Dirty Grandpa
نظرة عامة
يفصل "جيسون كيلي" أسبوع واحد عن الزواج من ابنة رئيسه المسيطرة، مما يضعه على المسار السريع للشراكة في مكتب المحاماة. ومع ذلك، عندما يتم خداع جيسون ذو الأربطة المستقيمة ليقود جده ذو الفم الكريه، ديك، إلى دايتونا لقضاء عطلة الربيع، يصبح حفل ​​زفافه المعلق في خطر فجأة. بين حفلات الأخوية الصاخبة، ومعارك الحانات، وليلة كاريوكي ملحمية، يسعى ديك ليعيش حياته على أكمل وجه ويصطحب جيسون معه في الرحلة.
تاريخ الاصدار
تم إصداره
معرف IMDB
معرف TMDB
الشركات المنتجة
Covert Media
BillBlock Media
QED International
Josephson Entertainment
Ninjas Runnin' Wild Productions
Jason is ready for adulthood. His grandpa isn't.

نص الفيلم

إنِ لستُ سيما كلوب أفهم لماذا ينبغي

.(أن تذهب إلى فشار سيما ماي (فلوريدا

!أنتó حضيت سيما فوريو بجنازةò لتوك

كنّا سيما فور يو أنا وجدتكó افلام بديل ماي سيما افلام ديزني 2022 ماي سيما ذاهبون لهناك

...في هذا افلام سينما الوقت من السنة

يبدو وكأنه نحنُ نقترب من حفل زفافنا

...مع بروفة الغداء في افلام اكشن 2023 يوم الجُمعة

.أنا ايجي موقع سيما كلوب بست الأصلي افلام هندي 2022 فور يو خائفةñ افلام اكشن 2023 ماي سيما بالطو مترجم كامل جديد فحسب


أيمكنك مسلسل الاصلي افلام مصرية فيلم سطار السعودي كوميدية 2023 أن تأخذ سيارتي يا عزيزي؟

بحاجة إلى السيارة عالم سكر رباعية الدفع

.لأجل النبيذ

لنذهب الآن إلى تلك السيارة

!التي أتيت بها إلى هنا ونرحلó من افلام اكشن 2022 مترجم كامل جديد افلام هنا

.(نحن افضل افلام 2023 متجهين إلى (دايتونا

إذاً أترغبون باللحاق منهو ولدنا ماي سيما بنا افلام افضل افلام نتفلکس وى سيما 2022 افلام عربي من اشهر عرب سيد افلام الجريمة فيلم سطار السعودي سيما كلوب من افلام رعب 2023 6 حروف

لمدة معينة we cima افلام هندية 2022 يا رفاق؟

نحتفل مع ايجي بست الفتيات؟


!(نحن لن افلام اون شاهد فور يو فاصل لاين نذهب فاصل اعلاني إلى افلام مصرية 2023 موفيز (دايتونا

!أتمازحني الآن؟

!كانت بالأمس جنازة موقع افلام بدون اعلانات جدتي

هي نبأتني على فراش موتها

!إذهب إلى ايجي بست افلام هناك مجددًا

!يا سيما روم ماي سينما جدي

أهل نداك سيما للجميع بجدي افلام هنديه 2022 للتو؟


أتُريد سيما لايت أن تكونó مُطيعًا

وتحضر لي ذلك المضرب؟

أهل افلام هنديه 2023 ذهبتó يومًا موقع شاهد فور يو لعطلة الربيع؟

.لا افلام مصرية كوميدية 2022 البته

أتعلم واحدةñ من تلكنّó

.(الفتيات لديها مرض الـ(هربس

.حتى افلام مصريه 2023 لو لا تستيطع وي سينما رؤيته

.هذا ويسيما لا يحدث عادةً


.إنه مسلسل the last of us موقع ماي سيما يحدث لي في كل مرة

!(شاطئُ موقع ماي سيما وقت الافلام سينما (دايتون

!أنتما متواجدان فلم فشار افلام في وي سيما شاطئ (دايتون)؟

!نحن فقط مررنا موقع وي سيما افلام اكشن 2022 بجانبه

.(جاسون) فيلم

!هي افلام مصرية 2022 موقع افلام ليست مناسبةً لك

إذا تزوجتها أنت سوف تكون

!كالسائر افلام شاهد فور مصريه lone star 9-1-1 season 1 ماي سيما 2022 افضل افلام 2022 أثناء نومه لبيقة حياتك

الطريقة افلام رعب واي سيما افلام سيما كلوب المؤسس عثمان الموسم الرابع كرتون التي أفهما؟

.هذه ليلتُنا الأخيرة

!احتفلنّó حتى هاي سيما تحملنّó

.هذا حشيش

!ألتوي افلام 2022 دخنت الحشيش؟

!أجل، افلام اجنبي ولكن بكميةò كبيرة

!دخنتُ سيما روم ميراكولوس الموسم الخامس للتو افلام نتفلکس 2023 الحشيش

أريد سيما فور منك أن تعلم ما افلام افلام ماى سيما جوني ديب هندي مقدار تقدير

.ما أنتó بفاعله معي

!أهل أنتó مشاهدة افلام هندي 2023 افلام افلام مترجمه عاري؟

.أجل، موقع سيما شاهد 4 يو لايت إنها الطريقة الأفضل للنوم

!يا افلام هندية 2023 الهي

أريد منك أن تمزق صدريتي وكأنها

!شيك من افلام فور يو الضمان افلام افلام افلام ديزني 2023 توم كروز تويتر الأجتماعي

والآن افلام اكشن تحسس حولك وكأنك تبحث

!عن سيما موقع سيما نظارتك الطبية

!وجدتهم، أستطيع الرؤية

الهدية الأعظم ألا وهي حفيد

يُعطي جده

هي فتاةñ جاميعة مُثيرة تُريد أن تحضى

.بجنس غير محمي قبل أن يموت افلام 2023 هوó

فكما تعلم افلام رعب 2022 أغلب افلام شاهد فور يو الأجداد

يريدون فقط افلام ديزني الرقيقات






So I said,

"If opposing counsel's

"invoking fiduciary

liability precedent

"under the terms of

Landgraf v. Henson,

"Your Honor, please,

by all means, go ahe

"rescind the plaintiff's

de facto petition

"for injunctive relief."

It was fun. It was fun.


Excuse me, gentlemen.

I'll be right back.

So funny.

"Injunctive relief."

That tickled my funny bone.

What's up, Nick?

Fucking sucks dick

about Grandma?


Old woman fucking

murdered like that.

Nick, she hcancer.

We'll never

know the truth.

We absolutely know the truth.


Grandma hcancer

You don't just die

from cancer, Jason!

Calm down...

I'll see you at the

crossroads, Grandma.

What are you doing? Are you kidding me?

Right now?

Hey, get your

shit together!

My dand my fiancee

are literally standing

right next to us.

Beyonce's here?


What is that?

What are you doing?

I'm just...

Are you fucking

high right now?

No, this isn't...

You're high as a kite!

It's an ecigarette.

It's filled

with a little weed,

but it's an ecigarette.

Grow up, man!

What are you doing?

"Grow up"?

How adult are you?

What, do you listen

to NPR in your Volvo?

You play racquetball


against business


No. No.

You ever go away

to a rented house

with other couples

and then play Scattergories

over a bottle of white wine?


I just blew a shot at

your grandma's memory.

Poor Grandpa...

Our first reading

"This day I call

the heavens and the earth

"as a witness against you..."

"...that I have set before you

life and death..."

Hey, babe, I found the tie

you're going to wear

to the rehearsal

brunch Sunday.

Do you like the coral

color or the salmon?

"...that the race

is not to the swift..."

Either one.

"...nor the battle

to the strong."

Babe, what's wrong?

Coral or salmon?

Well, what do you like?

I mean...

I like the coral.

That's what

I was going to say, too.

Okay, cool. Okay.


Coral it is!

It's going to be

a special day.

"...now choose life,

"so that you

and your children shall live."

Anyway, I'm down

in Valdosta right now.

I opened up

a fucking pet shop...

Not pet shop,

"puppy mill."

Puppy mill...

You know, designer dogs

get a bname,

but they can go

for quite a pretty penny.


It's just hard

to get them to mate.

Because the little dogs,

they don't wanna

fuck the big dogs,

and the big dogs, they don't

wanna fuck the little dogs...

So I gotta manually

do it, you know.

I gotta spre

and manually shoot in.

So, what's up with you?

Well, I'm keeping

pretty busy...


Hey, Diane,

how's it going?

Hi, Nick.

Hey, Nick.

I just don't understand

why you have

to drive down to Florida

tomorrow already, D

We just hthe funeral.

Your grandmother

and I were there

at this time

every year.

It's what

she would have wanted.

I'd drive down myself,

except they took

my license away.

But why does Jason have

to be the one to drive you?

He's so busy at work...

Got the wedding

coming up next weekend,

the rehearsal brunch.

You know, the entire law

firm is coming to this.

It's true, Grandpa.


We have a lot of stuff,

Meredith and I...

I'll handle it.

Go ahe

How about Cousin Nick?


Why doesn't Nick do it?

We got this chocolate Lab

down at the store

that is just so horny,

every time I touch

the back of its ear,

it just gushes cum.


I mean, like a squirting...

Is that your dog?

Nick isn't

legally allowed

to leave the state

of Georgia anymore.

I've barely seen this guy

since high school.

What's wrong with spending

some time with him?

So spending time

with family

is suddenly

important to you now?

Look, he can come here

tomorrow morning

for breakfast.

We can drive down

to Boca during the day,

maybe play a round

of golf or two,

then he'd be back here

in Atlanta the next day.

He can't just

flake off for two days!

