نظرة عامة
يوسف، الابن المفضل ليعقوب وحفيد إبراهيم، تم بيعه كعبيد من قبل إخوته الغيورين. صعد ليصبح رئيس وزراء مصر. حكم يوسف البلاد خلال مجاعة دامت سبع سنوات، قام خلالها إخوته بزيارة مصر بحثًا عن الحبوب، فقط ليقابلوا شقيقهم، الذي يُفترض أنه مات منذ زمن طويل.
تاريخ الاصدار
تم إصداره
معرف IMDB
معرف TMDB
الشركات المنتجة
Turner Pictures
Beta Film
Quinta Communications
Lux Vide

نص الفيلم



(( يوســـــــف ))

الجزء الأول

لا .. لا .. لا

إثنان آخران ؟ .. نعم


إولوا إنتباهكم إلى بوتيفار

كبير حاشية الفرعون

.. إلزموا الصمت يا سوق العبيد فى بديل ماي سيما أفاريس

.. مدينة التاج فى مصر

موطن الفرعون .. الإله فى قومه

مرحبا برئيس الحاشيه

.. و قائد جنود فرعون

! المبجل بوتيفار

! بوتيفار ! بوتيفار

لدى عبيد رائعين

كلاهما ممتاز

أيهما تريد ؟

أيهما ؟

أتريد واحدا من هؤلاء ؟

شاهد 4 يو كلا

كلا ؟ .. هذا الشخص ؟ .. أنظر

هناك ؟ فى الركن ؟

هذا الشخص ؟

هذا الشخص يا سيدى ؟ إنه أفضلهم يا سيدى

إنه عبد رائع يا سيدى

أنظر لهذه الرأس الرائعه .. أنظر

أنظر لهذه الأكتاف

أنظر إلى ظهره

ذراعيه .. إنه ممتاز

آآآه .. الأسنان


صحته جيده بما فيه الكفايه

لكن ربما لم يشهد أبدا يوم عمل صعب

لكن يمكنه التدريب يا سيدى

إنه افلام رعب 2023 .. إنه خاضع .. إنه فاصل مطيع

سوف يفعل أى شاهد فور يو شئ

دون أن يتذمر

و يعرف وضعه

لا يمكن أن يفتح فمه سوى للصلاه

أهذا صحيح يا غلام ؟

أجب على السيد

و إلى من توجه هذه الصلوات ؟

أى آلهه ؟

إله واحد فقط .. يا سيدى

إله واحد فقط

لابد أنه إله فقير جدا بالفعل

حسنا يا غلام ؟

إلهى الواحد يعطينى كل ما أحتاجه

يا سيدى

حسنا .. يبدو أنه لم يؤدى شيئا جيدا لك الآن

هل فعل ذلك ؟

هؤلاء الساميون يؤمنون جدا بالخرافات

يا سيدى

هؤلاء ماذا ؟


ساميون ؟

ساميون .. لكنهم افلام اكشن 2023 مترجم كامل جديد عندما لا يصلون

فإنهم يعملون بكل جهد

يعملون بجهد .. هل يفعلون ذلك ؟


لا أدرى

ماذا تعتقد افلام مصريه 2022 أيها المراقب ؟

يمكننى أن أطرد الورع منه يا مولاى

أعلم ذلك

عندما أنتهى منه

سوف يحتاج مدينه مملوءه بالآلهه

إنه صغير السن

غبى ! .. كان يمكن أن نجنى ثروه

أنت أفسدت الصفقه

! غبى

! أوه .. سيدى

تعالى و إلقى نظره عن قرب يا سيدى

الغلام مُسلى .. إشتروه بثمن مناسب

سأخلصه من أياديكم

إنه يريدك ! ألم تسمع هذا ؟

! إنه يريدك

هيا .. تحرك

تحرك للإتجاه الآخر

إسمى عدنان

.. أنتم

ستنامون هنا ...

أنتم ستستحمون كل يوم

السيده تحب أن ترى عبيدها

نظيفين شاهد فور و صامتين

تذكروا هذا

.. أننا قبل العمل كل يوم

.. نقوم بالتسبيح لـ آمون ..

أب كل الآلهه ..

و التسبيح هو ما ستبدأون به

عملكم هنا

المجد للقوى العظيم آمون

المجد للقوى العظيم آمون

المجد للقوى العظيم آمون

المجد للقوى العظيم آمون

يبدو أنك منحرف يا غلام

أتظن افلام شاهد فور يو أنك أعظم من أن تسبح لآلهتنا ؟

كلا يا سيدى .. لست أعظم

ماذا إذن ؟

أنا افلام نتفلکس 2022 ... أنا فقط دائما ما أوجه صلاتى

إلى رب آبائى

حسنا .. لن تجده هنا فى مصر

ألا تعتقد أنه يمكنك

الإيمان برحمة آمون ؟

.. أنا بحاجه إلى عمال يا غلام

ليس رجال أتقياء ...

و سألقنك كيف تتعلم

أن تبدى الإحترام لآلهتى

ناموا الآن ... جميعكم

تحركوا .. تحركوا

لا تقتربوا من الماء

تعالى معى

كلكم ... إجمعوهم فى الظل

إملء الجره بالماء

إجرى أيها الغلام التقى .. إجرى

! قلت لك إجرى

هيا يا غلام

أين ربك الآن ؟

لا افلام مصرية كوميدية 2023 يبدو أنه قويا تجاهى

هل سيما روم أنت جاهز للتسبيح لـ آمون ؟

لست جاهزا ؟

لقد سكبت الماء

أعد ملء الجره الآن

تريد معركه .. أليس كذلك ؟

هيا .. أريحوا ظهوركم إلى الوراء

عُد كما كنت

لقد أعطيتك تعليمات واضحه

... لكنى ظننت

يجب أن ننقى كل هذه المنطقه

أنظر إلى هذا

ماذا تفعل أيها الأحمق ؟

ضع الطوب مقابل هذا الحائط

ليس هذا

أسكت يا رجل .. إن العبد على حق

يجب أن يكونوا هنا

التربه هناك بها مسام كثيره

الضريح سيغرق خلال شهر

كلانا سوف يقطعون رأسه

راعى التصميم يا عدنان

تابع القياسات

كما كتبوها بالضبط

إنها بسيطه بما فيه الكفايه

لا فائده منها لى

لا يمكننى القراءه أيها الغبى

يمكننى أنا

عبد يمكنه القراءه ؟

طبقا لهذا فسنبدأ من هنا

ذلك العبد .. من هو ؟

يوسف .. من الساميين يا سيدتى

و يفهم فى المخطوطات ؟

نعم يا سيدتى

فسر لى الكدمات التى به

... حسنا .. أنا

حياة العبد يا سيدتى

لا تختلف كثيرا عن الآخرين

حسنا .. يجب أن تكون كذلك

كبير العمال يجب أن يلاحظ

أن هذا رجل غير عادى

زوجتى ترغب أن تشكرك

أيها المعمارى

الحديقه تعتبر أعجوبه مطلقه

إنها جميله تماما

شكرا لك يا سيدتى

أنا أرغب فقط فى الخدمه

أنت خدمت بشكل جيد جدا

انا مُدين لك بهديه خاصه

أطلب مكافأه

.. إن لم يكن متعذرا ..

فأنا أود شراء واحد من عبيدك ...

الشخص الذى أمكنه فهم التصميمات


بوتيفار .. أعتقد أنك قلت

أنك تعطف عليه

أنا قلت هذا ؟


المعمارى الماهر على حق

لقد إستغلينا مهارات العبد

أخلاقه مهذبه

نوعيه نفتقدها فى العمال العاديين

ماي سيما بالطو إحضروا العبد السامى

تعالى هنا أيها السامى

لقد أخبرونى بأننى أحسنت صنعا

فى اليوم الذى إشتريتك فيه

أنا شاكر يا سيدى

الرب كان كريما لكلانا

ماذا ؟

مؤكد أنك تتذكر يا سيدى

إنه يتحدث بإستمرار عن ربه

إن كنت مكانك فيجب أن أكون حريصا

أسجد لمن تشاء فى كنعان

... لكن فى مصر

فرعون فقط .. إبن رع هو الإله

هل هذه غطرسه يا غلام ؟

كلا يا سيدى


أنا أخدمك بتواضع و أمانه

لكن لا يمكننى أن أنكر ربى

العبد افلام تويتر الذى يصر على معتقداته

ماذا تفعلين فى هذا .. افلام 2023 يا زوجتى ؟

لدينا ما يكفى من الحمقى الذين يشيعون الفساد

.. فإذا كبرت المناطق

فيمكن لعبد أمين يقرأ المخطوطات و الرموز ..

أن يكون إضافه ذات قيمه

خصوصا إذا علمناه ..


... أترى الإحترام

الذى يلقاه رئيس حاشية فرعون فى بيته

.. العبيد يلقنونه درسا فى الدين

و زوجته تخبره ..

... كيف يدير شئون منزله

الزوجه الصالحه تستخدم عقلها

لتلفت الإنتباه إلى كل سيما للجميع ما هو نافع

و أنت ترين أن هذا العبد جيد ؟

إنهم يقولون أن كل ما يلمسه

يصبح مزدهرا

هل هذا حقيقى ؟

فعلا يا مولاى

هل لديك إسم ؟

أنا يوسف يا سيدى

يوسف إبن يعقوب

... حسنا يا يوسف إبن يعقوب

أتعتقد أنه يمكنك أن تدير بعض الأمور ..

... فى منزلى

إذا أبعدتك عن الحقول

إذا إبتعدت عن الحقول يا سيدى

يمكننى عمل أى شئ

إذن فسوف we cima تترك العمل فى الحقول

سوف نرى كيف تزدهر الأمور

.. تحت أياديك

أو يد ربك

سوف تختار سيما لايت جائزه أخرى

لدينا بالفعل مثل هذا فى المخزن

.. من حصيلة حصاد السنه الماضيه

و لازال يوجد الكثير ..

متروك فى الحقول

كيف تفعل هذا يا يوسف ؟

عدنان .. انا لا أخلق المحصول

لموسم الحصاد

لابد من هذا

أعرف أن بوتيفار يعتقد أنك تفعل هذا

لماذا أيضا يجعلك ترتدى

ملابس جميله افلام اون لاين افلام اكشن كهذه ؟

الملابس لا تعنى شيئا

أنا لا زلت عبدا

سيدتى ... من فضلك

لا ينبغى أن تكونى هنا

حقا موقع افلام بدون اعلانات ؟

هل رفعك زوجى إلى موضع

يمكنك أن تخبرنى خلاله إلى أين أذهب ؟

كلا يا سيدتى .. بالطبع لا

إذن إبق ساكنا

.. لديك بعض الرمل

على كتفك ...

دعنى أزيله منك


.. أنت تعمل كثيرا

و لديك عضلات لتحقق هذا ...

أخبرونى أن حصاد الشعير

أكثر من حصاد الموسم الماضى

نعم يا سيدتى

يوسف الذهبى

زوجى إقتنع أن ربك

... خلف كل هذا النجاح

و أنك مفتاح كل شئ ...

كان يأمل فيه

ربى يساعدنى

هل يحقق لى رغباتى

إذا كنت صديقتك ؟

من افضل افلام فضلك يا سيدتى . أنا مجرد لحم و دم

و أنت تصلين بى إلى فوق ما أتحمل

أتجرؤ على كبح جماحى ؟

إذا عرف سيدى السبب

فسوف يفهم

حقا ؟

هل هذا خطأى أنك أغريتنى هنا

لتنال غرضك منى ؟

هو يعرف أننى أفضل من ذلك

إنها كلمتى مقابل كلمة عبد


... تعالى

... ضاجعنى


بوتيفار يأتمننى على كل ما لديه

الشئ الوحيد الذى لا يمكننى لمسه

هو أنت

كيف يمكننى خيانة ثقة زوجك

و أرتكب خطيئه أمام الله

سيحين الوقت




إعتقدت أننا نفهم بعضنا

.. آه .. أنا أفهمك

لكنى أعتقد أنك أسأت الحكم علىó ..

لذلك فقد قررت

أن أمنحك فرصه ثانيه

! قف

أين هو ؟

الذى أسرعت خادمة زوجتى

بإخبارى به .. هل هو حقيقه ؟

أتريد أن تجعلنى

أقول عن زوجتك أنها كاذبه فاصل اعلاني .. يا سيدى ؟

بوتيفار ! .. ما الذى جعلك تتأخر كثيرا ؟

ألم تخبرك خادمتى بالألم الذى أعانيه ؟

نعم .. فعلت طبعا

طبعا يا عزيزتى

.. لكن فرعون له الأولويه

فى وقت رئيس حاشيته ..

على كل حال فأنا الآن هنا

.. أنا هنا الآن

و سوف أصحح أى خطأ قد وقع ..

أنا .. أنا كنت بمفردى

.. و ..

.. هو حضر هنا ..

جاء إلى مخدعى

لأى سبب ؟

هذا بالضبط ما قلته له

لكنه بالضبط ضحك علىó

.. قال أنه لا يحتاج لسبب

... لأنه رئيس خدمك ..

و لذلك فيجب علىó أن أفعل ما يقول عليه

و إلا سينقلب ذلك وبالا علىó

قبض على ذراعاى

و جثم فوقى

أنا وي سينما ... أنا صرخت .. و قمت بدفعه بعيدا

و عندئذ قمت بخدشه بعنف

أنت خدشتيه ؟


بقوة الآلهه التى أعانتنى

! طردته للخارج

أفهم هذا

... أنا أريد

تطبيق أقصى درجات القانون .. يا زوجى

أقصى درجات القانون

أريده أن يموت

إذهبوا ! دعونى مع موقع سيما العبد


إعتقدت أنه يمكننى الثقه بك

لكن يمكنك ذلك يا سيدى

إذا إقترب أى شخص

إجعل يداك خلف ظهرك

شكرا لك يا سيدى

وضح لى موقفك الآن

كيف يا سيدى ؟

لقد إتهمتك واي سيما بأبشع تهمه .. يا يوسف

و طلبت تطبيق أقصى درجات العقوبه عليك ..

