion,

leading the charge for safety

in the drivers' union,

hunt became the new face

of formula one.

I don't know whether

the drivers today

go out and have a party

and jump into the car.

Who else could do that?

I don't think you can get

to that level being,

you know,

just who you want to be.

You have to be,

to a certain extent, what

what a racing driver's

supposed to be. You know, quick.

Hunt took pole position

in qualifying

for the first two races

...while lauda

took the checkered flags.

I think they

respected each other,

but there was a need.

Niki really wanted

to be a cool guy,

and he wasn't

quite a cool guy,

and he used to wind James up

whenever he hthe opportunity.

What about this fellow

James hunt this weekend?

Well, James hunt won

his grand prix in Holland,

so I think he's a very,

very strong competitor now.

Niki would psych

the other drivers out

just by talking to them.

I mean...

Hunt's first win

came in Spain,

but it was taken down

when the wing

on his car

was judged too wide.

I don't know how wide

it is anyway, you know?

I didn't even know

there was a rule about it.

I just drive the damn thing.

At Monaco, lauda

took the le/i>

at the first turn...

And never looked back.

It was his fourth win

in six starts.

He didn't seem spectacularly fast,

but he won races,

and you could rely

that he's not gonna

do anything stupid.

Hunt stormed back in France,

and after a disputed start,

took the checkered flag

before a home crowd in britain.

The victory

flag's cinched,

and James hunt crosses the line to win

the British grand prix!

Well, now, James, they've changed

the regulations concerning the wings,

and yet you're still

extremely fast.

How do you do it?

Big balls.

Forget it.

Can't you print that?

We can't print

but it's true!

The difference

between drivers is maybe

the quantity of desire

you have to win races,

because the talents

are equal.

That includes

whatever the weather is

when you're

at the race course.

Monza, spa, Monaco

they were quite

famous tracks.

But one was reckoned as a symbol

of pure driving.

It's the highest

possible challenge.

In the shadow of

Germany's eifel mountains

lies a monstrous race track,


sixtyeight corners.

at the nürburgring.

If a car went off the ro you never saw it.

It just disappeared into

the trees or the bushes,

or down a ravine.

Hitler built it

in the depression.

It is the most challenging,

the most rewarding,

the most dangerous,

the greatest racetrack

in the world.

To win

at the nürburgring,

that means that's

the race of your life.

the defending champion

and points leader

Niki lauda

called on his union

to boycott the nürburgring,

citing unsafe track conditions.

They couldn't marshal it.

It would take an army of

firefighters to do any good.

Hunt cast his vote to race.

Lauda was defeated

by the slimmest of margins


I came round the turn,

he was sideways in the middle of the track.

His car was on fire.

There's Brett lunger

getting out of the surtees

and into the flames.

The Ferrari hdifferent belts

and different systems.

Art merzario

hdriven a Ferrari.

He was able to get in,

undo the belts.

I was on top of the car,

and I grabbed

Niki's shoulders

and pulled him

out of the car.

Lauda is

finally dragged clear

from the burning inferno.

The race of course

is stopped.

I remember him saying to me,

"what's my face like? What's my face like?"

In fact, he didn't know

he'd ingested

a lot of toxic fumes

from the burning resin

and fiberglass

of the bodywork of the car.

People were already talking

about him in the past tense.

We were both certain that

when we turned the radio on,

we'd hear the morning news

saying he was de

I couldn't see anything.

I was just listening.

Must have been

in the hospital.

My wife came into the room

where I was lying,

and, uh, she started

crying, so

which didn't

certainly help me.

I told her afterwards,

"listen, why did you cry

when when you come in?

Because I felt b"

She said, "unfortunately,

I only recognized you

on your feet."

Because I was burned so b

in my heand everywhere,

that she ha shock.

And that was the real

issue at the time,

so I thought, "shit,

I must fight now to stay alive."

Five weeks later,

I was back in the car in monza.