The risk versus reward

here is just...

I don't see it happening.

It's what she would

have wanted, that's all.

But if you have to get

ready for your wedding,

if you're that busy...

I just don't understand

why he wants you to take him.

You're not even that close.

Well, we used to be.

Grandpa and I got along

growing up.

We used to build these

model trains every Christmas,

so I brought him...

Well, it seems like

we're cutting it

a little close

here, you know,

with the rehearsal

brunch on Friday...

I know. I know.

And by the way,

I can't find any

of the Martha's Vineyard

vacation photos

for the slide show.

I'm just freaking out.

That's because

they're on my laptop,

which I've got right here.

So I'll send them

to the wedding planner.

You don't have to worry

about anything.


Yeah, I know. He's got

it all mapped out for me.

And can you take

my car, sweetie?

I need

the SUV for the wine.




Hey! You made it!

Give me a minute...

God! Shit!

Grab my ass!

You ready to hit the ro

I'm really sorry, Grandpa.

I didn't think

you'd be doing that.

So you caught me

taking a number three.

Big deal, right?

Number three?

Have a drink.


I'm driving, so...

I just got to finish up

my exercises,

and then we'll

It's more direct.

Ds full of shit.

Grandpa, are you

sure you're okay?

Thanks for doing this,

by the way.

Those fuckheads

down at the DMV

took my goddamn

license away

because of these fucking

cataracts in my eye.

But I can still

hit the shit

out of a golf ball,

that's for sure!

I made a tee time

for us in Florida

for this afternoon.

You can use your

grandmother's lady clubs,

they're right there

by the front door.


All right,

you ready?

I thought the plan was

to have breakfast here?

That's your breakfast.

Now let's go get in that

giant labia you drove up in

and get the fuck

out of here.

You sure I should be driving

with this, Grandpa?

Don't worry,

if you spill it,

this giant tampon we're

driving in should soak it up.

Just finishing

a work email

for the Steinhart


So you're a lawyer at your

ds firm now, is that right?

That's right,

and Meredith is too.

You know,

her dis one of

the managing

partners there, so...

I know, that's...


It couldn't have

worked out better.

Because it's just

that I remember

when you were

in high school,

you told me how much you

wanted to be a photographer,

travel the world.

That sort of thing.

You remember when

I got you that subscription

to Time magazine?

Yeah, I used to be into

photography, but...

I mean, with Dbeing

at the firm, pfft,

it just made

so much more sense

to focus on

a college curriculum

that stressed

the law school track.

I mean, I love what I do,


Being a corporate lawyer

is awesome,

I get to handle

SEC compliance...

No shit!

Yeah. Yeah.

You handle SEC compliance?

LP agreements.

Man, I didn't know that.

LLC agreements.

You're shitting me!

Being a corporate lawyer,

it's got its upsides.

You know what

I'd rather do?


I'd rather let Queen Latifah

shit in my mouth

from a fucking

hot air balloon.

That's me. I'm gonna hit the

liquor store over there,

get some more

of the creature.

Meet you back

at the Dildomobile in five.

You're paying the check,

Alan Doucheowitz.

Where do I know that guy from?

He looks so familiar.

He looks like Abercrombie

fucked Fitch.


while J.Crew J'doff.

Shit! No, you guys, he was...

It's so funny.

He was my lab partner

in photography class,

freshman year.

No shit!

He's a Florida alum?

Lenore, you can totally

finish the trifecta.

My God, I already

have alum, remember?

I fucked that crying

divorced guy, Tony.

With the big balls.

Right. Yeah.

In the portapotty.


At the tailgate.


I need a professor.

Wait, I'm sorry.

What's the trifecta again?

It's this thing

I reabout

where in my senior year

I have to fuck a freshman,

an alumni,

and a professor.

Where did you rethat?

In my diary.

Where I wrote it...


He used to take the most

beautiful portraits

without using any filters

or Photoshop...

I've reyour diary.

He was amazing.

My God, you did?


Did you like it?

You guys aren't listening.

I'm gonna go say hi to him.



I hope you don't get

Tommy Hilfingered.

That was really late,

but it still counts.

Just like

all my periods...



Hi. How are you?

Good. Here you go,

you can keep the change.

No, no, no.

I'm not... You...



Guys, listen to me.


Let's go.

Bitch, what?

Shut the fuck up! Go!

My God!

You all set?

Yeah, I just gave my money

to the other waitress, sorry.

There is no

other waitress.

I'm the only one who's

ever worked here. Ever...

Shit! The fucking piece

of shit car never starts!



God, he's like

a Mitt Romney Terminator.

Excuse me!

Sorry, my shift is actually over, so...


No way.


I know you.


Yeah, I do. You were

in my photography class.

You took all those

landscapes. Right?


Yeah. Shadia.

Holy shit,

you're Shadia?

Yeah. Shadia.



What the fuck!

Shadia. It means

"singer" in Arabic.

Or in ancient Arabic,


alati tunadi lelmei."

Or, "she whose name

calls others to water."

That's actually right.


this is my...

Dr. Richards. I teach history

at the University of Georgia.

You're a professor?

Yeah. Why? You looking

for some extra credit?

Jason and I are doing

a story on the Middle East.

He's a photographer

for Time magazine.

You know, I lost my virginity

at my poppop's bingo night.

My name's Lenore.

"The rare

and radiant maiden

"whom the angels

named Lenore"

"Quoth the Raven,



Hey, you know your cigars.

What are you,

half Cuban or something?

Actually, I am, Professor.

The bottom half.


Okay, yeah, we're heading out.


Good to see you. We're going

to Daytona Beach for the week.

My God, and we

should have been there

three fucking hours ago,

so let's go, bitches!

Holy shit.



You're just really gay.

Am I?

Thanks, Captain Gaydar.

Jesus! You know,

I'm also black, right?

Yeah, I know.

That's funny too.

So you guys wanna tag

along for a bit maybe?

Party some babies

into us?

Absolutely not!

Absolutely not!


We have

a very important tee time.

Of course you do.

And do you also have to take a

nap before you play Mahjong?

No, it's shuffleboard.


And then early

We have a longstanding

bet. Who's the better golfer.

Obviously I've got

Good. Maybe you can use it

to hit your balls

right into my vagina.

Holy shit!

Okay, we're going inside now.


Let's go. That's enough.

Bye, Professor.

Thanks for lunch.


Nice girl.


Well? How do I look?

Like the keynote speaker at

a buttfucking convention.





We're gonna write

in the first hole,

No, no, no, no. Hey...

Jump in.

This is against

the rules, Grandpa.

Fuck the rules.

Jump in. Come on.

Not to mention,

a breach in golf etiquette.

Beep, beep,

beep, beep, beep!


Out of my way, buttfuckers!

Really? What are you doing?

We gotta get this guy

to his buttfucking convention.

What are you

trying to do, man?

What was that all about?

Hey. Now there's

a milliondollar swing!

I'm sorry!

You can go in front of us

if you want to.

We are not very good.

No, it's a good cut,

you're just not bending

your knees enough.

I'm a licensed golf pro.

You mind if I show you?

Yes, please.

Maybe bend over

a little bit... Here.

That feels about right,

doesn't it?

Hands on my shaft...

The shaft.

Let me just get

my finger in there.

One, two, three...

My God! Did you see that?

Thank you!

How long have you

been teaching golf?

Ever since I retired

from being an astronaut.

It's nice to see some heavenly

bodies around here too.

Hey, Grandpa,

don't you think we should

probably start golfing soon...

What the fuck?

Wanna be a lamb

and get that for me?

Did he just

call you "Grandpa"?

Who, Pepe?

He's a retard.

Got it pretty b too.

He thinks I'm his grandpa.

He usually sits at home just

drawing dolphins all day.

We used to let him

out on his own,

but the raping got so b

that we just...

Got it.

You guys want a refill?




I'm sorry about

my grandpa.


He's not doing too well.

My grandma just passed and

the funeral was yesterday.

I'm actually a lawyer,

not a retard.

I handle of lot

of important issues.

SEC compliance,

LLC agreements. LP agreements.

That sort of stuff.

Yeah, well, I think

we're gonna get going.

Nice to meet you, Pepe.



What happened?

Why are they going?

What did you do?

What? I told

them the truth.

I told them that I'm getting

married next week,

and you're not well

because your wife just died.

What are you,

fucking vagina repellent?

Those cougars

wanted to party!

They wanted to party?


Do you hear yourself?

Grandpa, are you kidding

me right now? Grandma...

I'm trying

to listen to myself.

Grandma's funeral

was yesterday!

Now you wanna

hit on college girls?

You're jerking off to porn?

What's wrong with you?

Jason, I want to fuck!

My God...

For the first time

I'm single and

I want to fuck.

I want to fuck

until my dick falls off.

I want to fuck a horse

and I wanna drink its blood!

I'm gonna throw up.

I was faithful

to your grandmother

even through the menopause,

even through the cancer.

She was the love of my life.

I'll miss her

every goddamn day.

But she told me

on her deathbed,

"You get back

out there again."

I haven't hsex

and I want to fuck,

fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

So that's what

this is all about?

This whole thing. You

didn't want to be with me.

You wanted me

to drive you down to Boca

so I could be your

fucking wingman?

Well, obviously

I made a bdecision

because you're nothing but

a cockblocking machine.

I don't know what you are.

You're like the Israeli

Iron Dome defense system,

but with vaginas

insteof missiles.


You're like some sort of

Cockblocking Terminator

sent back from the future

to cockblock humans.

The robots

should have sent you


Arnold Schwarzenegger,

you could have cockblocked

John Connor's parents

and he would never

have been born!

Shut up, Grandpa!

Shut up!

What got into you?