و هذا يعنى قطع رأسك

الرجل الذى يدان فى جريمه مثل هذه

لا يستحق افلام ديزني 2022 أقل من ذلك

إذن فأنت تنكر ؟

نعم .. طبعا

لكن افلام هندي 2022 من سيصدق عبدا

يدافع عن حياته ؟

أنا أستحق منك أفضل من هذا

لقد عاملتك أكثر كإبن

و لم أعاملك كعبد

وضعت كل ممتلكاتى أمانه بين يديك

جعلت منك القانون فى بيتى أثناء غيابى

أيها العبد

أراضيك إزدهرت تحت هاي سيما يدى

لا أريد أن أراك ميتا

ربما أستغرق سنوات لأجد شخصا مثلك

ألا يوجد شئ تقوله لتدافع عن نفسك ؟

فقط إذا سمحت لى بالتحدث بشكل علنى

كما لو كنت رجلا حرا

إذن كن كذلك

لكن فى هذه الواقعه سيما كلوب فقط

و لا أحد سيعلم مطلقا أننى منحتك حريه لهذه الدرجه

تعلم أنه يمكنك الوثوق بى

لم أخنك أبدا

ليس بعد الطيبه التى أظهرتها لى

أنت لم تدفع نفسك

لتجعل زوجتى تخوننى ؟

بالطبع سيما فور يو و أكرر لك أننى لم أخنك أبدا

أنت تقول أن زوجتى كاذبه

هذا ليس مقامى يا سيدى

لكن مهما حدث لها

فهذا ليس بيدى

لا يمكننى أن افعل مثل هذه الفعله

لا .. لا .. لا يمكنك

هذا ضد كل شئ

شاهدته فيك

.. بحق كل الآلهه .. لماذا هذا الآن

عندما يكون كل شئ على ما يرام فى بيتى ؟ ...

إعطنى سببا لأصدقك

عندما يجرى الدم ساخنا افلام نتفلکس 2023

فالإنسان ينسى أن أفعاله لها عواقبها

لقد رأيت الشر يأتى من الإغتصاب

هذا شئ أبغضه

المقت فى عيون الرب

إخبرنى بالمزيد

إخبرنى بالمزيد

إعطنى إثباتا

أن هذا ليس الطريق لرجل مثلك

إنها ذكريات قديمه يا سيدى

أفكار فى أوقات جميله

قبل وقت الافلام عبوديتى

و أفكار فى معاناه عظيمه

إذا قدرت حياتك يا يوسف

فسوف تشاركنى هذه الأفكار

كنت فقط طفلا

طفل سعيد بكل الأوجه

! أبى ! أبى

خلال رحله طويله و صعبه

فإن الله .. ربنا .. أولانا عنايته

و أتى بنا إلى مكان خصب ..

عند هايفيت قرب مدينة شيشم


إجمع الآخرين

أبى يعقوب

يقول أنه يجب أن نرتفع بخيامنا

بسرعه .. أبى يقول أنه يجب أن تحضروا

كانوا أشقائى العشره

.... روبين

... سايمون

... سيما ماي ليفى ..

و جودا ..

.. دان

... نافتالى ..

جاد و آشر

إيزاكر ..

زيبلون ..

! حان الوقت .. حان الوقت .. حان الوقت

و كان هناك زوجاته

ليا .. التى أنجبت لوالدى أول أبناؤه

راشيل ... أمى

و هى التى أحبها أبى أكثر

و الخادمتين زيبلا و بيلا

و شقيقتى ديناه

كانت أوقاتا سعيده يا افلام سينما سيدى

شعور أننا أخيرا عدنا لموطننا

الرب كان يرعانا بحق

و حقق وعده الذى أعطانى إياه

و قادنا للعوده بأمان ..

إلى أرض آباءنا

الله ربى ..

.. رب إسرائيل

من هؤلاء ؟

أنا هامور .. ملك شيشم

المدينه التى تقع خلف هذه الأسوار

هذا بيرا .. مستشارى

.. و هذا إبنى فيلم سطار السعودي إسمه أيضا شيشم

ليس لدينا أى شك ..

فيما يحمل المستقبل لمدينتنا

.. أنا يعقوب .. أدعى أيضا إسرائيل

و هؤلاء هم قومى ..

جئنا فى سلام نبحث عن الأرض

التى وعدنا بها الله لتكون وطنا لنا

واضح ... أى إله هذا ؟

لدينا إله واحد

واحد فقط ؟

لابد أنكم قوم مقلون جدا فى ولائمكم

الله يرزقنا

أيفعل ذلك حقا ؟

فعلا يفعل ذلك

أكان هو الذى تحجز له القربان ؟

لكن أين رمز المعبود ؟

أريد أن أرى رب منفرد

يرزقك كما يفعل هذا الإله

نحن لا نحتفظ برموز و صور

و مع ذلك فنحن نعلم أنه دائما معنا

سوف تجد أننا قوم ودودون

و إذا جئت أيضا فى سلام

.. فسنرحب بك لتخيم قرب مدينتنا

لتجد الوطن ...

الذى وعدك به ربك الوحيد

حضرنا فقط فى سلام

و ننوى أن ندفع قيمة مساحة الأرض بالكامل

و إستخدام افلام مصرية كوميدية 2022 الينبوع

فقط حدد الثمن

عُشر ما ستجنيه من الحبوب

.. و من قطيع أغنامك

و ثلث ما يزيد من غنمك ...

لخمس سنوات


و أشكرك لطيبتك

سنكون افلام مصرية 2023 جيرانا نافعين

جيران نعم ... غرباء لا

خلال أسبوع سنقوم بتكريم

الإله عشترات

مع زواج سيتبع العيد المهيب

يجب أن تنضموا لنا

لكننا كثيرون

على الأقل إذن بعض المندوبين


ربما هذه الفتاه سينما الصغيره

دعوتك لطيفه .. سنحصى فيما بيننا

ليكونوا افلام كرتون ضمن الحاضرين

لا أحب هذا

إنهم سكان مدن حمقى

لنحتفظ بمسافه افلام اجنبي بيننا و بينهم

.. إذا تسببوا فى متاعب لنا

دائما منطق السيف يا سايمون

هل الطريق الصعب هو الطريق الوحيد الذى تعرفه ؟

إنه الطريق الموثوق به

كلا ... الطريق المؤكد

هو طريق الله

طالما أتى بنا لهذا المكان البعيد

فسوف يستمر فى إرشادنا

ليا .. بيلا .. ليلبا ... إسرعوا

هذا لا شئ

هذا لا شئ

هذا المولود الجديد دائما ما يخبرنى

أنه دائما جاهز

هل أنت بخير ؟

نعم .. لا شئ حدث .. إذهبوا

إذهبوا .. لا شئ حدث

إذهبوا .. الأمور على ما يرام .. إذهبوا

ينبغى أن تحرصى أكثر على نفسك

لا حاجة بك لهذا العمل الشاق

كلا .. من الأفضل أن أعمل

هناك غضب كاف يشتد تحت السطح

تحت السطح هو أينما سنمكث

لماذا نستقر هنا .. ندفع فى أرض

.. أكثر مما تساوى

إذا لم ندعك تستريحين

قبل وقت ولادتك ؟

و أيضا لأن هذا يثبت

أن الوعود تتحقق

أننا سوف نرث الأرض

التى وعد بها الرب لإبراهيم

أعلم أنك قبلت بشروطه

لذا يمكننى البقاء هنا حتى نرزق بإبننا الثانى

لكن يا يعقوب الآخرون يعرفون هذا أيضا ...

راشيل .. أنا لا أخفى سرا

فى محبتى لك

لا أخفى أنك المحببه

فى نظرى و فى قلبى

الثانيه يا يعقوب .. الثانيه

يوسف هو الأول بالنسبه لك

إنتظرى يا عزيزتى

أنت إبنة يعقوب .. أليس كذلك ؟

نعم أنا كذلك

لنجلس هنا

كلا افلام هندية 2022 .. شكرا لك

رفهى عن نفسك الآن

إنه عيد

آه .. يا للفتاه فشار المسكينه

هل أنت بخير يا عزيزتى ؟

لا تقلق .. سأعتنى بها

أنت تحتاجين لحظات هادئه

لتستجمعى نفسك

ستكونين بخير

سآخذك لغرفه هادئه تسترخين فيها

تحتاجين للراحه

إستلقى هنا بعض الوقت

ستكونين بخير

لا تخافى .. إنه أنا


أعنى أننى لست خائفه

أنت فى أمان تام

لا أحد بمثل جمالك

يمكن أن يتعرض للخطر

أنت إمرأه يمكنها الحصول

على كل ما تريد


حسنا ... ليس فى افلام جوني ديب الحقيقه إمرأه

مجرد فتاه .. فعلا

.. كلا .. إمرأه

.. وجهها يراودنى ليلا

رائحتها تُدير رأسى ..

يجب أن أذهب من فضلك

لا ينبغى أن أكون هنا

هذا هو ما يجب أن تكونى فيه


إبتعد عنى .. إخواتى .. سايمون

.. لا يوجد افلام فور يو عُذر لما فعله إبنى بإبنتك

... لكم جميعا ...

سوى أنه كان ثملا و متيما بها ...

ماذا ؟ ... هذا شئ معيب

الجريمه جعلتنا نشعر بالعار

إنتهاك لكل الأعراف و التقاليد

لا يوجد حب يأتى من العنف

لقد منحتكم ثقتى و صداقتى

إستمع يا يعقوب من فضلك

أنا أطلب إبنتك

أطلب إبنتك للزواج من إبنى

سأفعل أى شئ .. أى شئ تطلبه

.. لكنى أتوسل افلام مصرية 2022 سيما فور إليك

دعنى أتزوج من ديناه

قومى و قومك يمكنهم أن يكونوا واحدا يا يعقوب

نتخذ من بناتك زوجات

و أنتم تتزوجون منا

عندئذ لن تكونوا غرباء هنا للأبد

كونك تلتمس السلام الذى يذهب ببقع العنف

.. فهذا شئ طيب

و محل تقدير ...

... افلام هنديه 2022 لكن تقاليدنا و معتقداتنا

تتطلب أن نتزوج فقط ...

من الذين يسجدون لإلهنا .. و إلهنا وحده

إنه إله طيب ... إلهك

نحن نرى هيبته من خلالكم

نرى كيف تنجحون

شاهدنا تضحياتكم له

نحن نحترم معتقداتكم

و يمكننا ان نتعلم السجود مثلكم

و هل يمكنكم إعتناق كل شعائرنا ؟

كلانا لديه الكثير ليفكر فيه

حتى الغد .. ربما

حتى الغد إذن

كونى قويه أيتها الصغيره

هل هذا شئ بسيط ؟

يأخذون شقيقتنا كعاهره

و المكافأه أن نقوم بمعانقتهم ؟

نجعل منهم عائله ؟

أسياد على نسائنا ؟

ليس إلا إذا إضطررت إلى التسليم بذلك

لكنك لن تفعل

لا أحد منا سيفعل

هذا القرار لوالدنا وحده

سمعت ما فيه الكفايه

أنتم كالنساء .. تنقنقون كالدجاج

عمتم مساءا يا إخواتى

إنه على حق .. هذا قرار والدنا


لكن ما موقع وي سيما سيحدث بعد ذلك

سيكون شيئا آخر بكل المقاييس



الموافقه على شعائرنا تعنى

أنه يجب على كل رجالهم أن يختتنوا

.. و إذا فعلوا هذا

سيكونون معتلين


تحت رحمتنا

جهزوا أنفسكم

سنحتاج لكل رجل

سيستغرقون ثلاثة أيام

يعانون من الحمى و الضعف

مع صباح اليوم الرابع

سنمضى قدما مع فرصتنا الوحيده


حسنا يا إسرائيل .. هل فكرت فى الأمر ؟


و أرى حكمه عظيمه فى عرضك

لكن هل وضعتم فى إعتباركم

ما يجب أن تفعلوه للتزوج مننا ؟

الختان مطلب قوى مزعج

على رجال كبار يا يعقوب

لكنه ضرورى بلا شك

إنه رمز نتحمله على لحمنا

.. كعهد مع الله

برهان على قبولنا ...


عندئذ فلم فقط يمكننا أن نتحد

خلال المصاهره

.. ليكن هذا .. سيقوم رجالنا بالختان

.. و سوف نتحد فى سلام ..

شعب جديد و قوى ...

! ليفى .. لا !

تعالى .. تعالى

! جنون .. وحشيه

كيف طاوعتكم قلوبكم على فعل شئ كهذا ؟

قسوه .. وحشيه

هل هذا هو الطريق الصحيح ؟

الطريق القويم ؟

لقد جلبتم الخراب علينا

كان افلام توم كروز يجب أن ندافع عن ديناه

لا يجب أن يتم معاملتها كعاهره

كان يتم معاملتها كعروس

.. لقد كسرتم السلام

و ماي سينما إستخدمتم تقاليدنا فى الإنتقام ..

و سيقوم جيران شيشم بتوحيد صفوفهم افضل افلام 2022 ضدنا

نحن قليلى العدد جدا

إجمعوا أغراضنا

يجب أن نغادر هذا المكان

يجب أن نغادر هذا المكان

إجمعوا أغراضنا

و هكذا أضطررنا إلى مغادرة الأرض

التى أخذنا وعدا بها

ذهبنا فور يو إلى بيثيل

.. و حيث كان والدى قد بنى صرحا للرب

و مره ثانيه تحدث الرب إليه ..

كما قال لى والدى فالرب قال له

كن خصبا و تكاثروا

تجمع الشعب سيكون عن طريقك

سيخرج من اشهر افلام الجريمة من 6 حروف الملوك من أسودك

الأرض التى منحتها لإبراهيم و إسحاق

سأمنحها الآن لك

و افضل افلام 2023 لذريتك القادمه

سأمنح هذه الأرض

إدفعى .. إدفعى ... إدفعى يا راشيل

لديك إبن آخر

راشيل ؟

راشيل .. إبقى منتبهه .. راشيل

يعقوب ... أختى .. إنها تموت


... إطلق عليه إسم

بن أونى

" طفل الألم "

كلا .. ليس بن أونى

بن جامين

" طفل السعاده "

! يوسف .. يوسف

! بنجامين .. بنجامين .. بنجامين




بيلا إبقى لحظه معى

لدى عمل يا روبين

لكن لدى أشياء أخبرك بها

أشياء هامه

ربما غدا

تعرفين أنها آخر ليله لى

عندما يعود يعقوب

فيجب أن أخرج مع القطيع

أعرف هذا

... افلام هنديه 2023 إذن

إنها آخر فرصه لى ..