Niki walked down the pit Lane

to where my team was,

and he said,

"Brett, thank you."

And then walked away.

I knew the risk

I was getting myself into.

The easy way back is to

drive as quick as possible.

Don't wait.

As long as you wait,

is more worried you get.

He finished fourth and,

you know,

kept his world championship

hopes alive.

That's the most courageous

thing I've ever seen.

Lauda! Lauda!

After all he's been through,

I would like to see him

right at the front,

fighting and,

you know, unblemished.

Back against the wall,

James hunt went out

and he won these two races

through just sheer

determination and grit,

but there was something magical

about what Niki lauda was doing.

He was a very

tough competitor,

but most people

questioned his sanity.

That accident

gave him charisma.

They became

I hate to think what sort

of buddies they became.

Like playboys together,

if you know what I mean.

Good afternoon, and welcome

to the Japanese grand prix.

This is the most exciting

finish to a grand prix season

in over ten years.

It's down to a fight for the championship

between hunt and lauda,

with lauda

just three points ahe

What an incredible end

to the season!

They ended up going

to the Japanese grand prix,

and everybody wanted it,

and the broadcasters

of the world said,

"ah, that's good!

Let's let's

"oh! We don't

have the rights!

"Oh! Now,

how do we fix this?"

and Max mosley

hbecome friends

and partners

in the formula one

constructors association,

the loose confederation

of garagistes

independent car builders.


was completely streetwise,

an absolutely

brilliant tactician.


take Bernie that long

to work out

that the organizers

were making a lot of money,

and fundamentally the teams

were getting screwed.

Bernie came in.

He said, "I have bought

all of the world's

TV rights for

a million dollars."

There were ten teams.

"You can all

Nine idiots sat there:

"Think how much testing

I said no thank you,

and everyone else said no thank you,

and that's how Bernie

got control.

Pathetic, really, but then that's how

great fortunes are made!

While the brabham owner

would eventually sell his team,

he has maintained control

of the sport's

commercial rights

and the showdown in Japan.

Bernie said

to the broadcasters,

"you can have the rights

going forward,

but you've got to show

every grand prix."

As they say,

the rest is history.

In fuji,

it was raining all day long,

that we could not drive.

At four in the afternoon,

the race director came

and said, "we have

to start the race now


the television time..."

But I said, "look,

the rain is the same."

Those early days,

things were run

a little bit more

like a dictatorship

rather than a democracy.

It was me that said,

"we're gonna start, no matter what."

And the Japanese

grand prix is underway!

James hunt's

got a superb start.

That's exactly

what he wants to do,

get in front

of all those cars,

because when you're in the front,

you don't have that spray.

When you're stuck behind in second, third,

fourth, or wherever,

you have this massive plume

of spray in your face.

It's impossible

to see anything.

James hunt in the le

in the Marlboro mclaren.

This is the start he needs.

The visibility,

especially at

the beginning of the race,

was no more

Look at that mist!

How can they see anything

driving in these conditions?

A hundred and eighty

Miles an hour,

you're listening, and then you're watching

your side of the ro

and if the car

in front of you stops,

you're gonna be

in trouble.

And there's Jody scheckter,

going down on the inside.

Perhaps he thinks there's better grip

down there on the inside.

And there, lauda,

in the pits already,

having a cockpit conference

with forghieri,

the leader of

the Ferrari team.

What's happened to lauda?

Niki decided to stop.

And there is

James hunt for the le

and lauda seemingly

out of the race already.

He stopped. That was it.

I've been involved,

that's the only time

I can remember

a driver actually stopping

because the conditions were so dangerous.

Just incredible.

He's spinning!

...Out of the race completely,

and out of

the world championship!

It takes big balls

to make

a decision like that.

Some people may think

it's cowardly.

Um, I think it's

probably the opposite.

He went against

all the things that

being a grand prix driver

at Ferrari are about

in other words,

you drive for Ferrari, not yourself,

and if you've got

to die doing it, so be it.