I remember you

in high school,

you were ripping

people's dicks off

on the football field,

talking about

traveling the world!

Now you're pushing some

papers at a fucking law firm

and probably

peeing sitting down.

Grandpa, I don't know

what you thought

this weekend

was going to be about,

but I came here

for one reason,

to get you to Boca.

That's it.


Now can I please

play some golf?

Fucking golf.


Cocky McBlockerson.

What the fuck?


Who does your taxes?

H&R Cockblock?

Stop it.


Are you still Jenny

from the cockblock?

What the fuck! What is your

obsession with my ass?

Your vibrator's on.

You can't get

into it anyway

because you don't

know my code.

Looks like your grandpa

remembered your birthday!

What? Give me that!

We're going

to fucking Daytona.

We're not

going to Daytona,

because I've got

the keys to the golf cart.

What are you doing?


How'd you do that?

Coming or staying,

Jack Dicklaus?


Hurry up, Bubba Twatson.

Grandpa, stop.

Gary Playerwithmyballs.

Stop the cart!

Fred Couplesofbigdicks


My God.

Grandpa! Stop!



Now, this is what

I'm fucking talking about.

This is so fucked up.

Calm down,

you'll get to hang out

with that gypsy girl

you like.

I don't like her.

Yes, you do.

That's why you didn't deny

being a photographer

for Time magazine.

You can hang out with her,

I can have

vaginal sex with Lenore.

It all works out!

We can even go visit

my old army buddy, Stinky.


Which tiki bar are they in?

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What's that?

It's Meredith.


I've got to answer that.

Tell her to fuck off.


I'm just gonna check

the testosterone levels

on your phone first.

Grandpa, give me

my phone now!

Just as I thought.

Pretty low.

This is Meredith calling...


Now, look what you did,

you dropped it

in the car's vagina.

God damn it,

I have to put it on speaker.

Don't say anything.

I will not say a word.


Hey! Who was that?

No one. We're in a restaurant.


"Who's that?"

What's up?


Well, I really want them

to post

our wedding announcement

on the New York Times website

before our rehearsal

brunch Friday,

so I just wanted to run

your section back to you.

Yeah, you know, now's

really not a good time...

Jason? Can we just

do this please?

"Can we do this now?"

"Jason Richard Kelly,

son of..."

"Doctor Smegma

Von BoxMunchers."

"David and Brooke,

"is a junior associate

at the law firm of..."

"Cream pie fart

and donkey punch!"

Okay, who is that?

It's no one. It's a waiter

with pretty bTourette's,

I think...

He just keeps walking by

yelling weird shit,

I don't know why...

Okay, well,

what restaurant are you at?

I can barely even

hear you now.

We're at

Chuck E. Cheese's...

Daytona fucking Beach!

Daytona fucking Beach!

You're right, buddy!

You're in Daytona Beach?

Listen, we're just driving

through Daytona Beach.

We're en route to Grandpa's...


I don't know why you're there,

but you'd better call me

from your grandfather's house

when you get there

tonight, okay?

Of course, baby.

I love you so much...


Marriage is hard.

What'd the hot

college girls text back?

Grandpa, what are you

texting them?

I just texted them.

What are you texting them?

"We'll meet you on the beach."

Yeah, and I added the emoji

with the wink

and the tongue out.

I'm not kidding,


You realize

that if I don't call her

from your house

in Boca tonight,

I'm fucked, man,

I'm fucked.

Jesus. Sounds like

you're marrying

your fucking

parole officer.

It's just Meredith.

It's the way she is, man.

She just gets,

like, anxious

when she doesn't know

exactly where I am.

Don't panic.

It's organic.

Yeah, I know. Couples get

in fights all the time.

But it's different

with Meredith.

She takes it

to another level, man,

and I'm telling you,

if I don't call her

from your house in Boca,

I'm screwed.

Well, ain't nobody

got time for that.

Yeah, I know.


Which is why

I don't understand

how we got so far

off schedule.


life is just a fart zone,

and you enter

at your own risk.

Have you been

reading shit

off the shot glasses

and the shirts in here

and just saying it

like it's wisdom?

I was seriously trying

to talk to you, man.

Do you realize

the stakes here?

You're ridiculous!


You've ha phone

this entire fucking time?

What else

don't I know about you?

How the hell do you know

how to speak Arabic?

Ds never said

anything about that.

That's because your d

doesn't really know

much about me.

I was away with the army

during most of his childhood.

So we were

never that close.

Is that why

he doesn't like you?

Anybody work here?

Okay, everybody

on the fucking floor!

This is a goddamn robbery!

On the fucking ground!

My God,

you should see your faces!

I just left to grab lunch

and a new horse mask.

I left mine at the beach

the other day. Whoo!

I thought you were gonna

shit your pants, little guy.

Gun's real though.

What the fuck, man!

Relax, this is Florida.


a licensed gun range.

You just shot

through a wall, man!


There's pedestrians outside!

Yeah, again, it's Florida!

These people don't matter.



Welcome to

Tam Pam Surf Slam.

What can I do for you

gentlemen? I'm Pam.

You're Pam?

Yeah. It's a nickname.

Real name's Pamela.

Hey, no, guys!

Absolutely not!

I will not ever sell you drugs

out of this establishment!

We didn't ask you

to sell us drugs.

Okay, cool.

You're not cops.

In which case,

welcome to drugs!

My God.

Now, I'm pretty cool,

So I only sell the stuff

that occurs naturally.

So I got weed, I got

mushrooms, I got meth.



How is that natural?

Well, it occurs naturally

in my cousin's basement

in Baltimore,

if you know what I mean.

I'm taking this and this

because you shot at me.

I'm sorry.

I almost shot you.

What are you going to do, cry

all the way home, handsome?

I'm also giving you

zero stars on Yelp.

What a dick.



Hi, Professor.

Well, there's the prettiest

little girl on the beach.

Thank you.

I was actually

talking to him.

Yup! Immediately offensive.

I'm going back to the hotel.

Just try not to join the cast

of Rent on the way back!

So we got the Professor,

you got the millionaire.

How's the rest

of the Gilligan's Island cast?

We're good.


Yeah, everyone's good.

Well, that's good.

Copacetic on the island.

How are those washedout

pictures you're taking

because you still have

the lighting optimizer on?

They're not...

Where is that?

Actually, it's really


So you have to...

Wait. What is that?

Okay, nope.

What are you doing?

Give it back, Malibu Ken.



You did it. You turned

into one of those people.

I turned into

one of those people

that gives a shit

about something?

Are you gonna chain

yourself to a polar bear?

Only if you

let me borrow...

What is this,

a beach sweater?


What, did you just

come from skiing?

Yeah, I skied in,

just to see you

save the world.

One JellO shot at a time.


You want me

to do your back?

Only if you promise

to do my front first.



That never

usually happens.

Really? It happens to me

all the time.

Well, guess who just took

a shit in the water?

We've been looking

for you bitches all day.

Where the fuck

have you been?

Our car

broke down in Orlando.

Do you ever

look at your cell phone?


Who are these cunt punches?

These are our friends that

we met on the way down.


That's Cody and Brah.

They're on the

lacrosse team at Florida.

This guy

plays lacrosse?

Allconference, brah!

Yeah? Which one, the fucking

Diabetes Conference?

All right, we're about to boat

race a bunch of those fucks

from the University of Georgia

up in the room. So...

My God!

University of Georgia!

No way! You're a Hornet?

Afraid so.

Well, you guys

should get in there then,

Edward Jizzumhands.

Well, thank you. We will.

Good, that's great.

I'll see you up there.

Good. Well,

you say we'll be there

and on time.

Sweet. I will.


Yeah, let's do that.

No, we should.

Let's do it now.

Yeah, I'll see you up there.


Come to the hotel.

By the pool.

Georgia sucks!

Can we please just go?

They've got boyfriends.

Those meatdick fucks? They're

not their boyfriends.

They're just seniors,

and they're all just terrified

and speedfucking each other

before the ship goes down.

Didn't you ever

go on Spring Break?

No, I didn't go

to Spring Break,

'cause I was studying

for law school.

Besides, I can't

chug alcohol anymore

like I used to, Grandpa.

I've developed,

like, a gag reflex.

A gag reflex?


You're chugging a beer,

not taking down

a horse cock, Jason.

Come on.

Go Hornets!

Go Hornets, yeah...

Hey, you know, one in three

of these girls has herpes.

Even if you can't see it.


Nut the fuck up.

It's just a college party,

you nance. Chill!

Hey, here they are.

I'm gonna get some beers.

What about you, twinkle toes?

You want some of dat drank?

Some of dat purple drank?

Some of dat

purpleass muthafuckin'

pimpdick drank?

Who the fuck are you?

It's a pretty rockin' party.


Who let the dogs out?

Am I right?

Sir, before we start,

would you prefer

if we gave you

a spritzer to chug?

Maybe a Pinot Noir?

You're going

down, old man.

Nobody chugs like me.

I bet. You've been chugging

Brah's cum for years.

Let's go.





Go! Go! Chug!

It's actually

kind of fun.

Yeah, I'm not really,

you know, for sure,

per say...

...what we're doing

after graduation.

I mean,

we have offers to play...

Blah, blah, blah...


lacrosse in Europe,

but a bunch of agents

Words, words, words...

also want us to start

modeling, so...

And again, we're talking about

this fat fuck right here?

You guys... You have

to come see this right now.

All right, our team won!

Let's celebrate

by buying local drugs

from a reputable,

local drug dealer.

Hey, what are

you doing here?

I'm selling drugs, man.

I'm trying to put my kid

through preschool.

How honest is that!

Touching my face

a lot, bro.

Touching my face

a whole lot, man.

Why don't you take

some of this.