لأتكلم معك بشكل خاص

هذا مستحيل يا روبين

أنا أخص والدك

حتى الآن يا بيلا

لكن أنا الأكبر سنا

و كل المحظيات

... الذين يخصونه الآن

سوف يكونون لى إن آجلا أم عاجلا ...




هل أنت مجنون ؟

لقد جئت بـ بنجامين هنا ليخلد للنوم

هيا .. هيا

إعتقدت أنه عليك أن تعرف

يجب أن أبعد الإثنان من هنا .. إذهبى

كيف إستطاع أن يفعل هذا بى ؟

كيف تجرأ على فعل هذا لى ؟

روبين يغوى بيلا

خادمة راشيل التى رزقت لى بأطفال

بيلا تعتبر بمثابة الأم لـ بنجامين

أبنائك لم يجلبوا لى شيئا سوى الأحزان

أجبرونا أن نغادر شيشم

مثل ... مثل اللصوص

أجبرونا أن نأخذ راشيل فى رحله صعبه

تسببت فى قتلها .. افلام ديزني 2023 و الآن هذا

إنه مخطئ ... أعلم هذا

.. لكن بمجرد أن تتحدث إليه

لا مزيد من الكلام

الأمور يجب أن تتغير

روبين هو إبنى البكر .. إبنك البكر

لا مزيد من الكلام

دوره أخرى للقمر

و تعودون للإهتمام بشئون القطيع

كونوا حريصين .. كونوا متنبهين

عندما تذهبون

يوسف سيتحمل المسئوليه

ستستمعون لكلامه

كما لو كانت صادرا منى

يوسف ؟

هل هذه لعبه يا والدى ؟

أنا الأكبر

و الشخص الذى لم يظهر لى الإحترام

أنت و بيلا سببتما العار لى

أمام المخيم

سايمون و ليفى غدرا بكلامى

فى شيشيم

إذا لم يقم أبنائى بإحترامى

فلا يمكننى تقديرهم

هنا .. هنا

تعالوا هنا .. تعالوا هنا

ماذا ؟

لنرى ماذا سيفعل يوسف

لنجعله يأكل منه

ها هو حضر

لحم لأجل العشاء يا أخى الصغير

لحم ؟ .. من أين ؟

من القطيع .. يمكنك أن تختار واحدا نذبحه

إذا أحببت

... أنا ! .. لا يمكن .. أبى منع ذلك بالتحديد

حسنا .. إنه ليس هنا .. أهو هنا ؟

إنه لا يتحرك من هنا

يمكث تحت الشمس .. يتغذى على الفواكه الجافه

ها هو واحد سمين

سوف يمكث فى ضلوعنا

لكن ماذا سنقول لأبانا ؟

لن يكتشف هذا

هذا أفضل على الأقل

لا ثرثره

سوف تكذبون عليه ؟

نحن ؟ .. كلا لن نكذب

ليس خطأنا أن الحمل المسكين ضل الطريق

و تعرض للإفتراس بواسطة أسد من الجبال

هل فهمت يا أخى الصغير ؟

ماذا سيفرق هذا ؟

أبانا لديه ماشيه تفوق أى شخص فى حبرون

لكن أبى جعلنى مسئولا عن الماشيه

إجلس و أسكت

هيا يا يوسف

خذ شيئا لتأكله

إنه فقط حمل

شئ صغير مسكين

تعرض للموت من أسد جبلى


لست جائعا

أنظر إليه فيلم .. أى أحمق يمكنه أن يرى

سيجد أنه قُتل بواسطة حيوان ضارى

دعونا نمنحه نظره قريبه ... هيه

ياله من أحمق

صحيح يا أخى ؟

هل تعتقدون أننى أحمق ؟

قضيت حياتى كلها كراعى أغنام

أعرف المشاكل التى تواجه راعى الغنم

أعرف أيضا خدعهم

... أبى .. نحن

أسكتوا موقع سيما لايت الآن .. خذوا هذا بعيدا

! أغربوا عن وجهى

على الأقل فقد عرفنا

ما الذى نتوقعه من يوسف


إنه ايجي بست افلام جاسوس

إنه بالتأكيد يبدو كأمير

طويل جدا و قوى

يعقوب .. إنه جميل الصنع

لو كانت أمه تستطيع رؤيته الآن

إنه رائع.

بالتأكيد أنا لا أستحقه

لا احد من إخوته يقتنى

شيئا رائعا كهذا

لا أحد منهم يستحق ذلك .. هو الذى يستحقه

لقد برهن على إخلاصه

و تحمله المسئوليه

لقد إستحق المعطف

مثل ما يستحق أن يخلفنى

أتركونى وحدى معه الآن

إذهبوا جميعكم


أنا أقوم بتقديرك يا يوسف

... ستكون وريثى القادم

كزعيم هذه القبيله

يمكنك أن تأخذ بعين الإعتبار كل أبنائك يا أبى

بعضهم أكثر من الآخر

.. سايمون .. ليفى .. مسلسل الاصلي روبين

.. لا يمكننى أن أنسى ما فعلوه

المعطف عباره عن إشاره

أنك ستحمل المسئوليه

عندما ترتديه

تذكر .. إنه معطف الشرف

أخلد للنوم الآن

لدينا الكثير من العمل نؤديه

موسم الحصاد يبدأ غدا

يوسف .. إخبرنى ثانية

كيف كانت تبدو أمنا

.. كانت لطيفه

.. طيبه .. ماى سيما مُحبه

و جميله جدا ..

أجمل من ليا و زيبلا و بيلا ؟

نعم .. أجمل بكثير

أحقا أنا تسببت فى قتلها ؟

بالطبع لا

من أين أتيت بمثل هذه الفكره

سمعت بعض النساء يقلن

أنها ماتت و هى تلدنى

هذه سخافه يا بنجامين

ليس هذا ما جعلها تموت

ماذا إذن ؟

لا أدرى يا بنجامين

.. الناس يولدون

.. يعيشون ..

و يموتون ...

.. حتى النجوم تسقط و تموت

.. و الشمس تشرق كل يوم

كما لو ايجي بست أنها تولد من جديد فى اليوم التالى

أتمنى لو كان لدى أم معروفه

كنت لا أجعلها تذهب أبدا

ليس موقع سيما كلوب الموضوع بهذه البساطه يا أخى الصغير

إذهب للنوم الآن

هل ستخلد افلام هندي 2023 للنوم

فى معطفك الجديد


أنا أحبه للغايه

يجب أن أنام الآن

الحصاد غدا

عمل شاق

و هكذا فإننا بدأنا

فى ربط ما نحزمه

و نجلبها سويا

و ننصبها قائمه

.. بمجرد أن ننتهى

حسنا .. لا تتوقف الآن

ماذا حدث ؟

.. إذن

كل ما تحزمونه يقع على الأرض ...

و ينحنى أمام حزمتى

تمام .. سوف آخذ منها بقدر ما يمكننى

لقد أصبح مجنونا

بسبب وعود أبانا

لقد أصبح بالفعل يعتقد أنه سيدنا

أنا أيضا حلمت حلما

أصغر كومه كانت تمشى و تتكلم

و تخبرنا بأكاذيب

كلا .. كن جادا

لقد نلت ما فيه الكفايه منه

حان الوقت لنطرد هذا الشئ

الليله .. بعد العمل

سوف نرى ماذا سيظن والدنا بخصوص ذلك

و بدأنا جميعا نربط أحزمتنا

و نأتى بها سويا

و ننصبها بشكل قائم

.. و بمجرد أن إنتهينا من ذلك

فإن أحزمتهم إنحنت ..

أمام حزمتى

هل سمعت هذا يا أبى ؟

إنه يحلم أن يكون السيد بيننا

يجب أن يتوقف هذا

أكثر شئ حماقه

سمعته على الإطلاق

أيجب أن أأمر الغلام ليتوقف عن أن يحلم

الحلم له معانى

و إذا أراد الله لنا أن نفهمها

فسوف يجعلها كلها واضحه

عندما يحين هذا الوقت

فكل ما علينا فعله هو أن نسمع

يوسف .. أنت تحدثت عن حلم آخر

نعم يا أبى

إخبرنا سيما فوريو مسلسل the last of us موقع ماي سيما به

أفضل ألا أفعل .. أظن هذا

إذا افلام عربي منحك الله حلما

فيجب عليك أن تشاركنا إياه

حلمت أن الشمس و القمر افلام رعب و النجوم

قاموا بالإجلال و الولاء لى

لا أعلم ما يعنى هذا

ربما أنا الشمس ؟

بالتأكيد لا

أمك .. هى القمر ؟

إخواتك .. النجوم سيما ؟

أعنى .. أيجب علينا جميعا أن ننحنى لك ؟

.. لقد إستمعتم الآن جميعا إلى هذا الجنون

ربما نعود إلى الطريق الذى كانت الأمور عليه ..

الطريق الذى يجب أن يكون

نعم .. أنا متأكد أنك تفضل هذا

لكن أحلام يوسف لن تغير ما حدث فى شيشم

أو ما حدث للأغنام فى وي سيما الحقل

الأحلام لا تغير قراراتى

أنا أرسلت بك لترى أحوال القطيع

ليس إلى وليمه

.. أنت تتقدم فى السن يا بنى .. تكبر

.. ربما يستاء إخوتك منك

كلما إكتسبت قوه و مركزا ..

سيبدأون بالشعور بتهديد شديد منك

أريدك أن تحاول

أن يعم السلام بينهم

نعم يا أبى .. هذا أيضا ما افلام مصريه 2023 أرغب فيه

.. لكن أحيانا يكون غضبهم

مع الوقت ستهدأ الأمور

إذا تعاملت بحرص مع مشاعرهم

يوسف .. إنهم مختلفين عنك

لقد ترعرعوا كلهم سويا

مثل مجموعه من أشبال الأسود

أنت و بنجامين تعتبران الأطفال

الذين رزقت بهم فى شيخوختى

ربما أعطيتكم عرب سيد المزيد من الرعايه

لكن إخواتكم ربما يرون ذلك على أنه حب زائد

كلانا يجب أن نحاول أن نجعلهم

يرون الحقيقه .. أتفهمنى ؟

نعم يا أبى


إذهب إذن فى أمان و بخطوات ثابته

يجب افلام اكشن 2022 مترجم كامل جديد أن تجدهم

خلال رحله يومين

كل ليله تكون أبرد

من الليله التى قبلها

لدينا دوره أخرى للقمر

قبل أن يمكننا العوده

أنا لست متعجلا

الشئ الوحيد الذى ينتظرنا فى هبرون

هو سيدنا الجديد فى معطفه الرائع

هيا أيها الحِزم الصغيره

إنحنوا أمام الرجل العظيم .. يوسف

! هيا .. إنحنوا

الرحمه .. الرحمه يا سيدى

إبسط رحمتك علينا من فضلك

حيوان ضارى يمزق حمل صغير إلى أشلاء

من فضلك .. من فضلك

آه نحن أبرياء .. آه يا يوسف العظيم

من فضلك إرحمنا

كلا يا إخواتى

لست متعجلا لأراه ثانية

نحن هنا فى أمان

إلا لو جاء يبحث عنا

أعتقد أن علينا التحرك للغرب

ما الذى يجعلك تعتقد ان المراعى

ستكون أفضل فى مكان آخر ؟

سنتحرك غدا للغرب

إلى قطاع قرب دوثان

الأعشاب مناسبه هناك

إستمعوا له و هو يعطى الأوامر

و يتنبأ ماذا سيجد

لابد أن لديه حلما

يدور حول العائله

الشئ الوحيد الذى أحلم به

يدور عن النساء

لكنى لا أعرف هذا إن تحركنا

لا أحد سيعرف أين نحن

و لا أحد سيكون قادرا

على التجسس علينا


.. لندع أى شخص يريد العثور علينا

أن يضطر للحلم كى يجدنا

عن ماذا تبحث ؟

أبحث عن إخوتى

كانوا يرعون القطيع

فى مكان ما بالقرب من هنا

لقد رحلوا ... سمعتهم يقولون

أنهم سيذهبون إلى داثان

شكرا لك

هل أنت متأكد أنهم توجهوا غربا ؟

الليله الماضيه حلمت أننى ايجي بست الأصلي كنت فى إحدى السفن

التى ترسو فى يافا

كان لدى ثلاث نساء إحداهم حمراء الشعر

... الثانيه ذات شعر ذهبى .. الثالثه

أحلامك لا تحتسب

أنت لست يوسف

إننى أتعجب أن والدنا

لم يكن مبتهجا بآخر أحلامه

هذا صحيح

ماذا لو كانت تنبئ بشئ ؟

كلنا نسجد له

والدنا أيضا ... هذا شئ مقزز

توقف .. إنه مجرد حلم

سنتوقف عن الإنحناء و الشجار معه

و لن نزحف لإستجداء العطف


ما هذا ؟

هنا يا إخواتى

انظروا .. الحالم بنفسه

مرتديا المعطف

أقسم lone star 9-1-1 season 1 ماي سيما أننى سيما روم ميراكولوس الموسم الخامس يمكننى أن أمزقه من الظهر

والدنا يرسل إليكم طعاما طازجا

أرى أن نقتله

ماذا ؟

أرى أن نقتله

إنها الطريقه الوحيده

التى نتصرف بها حياله

إمسك لسانك .. لا تفكر حتى فى ذلك

لا .. لا .. سايمون على حق

! أن نقتله ؟ .. أبدا

كى نلقنه درسا

.. يمكن أن نلقى به فى بئر

لكن لا تريقوا دماء أخوكم ..