Die, but at least

die trying.

Ferrari were actually

embarrassed for him.

You know... "No, the car is

the engine is finished..."

And all the rest of it.

Lauda actually got angry

when he heard them doing that,

and told it straight.

He was the one who resisted

the myth of Ferrari,

and he said no, no.

Who said that before

to enzo Ferrari?

To these days, I think I would

never forgive Niki lauda.

That particular moment,

he thought it was

too dangerous for him,

and he forget the...

helping him to achieve.

The thousands of people

in the whole of Italy

he forgot all of

those people in that time,

and their beloved lauda,

he become selfish

and he said,

"no, I don't want to drive."

I don't regret it.

But I already saw

what can happen.

And so we've got

about four laps to go,

and James hunt

is still second.

The championship

wasn't settled there and then

when he stepped

out of the car

because James hto finish third or higher.

James hunt's in the pits

with one bald tire

and the others flat.

But there is Mario andretti,

in the le

Now, where does that leave

hunt as he exits the pits?

Is hunt still

in the top two hunt?

James hunt,

racing for his life.

I think hunt

is currently fourth.

And there's hunt,

going past Alan Jones.

That will put him

into third place,

and into the world

champion title!

Will his car

hold together?

James hunt...

And Mario andretti

takes the flag,

and here comes hunt!

James hunt has done it!

Hunt is the champion!

When he got out of the car,

James didn't know if

he'd won the championship.

He thought

he'd finished fourth.

Hunt was world champion

in the end, by one point.

Dramatic formula one folklore.

It'll be there forever.

I met Niki. The first thing

he said to me was,

"I loved your father."

And, I mean, I think dquit at the end of the season.

He wished he could have shared

the championship with Niki.

They both lived to win,

and he wanted

to share it with him.

But he couldn't,


There can be only... one.

That was his shooting star

moment, I think,

and it was the seminal

changing point in formula one.

The fairytale ending

belonged to hunt,

but it was lauda's decision

to quit with the championship

on the line

that helped change

the sport forever.

If the fastest drivers

refuse to race

out of fear for their lives

with the entire

world watching,

there is no formula one.

We understood that

culling racing drivers is not a good deal.

The public doesn't want

to see these heroes

dying on television,

dying in your living room.

This week's big event

is the British grand prix.

Really, safety

came about with money.

And that was all to do

with the television.

That was

the real breakthrough.

That's not really true.

The money helped,

but the whole point

about safety is it depends

on the attitude of the people

running the sport.

The new men taking

the lein the fight

were survivors

in their own right.

It was obvious that something

needed to be done.

A decade after Jim Clark's death

shocked the world,

Bernie ecclestone

quietly hired

the leading neurosurgeon

in London

as the official

race doctor for formula one.

This was Bernie's idea,

to take on

this permanent doctor,

Professor sid Watkins,

a renowned brain surgeon.

The first year with Bernie

was a very difficult year

because nobody wanted

sid Watkins at the circuit.

They've got their own doctors,

and they don't like

some englishman coming along

and saying, you know,

"we want to do this."

At the German grand prix

Dr. Watkins' fourth race

the organizers banned

the track doctor

from race control

just moments before the start.

Bernie says,

"well, pack the cars. We're leaving."

Race control replied,

"what am I gonna do

who are here?"

And Bernie said,

"you can go and tell them to fuck themselves."

And they said, "the doctor

can come back in"

It was always said

that sid Watkins

was the only man

to whom Bernie ecclestone always deferred.

Four races later,

Dr. Watkins learned firsthand

the hardest lesson

in formula one.

We watched it on TV.

James pulled Ronnie

out of the car.

I was prevented from

getting there by the police,

I mean,

it was absolute mayhem.

The super Swede,

Ronnie Peterson,

hboth of his legs

crushed in the pileup.

Eventually, Ronnie

went off in the helicopter,

and we resumed the start.

Colin Chapman won

his seventh and final

world championship

with Mario andretti.