This'll mellow you out.

What is it?

Ecig, bro.

"E" is for "Weed"!

Sure, why not?

Yeah, that's a big...

That's a big one.


Just be glyou didn't smoke this, man.

This is crack!



This one...

Wait a minute...

Maybe that one's crack

and this one's weed.

Hang on.

What'd you do now, Pam?

Fuck. Hold on.

Which one's crack?

Okay. I got this.

Don't freak out.

Sorry to worry you, man.

You're not gonna believe this.

They're both crack.


And you have taken an amount

that will probably kill you

I just smoked crack?


But just, like, a lot.

I just smoked crack.

I just smoked crack!





Told you.

He's fine.

He's just a little drunk.


Everybody loves crack!

Bee loves crack.

Bee loves some crack.

We should probably

go help him.

Sting? You're stung!


I just found my queen.

All right.

Okay, let's help him.

Excuse me. Jason!

Hey, Jason.





I'm gonna live forever!

Party on!


One, two, three...


Where the fuck have you been?

We got to Grandpa's

a little bit later

than we thought last night,

and my phone charger

wasn't working.

Well, you know

we missed the deadline

for our wedding announcement

to be in the Times.

Where are you?

Are you close?

Listen, Grandpa got

really upset last night.

So I'm just getting

a little bit of

a late jump here.

I want to show you the

bouquets for the bridesmaids.

So switch to

FaceTime, okay?

Shit! Baby, the reception at

Grandpa's isn't very good...

Jason, just

fucking do it!

Okay, one second.

Switching over.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Is that sand

on your face?

It's just sawdust

because I was helping

Grandpa in the garage, so...

I naturally got the dust

of the saw on the face.

Hi, honey.


Mom? D

Is that writing

on your face?

I was working on my vows

late last night and...

And I fell asleep and I got

some pen on my face, so...

Yeah, that must be

the exact thing that happened.

Yeah, Meredith

called us because

she hadn't

heard from you all night.

We got the rabbi here

to work on the vows.

Boker tov, Jason.

Hey. Shalom.

No, Jason, really...

What is on your forehe

It's a swastika

of penises.

No, that's not what it is.

Acting as a pinwheel

of ejaculate...

No, no, no,

it's a FaceTime effect.

All the kids are using

them these days.

There's a Hanukkah one. See?

I don't like that one as much

as the swastika full of dicks.

Okay, let's discuss

the wedding vows.

Jason, why don't you

begin by telling us all

what it is you like

about Meredith.

Yeah, where do I start?



Hello, buzzy bee.


If you can't

think of anything,

lean into them looks, dawg.

Can I touch buzzy bee?

I've loved her for... No,

you can't touch buzzy bee!

I love the way that she...

What are you doing?

Stop it!

Go away!

You're getting me in...

Fuck, go away!

Your buzzy bee

looks so fluffy!

What did he say?

I just don't know

where to start.

Let me touch buzzy bee!

You can't have the bee!


I want to stroke the bee!

You can't

stroke the bee! Okay?

I want to kiss buzzy bee!

You can't kiss the bee!

I love the way

that she kisses.



My God...


Fucking pervert!


I got to go right now.

I'm sorry.

I love you. Bye!

No, no, no! Jason! Jason!

Come on. I told you

to stay with us.

He let me stroke it.

Hold on! He's talking

about a pee... A bee.

A little stuffed bee.

What bee?

There was

a bee here, man!

It was so soft.

He let me kiss it.

No, I did not

let you kiss it!

What are you

talking about?

He did not even...

You're fucking de

D that was cool!


Please, for the love of God,

may I have some pants?


Jesus, I'm so sorry. Of course.

Yeah, definitely. Let

me hurry on over there.

You like khakis

or sweatpants?

I mean, anything's fine.

You know what? Khakis.

Khakis? All right.

Yes, please. Thank you.

Also, I'm going to step

out and get some lunch.

Do you want a sandwich?

Yeah, sure.

That'd be awesome.

Yeah. Ham? Turkey?

I would love turkey.

That's so funny, because

I'm a turkey man myself.

Thank you so much.

Turkey... Okay...

All right...

Also, finally,

do you want to be ass raped

by the man with the

mental age of seven

or do you want to be

stripped naked

and used as a human diaper

by the, same man?

Let me know

what time works for you,

'cause you're

in fucking jail.

Sit down.

All right. Gary, I'm all done.

It's late.

I gotta go open

the store, buddy.

I don't know, man.

You tried to sell peyote

to middle schoolers.

Well, I don't know if I'm

going to be able to get you

that human growth hormone

you asked me about.

So that you can get

"jacked," you said?


You're already looking good.

All right,

let's get you out of there.

Why are you letting him out?

Gary! Gary! Gary!

He's the one

that sold me crack!

Hey, man!

That's how you're gonna

do me right now?

Snitches get stitches!


Zip it!

Yeah. Snitches

do get stitches!

I thought we were friends...

Don't mess with

my best friend, Pam.


I'll see you later, Gary.

See you, buddy. If you can get

me that money you owe me too,

that'd be great.


Hey, Officer Finch.

What's up?

Here's the deal.


I'm about to skedaddle...

Yeah, you are.

I came in here with

some drugs in a bag.

It would be great

if I could leave

with those drugs

in the bag.

You know what?

I want what's great for you.

Thank you.

There they are.

There you go!

Look at the arm on that guy.

I know.

He's really

getting big!

He's working on it.

I really need that HGH.

He's working on it.

All right, I'll talk to you guys later. Bye.


Bam! One of the

good ones. Right?

Okay, listen.

Guys, I'm incredibly sorry

for all this confusion,

but listen to me, please,

I have to let you know

I'm a lawyer.

All right? I know

my rights and I know

that I should have

a phone call.

Well, is this

your phone right here?

Yeah, that's my phone.

That's your phone right there.

Just gonna take

a little picture.


Please don't do that

with my phone.

Hope you got

a wide angle lens on that.


Somebody just posted his bail.

Get that pervert some pants.

All right.

These were

a couple pair of pants

from murder victims

We got semenstained

or bloodstained.

Take your pick.

What's it gonna be?


Semen it is.

Hey, there he is.


Don't even

fucking talk to me.

I know things

got a little chaotic,

but I'm so close

with Lenore...

What the fuck

is wrong with you?

I'm about to get fucking

married, Grandpa!

In one week!

To a Jewish girl!

And I just woke up

in fucking jail

with a bunch of penises

on my forehe

in the shape

of a swastika!

Could call it

a swasticock.


It's a play on words.

It's a play on words.

A play on words.

Play on these words.

I'm dropping you off

at your old army vet

buddy's house,

he's gonna drive you

to fucking Boca.

Because I'm fucking

done with you.

What the fuck

are you looking at?

I can't help

staring at your tits.


What the fuck

is wrong with you?

You know, Stinky

hmore confirmed kills

than anyone in our platoon

Shut the fuck up.

What is this place?

I don't know.

Or care.

At least just

come in with me.

Let's make sure

it's the right house.

After you.

Grandson of the year.

Your grandmother's

ashes are in there.

She's in a coffin.

Fuck you!


better late than never.

Yeah! Fuck them up, ALF!



What the fuck are you

doing here, Dick?


This is liver failure.

Who's the lesbian?

That's my grandson,



Is he here to

scissor with me?

Okay, that's just

offensive to lesbians.

I am very sorry,

k.d. Lang.

Time for Bingo!

Come on. Stinky, we got to get

you the fuck out of here.

Come on, let's go.

I have one

fucking month left, Dick!

I don't want you to

remember me like this, man.

I want you to remember

me as a warrior.

Please. Leave me be.

But, Stinky...

No, no, no...

Just let me finish, Dick.

Leave me your

beautiful lesbian grandson

so he can

blowjob me to death.

It's all over

for me, Dick.

You know, all I wanna

do is play Bingo.


All ready?


I'm sorry about

your friend, Grandpa.

So it comes

to this.

Even before you die,

you just stop living,

and it's all one fuckedup

facsimile of the real thing.

We have to go back.

Yeah. I know.

I'll drive us home.

Not Atlanta.



I have to fuck

that girl, Jason.

Jesus, Grandpa!

I do. I have

to fuck her!

Grandpa, you're

just depressed.

You're confused right now

because of Grandma.

Grandma wanted me

to do this.


Yeah. She said when she died,

She wanted me

to move on

and live my life

the way I wanted to,

and right now, you know

what I want to do?

I want to get my dick sucked

by that fucking college girl!

What is that

going to do for you?

Is that going to make

you feel young again?

Yeah! Yeah,

what's wrong with that?


Feeling young again?

What do I have?

A dewife,

dying friends.

A few fucking good

years left if I'm lucky.

And you know what?

It fucking freaks me out!


Look, I don't expect

you to understand.

You're young.

You have a long,

long time

before you have to

look into that abyss.

But the way I see it,

having sex with that girl

is my last stand.

And I can't do it

without you.

So I'm asking you.

Please, Jason,

just stay one more day

so I can do this.


Okay, Daytona Beach!

Who's ready for a Flex Off!

I'm talking about dudes

getting on stage,

getting ripped!


Yes, I'll be home tomorrow.

I promise.

And I know... Yes,

I know the dinner

is important to the firm...

Hold on,

I'm getting another call.

It might be Meredith.

Okay? Bye.


Hey, it's me.

Someone just stuck

their thumb up my ass.


Yeah, I was just

standing right there,

talking on the phone,

and someone came

right up behind me

and stuck their thumb

up my ass.

Did you see who it was...



Stop doing that!

How'd it go on

the home front?

How do you think?

Come on. Let's go.

Come on.

Top Gun in the house!

We got Maverick!

We got Fat Goose!

Do we have a challenger?