يمكن أن يحدث هذا

طالما قطع رحله طويله بنفسه

فهناك اللصوص و الأسود فى الجبال

كلا .. إنتظروا .. جربنا هذا من قبل

فى موضوع الحóمóل

أبانا نظر من خلاله

و تخيل ما حدث

الحقيقه أنه يمكنه الإيقاع بنا

لنجعلها هذه المره أكثر إقناعا

لا يمكن أن يتوقع منا الكذب للمره الثانيه

خاصة أن الأمر يتعلق بـ يوسف


حسنا هذه هى آخر فرصه لديكم للتصرف معه

هذا صحيح

لإثبات حقنا الصحيح

لنفعل هذا

هل فقدتم عقولكم ؟

لا يمكنكم إراقة دم أخوكم

هل فكرتم فى اللعنه

التى ستسقط علينا إن فعلنا هذا ؟

توقفوا .. توقفوا الآن

قبل أن يفوت الأوان

توقف عن ماذا ؟


لا نتحدث إلى الأولاد

الذين يحضرون للعمل فى ثياب العرس

أنت جئت لتبحث عن حكايات لترويها ؟

أبى يريد تقريرا

... و يعتقد أننى الشخص الذى ينجز هذا .. أخبرنى

إنسى ما أخبرك به .. قدم تقريرك عنى

و سيكون ذلك آخر شئ تفعله


سأفعل ما أمرنى به أبى


سايمون .. توقف

إننى أفعل ما قاله والدنا

أشم فى تحذيراتكم الكثير من الخمر



لا تفعلوا هذا

سوف أتذكر يا أخى

سوف أتذكر أنه عندما حان الوقت

لنتصرف بأنفسنا .. فإنك لم تكن متواجدا

كلا .. لم أكن متواجدا

ربما لأننى لست كبيرا و لا شجاعا

مثلك يا موقع ماي سيما أخى

أستتركه يذهب ؟

ماذا لو أخبر والدنا ؟

لن يفعل شيئا

ليس روبين

سيسعى إلى أكثر شئ يجنيه من هذا الموقف

عندما ينتهى يوسف

فمن الذى سيختاره والدنا ليحل محله

سوف يعود

انا يوسف ... حيونى

! إنزعها .. إنزعها

! افلام اكشن 2023 إخوتى

ساعدونى يا إخوتى

! من فضلكم

! ساعدونى

! إخوتى

كونوا أقوياء ... كلكم

تجلسون و تكتئبون كالنساء

ما حدث قد حدث

دعونا نستمر فى عملنا

الغلام هو عملنا

كان يا أخى .. كان

لا عوده للوراء

و إذا ما سحبناه افلام رعب 2022 من مشاهدة افلام البئر ؟

ألم تساعدنى فى إلقاؤه ؟

أتريده أن يخبر والدنا

بما فعلناه ؟

على الأقل هو لم يمت

يمكنه أن يخبر والدنا

أننا مجرد حاولنا أن نلقنه درسا

و والدنا أيضا سوف يلقننا شيئا أو شيئين

إنه يمتلك قطعان الماشيه .. الخيام

الطعام .. كل شئ

لقد تبرأ منى رغم أننى أعمل بكل جهدى

و تركنى خاوى الوفاض

كلا يا أخى .. علينا أن نرى الأمور

... من خلال

لأن الذى لن يعلمه والدنا ....

لن يضرنا

! إخوتى

! عالم سكر ساعدونى

! أبى

! جودا

لم يتبق مراعى فى هذه الحقول


أعتقد أنه من الأفضل أنك و ليفى

تقودا القطيع إلى مراعى طازجه قرب شيشم

حتى يمكنك أن تخرج الصبى

و تلقى باللوم علينا ؟


! إخوتى

! ساعدونى ! .. جاد

إفعل شيئا يا سايمون

قبل أن نصاب جميعا بالجنون

علينا أن نقتله

سوف أسكته

أتريد أن تقاتلنى يا أخى ؟

إذا جرت الأمور هكذا

لا يجب افلام 2022 أن تقوم بقتله

و أنت لن تقوم بإخراجه

إذا كانت هذه هى الطريقه الوحيده

.. لتجنب إراقة دمه على يداى

فسوف نقوم بإخراجه ..

كى تتجنب إراقة دماؤه

... فعليك أن تسفك دمى أنا

إذا إستطعت ...

لكنى رجل موقع شاهد فور يو عاقل

سأعطيك مهله حتى الفجر

لتأتى بإقتراح آخر

! ساعدونى

! إخوتى

! ساعدونى

تجار إشمالايت

يجب أن يتم قتل الصبى الآن قبل أن يسمعوا أنينه اللعين

لا .. لا .. لا

! إنهم الإجابه

هم ؟ .. كيف ؟

يمكنهم سيما كلوب المؤسس عثمان الموسم الرابع أن يأخذوه كـ عبد

إلى مصر

سوف يعيش .. أيادينا ستكون نظيفه

و إذا تمكن من الهرب و عاد

فسوف يخبر والدنا بما حدث ؟

عبيد الإشمالايت و المصريين

! لا يمكنهم الهرب

سوف يدفعون ثمنه .. هناك نقود سنجنيها لنا جميعا

و سنتجنب الدماء

! أبى

عشرون شيكل .. لا قطعه واحده زياده




ماذا افلام ديزني ؟ .. ما هذا ؟

! إخوتى

! إخوتى .. ساعدونى من فضلكم

! إخوتى ! إخوتى

! ساعدونى

أجئت لتنقذه ؟

لا أريد أن تتلطخ دماؤه فى يدى

جئت متأخرا

وجدنا هذا بالطريق

لابد أنه ضل الطريق

! حيوان ضارى

! لا .. لا

! لا .. لا

! لا

! لا

ماذا يتبقى لى إذا مات يوسف ؟

! يوسف ! يوسف

هذا إذن يا سيدى

هو تصورى لما حدث

و ربما الإله ربى

... يكون فى عونى طالما أتحدث بالصدق

و يتخلى عنى إن كنت كاذبا ...

إذا كذبت فسوف أقتلك

.. كان آخر أيام عيد الحصاد

شكر الآلهه ..

ذهبت لترتيب المنزل

معتقدا موقع افلام أنه خالى




إعتقدت أننا فهمنا بعضنا

.. آه .. أنا فهمتك

لكن أعتقد أنك أسأت الحكم علىó ..

لذلك فقد قررت أن أمنحك فرصه ثانيه

! توقف


.. ربما .. ربما إذا تحدثنا أكثر

فإننا نصبح ... قريبين

ربما تنظر لى بشكل مختلف ...

ربما تشاهد كم الكآبه التى تنتابنى

زوجى مشغول جدا طوال الوقت

الوحده شعور فظيع يا موفيز يوسف

... أعلم أنك تتألمين .. لكن

أوه .. أنت لست رجلا عاديا

من أين تأتى بالغموض الذى يحيطك ؟

من أين جئت ؟

هذا المنزل هو بيتى الآن

إخبرنى عن والدك

أنت قلت مره أنه افلام هندي أمير

هل لديه العديد من قطعان الماشيه ؟

خدم .. حقول ؟


إذن فهو رجل ذو نفوذ

أتظن أنه سعيد بثروته ؟

لا أعتقد أن ثروة أبى

تجلب له المزيد من البهجه

إذن ما الذى يجلب له افلام هندية 2023 البهجه ؟

أتوقع أنه إذا إستطاع أن يرانى ثانيه

أنت افلام مترجمه تعلم .. حريتك تأتى

من خلال ما أمنحه


لكن لا يمكننى ... هذا يغضب الله

أنت تعلم أنك ترغب فى

لاحظ كيف ترتعد

أنت ترغب فى بقدر ما أرغب فيك

هيا يا يوسف

تعالى و ضاجعنى

! أتركينى


من تظن أنك تكون أيها الأحمق ؟

أتجرؤ على أن ترفع يدك على سيدتك ؟

زوجى سوف يقتلك بسبب ذلك

هل هذا هو كل شئ ؟

لقد أقسمت بذلك أمام إلهى ... افلام اكشن 2022 ربى

إستدعوا أهل البيت


.. لندعهم جميعا يشهدون إرساله

إلى الموت ...

لقد إستمعت إلى التقارير

و تأملتها كلها

العبد مذنب

و هنا فورا سأصدر قرارى

كما أقول .. سيتم إقراره

و سيتم تنفيذه

سيتم افلام ماي سيما وى سيما أخذ العبد إلى سجن افلام فرعون

و سيتم إحتجازه هناك بكامل رضائى

السجان سيرسل لى تقريرا إسبوعيا

بخصوص المعامله التى يلقاها و تقدمه

و هكذا فالأمر الآن تم إغلاقه


جعلتنى أشعر بالخزى

أنت منهو ولدنا ماي سيما أرسلته إلى السجن بكامل رضاءك ؟

ماذا عن شرفى ؟

أى شرف ؟

كيف فشار افلام تجرؤ

أنا أعرفك يا زوجتى


أنت لا تفهم

.. مهما كان ما تظنه فى شخصى

كيف أمكنك أن تتركه يعيش ؟ ...

كيف أمكنك أن تذلنى بهذا الشكل ؟

لأن ذل شخص

يستحقه شخص آخر

... فيلم سطار السعودي سيما كلوب زوجتى

أى شخص يعرف يوسف ...

.. يعرف أيضا أنه إذا أقسم بربه

فإنه يكون صادقا ...

ما هو الذى أكثر أهميه لك ؟

.. ربه

أم كرامتى ...



نعم ويسيما .. هذا هو ما يهم

... حسنا .. إذن

.. ربما أيضا تقوم بإطلاق سراحه ..

و تكمل على الخزى الذى أشعر به ...

... حيثما يكون

... و مهما يتعرض له ...

فهو حر ...

لأن ربه لا يتخلى عنه

! أدخل هنا .. هيا

! تحرك

! يا رب

! يا ربى

لماذا تتخلى عنى ؟

! يا رب

.... يتبع ...




This one? This one? Come on.

No, no, no!

Two more, yes?


Pay heed to Potiphar,

chief steward of the Pharaoh!

Quiet! The slave market of Avaris...

... crown city of Egypt, home

to the Pharaoh, god to his people...

... welcomes the chief steward

and the heof Pharaoh's guards...

... the most honored Potiphar!

Potiphar! Potiphar!

I have fine slaves.

Both of them are excellent.

Which one do you want?

Which one?

Do you want one of these?


No? This one? Look.

There? In the corner?

This one?

This one, sir? He's the best, sir.

He's a fine slave, sir.

Look at that fine he Look.

Look at those shoulders.

Look at that back.

Those arms. He is perfect.



He's healthy enough, but probably

never done a hard day's labor.

But he can be trained, master.

He... He's submissive. He's obedient.

He would do anything

without a whimper.

And he knows his place.

Never opens his mouth except to pray.

Is that true, boy?

Answer the master.

And to whom

are these prayers addressed?

Which gods?

Only one, my lord.

Only one god.

Must be very poor indeed.

Well, boy?

My one God provides

all my needs, my lord.

Well, he hasn't done very well

for you now, has he?

These Semites are

a superstitious lot, my lord.

These what?



Semites. But when they are not praying,

they work very hard.

Hard workers, are they?


I don't know.

What do you think, overseer?

I could knock the piety out of him, master.

I know that.

When I finish with him,

he'll need a city full of gods.

good years in a slave like this.

Stupid! We could have made a fortune.

You destroyed the deal.


Oh, my lord!

Come and have a closer look, my lord.

The boy's amusing. For a good price,

I'll take him off your hands.

He wants you! Did you hear that?

He wants you!

Come on. Move on!

Move the other way!

My name is Ednan.


... sleep here.

You bathe each day.

The mistress likes her slaves

clean and silent.

Remember that.

Before work each day...

... we give praise to Amun...

... father of all gods.

And praise is how

you begin your life here.

Praise to the allpowerful Amun!

Praise to the allpowerful Amun.

Praise to the allpowerful Amun!

Praise to the allpowerful Amun.

I thought you were pious, boy.

Are you too good to praise our god?

No, master. Not too good.

Then what?

I've... I've only ever prayed

to the God of my fathers.

Well, you won't find him in Egypt.

Don't you think you could use

Amun's good graces?

I need workers, boy...

... not holy men.

I'll just have to teach you

to learn respect for my gods.

Now, sleep! All of you!

Move! Move!

Don't go near the water.

Come with me.

All of you, stack them in the shade.

Fill the urn with water.

Run, holy boy, run!

I said, run!

Come on, boy.

Where's your god now?

He doesn't seem very powerful to me.

Are you ready to praise Amun yet?

Not ready?

You spilled the water!

Refill the urn. Now.

It's a fight you want, is it?

Come on. Put your backs into it.

Get back.

I gave you very definite instructions.

But I thought...

All of this area should've been cleared.

Look at this here.

What are you doing, fool?

Put the bricks against that wall,

not this one.

Quiet, man. It is the slave who is right.

They do go here.

The soil over there is too porous.

The shrine would sink in a month.

We'd both lose our heads.

Keep to the plans, Ednan.

Follow the dimensions

exactly as I've written them.

It's simple enough.

It's no good to me.

I can't re idiot.

I can.

A slave who can re

According to this, we begin here.

That slave, who is he?

Joseph the Semite, mistress.

And he understands drawings?

Yes, mistress.

Explain his bruises.

Well, I...

A slave's life, mistress.

His lot is no different than any other.

Well, it should be.

A good foreman would see

that this is a special man.

My wife wishes

to compliment you, architect.

The garden is an absolute marvel.

It's quite lovely.

Thank you, mistress.

I wish only to serve.

You've served well.

I owe you a special gift.

Name a prize.

If it's not too forward...

... I should like to buy

one of your slaves.

The one who can understand drawings,

the Semite.

Potiphar, I thought you said

you favored him.

I did?


And the good architect is correct.

We underuse a slave of his skills.

His manner is gentle,

a quality lost on ordinary labor.

Bring the Semite slave.

Semite! Here!

They tell me I did well

the day I purchased you.

I am grateful, master, that God

chose to be gracious to us both.


Surely you remember, master.

He speaks incessantly of his god.

I'd be careful if I were you.

You worship as you like

in Canaan, but in Egypt...

... only Pharaoh, son of Ra, is god.

Is this insolence, boy?

No, master.


I serve you with humility and honest labor,

but I cannot deny my God.

A slave who insists on his own ways.

What do you make of that, wife?

We have enough fools who pander to us.

If the estate is to grow...

... an honest slave who can redrawings

and cipher is a valuable addition...

... especially if we taught him

our own writing.

You see the respect...

... Pharaoh's chief steward

commands in his own home?

Slaves instruct him on religion...

... his wife tells him

how to run his household...

A good wife keeps her wits about

and draws attention to what is good.

And you see the slave as good?

They say whatever he touches flourishes.

Is this true?

It is, my lord.

Do you have a name?

I am Joseph, master.

Joseph, son of Jacob.

Well, Joseph, son of Jacob...

... do you think you could bring

some order to my house...

... if I brought you out of the fields?

To be out of the fields, master,

I can do anything.

Then out of the fields you shall be.

We'll see just how matters flourish

under your hands...

... or the hand of your god.

You'll have to name another prize.

We've already got as much in store

as the whole of last year's harvest...

... and there's still plenty

left in the fields.

Joseph, how do you do it?