He also lost his fifth driver.

Peterson died the next day,

after suffering an embolism.

That was just

a sword through my heart.

He should not have died

from that.

If Dr. Watkins

was in charge at monza,

Ronnie Peterson would probably

sitting next to me.

Peterson was one of the guys on my first race.

All the others disappeared.

They hstopped,

or they hdied.

On that day,

when Ronnie Peterson died,

my childhood approach

to formula one ended.

It was a turning point

for the sport, too.

From that race on,

Dr. Watkins began riding

in a safety

car behind every start,

for the most dangerous lap

of every race,

so he could be on hand

in the event of an accident.

My job was really to look after the drivers,

and that's what I did.

He standardized medical response

within formula one,

mandating permanent medical facilities

at each circuit

and helicopters on hand

for every race and practice.

Sid Watkins was the man.

Formula one still lost

four men in four years.

An outstanding

driver lost his life

through what was,

in my opinion,

a pure motor

racing accident.

But only two drivers

were killed

Each death was met with

scrutiny by the men in charge,

and a haunting refrain

by those

who knew too well

the price of glory.

It's terribly, terribly s

but it's always happened

and it always will.

It's just intrinsic

to formula one.

Until one.

I was driving in the race,

and it was

a really strange time.

We hjust lost roland ratzenberger

a day earlier.

And everybody starts

looking over their shoulder

and looking round at

what's gonna happen next.

And I remember that evening

that we were talking about,

yep, it was ratzenberger.

It was, like, his first race.

Not for one minute

I thought it could ever happen to senna.

The threetime world champion

hbecome the new face

of formula one,

the one driver who could

finally challenge the great fangio.

You hthis great vision

of a megastar

in ayrton senna.

He was revered.

He was probably the most popular

world champion

because he heverything,

and he brought great style to formula one.

He brought it

to another level.

He was one of

the most gentle people

that you could imagine.

He was getting older,

and he was starting

to campaign heavily for safety.

You've seen rubens?

He's all right.

He's all right.

He's shocked,

of course, but he's...

On Sunday morning,

just before the race,

I said to ayrton,

"you know, you're

the fastest guy around.

Why don't you quit?"

He said, "I can't quit.

I have to go on."

Maybe I should have been

much more severe with him.

But then, you know,

you've got responsibilities to all of those

all of those boys.

And they were boys

to me, see,

since I was so much

older than them.

and my dtold me

that ayrton's crashed and he's died.

And I think as a kid

at that age,

it's always difficult

to understand what that actually means.

But I went round the back

of the car, I remember,

and I cried.

I couldn't let my dsee me because, you know,

you don't let

a man see you cry,

but I remember that day,

and I really was affected by it.

Still today, I say he's

the greatest driver ever.

The biggest difference

between the death

and ayrton senna

is that the world

needed to know the answer

as to why

this hhappened.

Why is this man de

Why is motor racing

so dangerous?

The death of ayrton senna

was relayed by television

into the living rooms of millions of people

around the world,

to people who didn't really

know about motor sport,

but knew of him.

Somebody hto be blamed.

The new President of the fia

hbeen on the grid

the day Jim Clark died.

I think it's distressing

that so much of the press

doesn't appreciate

the realities of the situation.

Max mosley hascended

to the ultimate position

of power within the sport

just months

before senna's death.

They were absolutely

concentrated on,

why did senna

have the crash?

Totally irrelevant.

It's a sport done at the limit

of human and and mechanical ability.

When you do that,

you're gonna have a crash.

The interesting question

isn't why he crashed,

it's why did he get killed?

Mosley called on Dr. Watkins

to le/i>

a scientific examination

into every aspect

of the sport.

Max ha clear message,

saying that whatever is

happening to a car,

there should be

no reason to die in a car.

I remember going up in the air.

My first thought was,

please don't let me

go in the trees,

because, you fly,

you die, into the trees.

Then it starts to roll.