Right here!

Right here!

These two!

She wants to!

These two.

Pick her!

Who will

accept this challenge?

You go up there,

I'll let you do

whatever you want

to me tonight.

All right, I'm doing it.

All right!



No, no, no!

Are you kidding me?

I saw your body last night,

it's a lot better than Cody's.

And my body

sure as shit looks better

than that fucking

Shamu's up there.

people out here!

A lost old man

has wandered on stage.

Are you his nurse?

No. Fuck no.

Get on stage! Get on stage!

Get on stage! Get on stage!

Get on stage! Get on stage!

Do it for me!

Get on stage! Get on stage!

So we have team Top Gun

versus creepy old guy

and his lesbian daughter.

Okay, Daytona Beach,

are you ready to Flex Off?

Three! Two! One!


Having trouble getting that

coat off, Fat Goose?

Look at this guy!

He's like

Mother Teresa's vagina!

Old and tight!

Hey, look,

it's Cirque du So Gay!

What now?

Has the old man fallen?

Or is it...


motherfucking pushups!

Holy shit!

Lesbian daughter's

getting in on the action!

I happen to know

he smoked crack last night!

These pushups are fuelled

by the devil's candy!


Your move,

Dolly Parton.

What are you gonna

do now, team Top Gun?

And, hey, everybody,

don't forget to stop

by Tam Pam Surf Slam in town

where I'm selling

"beach towels"

"Sun screen"

And I'm also selling meth!

Just got married!

Your move,

Viagra Falls.

Crowd going wild

for team Top Gun!

Grandpa, I got this.


Most muscular, on three.

One, two, three.

I think this guy

just sharted!

No, I didn't!


Call a lifeguard, I think

there's been a shart attack!

I'm not even

holding the mic right now.

You suck!

I have an idea.

Do you remember that thing we

used to do when I was a kid?


One, two, three...

Hold on, what's this?

What is going on?

My God, what am I seeing?

Am I on drugs? Of course I am!

This is too incredible!

Flex Off history

is being made!

What's up now, Brah?

Yeah, what's up now, Brah?


what's up now, Brah?

'Sup now, Brah?

'Sup now, Brah?

'Sup now, Brah?

This is incredible!

Take out your cameras!

Put this online!

This shit is going viral!

Shit. Let me down.

Did everybody

get a picture of that?

What the fuck

are you doing?

I can't do this...



The winners

Of the Alpha Delta Flex Off...

Wait a minute!

Where are you going?


Where are you going?


You can't just

leave me here like this.

Why'd you stop?

We were winning!

Because I'm a lawyer!

I can't have people taking

pictures of me

doing stuff like this.

Can you imagine if the firm

saw something like that?

By default, the winner

of the Flex Off is...

Bring the cup

home, baby!

...these two dildos.

Every single day,

my career's in jeopardy...

What are you doing?

I'm taking the regulator off

The pneumatic

propulsion system.

Give me a beer.

Grandpa, what did you

really do for the army?

I told you,

I was a mechanic.


You speak Arabic.

You hotwired a golf cart.

Tell me the truth.

All right,

I was Special Forces!

I trained insurgents

behind enemy lines

from Vietnam to Iraq.

Now give me the fucking beer can!

Come on!

Look at this dummy!

What an idiot!


Yeah! Do it again!

We can change in Cody's room.

I picked his pocket earlier.


to see here, guys.

Cops are gonna

come pretty quick.

No, no, this is his father,

so that's what I'm saying.

Keep him heavily sedated,

but don't be afraid to pull

the plug if you have to.

Thank you, Doctor.

Okay. They're in the

hospital till tomorrow!

The room's ours

for the night.

Look at these

fucking people.

How was brunch at

Hitler's house that day?

Hey, Grandpa, who else

in our family knows

that you were, Special

Forces or whatever?

No one, once your

grandmother passed.

Your father

stopped talking to me

before my missions

were declassified.

So he always thought

I was just an army mechanic.

But don't you think

that you guys would

get along a little better

if you told him?

Hey, come on. Let's see

how you look. Come on out.

First of all,

nobody wears

a fucking white belt.

The only people

who wear white belts

are people who

suck at karate

and people

who suck at life.

Take the fucking belt off.

And you better lose that

fucking white polo shirt

and those pleated

khaki pants.

You're meeting up with girls,

not blowing an oil executive

on a fucking golf course.

Put these on.

Well, in case

you forgot,

I don't even have

underwear, from last night.

All right, just put them on.

I'll turn around.

Nice dick.

Jeez, Grandpa.

That's a good dick. You

got your grandpa's dick.

Not the girth, not the

length, but same style.

That's good to know.

You're lucky

you're not your d

He's got his mom's dick.

What the fuck?

Now put your pants on.

Shit. It's Meredith.

Don't answer it.

My rehearsal brunch

is this weekend.

No calls.

For one night,

stop worrying about your wedding.


We have two hot, smart,

beautiful college girls

at the peak

of their sexual powers

about to meet us at one of

the last great nightclubs

in Florida.

Worry about them.


I don't think you're very

popular here, Grandpa.

You're the one that's going

to have to watch out.

You might get Oreo'd.


That's when two black guys

fuck a white guy.

You're the cream

in the middle.

Game on.

Hey! Glyou guys made it.

Let's go get

fucked up. Right?

My stepd

hates me!

Let's go!

Party till you're pregnant!

My God,

I love this song!

You're not gonna

die on me, are you?

I don't think so.

All right!

Come on.

No. No.

You want it? Come here,

give me that hat!

My God...

Give me that!

What is this?

Hey! Hey, hey, hey...

Leave my illegitimate

black son alone.

We were just

asking him to dance.

Well, he don't wanna dance.

Well, maybe you wanna

dance inste

I don't wanna dance...

Colonel Sanders!

It's all right.

It's all right.

Let's not dirty

this place up.

It's a shrine. Sinatra

sang here. Parking lot?

It'll be fine.

How is this going to be fine?

Look at this crew.

Come on.

We have a good crew too.

We have no crew.

We have no crew.

Are we going to J.Crew?

Fuck J.Crew.

Don't do this.

I think I'm going

to have to fight them all,

so you're going to have

to take the first punch.


Okay! He's up first.


You like that shit,

white boy?

Dude, what the fuck

is wrong with you?

What? You want next, bitch?

Hey, I thought I hnext.

Tell him you're sorry you made

fun of him for being gay.

I'm sorry I made fun

of you for being gay!

Tell him you were raised

in a different era,

but now you know

it's wrong to judge people

based on their

sexual orientation

and that if you hto

be gay with someone

for some reason,

you know, to prevent a

terrorist attack or something,

it would be with him.


Say it.

If I hto be gay

with somebody

to prevent

a terrorist attack,

it would be you!

Apology accepted.


Get out of here

before I use my other arm.

This ain't over.

Now fuck off and take

Jodeci with you.

Let's roll.

It's too bLenore barfed

all over herself tonight.

I definitely could have

hsex with her.


I probably could have

still hsex

if she just threw up

on her front,

but she somehow got

it all over her back,

and I would

have felt b

Well, chivalry

isn't de

I like the way you took

that haymaker tonight.

Sometimes you just gotta take

that punch up front, you know?

Then things get easier

in the long run.

"De Oppresso Liber."

It's written

on your knife too.

What does that mean?

Hey, lights out

I better not

catch you swimming

across the lake

to the girls' camp, okay?


Good night.

You know, maybe I'll find

something to do

with Shadia tomorrow

and give you and Lenore

a little more alone time.

I kind of feel like we're

just getting in your way.


I'm sure there's


What the fuck?

Did you just get naked?

It's the best

way to sleep.

My God!

I picked it up in Uganda

from the Umbatdo.

Umbatdon't let your junk

touch my leg again

or you're sleeping

on the floor.




The fuck! My God!

What do these guys want to cut

all the trees down for anyway?

For some stupid, like,

massive, tacky

entertainment complex.

You know, the ones with,

like, arcades

and laser tag.

That sort of thing.

Laser tag?

I love laser tag.


When does it open?

Nice. Thanks a lot.


Hi, Griz.

My God, your pics from

the Boston rally look amazing!

Thank you.

Yeah. Absolutely.

Sweet Hacky Sack, man.

It's not a Hacky Sack, dawg.

That's the trade name.

It's an organic

hempseed foot satchel.

And what's someone

from the fucking

laser tag lobby

doing here?

No, I'm just

a friend of Shadia's.

Just a friend.

That's pretty cool, man.

What is that, a dance ball?

Fuck! What the fuck?

You're fucking kidding me.

It's like a...

What the fuck!

juggling orb!


I'll see you guys

next weekend.

Absolutely. Absolutely.

Yeah? Okay. Bye.

Love your necklace.


Hey, Griz...

Don't touch that,

it's from Laser Tag.


They're good people.

I swear.

Let me see that.

Where are you going

with these "good people"?

We're heading out

to the coast

to... charter

a boat for the year.

For the year?


To do what?

We're documenting

the effects

of climate change

out on the ocean.

Aren't you supposed

to graduate next weekend?


Seems to me like you're

running from something.

Come on, haven't you

hto make sacrifices

to get where you are

as a photographer?

I mean, yeah, but...

That's different.

Look at this.

I hate photos of myself.


You look beautiful.



Wait, just calm down.


Shit. Yeah,

we'll be right there.

What's going on?

We gotta go.

And then I came back

from the bathroom

and all those black guys

from the club

were, like, standing around

Lenore and Dr. Richards

and they were yelling at

them and threatening them

and they, like,

kidnapped them!

And I think

one of them ha gun!

Did you see

where they took them?


Those guys are staying

at The Tillman.

That's all I know.


Come on!

Come on!