Ednan, I don't create the crops

for harvest.

Must be.

I know Potiphar thinks you do.

Why else would he dress you in robes

as fine as these?

Clothes mean nothing.

I'm still a slave.

Mistress, please.

You should not be here.


Has my husband elevated you to a position

where you can tell me where I belong?

No, mistress, of course not.

Then be still.

You have some dust...

... on your shoulder.

Here, let me splash it off for you.

Come on.

You work hard...

... and you have the muscles to prove it.

I am told the barley harvest

is even bigger than last season's.

Yes, mistress.

Joseph the golden.

My husband is convinced that your god

is behind all of his success...

... that you are the key to everything

he's ever hoped for.

My God provides for me.

Would he grant my wishes

if I were your friend?

Please, mistress. I'm only flesh and blood,

and you press the limits of my strength.

You dare restrain me?

If my master knew why,

he would understand.


Is it my fault you lured me here

to take advantage of me?

He knows me better than that.

It's my word against that of a slave.



... lie with me.


Potiphar has entrusted me

with all that is his.

The only thing I cannot touch is you.

How could I betray your husband's trust

and sin against God?

The time will come.




I thought we understood each other.

Oh, I understood you...

... but I think you misjudged me.

So I've decided to give you

a second chance.


Where is he?

What my wife's maidservant

ran to tell me, is it true?

Would you have me call

your own wife a liar, master?

Potiphar! What took you so long?

Didn't my maid tell you of the pain I'm in?

Yes, of course she did.

Of course, my love,

but the Pharaoh has first call...

... on his chief steward's time.

Anyway, I'm here now.

I'm here now...

... and will right any wrong

that has been done.

L... I was alone...

... and...

... he came here...

He came to my chamber.

On what excuse?

That's exactly what I said,

but he just laughed at me.

He said he needed no excuse...

... that he was your chief steward...

... and that I hto do what he said,

or it would be the worse for me.

He grabbed my arms.

He forced himself upon me.

L... I screamed, and I pushed him away.

And then I scratched wildly at him.

You scratched him?


With the power of the goddess

Bastet with me, I drove him out!

I see.

I want...

... the full measure of the law, husband.

The full measure!

I want his death.

Go! Leave me with the slave.


I thought I could trust you.

But you can, master.

If anyone approaches,

keep your hands behind you.

Thank you, master.

Now explain yourself.

How, master?

She accuses you of the vilest crime...

... and demands the full measure of the law,

which means your he

A man guilty of that crime

would deserve nothing less.

So you deny it?

Yes, of course.

But who would believe a slave

pleading for his life?

I deserve better than that from you!

I've treated you more like a son

than a slave.

Trusted my entire estate to you.

Made you the law of my house

in my absence. You, a slave!

Your lands prospered under me.

I'd rather not see you de

It would take years to find another like you.

Is there nothing you can say

in your defense?

Only if you allow me to speak openly,

as though I were a free man.

So be it.

But on this occasion only, and no one must

ever know I allowed you such a liberty.

You know you can trust me.

I'd never betray you,

not after the goodness you've shown.

Isn't forcing yourself

on my wife a betrayal?

Of course. And I repeat,

I would never betray you.

You're saying my wife's a liar.

That's not my place, master.

But whatever happened to her

was not by my hand.

I could not do such a thing.

No, no, you couldn't.

It goes against everything

I've ever seen in you.

By all the gods, why this now...

... when things were going

so well for my house?

Give me a reason to believe you.

When the blood runs hot, a man forgets

his acts have consequences.

I have seen the evil

that comes from rape!

It is hateful to me,

and an abomination in the eyes of God!

Tell me more.

Tell me more.

Give me a way of proving

this isn't the way of a man like you.

These are old memories, master.

Thoughts of a better time

before my slavery.

And thoughts of a great pain.

If you value your life, Joseph,

you'll share them with me.

I was only a child.

And a happ y one in so many ways.

Father! Father!

During a long and hard journey,

the Lord, our God, watched over us...

... and brought us to a fertile plain

near the Hivite town of Shechem.


Gather the others.

Here my father, Jacob,

said we should raise our tents.

Quick. Father says you must come.


... Simeon...

... Levi...

... and Judah.


... Naphtali...

... Gand Asher.


... Zebulon.

It's time! It's time! It's time!

And there were his wives:

Leah, who bore my father's first sons.

Rachel, my mother,

the one my father loved most.

And the handmaids, Zilpah and Bilah.

And my sister, Dinah.

It was a happy time, master.

A feeling we hfinally come home.

The Lord is truly our shepherd.

He has fulfilled the promise

made to me at BethEl...

... and has led us safely back

to the land of my fathers.

The Lord is my God...

... the God of Israel.

Who are they?

I am Hamor, King of Shechem,

which lies behind those walls.

This is Bera, my counsel,

and this is my son, also named Shechem...

... so there's no doubt as to what

the future holds for our city.

I am Jacob, also called Israel...

... and these are my people.

We come in peace, in search of a land

our God promised would be home for us.

I see. And which god is that?

We have only one.

Just one?

You must be a people

very short on feasts.

Our Lord provides.

Indeed he does.

Indeed he does.

It was to him you dedicated

the sacrifice?

But where's the idol?

I'd like to see a single god who could

provide for you as well as this one has.

We keep no graven images.

Even so, we know he is always with us.

You'll find we're friendly people.

And if you also come in peace,

we welcome you to camp near our city...

... to find the home

your single god promised.

We come only in peace.

And we intend to pay full measure

for the land and the use of the spring.

Just name the price.

Onetenth of your grain

and of your flocks...

... and a third of the animals' increase

for five years.


And I thank you for your kindness.

We shall be worthy neighbors.

Neighbors, yes. Strangers, no.

In a week, we honor

the goddess Astarte...

... with a marriage followed by

a grand feast. You must join us.

But we're so many.

Then at least some representatives.

Your sons.

Perhaps the young girl here.

Your invitation is kind. Count upon

some of us being among your number.

I don't like it.

They're fat townspeople.

I say we keep our distance.

If they give us trouble...

Always the sword, Simeon.

Is the hard way the only way you know?

It's the surest way.

No. The only sure way

is the way of the Lord.

As he has brought us thus far,

he will continue to guide us.

Leah! Bilah! Zilpah! Quick!

It's nothing.

It's nothing.

This new child keeps telling me

he's almost ready.

Are you all right?

Yes, it's nothing. Go.

Go. It's nothing.

Go. It's all right. Go.

You must take better care of yourself.

You don't need to be doing this heavy work.

It's better that I work. There's

enough anger boiling under the surface.

Under the surface is where it will stay.

Why settle here, pay more

for the land than it's worth...

... if not to let you rest

before you give birth?

Because it's also proof

that the promises are coming true.

We will inherit the land that God

promised to Abraham.

I know you accepted his terms so I could

be settled when I have our second child...

... but, Jacob, the others know it too.

Rachel, I've made no secret

of my love for you.

I never have.

You're first in my eye and my heart.

Second, Jacob. Second.

Joseph comes first with you.

Wait, my dear.

You're Jacob's daughter, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Let's sit here.

No, thank you.

Now, enjoy yourself.

This is a feast.

Oh, poor girl.

Are you all right, my dear?

Don't worry. I'll see to her.

You need a quiet moment

to gather yourself together.

You'll be fine.

I'll take you to a cool room for a rest.

You need to rest.

Lie down here for a while.

You'll be fine.

Don't be frightened. It's only me.


I mean, I'm not frightened.

You're perfectly safe.

Nobody as beautiful as you

could ever really be in danger.

You're a woman who can have

anything she wants.


Well, not really a woman.

Just a girl, really.

No, a woman...

... whose face haunts me at night...

... whose smell makes my hespin.

Please. I have to go.

I shouldn't be here.

This is exactly where you belong.

With me.

Stay away. My brothers. Simeon!

There's no excuse for what my son did

to your daughter...

... to all of you...

... other than that he was drunk with love.

What?! It's outrageous!

The crime shames us,

violates all laws and traditions.

No love can come from violence!

I gave you my trust, my friendship.

Please, Jacob, listen.

I'm asking for your daughter.

I ask for her in marriage to my son.

I'll do anything, whatever you ask.

But I beg you...

... let me marry Dinah.

Your people and mine can be one, Jacob.

We will take your daughters as wives,

and you will take ours.

Then you'll be strangers here no more.

That you seek a peace that can wash away

the stain of violence is good...

... and appreciated.

But our traditions and beliefs...

... demand that we can only marry those

who worship our God, and our God alone.

He's a good god, your god.

We see his presence among you,

see how you prosper.

We watched your sacrifice to him.

We respect your beliefs,

and we can learn to worship as you do.

And you can embrace all our rituals?

We both have much to think about.

Until tomorrow, perhaps.

Until tomorrow, then.

Be strong, little one.

Is it that simple?

They take our sister for a whore,

and the reward is we embrace them?

Make them family?

Masters of our women's dowries?

Not if I have a say in it.

But you don't.

None of us do.

This decision is for our father alone.

I've heard enough.

You're like the women, clucking away.

Good night, brothers.

He's right, it is Father's decision.


But what happens after that

is something else altogether.

Go on.

Accepting our rituals means

all their males must be circumcised.

And if they are...

They'll be sick.


At our mercy.

Get to the pastures. Sprethe word.

We'll need every man.

It takes three days

for the fever and weakness.

By the fourth morning it'll have passed,

along with our one chance.


Well, Israel, have you thought upon it?

I have.

And I see great wisdom in your offer.

But have you considered what you must do

to marry amongst us?

Circumcision is a harsh demand

to make of grown men, Jacob.

But absolutely necessary.

It is a sign we bear on our flesh

of our covenant with our Lord...

... a proof that we embrace

his commandments.

Only then can we be allowed

to be united through marriage.

So be it. Our men shall be circumcised...

... and we shall be united in peace...

... a new and strong people.

Levi! No!

Come! Come!

Madness! Insanity!

How in your hearts

could you have done such a thing?

Ruthless. Merciless.

Is this the good way?

The right way?

You have brought ruin upon us.

Someone hto defend Dinah.

She can't be treated as a whore.

She was to be treated like a bride!

You've broken the peace...

... and used our traditions for vengeance.

Now Shechem's neighbors

will join forces against us.

We're so few in number.

Gather our things.

We must leave this place.

We must leave this place!

Gather our things!

And so we were forced to leave the land

that held so much promise.

We went up to BethEI, where my father

honce erected a monument to God...

... and again God spoke to him.

As my father told me, the Lord said,

"Be fertile and increase.

A nation, an assembly of nations,

shall descend from you.

Kings shall issue from your loins.

The land I gave Abraham and Isaac

I now give to you.

And to your offspring to come,

I will give this land. "

Push! Push, Rachel, push. Push.

You have another son.


Rachel? Stay awake, Rachel!

Jacob! My sister, she's dying!


Call him...

... BenOni.

"Child of pain. "

No. Not BenOni.


"Child of happiness. "

Joseph! Joseph!

Joseph! Joseph!

Benjamin! Benjamin! Benjamin!




Bilah, spend a moment with me.

I have work, Reuben.

But I have things to tell you.

Important things.

Perhaps tomorrow.

You know this is my last night.

When Jacob returns,

I must go out with the herds.

I know.


... this is my last chance

to speak to you privately.

That's impossible, Reuben.

I belong to your father.

For now, Bilah.

But I am the eldest.

And all the concubines

that belong to him now...

... will belong to me sooner or later.




Are you m I've got Benjamin

sleeping in here with me.

Come, come.

I thought you should know.

I should send them both away. Go!

How could he do this to me?

How dare he do this to me!

Reuben seduces Bilah, Rachel's

maidservant who bore me children?

Bilah is like a mother to Benjamin.

Your sons give me nothing but grief.

Forcing us to leave Shechem like...

Like thieves!

Forcing us to take Rachel on a trek

that killed her! And now this?

He was wrong. I know that.

But once you speak to him...

No more words! Things must change!

Reuben is my firstborn, your first son.

No more words!

One phase of the moon,

then you return to help with the harvest.

Be careful. Be alert.

While you are gone,

Joseph will be in authority.

You will hear his words

as if they were mine.


Is this a game, Father?

I am the eldest.

And the one who shows me no respect.

You and Bilah shamed me

before the entire camp.

Simeon and Levi betrayed

my word at Shechem.

If my sons will not honor me,

I cannot honor them.

Here. Here. Here.

Come here, come here.


See what Joseph does.

Make him eat it.

Here he comes now.

Meat for supper, little brother.

Meat? From where?

A sheep. You can pick the one

for slaughter if you like.

Me? Never. Father specifically forbade us...

Well, he's not here, is he?

He's not stuck out here,

baking under the sun, living on dried fruit.

Here's a nice fat one

who'll stick to our ribs.

But what will you tell Father?

He won't find out.

At least, he'd better not.

No wagging tongues.

You'd lie to him?

Us? No. We wouldn't lie.

It's not our fault if the poor lamb strays off

and gets mauled by a mountain lion.

Understand, little brother?

What difference does it make?

He's got more sheep than anyone in Hebron.

But Father put me in charge of the sheep!

Sit down and be quiet.

Come on, Joseph.

Have something to eat.

It's only a lamb.

Poor little thing.

Mauled to death by a mountain lion.


I'm not hungry.

Look at the hide. Any fool can see

it was killed by a wild animal.

Let's give him a close look. Hey!

Any fool!

Right, brother?

Do you take me for a fool?!

I've been a shepherd my entire life.

I know the problems shepherds face.

I also know their tricks.

Father, we...

Silence! Now, take it away.

Get it out of my sight!

At least now we know

what to expect from Joseph.


He's a sp y.

He certainly looks like a prince.

So tall and strong.

Oh, Jacob, it's beautifully made.

Lf only his mother could see him now.

It's wonderful.

Surely I don't deserve it.

None of his brothers

have anything this fine.

None of them deserve it. He does.

He has proven his loyalty

and responsibility.

He has earned the coat,

just as he's earned the succession.

Now, leave me alone with him.

Go, all of you.


I'm honoring you, Joseph,

naming you my heir...

... next in line as heof the tribe.

You can count on all your sons, Father.

Some more than others.

Simeon, Levi, Reuben...

... I can never forget what they did.

The coat is a mark

that you will carry on the line.

When you wear it,

remember, it is a robe of honor.

Now, get some sleep.

We have a lot of work to do.

The harvest starts tomorrow.

Joseph, tell me again

what our mother was like.