It feels like being

in a tumble dryer, a washing machine.

When it stopped,

I could feel this liquid

running down into my overalls.

I could smell fuel,

and I thought I was going

to catch fire and burn.

This is what

we feared at this corner,

and that was

very nasty indeed!

That's the first

big accident since ayrton senna,

and the whole world

was watching.

It was the first race

where they'd raised the headrests,

up beside the driver,

and that played a big role

in me not being injured at all.

Not only was he alive,

but he got back in the race.

And it struck me then

that we'd moved on,

that the whole aspect

of it hchanged.

What happened was

the attitude changed,

and senna gave the impetus

to really go into safety

on a scientific basis.

In an arms race for speed,

no expense has been spared

for survival.

Never hthat fear.

Never been worried about death

or the danger of getting hurt.

kilometers an hour through the corners.

Ah, it's unbelievable.

Sometimes if you

just look outside,

left and right,

you think, am I crazy?

It's almost like you

have control of the danger.

There's probably as many accidents today

as there was then...

But the results of the accidents

are completely different.

Have you seen the accident on TV?

Well, yeah, II have

seen it also live,

when I was there! But, uh...

The modernday driver will never know,

and I hope and pray

that they never find out

what it feels like to have the consistency

of death surrounding you.

The idea

was not to race and die;

the idea was to race

and to last as long as possible.

After all I have said

about Jackie Stewart,

I really did appreciate

what he started.

♪ All this feels strange and untrue ♪

♪ and I won't waste

a minute ♪

♪ without you

Emerson and I have been

talking about it today,


We're very grateful

to be alive,

to have actually won the races

we've won and driven.

I think we all did something


at the absolute limit

of the job.

♪ I want so much to open your eyes ♪

♪ 'cause I need you

to look into mine ♪

♪ tell me that

you'll open your eyes ♪

♪ tell me that

you'll open your eyes ♪

In our days, we knew if you made a mistake

or something broke,

you ha good chance

you wouldn't get out of it.

All these drivers,

they ha glamorous life,

and they were incredible.

I love my sport, and it was awarding

to be with my friends.

I'm knocking

on wood every day

that I was one of the lucky ones

that really dodged the bullets.

In the end,

we were able to use all these developments

to literally revolutionize

the crash safety

of the ordinary

car industry.

That's why

it's such a fantastic sport.

It pioneers the evolution

of the car, and going faster.

But safety's

gotta come first.

Three thousand people get killed

every day on the roads worldwide.

To make a one per cent


even one per cent,

Really, that alone

justifies everything

that's come

from formula one.

But, you see, one's

always haunted by the past.

Max believes everyone

should live to a hundred.

I don't look back, actually.

I look forward.

Yesterday's yesterday.


We are world champions!

World champions!

Oh, no! Mark Webber's

gone right up there!

Oh! Mark Webber's gone

completely over the top there.

♪ all this feels strange and untrue ♪

♪ and I won't

waste a minute ♪

♪ without you

طاقم التمثيل

توصيات المستخدمين

مكتبة مشهورة بأعمالها النادرة تمتلئ بشكل غامض وكامل بنسخ من كتاب بعنوان 1، والذي لا يبدو أن لديه ناشر أو مؤلف. يصف التقويم الغريب ما يحدث للبشرية جمعاء في غضون دقيقة واحدة. يبدأ تحقيق الشرطة ويتم وضع موظفي المكتبة في الحبس الانفرادي من قبل مكتب أبحاث الخوارق (معهد الدفاع عن الواقع RDI). مع تقدم التحقيق، يصبح الوضع أكثر تعقيدًا ويصبح الكتاب معروفًا بشكل متزايد، مما يثير العديد من الخلافات (السياسية والعلمية والدينية والفنية). يتعين على بطل الرواية، الذي يعاني من الشكوك، أن يواجه الحقائق: الواقع موجود فقط في خيال الأفراد.

مراجعات المشاهدين