I smell marijuana.

What are you going to

do with a bucket?

I don't know!

Okay, on three. Ready?

One, two, three!

Okay, let me try

one more time.

The GZA, the RZA,

Ol' Dirty Bastard.

What's going on?

Gang stuff.

Raekwon the Chef!

And the Method Man!

Hey! Here they are!

How was the protest?

It was good.

Yeah, it was good.

This is Lamar,

Lil' Chris, Big Chris,

Murray Finkelstein.

And, of course, you've

already met Tyrizone.

That nigga's crazy, man.

Yeah, what's with

the Nword, anyway?

I can say it.

I can't say it...

You can say it

when we let you say it.

Which is never.

Just never say that

under any circumstances.


What the fuck is going on?

I thought these guys

wanted to kill you!

Lebanese Red.

I hsome of this left over

from my time

in the Middle East.

You throw some of

this shit around,

you can really

get away with anything.

Have some.

You're smoking

grass now?

Jesus, this is a

gateway drug, Grandpa.

Yeah, well, you just opened

the gateway to being a pussy.

Take some.

Yo, D.

Let's fucking bounce!

Let's fucking bounce!


Can I say it?

Can I say it?

No! No, no.

Say it!

Say that shit!

I'm totally gonna

fuck him tonight.

Can I watch?

'Cause I kind of want

to fuck him too now.

Drop the mic, baby!

Drop the mic, baby!

That's what

I'm talking about!

Peace out, niggas!

I see you, boy.


Up next we have

Shadia and Jason!

Yep, it's us now.

What? No. No, no, no, no.


Come on.

We can't top that.

I don't want to do this.

You know the song.

You know every word. See?

You're going to make me

do it all alone?




Who are you?

I'm just saying,

who sings that well

and isn't

a professional singer?

You're so good at singing

you actually suck!

You guys want to come up

for a nightcap?

Yeah, well...

See if shit gets real?

Well, young

Michael Buble and I

are gonna have a stogie

by the pool, so...

See you up there?


I want you to know

how much I appreciate

you doing this

for me, Jason.

The greatest gift a grandson

can give his grandfather

is a hot college girl who

wants to have unprotected sex

with him before he dies.

Yeah, well, most grandpas

just want toffee.

What's the matter?

I think I'm gonna

call off my wedding.

Well, when you get married,

it's for a long fucking time.

And it's hard.

So it damn well

better be with a woman

who keeps things


You know

your grandmother,

she tried to grow her

own pot plant once?



She just wanted to see

if she could do it.

She was always

surprising me like that.

We also tried anal

once every five years.


I miss having someone

to share everything with.

It's not fair

to just keep Shadia

in the dark like this.

Since we started this,

it's just been one big lie.

She has no idea who I am.

I have to tell

her the truth.

Well, maybe telling her

tonight is a little abrupt.

The most important part

of a relationship is trust.

That's right.

And I'm going

to start now.

Or you can just wait till I

have sex with Lenore tonight,

then you can

tell Shadia everything.

No. I'm just lying.


I'm your grandfather!

You wait till I fuck

that college girl!

I'm telling her now.


Jason! Jason!



'Sup, brah?

Back off, D cups!

Well, if it isn't

the "Professor."

You know, it's amazing

what you can find

with a name

and Google these days.

You're not

a real professor?

My God! You lied to us.

How could you.

Wait, wait, wait,

this is the best part.

This is the best part.

Richard "Dick" Kelly,

Lieutenant Colonel

in the United States Army,

also known as the

American Gladiator "Nitro."

What the fuck

did you Google?

Okay, well, there's

another best part then.

"Jason Patrick Kelly will wed

Meredith Miriam Goldstein

"at Jericho Temple

Wait, that's...

next Saturday.

Wait, you're grandfather

and grandson?

My God!

That is so fucked up.

That is so hot. I mean,

that is so fucked up.


Are you getting married

next weekend?

I was.

I was getting married,

but then I met you,

and now I don't...

My God!

No. Don't pull that shit.

I feel fucking stupid

enough as it is.

So you're not a professor?

Are you even a photographer?

I'm a lawyer.

I handle

SEC compliance.

LLC agreements.

I came up here to...

Get the fuck out, Jason.


Can I have

a second to explain?


Hold up, hold up.

Not so fast, "Professor."

For what's it worth,

I still really

want to fuck you.

And we're going to fuck.

Yeah, we are.

We're going to thunder fuck.

You're gonna

tsunami on my face!

You're gonna

flood like the Nile.

Yeah. I guess the drought

in my pussy is finally over.

The villagers

will finally eat.

You're gonna die

while you're eating me out.

I want your last breath

to be in my pussy.


You're such a slut.


That's right.

Popo in the hoho.

Some kind of ganja party?

Sorry to harsh your mellows.

Where's my evite?

Is that the jacket?

Check the right coat pocket.

Check it, man.

Okay, turn around.

Come on.

That's my jacket.

That's not his jacket.

Up against

the palm. There you go.

Let's have a look.

What've you got in here?



What the fuck?

That's not mine!

"What the fuck?"

That's not mine!

The fuck? Well,

it looks like Spring Break

is finally drug free!

Come on, let's go.

Let's go, pretty boy.

Shall we?

No, it doesn't go down

that way. Let's go.

I'll wait for you, Grandpa.

Keep that shit

tight for me!

He's my Henry Miller.

What the fuck

does that mean?


Hey, there he is.

You got blood on your

pants, you know.

Your license isn't

even suspended, is it?

You made all this up just so

I'd come down here with you.

I hto make

sure you'd come.

Fuck you!

Just chill, Jason.

Hakuna matata.

Who the fuck are you?

I should have known

you were fucking crazy

the moment you started

hitting on women

the day after

Grandma's funeral!

Don't you fucking

judge me.

You have no idea what I h

with your grandmother.

And everything I've done

these last few days

I've done for a reason.

You were about to fuck up

royally by getting married,

and you fucking know it!


What the fuck

am I supposed to do now?

Chase around

some college girl

that doesn't even

want to fucking talk to me?

Not know what the fuck I'm

doing for the rest of my life?

Yeah, because at least

you'd be thinking

for yourself for a change.

What the fuck

does that even mean?

Your father has lorded

over every decision

you've made

in your adult life,

and Meredith is just

the latest example of that!

She's not

right for you, Jason.

If you marry her, you're

going to be sleepwalking

through the rest of your life

and be completely unhappy,

just like your father!

I am already

unhappy with my life,

because I've done nothing

but get fucked by you

and this insane fuck rampage

that you've been on.

It wasn't

a "fuck rampage" for me.

It was

a "fuck rampage" for you.

How? How is this for me?

I fucked up

as a father.

I wasn't there

to raise your d

and he turned into

a materialistic,

henpecked, poopdick

country clubber.

I don't want that

to happen to you.

So that's what this was?

I was your lastditch

redemption project.



You thought you were

a shitty father?

Now you're

a shitty grandfather.

I don't want to see you

at my wedding.

Stay the fuck

away from me.

So, do you like this

size, or this size?

Hey, hon,

the people at the venue

said they don't have

enough mint napkins,

so which one

do you like better?

The seafoam or

the pistachio?

I'll get it.

What is it?

It's... Just another

wedding present.

I hope it's that

new big dipping spoon

from WilliamsSonoma.

...and as a tribute

to Meredith and Jason

and the love

that you guys share.

A love I will never know

because my dog

died the first day

I masturbated.

So now I can't

get hard unless...


Also, we've got to stop ISIS.

It's gotten... It's too much.

Got it. Got it.

You know, today's celebration

is much more

than just about the union

of two people,

it's also about the union

of two families.


The Kellys and the Goldsteins.

Let's have Jason and Meredith

tell their own story.

Nice job,

Uncle Dave!

Let's go in for the kill.

You've been hacked.

Because you loved me.

What the fuck?

That is not

Martha's Vineyard.


Take it off!

Trying, dear. Trying.

Leave them on.

Shut it down.

I have something to say.

I think I've been listening

to everybody else

about what I should be

doing with my life.

My grandpa said something

really interesting.

All right, cut the mics.

I'm going up.

...take that punch,

that point forward,

things get easier.

The mic's off.

Jason, your mic cut out.


Your mic cut out at the

most inopportune time,

so we can't hear

why you want to leave

those images up.

Hitting it won't work.

If they caught it

from the PA... Band?

What the fuck?

Nick, can you

tell her something for me?

Can you tell her


I'm really sorry,

but I can't marry her.

You think that message

should come from me? Okay...

Uncle Ramon,

can you tell Meredith

that Jason's sorry,

but that they

can't get married?


I forgot Uncle Ramon

was deaf

and I talked to him

like a normal.

Uncle Ruben,

can you please tell Meredith

that Jason is really sorry,

but that he can't marry her?

He says he's very sorry,

but he can't marry you.

Uncle Ruben,

can you turn

that thing up a little?

It doesn't get any louder.

Where'd you get

that thing, SkyMall?

At this point,

I'm kind of nervous

that anybody I pick

will have a disability.

Okay... Waiter...

Hey, Pubes.

Can you please

go tell Meredith

that my cousin Jason

is very sorry,

but they cannot

get married?

Come on, man.

It's my first day...

I know

it's your first day,

but everybody needs

you to be a man here.


Just real quick...

He sent me... He wants

me to tell you that...

He doesn't think

that he can marry you.

But that he's sorry

that he can't.

She's laughing, so I think

that you're in the clear, bro.

No, it's good.

That was good.

You can just

go back and tell him

that I fucked his cousin

Nick while he was gone.

She's so super

cool about it.

She's like, "Go!

Do your thing. Do you."

She said that?

That's what she said,


Wait. Should I come down

and say bye?