She was gentle...

... kind, loving...

... and very beautiful.

More beautiful than Leah,

Zilpah and Bilah?

Yes, much more.

Is it true that I killed her?

Of course not.

Where did you ever get

such an idea?

I heard some of the women say

that she died because I was born.

That's foolishness, Benjamin.

That's not why she died.

Why, then?

I don't know why, Benjamin.

People are born...

... live...

... and die.

Even the stars fall and die...

... and the sun sets every day

just to be reborn the next morning.

I wish I'd have known Mother.

I'd never have let her go.

It's not that simple, little brother.

Hush, now. Go to sleep.

Are you going to sleep

in your new coat?


I love it so much.

I must sleep now.

Tomorrow's harvest.

Hard work.

So then we all began

to bind our sheaves...

... and brought them together

and set them upright.

And as soon as they were on end...

Well, don't stop now.

What happened?


... your sheaves all prostrated themselves.

They bowed down before mine.

That's it! I've taken all I can.

He's gone crazy

because of Father's promises.

He already thinks he's our master.

I also ha dream.

The smallest one walked and talked

and told tales.

No, be serious.

I've henough of him.

It's time we hthis out.

Tonight, after the day's work.

We'll see what Father thinks about this.

So we all began to bind our sheaves...

... and brought them together

and set them upright.

And as soon as they were on end...

... their sheaves bowed down

before mine.

Do you hear that, Father?

He dreams of being our master.

This has to be stopped!

Now, that's as foolish a thing

as I've ever heard.

Should I order the boy to stop dreaming?

Dreams have meanings.

And when God intends for us

to understand them, he'll make it all clear.

Until such time, all we can do is listen.

Joseph, you spoke of another dream.

Yes, Father.

Tell us.

I'd better not, I think.

If God gave you a dream,

you must share it with us.

I dreamt the sun and the moon

and the stars paid homage to me.

I don't know what that means.

Am I the sun, perhaps?

Surely not.

Your mother, the moon?

Your brothers, the stars?

I mean, should we all bow down to you?

Now you've listened to this madness...

... perhaps we can go back to the way

things were, the way things ought to be.

Yes, I'm sure you'd like that.

But dreams do not change

what happened at Shechem...

... or with the lambs in the fields.

Dreams do not change my decisions.

I'm sending you to see how the flocks

are doing, not to a feast.

Son, you're getting older, bigger...

... and where once your brothers

might resent you...

... as you gain strength and position,

they begin to feel very threatened by you.

I want you to try

and make peace with them.

Yes, Father. That's also what I want,

but sometimes their anger is...

Time will ease that

if you're more careful of their feelings.

Joseph, they're different than you are.

They're all brought up together

like a pack of lion cubs.

You and Benjamin are the children

of my old age.

You were given more attention, perhaps,

but your brothers see that as more love.

We both must help try to make them

see the truth, understand?

Yes, Father.


Then go safely and with a steady pace.

You should find them

within a two days' journey.

Each night grows colder

than the one before.

We have another cycle of the moon

before we can return.

I'm in no hurry.

The only thing waiting for us at Hebron

is our new master in his wonderful coat.

Come, little sheaves.

Bow down before the great man, Joseph.

Come on, bow!

Mercy! Mercy, master.

Please have mercy upon us.

A wild animal tore a little lamb to pieces!

Please, please!

Oh, we are innocent, O great Joseph.

Please have mercy upon us.

No, my brothers,

I'm in no hurry to see him again.

It's peaceful here.

Unless he comes looking for us.

I think we should move west.

What makes you think the pastures

will be better somewhere else?

We'll move west tomorrow,

to the region near Dothan.

The grass is fuller there.

Listen to him give orders

and predict what we'll find.

Must have been a dream.

Runs in the family.

The only thing I dream about is women.

But I do know that if we move on,

no one will know where we are.

And no one will be able to sp y on us.

I agree.

Let anyone who wants to find us...

... have to dream where we are.

What are you looking for?

I'm looking for my brothers.

They're pasturing the flock

somewhere near here.

They moved on. I heard them say

they were going to Dothan.

Thank you.

Are you sure they went west?

Last night I dreamt I was on

one of those ships that dock in Jaffa.

I hthree women. One hred hair,

the other gold, the third...

Your dreams don't count.

You're not Joseph.

I wonder. Father wasn't so pleased

with his last dream.

That's right.

What if they are prophetic?

All of us kneeling down to him,

Father too. Sickening!

Stop it. It's only a dream.

We'll end up bowing and scraping to him,

crawling to beg for favors.

Stop it.

What is it?

Here, brothers.

Look, the dreamer himself.

And in the coat.

I swear, I could rip it from his back.

Father sends you fresh food.

I say we kill him.


I say we kill him.

It's the only way to be done with him.

Hold your tongue. Don't even think it.

No, no, Simeon is right.

To kill him? Never!

To teach him a lesson,

throw him in a pit...

... but you don't spill your brother's blood!

It could happen.

A long journey by himself.

Thieves or mountain lions.

No, wait. We tried this with the lamb.

Father saw through it.

Imagine what he'd make of this.

The fact that he caught us

makes this one more believable.

He'd never expect us to lie a second time.

Especially about Joseph.


Well? This is the only chance

you'll ever have to be done with him.

To assume our rightful place.

Let's do it!

Have you lost your minds?

You can't spill a brother's blood!

Have you thought of the curse

which will fall on us?

Stop it! Stop it now

before it's too late!

Stop what?

Ignore him.

Don't speak to boys who come to work

in grooms' clothing.

You come in search of more tales?

Father wants a report, and he thinks

I'm the one to do the job. He told...

Forget what he told you. Report on me,

and it'll be the last thing you do!


I'll do as Father instructed.

I warn you!

Simeon, stop it!

I'll do as Father says.

Your warning smells of too much wine.

Hold him back!

Drop him!

Don't do it!

I'll remember, brother.

I'll remember that when the time came

to act for ourselves, you weren't there.

No, I wasn't.

Perhaps I'm just not as big and brave

as you are, brother.

You're letting him go?

What if he tells our father?

He won't do anything.

Not Reuben.

He stands the most to gain from all this.

With Joseph gone, who else will our father

put in line to replace him?

He'll be back.

I am Joseph, hail to me!

Take it off! Take it off!


Help me, brothers!


Help me!


Grow up, all of you!

Sitting and moping like women.

What's done is done.

Now, let's get on with our own business!

The boy is our business.


Was, brother, was.

There's no turning back.

Lf we pulled him out?

From the well where you

helped me throw him?

And have him tell Father what we did?

At least he's not de

We could tell Father we were

just trying to teach him a lesson.

And Father will teach us a thing or two.

The flocks are his, the tents,

the food, everything!

I've worked too hard to be disowned

and left with nothing.

No, brother, we'll have

to see this one through...

... because what our father

doesn't know can't hurt us.


Help me!



There's not much grazing left

in these fields.



I think it best if you and Levi take part of

the flock to fresh pastures near Shechem.

So you can fish out the boy

and throw the blame on us?



Help me! G

Oh, do something, Simeon,

before we all go insane!

We should have killed him.

I'll shut him up.

You want to fight me, brother?

Lf that's what it takes.

But you're not gonna kill him.

And you're not gonna fish him out.

If that's the only way to avoid

his blood on my hands...

... then fish him out we will.

To avoid spilling his blood,

you'll have to shed mine...

... if you can.

But I'm a reasonable man.

I'll give you till dawn

to come up with another suggestion.

Help me!


Help me!

Ishmaelite traders.

Now the boy must be killed,

before they hear his damned whining.

They're the answer!

Them? How?

They can take him for a slave.

Down to Egypt.

He'll live, our hands will be clean.

If he escapes, comes back

and tells Father what happened?

Ishmaelite and Egyptian slaves

don't escape!

They'd pay for him. There's money in it

for all of us, and no blood!


Twenty shekels, not a piece more.

In silver?

Of course.


What? What is it?


Brothers, help me! Please!

Brothers! Brothers!

Help me!

Come to save him?

I won't have his blood on my hands.

It's too late for that.

We found this on the ro

He must have gotten lost.

Wild animal.

No. No!

No! No!



What's left to me if Joseph is de

Joseph! Joseph!

Here, then, master,

is my version of events.

And may the Lord, my God,

stand by me as I speak only truth...

... and desert me if I lie.

If you lie, I will kill you.

It was the last day

of the harvest festival...

... the gratitude to the gods.

I set about arranging the house,

believing it to be empty.




I thought we understood each other.

Oh, I understood you...

... but I think you misjudged me.

So I've decided to give you

a second chance.


Oh, Joseph.

Perhaps... Perhaps if we talked more...

... became close...

... perhaps you might see me differently.

You might see how melancholy I am.

My husband is so busy all the time.

Loneliness is a terrible thing, Joseph.

I know you hurt, but...

Oh, you are not a common man.

Where does the mystery

come from with you?

Where are you from?

This house is my home now.

Tell me about your father.

You once said he was a prince.

Does he have many herds of animals?

Servants, fields?


So he's a powerful man.

Do you think he's happ y

with his wealth?

I don't think my father's wealth

brings him much joy.

Then what would?

I expect if he could see me again.

You know, your freedom

is within my gift.


But I can't. It would offend God.

You know you want me.

Look how you're shaking.

You want me as much as I want you.

Come, Joseph.

Come lie with me.

Leave me!


Who do you think you are, you fool?

You dare lay a hand on your mistress?

My husband would kill you for this.

Is that all?

As I swear before the Lord, my God.

Summon the household.


Let them all hear him sentenced...

... to death.

I have heard the reports

and weighed them.

The slave is guilty.

Here, then, is my decision.

As I say it, so it be written,

so it be done.

The slave is to be taken to the Pharaoh's

prison and held there at my pleasure.

The jailer is to report to me weekly

on his treatment and his progress.

Thus is this matter now closed.

Bring him.

You humiliated me.

You sent him to prison at your pleasure?

What about my honor?

What honor?

How dare you.

I know you, wife.

I know you.

You don't understand.

Whatever you believe of me...

... how can you let him live?

How can you humiliate me like that?

Because one humiliation

deserves another.


... anyone who knows Joseph

also knows that if he swears by his god...

... he's telling the truth.

What is more important to you?

His god...

... or my good name?

The truth.


Yes, that's what matters.

Well, then...

... you might as well set him free...

... and complete my shame.

Wherever he is...

... whatever happens to him...

... he is free.

Because his god is with him.

Get in there! Come on!



My God!

Why have you forsaken me?


Pay heed to Potiphar,

chief steward of the Pharaoh.

Peace be with you, master.

Do you know about this?

The warder said only to expect

two new prisoners.

The excellence of your work here

is becoming common knowledge.

They say the prisoners

have never eaten better.

The warder's never been richer.

The Pharaoh has never hto spend less

to keep his jails running.

Ten times a day,

I'm asked how you do it.

God blesses my work, master.

As I've seen for myself.

I know that one day

he'll see me gone from this place.

He'll have to deal with the Pharaoh first.

I'm not so sure they're on speaking terms.

As you see, two very fine specimens.

Fine garments. Royal eye tattoos.

Men of station and breeding.

The fat one is...

Well, was, Pharaoh's baker.

The scrawny one, his cupbearer.

Important men.

How did they end up here?

Accused of theft.

The Pharaoh's bracelet of the sun.

The mark of the true sun god.

It's gone. Missing.

Pharaoh's seers and prognosticators

say that one of these two is the culprit.

Then their lives are over.


But you never know what can happen.

In case they get out of this place

and find themselves restored at court...

... it would serve you well

to serve them well.

You understand?

Completely, master.

You do this well, Joseph,

and you can give me a valuable ally...

... when the time comes to pleyour case

with Pharaoh himself.

May your god be with you.

I am Joseph, my lords.

I have been instructed to attend you

during your stay here.

Are you the warder?

No, my lord, his servant.

You must be the Semite

who does the warder's work for him.

I am honored that you know

of me, my lord.

Yes. The court knows how well

you serve your masters.

And their wives.

There are many stories

that have no truth, my lord.

Are you calling Potiphar a liar, slave?

No, my lord.

Are you calling his beautiful wife a liar?

I accuse no one, my lord.

Really? Well...

... I accuse you, slave.

I accuse you of staining

Potiphar's wife's good name...

... of calling Potiphar a liar!

Guard! Guard, come here!

Beat this man with your whip.

Careful, my friend.

We are in his prison.

His prison? He's a slave!

Potiphar will thank me

for punishing such insolence.

Don't look to this slave

for permission.

I serve in the court of the Pharaoh,

god on earth.

Do as I tell you!

You will not slander

the name of Potiphar!

You will not slander

the name of his wife!

He will praise me

for upholding his honor!




They say this season's market

will be bigger than last.

I hope so. It gets harder

to scratch out a living.

Judah, you don't have the animals

to prosper. You know that.

You need good, rutting males,

healthy shegoats, ewes that...

I won't return to my father's camp.

I can't live with Jacob's sorrow.

He still mourns the loss of Joseph,

and the entire settlement is a pool of grief.

As a widower,

I've enough of my own.

I will give your camel water, master.

Now, there's a sight.

A whore. A Canaanite

who hides her face.

They're always bewitching.

It's a strange custom,

but it adds to the mystery.


... lie with me and ease your mind.

While lining your pockets.

Who can put a price on a moment's escape

from the troubles of the world?

I have no money with me.

My friend is a recent widower...

... and while he may not have money

with him, he does own fine flocks.

Perfect animals.

The softest fleece you've ever felt.

Though I can't say what

someone like you might have felt.

I see no herds.

They're at the market.

I could bring you a sheep

on the way back.


And until then?

Only my word.

Then you can leave me your staff

and seal as a pledge.

Tomorrow, when you bring the fleece...

... I'll return them.

Life is hard on you?

A barren daughterinlaw

that buried my first son.

People die.

They do.

But as is the custom with my people,

I forced my second son to marry her...

... so that his brother's wealth

would not be lost.

And he, too, died.

Misfortune indeed.

You have other family?

Eleven brothers.

... but the second youngest

was taken by a wild animal.

Ever since, not a day passes...

... but my father sheds a tear

at the youngster's memory.

His sorrow was so thick I hto leave

and start my own encampment.

You grieve as if the boy's death

was your fault.

Never! In no way!

Why would you even think

such a thing?

No injury intended.

You're a very fine woman.

Thank you.

Until tomorrow, then...