No. God! Fuck no!


Yeah. No need to even...

Let's not even...

You just... I've done it...

We're great!

Wait, where the fuck

is he going?



It's actually the guy on

the moped with the iP

NSA stopped using

utility vans years ago.

I figured once you sent

the camera back,

it was time to take

drastic measures.

What'd he say?

Are we doing this?

Plan B,

have Pam kidnap you.

I've got to

get her back.

You want me

to kidnap her?

I'll bring her back to you

in a box, bro.

She's on a bus headed west

Her boat leaves

in four hours.

It was easy

to track her down

because of the whole

Middle Eastern thing.

Bet you never thought

because of the Patriot Act.

And then she's de

Are you kidding me, Pam?

This is what you drive?

Yeah, it is so easy

selling kids drugs

from an ice cream truck.

It's crazy!



Go, go, go, go!

Jason, stop!

Stop right now.

Stop! Stop!

If you leave right now,

you can kiss your job

at the firm goodbye!

David, will you get

the fuck out of the way!

Hey, hey! Come on!

What the hell!

Hey, guy, unless you want

a Chipwich or some heroin,

get off my ice cream truck!

Who the fuck is this slob?

Slob? I am a small

business owner!

I am the backbone

of this country!

I am holding a taser!


Dude, should I stop?

What are you...

I'm kind of in the

middle of it right here.

Shit! All right.

Raise your hand

if you've got a boner!

What were we

supposed to do?

Just leave him

on the side of ro

Hey, man, can you slow down?

You're making this

very difficult.

What the fuck!

That was you who drew

all those dicks

on me last week?

Yeah, I drew the dicks.


My God!


Don't worry. Get up. We'll cut

through the back roads.

Wait, what?

You navigate. I'll drive.

Watch out! Watch out!

What the hell

is going on?

Got ourselves a bogey.

All right, let's do this!

Fuck! We gotta

lose some of this weight.

Pam, throw some

of this shit out of here!

Hey, look, it's Pam.

He's the good kind of Greek.

Hey, Gene.

Hey, Gary.

How the hell do you know

how to drive like that, D

Damn it, Grandpa.

Just tell him!

I was a Green Beret

in Special Forces.

I taught insurgents

behind enemy lines.

Mechanic was just my cover.

Good! We're all made up!

There they are!

That's them! Let's go, go, go!



Stop the bus!

I need to talk to you!

What are you doing here

in an ice cream truck?

Stop the bus!


Pull over!

I'm not pulling over!

Thanks a lot, Pam!

You narc!

What! I'm not a narc, Barry!

Fuck you!

Pam, you know him?

Barry? Yeah, he's, like,

my best friend.

I sold him, like,

six tons of ecstasy...!

That's why they're not

stopping the bus.

It's full of drugs.

Classic Pam.

I know that man.

Stop the bus!

Jason, where are you going?

What are you doing?

What are they...

You'd better

marry that girl.

Me? Nah, she's not really

my type. Too skinny.

What the fuck?

Slow down!

My God!

What are you doing?

Slow down, dude!

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Go get her, man!

What is going on?

What just happened?

Hey. I don't even

fucking know,

but I'm not

getting married.

Okay, so that makes it okay

that you were lying to me?

No. No, it doesn't.

But you have to admit that

when we were together

it felt great.

There was something

real there.


What do you

want from me, Jason?

I want you to stay.

I just can't stay.


No, I get it.


What if I come with you?



I mean...

I just broke up with my

fiancee, lost my job.

And I think I'm wanted

by the police, so...

A year at sea

might actually be

the best place for me.


Break it up, lesbians!

Let's go.

Get down on the ground!

We're doing this because

you're lesbians!

Get down on the ground!

According to

arrests made on the

Interstate Highway System

must be executed

by state police,

not your local

law enforcement

from your adjacent


You seem, like,

really familiar

with the penal code.

You seem real cocksure

about the jurisdicktion

you're in.

Real cocksure!

Someone drew dicks all

over your face, you idiot!

Well, look at that!

You got dicks on your face.

That middle one's mine.

Look it, this one right here.

I traced it.

I thought I recognized that!

Enough catching up.

Let my friends go.

They've literally

done nothing wrong.

Pam, we've got obstruction

of justice here.

We got reckless


The bus is full of drugs,

I get it.

Speaking of which,

I've got to get out of here.

I got three keys

of "Frisbees"

showing up at the

store today, so...

I should go,

question mark?

Why don't you

take my squcar.

That's a good idea.

Give him your keys.

You mean these keys?

There they are.

Classic Pam.

Classic Pam.

What do you say

we get some lunch?

Love it.

See you fucks later.

So, I'm gonna

go with her.

Yeah, you should.

She seems real nice.

You know, I think this is

our only way back now,

so I'm gonna try to get

these cocks off of my face

and get that

truck started.

Just give me one sec.



Thank you for...

Don't give me

any of that shit.

Just let me know

when you get back.

And I actually want

to see your photos

in Time magazine.

This camera set me

back three months

of my army pension!

Thanks, Grandpa.

And, Jason...


when Andre the Giant

used to go to

the Playboy Mansion,

he'd stack five playmates

on top of each other on a bed

and fingerfuck them all.

Five at a time.

Because his hands

were so big.


That's it.

Thanks, Grandpa.

"De Oppresso Liber."

Motto of the Green Berets.

It means

"to liberate the oppressed."

Hey. You ready?


Well, thanks for the ride.

You gonna be okay, D

I miss her.

But I'll be okay.

I was a shitty father

and I'm sorry.

Well, we'll work

on it.

You're a hard man

to track down, Professor.

Are those my pants?

Yeah, these are

your pants.

I found a Werther's

Original in the pocket

and I've been

sucking on it all morning.

You do know that I'm not

a professor, right?

Yeah, I know.

You're just a dirty,

dirty grandpa,

and I'm just a girl

from Long Island City

who likes to fuck

old people.

I like your

pullout couch.

Yeah, well,

I got news for you.

That's the only thing

that's gonna be

pulling out tonight.

I'll be right back.


Look, I'm... I'm sorry.

I don't know

if I can do this.

I haven't done it

for a long time.

Whoops! I guess

they just slipped off.

I want you to tear

open my bra

like it's a social

security check.

Tell me you've fallen

and you can't get up.

"Help, I've fallen

and I can't get up."


Now fumble around

and pretend

like you're trying

to find your glasses.

"I'm trying to find

my glasses. I can't see.

"I found them!

I can see! I can see!"

and you want to eat dinner.

and I want to eat dinner."

Tell me the buttons

on your remote control

are so small

that you can't find Fox News.

"The buttons

on my remote control

"are so small

I can't find Fox News!"

Tell me how small they are!

"They're real small!"

Tell me how this neighborhood

used to be safer!

"This neighborhood

used to be safer!"

Tell me how things were

better under Eisenhower!

"Things were better

under Eisenhower!"

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

We like Ike!

Are you

cumming or dying?

I'm not sure!

Maybe both!

"...for as by a man

came death.

"By a man has

come also life."

Richard Kelly II.

Congratulations on the

baby's new godparents,

Jason and Shadia.


Back to Mommy.

All baptized.

You just keep

surprising me, Grandpa.

Great fucking idea.

Hey, watch your

potty mouth!

Jesus, sorry...

Yeah, clean up your language.

And show some respect

for your new grandmother!

I'm sorry, honey.

That's all right.

And sweetie, would it kill

you to visit us sometimes?

We never see you.

Sorry, Nanna.

You wanna go grab the car?


All right, I'll pull around

the minivan.

Go to Daddy.

There we go,

come to Daddy.

All right.

It's a little bit weird.

She's my grandma.

And you're my uncle.

Look at that.

Holy shit!

It's a good dick.

My God!

Put that away.

It's our dick.


I'm just relieved

it's not his dick.

You want to get

the bottle for me?



طاقم التمثيل

توصيات المستخدمين

Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
مايك وديف أخوان شابان ومغامران ومحبان للمرح ويميلان إلى الخروج عن نطاق السيطرة في التجمعات العائلية. عندما تكشف أختهم جيني عن خطط زفافها في هاواي، يصر باقي أفراد عائلة ستانجل على أن يحضر الأخوان مواعيد محترمة. بعد وضع إعلان على موقع Craigslist، قرر الأشقاء اختيار Tatiana وAlice، وهما امرأتان ساحرتان وطبيعيتان على ما يبدو. بمجرد وصولهم إلى الجزيرة، يدرك مايك وديف أن رفاقهم مستعدون للإثارة والاحتفال.