... when I bring you your fleece...

... and redeem my staff and seal.

Until tomorrow.

Pay homage to Potiphar,

chief steward to...

Peace be upon you, master.

Guard the door, Ednan. The door.


The warder says your guests

aren't sleeping well.

It seems their sleep's

troubled by dreams?

They're not alone.

Strange dreams.

Full of signs.

As soon as I learned of this,

I came myself...

... because I know of your gift

for reading the messages of the night.

Redeem yourself

by interpreting for them.

You can't remain silent now that

they know you have this special gift.

How do they know?

I'm due back at court.

Pharaoh's men work night and day

to retrieve the bracelet.

They'll have it before long.

I hear you have the gift

of second sight.

At times, master,

when God sees fit to grant it.

How low have we fallen?

Listening to the ramblings of a Semite slave.

The ability to interpret dreams

is a gift from God.

Then why don't you see how well

he can do for you, vintner.

I intend to.

Be seated, Joseph.

Here is my dream.

I was in a vineyard

in the countryside.

There was a vine in front of me,

and on the vine were three branches...

... one of which began to bud.

Now, no sooner hit budded

than it blossomed...

... and its clusters became rich grapes.

I hPharaoh's cup in my hand.

I picked the grapes and I squeezed them

into Pharaoh's cup.

And then I handed the cup to Pharaoh.

Now, can you interpret?

This is what it means.

The three branches are three days.

In another three days,

the Pharaoh will lift up your he..

... and restore you to your position.

Then you will hand the Pharaoh his cup,

as you have always done.

Rest easy. Your days here are numbered.

Can it be true?

Now listen to me, slave.

I, too, ha dream.

There were three wicker trays

on my he

In the top tray were all kinds

of pastries for Pharaoh...

... such as a baker might make.

But birds were eating them

off the tray on my he

Give me its meaning.

I am sorry.

I cannot interpret that dream.

You can.

I know you can.

You're hiding something from me.

Tell me what it means.

Very well.

This is what I believe

your dream to mean.

The three trays are also three days.

In another three days, the Pharaoh

will lift up your heas well...

... by hanging you from a gallows.

Then the birds will eat the flesh

from your bones.

The Pharaoh's bracelet has been found.

Warrants have been issued.

What does it say?

She promised she'd be here!

More to your good fortune she's not.

You kept your end of the bargain.

If she's not here, you get the sweet memory

of her bed and get to keep your animals.

I gave her my staff and seal

as a pledge, remember?

Come. I think I can find her home.

My punishment will never end.


I am most grateful for your judgment

in this matter.

I always knew, even in the darkest days,

that I could always...


I trust my master's stay here

was made as easy as possible.

Yes, yes.

Considering the circumstances.

Now, repeat everything

you've learned, Benjamin.

The table of the descendants of Terah...

Abram, Nahor and Haran...

You know I have the lines

of our family memorized.

Shouldn't I help my brothers

pen the flocks?

Their backs are strong enough

for the job.

For you, this is more important.

You have to carry on the line.

But I'm the youngest, Father.

Reuben, even Judah...

Could spend a lifetime showing me

they're not up to the task.

It would have been Joseph

who would've carried on the line...

... but my other sons...

It was a wild animal who took Joseph.

You can't go on blaming

the others forever.

We must take our signs from God.

In my heart, I know Rachel was called

to give us the next in line.

And with Joseph gone, that means

you must keep our traditions alive.

Maintain Abraham's covenant

with our Lord, blessed be his name.

Now, young man, back to the tables.

And the sons of Abraham

were Isaac and Ishmael.

And Isaac begat Esau and Jacob.

Esau, who was called Edom, took wives...

Father! Father!

Father. Quickly. It's Judah.


Look, it's Judah!

Judah has returned!

Judah has returned!


He's returned after all these years, Judah!






Naphtali, Naphtali.




Hey, Judah.


And little Benjamin.

Though not so little anymore.

And my father.

My father, Jacob.

Welcome to my... Our camp.

To you and yours...

... though I am surprised to see you.

I couldn't stay away from you, Father.

Especially now...

... when my clan faces a problem

that needs a wiser hethan mine.

What sort of problem?

Tamar, widow of two of my sons...

... and betrothed to Selah, my third,

is with child.

And Selah is the father?

No. And she refuses to say

who she laid with.

And no matter how hard we press her...

... she stays silent.

Then, by custom, she must be banished.

But by Canaanite way...

... when a woman lies with a man

other than her betrothed...

... she must die.

What should I have done, Father?

I gave her my firstborn in marriage,

and he died childless.

So I insisted my second son marry her,

as his duty to the family.

Still she remained barren.

Then when he died...

You promised your son Selah,

as is our custom.

But I kept delaying the marriage.

The woman's cursed, Father.

She buries husbands before

there are sons to replace them.

I lost two boys I loved.

Should I have risked a third?

I know the pain of losing a child

you love dearly.

I know it well.


She'll speak of anything you ask...

... except the father of the child

in her stomach.

And she's unafraid.

This is not our problem, Jacob.

That much is true, Judah.

You left this camp...

... and established your own line.

You must be responsible for yourself

and the decisions you made.

We'll take her back to our camp.

There, by Canaanite custom...

... she must die.

We leave at first light.

Finelooking flock.

Well, there is rumor there's some

outbreak of fever among...

So, what do you have? A knife?

You think that by killing me

you can save your own life?

You do me a favor, whore!

By trying to spill my blood, you justify

my own decision to see you executed.


I only did it because I wanted a child.

This child that is rightfully mine.

A son to continue

the name of my husband Er...

... your own son and firstborn.

But you didn't give Selah to me when he

came of age, as you should have done.

You're a very courageous girl, Tamar.

But not brave enough to face death.

That won't happen.

I have enough to answer for.

The crime of taking your life for something

I have done is more than I can bear.

You were right and I was wrong.

I should have given you to Selah.

The only sin there is belongs to me.

You will live to have your child...

... and raise him as a mother should...

... living in your own tent...

... with respect...

... and love.

Pay heed as the god Ra

walks among you.

Pay heed to the Pharaoh,

sun of the heavens...

... Ra incarnate.

The Pharaoh is Ra.

Ra is the Pharaoh.

As the god Ra fills

the heavens with the sun...

... so the Pharaoh Ra on earth

does the same here below.

Potiphar, the gods must be blinding you.

A fool can see I shed no light.

The Pharaoh is not well.

Physician, attend the god on earth!

It's not my body that ails!

If you knew your signs, vizier...

... you'd see it's my heart

that weighs me down.

I'm beginning to wonder

if you know your art.

If the Pharaoh is in pain,

then let him speak of it...

... and the answer will be his.

Dreams. I am haunted by dreams.

I dreamt...

I dreamt I was in the great river...

... communing with my spirit

in the heavens.

Near me were seven...

... wonderfully fat

and gentle water cows...

... who seemed to float along with me.

It was serene.

So very serene.

But we were not alone.

Horrible, starving cows

suddenly appeared...

... and the thin, wretched cows

ate the sleek, fat cows.

I woke in a cold sweat...

... and, to my horror...

... when I finally got back to sleep,

I ha second dream...

... just as frightening.

In this dream...

... there were seven plump ears of corn...

... growing on a stalk.

Then seven blighted ears...

... meager and scorched

by the east wind...

... sprouted teeth

and devoured the good ears.

What can these dreams possibly mean?

They can't be a good sign.

Let us begin.

A cup of wine.

Majesty, as might be expected

from the messages to god...

... there is a balance

in these holy dreams.

First, the sacred, lifegiving Nile...

... and then the divine presence

of the omnipotent Pharaoh himself.

The healthy cows

and then the lean cows.

The ripe ears and then the unripe ears.

I know what was in the dreams.

I hthem!

Your job is to tell me what they mean.

We do not know, Majesty.

How can you remain silent...

... when you know of a man

who can ease your Pharaoh's mind?

I dare not, master.

The Pharaoh's mood is black.

I dare not remind him

that I was in his disfavor.

Come on, man. Don't be a fool.

But I am a humble winebearer, master.

It is for you, Potiphar,

the chief steward.

It is for you to speak up.

More wine!

May I speak with you, Pharaoh?

Only so others may not hear.

You'd have the dreams

of your Pharaoh...

... interpreted by an alien slave?

Sire? The Semite slave...

... interpreted both this man's dreams

and that of the baker.

He saw the Pharaoh's hand

in our dreams...

... and predicted

his judgments accurately.

Well, this slave of yours,

how is he called?

Joseph, sire.

Bring me Joseph the Semite

from the dungeon...

... and tell him nothing about my dreams.

What is this?

I order you, speak!

What are you doing?


What have I done?

Lie prostrate, quick.

I cannot. You know that.

You what?

Truly, the Pharaoh is greatness itself...

... but, sire, my faith decrees

I can kneel only before God himself.

Even on pain of death.

Come forward.

Take heed, magicians.

Whatever else, I know this man

won't lie to me to save his life.

Look upon my face.

But surely, great Pharaoh,

this is forbidden.

Only to people who know our god.

Since you hold some primitive being

in higher regard...

... I expect that you can look upon me

without burning up.

Try it.

I'm told you've learned the secret

of reading messages of the night.

Interpreting dreams is not a thing to be

learned, Pharaoh. It is a gift from God.

Careful! One mention

too many of this god...

... and you'll be at his side

with your heunder your arm.

So you've been given this gift?

I imagine we shall soon see, Pharaoh.

Your life...

... depends upon what we shall see.

Now, listen carefully.

In my dream...

... there were seven cows,

fat and sleek...

... and they grazed peacefully...

He's a very beautiful boy.

Yes, he is.

Do you know what his crime was?

I've heard the rumors,

but I don't believe it.

He doesn't strike me as a fool...

... and everyone knows

that Potiphar's wife deceives him.

I've never seen such poor cows

in all of Egypt.

But it was impossible to tell

they heaten the fat cows...

... for they looked as wretched as ever.

Was there a second dream?

We have told him nothing, sire.


In the second dream...

... there were seven ears of grain,

beautifully ripe.

Then, sprouting up behind them...

... were seven withered ears of grain

which devoured the ripe ones.

God has revealed to Pharaoh

what he intends to do.


Pharaoh's dreams are one and the same.

The seven fine cows

and seven ripe ears of grain...

... represent seven years of plenty.

The seven wretched cows

and seven shriveled ears of grain...

... are years of great want.

There will be seven years

of famine, my lord.



As if my brother, the sun,

and sister, the moon...

... would send me messages

only a slave could re

Potiphar, take him from my sight!

Get him back to his dungeon

and keep him there...

... until I decide how best

to deal with him.




Husband, another dream

to ruin all our sleep?

No, the same one.

This is too important to ignore.

I'm lost, wife.

Help me.


And risk your anger?

No, I'll keep my own counsel, my lord.

Asenath here, on the other hand...


Let me guess.

She's so taken with this foreign slave.

Oh, yes.

Nothing escapes Pharaoh's eye,

young woman :

She thinks he has the answer.

By your own word, lord, we know

he does nothing against his conscience...

... even on pain of death.

And you yourself

seem reluctant to see him hanged.

There must be a reason

you held your mighty hand...

... spared him to live to see another day.

I've thought long and hard

of your reading of my messages.

Have you?

Yes, master.


I am certain that Pharaoh has been blessed

by a warning from the Lord himself.

So assume, then, that

your reading is accurate.

Is there nothing we can do

to prevent this disaster?

Yes, master, there is.


Pharaoh must select a wise and honest man

and set him above the land of Egypt.

He must see that Pharaoh's overseers...

... collect a fifth of what is produced

during the years of plenty...

... and store it for use

during the years of famine.

In that way, Egypt will not be destroyed

by the drought.

Impossible. Storing seven years of grain.

It's impossible.

Is there no other way to avert disaster?

No, master.

Nothing like this

has ever been attempted.

So a fifth of all the harvest...

... would be entrusted to Pharaoh.

Yes, master. All Egypt would be required

to pay you this tribute.

It would call for a man

of exceptional talent.

That excludes each of you!

Potiphar, perhaps.

The answer is obvious.

There could be no better man

for this job...

... than this man himself.

Can we find anyone endowed

with the spirit of god as he is?

I think not.

Well said, wife.

Now, hear the word of Pharaoh,

Ra on earth, god as man:

You shall be my chancellor.

And all my people

shall respect your orders.

Only this throne shall set me above you.

I make you the governor

of all of Egypt.

I set you over my house...

... my people, my entire kingdom.

Without your consent,

no man shall lift up hand or foot...

... in all of Egypt.

Your name shall be...

... Zaphenathpaneah.

And this fine woman

shall be your wife.

The Pharaoh is Ra.

He sees into the depths of every being.

God has seen and spoken.

Pharaoh is Ra.

Pharaoh is Ra.

Pharaoh is Ra.

This time your god's blessing

makes you master, even of me.

Pharaoh is Ra.

Pharaoh is Ra.

I trust you'll treat me kindly.

What is your name?


I'm the daughter

of the high priest of On.

Excuse me, but what is my new name?

I have forgotten it.


Zaphenathpaneah. What does it mean?

"The savior. "

The savior.

Am I pleasing to you?

Yes. Yes.


I present to you...

... Zaphenathpaneah.


If you will permit me, Joseph...

I'm sorry. Zaphenathpaneah.

In this great task,

you'll need someone at your side...

... as you were once at mine.

To serve thee, master,

would be a high honor...

... but my sins against you are many.

On your feet, Ednan.

Forgiveness is greater than vengeance...

... compassion more powerful than anger.

As I myself have learned.

May your god watch over you.

Like all Egypt...

... my life depends on it.

Go now.




Make way!

Make way there!

Make way!

My son.

How fortunate a child

to have so beautiful a mother.

Have you decided

on a name for your son?

He shall be called Manasseh...

... which in my tongue means

"causing to forget. "

And God has made me

forget my hardship.

I doubt that you've forgotten

the house of your father, Joseph.

Jacob would be pleased

to learn his son...

... has become the secondmost

powerful man in the world.

And your beloved brother Benjamin

would be pleased as well.

I wonder what sort of a man

Benjamin has become.

Perhaps he, too, has a son.

But it's not for me to know.

Not yet.

God in his own good time will decide.

My place now is here...

... with you...

... and Manasseh.

Manasseh! Ephraim!



Father, Father!

Father, Father!

Manasseh, Ephraim.

You should be learning the ciphers.

Season started well.

The Nile flooded, but the rains

didn't last long enough.