مراجعات المشاهدين

Frank Ochieng
في فيلم **Dirty Grandpa** الصاخب والبائس، تعطي الضحكة البطيئة والمخرج دان مازر معنى جديدًا تمامًا لمصطلح “كوميديا ​​الكمامة” مع التركيز على كلمة هفوة. قد يرغب المرء في الانزعاج من هذه المرحة الطائشة التي تحاول جاهدة أن تترنح في الضحكات الخافتة البغيضة. مما لا شك فيه أن **Dirty Grandpa** بلا أسنان، وعديم الخيال، وبلا هدف. يتمتع بكل السحر والمرح كأرضية شمعية في غرفة ذات إضاءة خافتة لمريض في دار لرعاية المسنين مصاب بالتهاب المفاصل. بطبيعة الحال، فإن الجملة المشكوك فيها في هذه النكتة الحمقاء والفظيعة من الفيلم هي السبب وراء قيام فنان مرموق من عيار روبرت دينيرو الحائز على جائزة الأوسكار بمثل هذه الحمأة السخيفة والمهينة مثل المهزلة الفاضحة **Dirty Grandpa** في المقام الأول؟ من المؤكد أن DeNiro قد قام بنصيبه من الأعمال الكوميدية الناجحة والفاشلة في حياته المهنية بالإضافة إلى بعض الأعمال الدرامية التي كانت باهتة ومنسية. هذا صحيح... حتى أيقونات السينما العظيمة يمكن أن تنجذب إلى الأشياء الفاشلة المعتادة من وقت لآخر. ومع ذلك، فإن مشاهدة المخضرم DeNiro الذي يبلغ من العمر سبعين عامًا وهو يتخبط في هذه الفوضى المجنونة أمر لا يغتفر على الإطلاق. ما الذي امتلك DeNiro حتى يظهر في مثل هذا الطفح الجلدي لكوميديا ​​الأحداث؟ هل خسر رهانًا أم تم تحديه لجرأة من نوع فظيع؟ أما بالنسبة لنجم DeNiro الذي شارك في بطولة فيلم Dreamboat السابق لقناة ديزني، Zac Efron، فلا يمكن لأحد أن يتفاجأ من ظهور طفل الشاشة الكبيرة في حطام القطار هذا، كما لو أن اختيارات أفلام Efron السابقة لم تكن كما يمكن للمرء أن يسميها. ممتاز باستمرار في مسيرته السينمائية حتى الآن. دعونا نواجه الأمر...**الجد القذر** كان يتوسل لجلد اللسان وهو محق في ذلك. ما لم تكن مراهقًا هرمونيًا لا يمكن السيطرة عليه وعقلية غرفة خلع الملابس مرتبطة بنفسيتك الفارغة، فقد يجد المرء **الجد القذر** عديم الذكاء مملًا منمقًا لا يمكنه تنظيف فعله الضار حتى لو مر عبر عدة مغاسل سيارات متينة. يريد كاتب السيناريو جون فيليبس تقديم ديك كيلي، رجل دينيرو القاسي، على أنه كرة مدمرة تمشي بدون مرشح على الإطلاق. في الواقع، يعد ديك كيلي الذي يلعب دوره دينيرو شخصية مأساوية يمكن أن يساء فهمها من قبل البعض ولا يثق بها الآخرون. يبدو أن ديك كيلي هو المهرج الملعون ذو الروح الجريحة - ولا شك أن هدف فيليبس الذي سخر منه بسبب النظرة الساخرة الداخلية إلى المتشددين المتقدمين في السن - هو أولئك الذين يعترضون على عالم لم يعودوا يتعرفون عليه ويسمحون لهم بالمرور في هذه العملية. **الجد القذر** كان من الممكن أن يكون تعليقًا مظلمًا وشريرًا على الغضب الهادئ الناضج، حيث كان جهل المواطن الكبير ديك كيلي بمثابة زر أحمر للذعر. لسوء الحظ بالنسبة لـ **Dirty Grampa** فهو ليس ذكيًا أو محسوبًا بما يكفي لإدراك إمكاناته باعتباره ضحكة مكتومة تخريبية بينما يكتفي ببساطة بإلقاء قهقهاته على تفاهة حادة ورخيصة التفكير. باختصار، يريد الأرمل ديك كيلي الاسترخاء في أعقاب وفاة زوجته والتوجه إلى فلوريدا حيث أمضى هو وعروسه الحبيبة الراحلة أيامهما العزيزة بالقرب من منزلهما الصيفي. وهذا يعني الاستعانة بحفيده جيسون (زاك إيفرون) لمرافقته إلى ولاية الشمس المشرقة حتى يتمكن ديك من التحرر والوحشية. ديك، وهو رجل عسكري متقاعد، ليس فتى الكشافة في العصر الذهبي بأي حال من الأحوال. إنه بالفعل جد قذر بناءً على شخصيته باعتباره لقيطًا منمقًا. ديك عنصري، كاره للنساء، كاره للمثليين جنسيًا، متكبر... وهذه هي صفاته الجيدة! ديك غاضب لأنه يتساءل بشكل لا يصدق لماذا لا يستطيع نطق كلمة N ولا يفوت أي إيقاع عندما يسيل لعابه على الأطفال النطاطين الذين يمكن أن ينتقلوا بسهولة إلى حفيداته. وديك لديه "جايدار" الخاص به عندما يواجه "رجالًا نحيفين" في حضوره. أيضًا، ليس هناك أي خجل عندما يشعر ديك بالحرية في... إمتاع نفسه بغض النظر عما إذا كان جيسون موجودًا في المنطقة المجاورة أم لا. ديك، على أقل تقدير، هو أداة في أسوأ الأحوال. وبطبيعة الحال، يريد **Dirty Grandpa** بفارغ الصبر أن يضيف إلى هذا المزيج الدنيء من الشخصيات الشريرة الأخرى لإضافتها إلى مهرجان الفظاظة الخرقاء. يحصل كل من Mazer و Phillips على متعة الوجبات السريعة في تقديم لاعبين داعمين يعززون بكل سرور كل الجنون المنظم في متناول اليد. هناك صفارة الإنذار الفضولية (أوبري بلازا من برنامج "Parks and Recreation" التلفزيوني) التي تريد "القيام بالأعمال الشريرة" مع ديك لإرضاء هوسها لإرضاء الرجال القدامى. ثم هناك جالبال جيسون (جوليان هوغ) الذي يحتاج بشدة إلى إزالة العصا من مؤخرتها قبل أن تربط العقدة. بالطبع، يلقي هذا العرض الغبي بعض القطع الجماعية (مايكل هدسون وجيك بيكينج) وابن عم جيسون نيك (آدم بالي) - المتمني "ديك" المعاق. لذا فإن **Dirty Grandpa** يسير على إيقاعه الغريب دون أن يدرك مقدار الرائحة الكريهة من الدرجة الأولى في هذه الجلسة التي لا تطاق من الكوميديا ​​​​الغيبوبة في هذا العرض الرديء حقًا؟ روح الدعابة المنعشة المتعلقة بالحمام، والضحكات الاستمنائية المُعاد تدويرها، والبيمبو الشامبانيا، والمخدرات السعيدة بالصفعة التي تستخدم النكات العالية - كل ذلك يتناسب مع أي إيحاءات كريهة لهذا النتن الذي لا داعي لهتمكنت حكاية مضحكة من الانسحاب. بالنسبة إلى DeNiro وشركته **Dirty Grandpa** ربما كان يوم الدفع سريعًا ومربحًا، لكن بالنسبة لبقيتنا كان المكافأة مجرد تغيير بسيط. ** الجد القذر ** (2016) 1 ساعة. 42 دقيقة. بطولة: روبرت دينيرو، زاك إيفرون، زوي دويتش، أوبري بلازا، جوليان هوغ، جايسون مانتزوكاس، جيك بيكينغ، مايكل هدسون، مو كولينز، ديرموت مولروني. إخراج: دان مازر تصنيف MPAA: R النوع : كوميديا تقييم النقاد: *نجمة (من أصل 4 نجوم) (ج) فرانك أوتشينج
> المعتاد، لا يوجد شيء مبتكر فيه! كل ما كتبته هو مجرد رأي شخصي، وبالتأكيد لا أقصد الإساءة لأي شخص. كان من المفترض أن يكون هذا واحدًا من أفضل الأفلام الكوميدية لهذا العام، لكنه الآن ينتمي إلى واحدة من أسوأ الأفلام الكوميدية. أوصي بـ "الجدة" بدلاً من ذلك، حيث شعرت أنها كوميديا ​​أفضل بكثير. في هذا العمر، كان روبرت دي نيرو رائعًا بشكل لا يصدق، على الرغم من أن شخصيته كانت بحاجة إلى دعم جيد من شخص آخر، وهنا فشل زاك كالعادة في تقديم دوره. كنت أفضل شخصًا مثل تايلور لوتنر الذي يائسًا لتحقيق انفراجة على زاك الذي يدمر دائمًا. كان السيناريو من "القائمة السوداء"، مع العلم أنه كان عليهم أن يكونوا أكثر حذرًا أثناء اختيار الفيلم. القصة كانت جيدة، لأنها لم تكن مخصصة لواحد من أعظم الأفلام على الإطلاق. لقد كان نوعًا ما بمثابة عطلة نهاية أسبوع أو موضوع حفلة توديع العزوبية، لكن الفيلم يعطي سببه الأصلي ومن ثم كانت تلك الحبكات المطورة مألوفة جدًا إذا كنت قد شاهدت الكثير من أفلام المراهقين، التي تدور حول موضوع الحفلة. من المفترض أن تجعلنا نضحك، ولكن هناك الكثير من الفكاهة التي عفا عليها الزمن والتي تمت تجربتها بطريقة غير عادية لروايتها. كان الجمع بين الجد والحفيد فكرة ممتازة، حيث تدور الحبكة الرئيسية حولهما وكان ينبغي أن تظل على هذا النحو، لكن الرومانسية غير المحددة كانت بمثابة انقطاع. أو كان ينبغي عليهم تطوير مسار رومانسي لائق لتحقيق توازن أفضل في هذا النوع. على الأقل كان من الممكن أن يكون الأمر على ما يرام لو كان فيلمًا للمراهقين. العديد من الذين ظهروا فيه كانوا في الواقع أكبر من أن يمثلوا الأدوار الممنوحة لهم. لا بأس بذلك أيضًا، لأن الأفلام مزيفة، وكل شيء عبارة عن مكياج وأداء، لكن لم يكن أي منها في أفضل حالاته باستثناء دي نيرو وأوبري بلازا. من المؤكد أنه فيلم يجب تخطيه، هذا رأيي، لكنهم قليلون يدافعون عنه، لذا كن حذرًا لأنني لست دائمًا على حق وهم ليسوا دائمًا مخطئين إذا كنت تريد اختياره. 3/10