If it goes on like this,

there'll be no crop to speak of this year.

Zaphenathpaneah! Come quickly!

Fires are raging out of control

in the fields north of the city.

It's begun...

... as God promised.

The wells are clogging, but they'll hold.

And for a while, at any rate, there'll be

water to drink. But the grain runs low.

Two phases of the moon

and we'll have to eat the animals...

... insteof feeding them.

Once they are gone, Father...

And without grain for us

and the animals...

Starvation kills us all.


Well, Hirah, my old friend and ally...

... says the reports of vast stocks

of grain and fodder in Egypt are true.

Which is all well and good for the

Egyptians, but why should they care...

... what happens to us?

They don't.

But they do care

what happens to our money.

He's already sent his caravan

with silver and loomwork to trade.

As if an Egyptian trader can be trusted.

Listen for once.

It's not in the hands

of private traders.

Their Pharaoh has set one man

above all others to supervise his affairs.

You deal with him.

We are not people who measure

our wealth in silver.

We can't carry fields to Egypt.

The animals would die before we arrived.

We'd better move eastward.

Asher, don't interrupt.

Over the years...

... the tribe has earned

some silver and gold.

I've kept it because I believed that one day

God would show us a use for it.

Could there be a better use than this?

No, I think not.

It's a long trek,

and the roads are filled with thieves.

Which is why you must all go.

Properly armed, you'll find

there's safety in numbers.

All of us? And who

will tend to things here?

There'll be nothing to tend

if you don't go.

All of you...

... except for Benjamin.

But, Father...


You're the last link to Rachel left.

I will not see you lost as I did Joseph.

Prepare the animals.

You leave at nightfall.

I'll give you the silver then.

First he raised Joseph above us,

now Benjamin.

Then so be it!

We'll not tease God a second time.


Yes, master, it's just...

Well, this man's dialect. I know...

Never mind. Give him what he needs.

Go. Go!

Are you well, Zaphenathpaneah?

They're here. I'm sure they're here.


My brothers.

Your brothers?

The ones in Canaanite dress.

What should I do, master?

Bring them to me.

You, you, you.

Come, all of you, come!

This way. Bring them all.

All of these men.

You, you, you, come! And you!

Lift your heads.

Look upon your master.

They don't even recognize me.

O mighty one, have mercy.

We come from Canaan,

where the drought destroys everything.

We bring silver to trade...

... so that we and our families

might survive.

Your master, Zaphenathpaneah...

... asks why your Canaanite gods

do not provide for your needs.

We're not like the other Canaanites,

great master.

We worship our own God.

But we sojourn in the land of Canaan.

The master says you are spies.


No, master.

Our father sent us to buy food.

The master says no, you are spies,

sent to see the weakness of Egypt.

No, master. We are nothing more than

shepherds, sons of Jacob, son of Isaac.

What man would send all his sons

on such a mission and leave himself alone?

What you see are not all his sons.

One other...

... the youngest...

... he is called Benjamin,

remains with our father.

A man is fortunate indeed

to have such a wealth of sons.

Are you sure you speak the truth

of your number?

There was one other, master.

A brother called Joseph,

but he was taken from us.

What enemy would send

brothers as spies?

Take them! Now! Take them!

No! No!

Why us? There were hundreds there today,

and the Egyptians picked us out to be spies.

We must be able

to prove he's wrong.

What would you suggest, brother?

We probably wouldn't be here

if you'd paid more respect.

Leave it alone!

What kind of fool uses

an excuse like that?

Stop it! Stop it!

Arguing won't get us out of here.

Then what will?

Not what, but who!

God. Is this his final punishment

for what we did?


Now we know how Joseph must have felt.

Not quite! We have each other.

You left him alone!

"You"? We!

We put him in the well.

There's no point dwelling on that!

you've harped on the same thing.

But what's done is done! And one thing

has nothing to do with another!

Are you sure, brother?

That's the last you speak of it!

Reuben, no!

Give it back, it's mine!

No! It's mine. I found it.

I did.


Manasseh. Ephraim.

Look what Manasseh did.

Yes, yes, we can't have that.

Joseph, are you ill?

Then what is it?

I saw my brothers today.

That's wonderful.

You always said they'd come to you.

More good fortune from the troubles.

They came to the granary.

The drought has reached Canaan.

I wish I could've been there

to see their faces when they saw you.

The governor of all of Egypt.

You would have been disappointed.

I've waited all these years,

and then they didn't even recognize me.

How can that be possible?

they last saw me. I was still a boy.

Not surprising.

Where are they now?

In the prison.

In the prison?


Because my anger was stronger

than my compassion.

And what will you do with them?

My father's people are in need of food.

I must send them back.

Why not just reveal yourself to them.

Because they seem unchanged...

... no different from when

they betrayed me.

Perhaps God will reveal a way

to test them.


I'm not sure.

Well, I want to see these men

to whom I owe my happiness.

After all, it was their cruelty

that brought you here...

... gave you to me, saved Egypt.

And it's to them our children

owe their existence.

Another of your curious insights.

But I'm not so sure God is ready

to see this thing forgotten.

God, or you?

You must bring them.

I have to at least meet little Benjamin.

Benjamin was left with my father.

I'm sorry.

I know he's the one who counted most.

But they are all your brothers.

Blood of your blood.

Your master, Zaphenathpaneah...

... will allow you to buy the grain

you need to feed your people.

These sacks have provisions

for your journey.

But the accusations against you

still stand.

Evidence that your story is true

and you're not spies...

... will depend upon proof of the existence

of the missing brother.

But your master, Zaphenathpaneah,

is a merciful man.

Thus, he will keep only one of you here.

He will be released when the rest of you

return from Canaan with that brother.

You wish us to return to our father,

then journey once again to Egypt?

Yes. With the missing brother.

That one shall remain with us.

No! No! No!

Now, go!


And return swiftly

with the missing brother.

You've probably seen the last of them.

It will be difficult

for them to keep away.

The drought has just begun.

The silver they gave in payment,

did you do what I asked?

As ever, master.

There's some water here, at least.

We camp here tonight.

Issacar! Issacar!

Open your bag of grain

and feed the animals.

What's this?

The silver I used to buy the grain.

What kind of game

is God playing with us now?

We can't stay here.

Feed the animals quickly.

We'll travel through the night.

Father! Father's home!

Father's returned!

Father! Father!




The only proof of our story...

... he'll accept is Benjamin.

And the only way to redeem Simeon.

But after that, he promises

we can trade freely in Egypt.

The grain is abundant, the best quality.

Is this is all the Egyptian asks?

Just for my youngest?

Is there more to this sorry tale?

What is that?

The money with which

we purchased the grain.

What's it doing here?

We don't know, Father. Perhaps God...

Be careful what you lay

at the door of the Lord.

Blessed be his name.

Blessed be his name.

Why? Why did you tell this man

I hanother son?

First I lose Joseph, then Simeon.

And you, poor soul,

want me to give him Benjamin.

Well, hear my words.

It will not happen.

I will never, never risk Benjamin

to your care. Never!

But, Father, Simeon rots in an

Egyptian jail like a common criminal.

How do I know Benjamin

won't meet that same fate?

Or this Egyptian might put you all

to the sword?

Perhaps if I went...

You have no say in this.


I cannot leave Simeon there.

Please, let me do

as this Egyptian suggests.

If we don't return, I offer you

the lives of my own two sons.

A typical idea of yours, Reuben.

If I lose Benjamin, I can begin

exterminating my entire family.

Is that your grand solution?

Now, hear me!

This is my last son by Rachel.

I will not risk losing him.

Now, go about your business and pray.

Pray that the grain you brought back

will outlast the drought.

Nowhere to go, Father.

We don't have many choices left.

You know my mind in this matter!

We will not talk of it again!

Another month

and we'll not talk of anything.

Soon we will all die...

... and the line started by Abraham

will have vanished.

And what would you have me do?

Listen for once.

Think about what God promised you.

Then listen to your sons and see if what

they have to say doesn't make sense.

Unless you want to see us all die...

... because you're too frightened

to trust God.

What has this to do with trusting God?

Isn't it obvious?

He's left you only one way out.

One roto our survival.

And it leads through Egypt.

Egypt is our only salvation, Jacob.

Jacob. Come.

These are the finest gifts we can offer.

Present them to the Egyptian

along with this.

Silver enough for double payment...

... for the grain you will buy

and the grain you brought back.

Have an easy mind, Father.

All will be well.

I know it.

May God go with you

at your right hand...

... and bring you back safely to me.

Why have we been brought here

to the great one's house?

Because of the silver

we found in our sacks.

But we don't know how it got there.

All we need do is be truthful.


What silver?

I know I received payment for your grain.

But we hmoney

in our grain nonetheless.

Here, we offer double repayment.

You owe us nothing. Whatever you found

must be a gift from that god of yours.

Master, our other brother, Simeon.

He's in health?

Alive, you mean?


Welcome to Egypt!

Are you all right?

Where did you get the tunic?

Is that linen?

The answer to every question is yes.

I don't really understand it.

But from the time you went away,

I sat back...

... eating and drinking

like the Pharaoh himself.

Come. You must be washed

before you dine with the master.

You will sit here...

... aside from the master.

This is a great honor.

Egyptians never eat with strangers.

To them, it is considered

an abomination.

Now, you will sit in the order I tell you.


Benjamin, you will sit here.

So that's Benjamin.

A handsome young man

if ever I saw one.

And I hope a pure spirit.


Enough delay.





... he who guides us on the roof life.

Lift up your heads.

Your master asks,

is your father in good health?

Yes, master, and he sends you

these gifts as homage.

So this is the brother

of whom you spoke.

What is your name?

I am Benjamin, master.

How is it, master,

that you come to speak our tongue?

Have you been to our land?

God be gracious to you, my son.

Was I wrong to ask the master

how he came to speak our tongue?

The master has traveled widely.

He understands a great deal.

Look. We're sitting according

to the order of our birth.


... and Simeon...

... Levi...

... Judah, Dan...

... Naphtali, Gand Asher...

... Issacar, Zebulon...

... finally me.

I divined the order of your birth

by looking into my magic cup.

It is a great honor.

The master has given you the food

from his own plate.

Thank you, master.

We eat the same dish at home.

In fact, this is the favorite food

of my father.

I could have done

with a little more sleep.

I don't understand.

He was so friendly last night.

Yet now he has us roused from our beds

before the cock crows...

... and sends us on our way.

Look, our asses are already

loaded down with grain.

Why did you return good with evil?

What can you possibly mean?

You deny stealing from my master?

What kind of fools

would you take us for?


If you find anything,

you can kill the culprit...

... and make slaves of the rest of us.

What have you done, you little fool?

Have you taken leave of your senses?

Why did you do such a wicked thing?

Master, we have done nothing.

Then how do you explain it?

God is punishing us for a crime

we committed many years ago.

It seems he wants us all to taste

the bitterness of slavery...

... for surely we are all your slaves now.

I am not a vindictive man.

You can return to your father,

I shall keep only Benjamin.


You dare raise your voice to me?

Men can die for less.

A thousand pardons, master...

... but the very idea is unthinkable.

Master, I cannot pretend to grasp

the meaning of these strange happenings.

Benjamin has never stolen in his life.

Never, master.

And he's too clever to take a cherished

object from a man as powerful as you.

Nor do I know how the money

got into our sacks previously.

Perhaps it was all the work of God.

Master, please. Spare the life of Benjamin,

beloved son of our father's old age.

Losing Benjamin

would kill our old father...

... whom we have

already wounded deeply.

Take me as a slave in place of Benjamin.

Allow the boy

to go home to his father.

No. Benjamin will stay with me.


I'm sorry, master, but we must take

the boy back to our father!

Or die in the attempt?

see such pain in our father's eyes again!

of wretched cowardice!

No, master!

So you are now ready to sacrifice

your lives for one of your brothers?

Why, then, did you not do the same

for the other one?

The one you said died, when, in truth,

you yourselves sold him into slavery.

You know about Joseph?


Because he is alive.


He's here in this palace.

Joseph, alive?

In fact, he's in this room.

Leave us.

I said, leave us. Get out!

Guards! Come!

I am Joseph.



It is...

... my brother Joseph!

Yes. It is I.

But be at peace.

Come closer.

Don't be afraid, I will not harm you.

Am I to take the place of God?


It is not for me to punish you.

You meant evil against me, yes.

But God meant it for good.

To bring it about that many people

should be kept alive, as they are today.

So fear not.

I shall provide for you

and for your families...

... and especially for our father.

I am most to blame.

I deserve to be enslaved...

... or killed.


My brother...

... I shall not kill you.

That is not the lesson the Lord,

blessed be his name, has put before us.

Blessed be his name.

Perhaps we have learned the meaning

of brotherhood, of family.

And that wherever we may go,

no matter how God's plan separates us...

... we must always be true

to one another...

... to be family.

You must return for our father.

Tell him of what I have achieved and

move him here with all your belongings.

I want you near me

so I may provide for you...

... during the remaining years of the famine.

I have spoken to the Pharaoh.

All is prepared.

Come to me.

Come to me.

I'm your brother.

I am Joseph.

Blessed be his name.

Blessed be his name.

Blessed be his name.



Truly, this is my Joseph.

My son, my son.

I did not think

to ever see your face again.

And these, I see to be my grandchildren.

Rachel's light shines in their eyes.

Come, come, my children.

Come that I might bless you.


I am indeed blessed that I have again

held you in my arms...

... and laid eyes upon your sons.

Now, truly, I can die in peace.

There will be no talk of death, my father.

Then God will it.

And then you will

take me back to Canaan...

... the land God promised Abraham.

And it will be as the Lord promised.

Our descendants

shall be known as Israel...

... and will be a multitude of nations...

... each brother unto himself...

... a tribe of Israel.


طاقم التمثيل

توصيات المستخدمين

Bite Night
يجتمع فيلم "شهر العسل المسكون" مع "أفضل صديق لي هو مصاص دماء" ويجتمع مع "فكرة". عندما تتمكن ثلاث سيدات جميلات من جذب انتباه مجموعة من الأشرار بأصواتهن الساحرة. لقد أصبحوا الضيوف المحظوظين أو بالأحرى ضحايا منزل فاليس. لكن الأمور تنقلب فجأة عندما تدرك السيدات أنهن في الواقع الضحايا المؤسفات للجنون الذي خلقنه بأنفسهن.

مراجعات المشاهدين