نظرة عامة
يكتشف عامة الناس أن لديهم قوى خارقة. تتشابك حياتهم كحدث مدمر يجب منعه.
تاريخ الاصدار
معرف TMDB
الشركات المنتجة
Tailwind Productions
You can't choose your family, you can choose a side.

نص الفيلم

في الحلقات السابقة

..طالما معي افلام وقت الافلام اجنبي هذا السيف

ستبدأ حياتي كبطل

انها نسخة مقلدة

السيف الأصلي يمتلكه

"شخص يدعى "ليندرمان

إنه أحد عملائي.. أحضر سيارتك

فسوف تعود إلى لاس فيغاس

بإمكانك الخروج الآن.. فلقد تم

"اسقاط كل التهم عنك يا سيدة "ساندرز

"وماذا عن "ليندرمان

لا تدعي مشاكل الغد

..تقلقك اليوم

لقد قررنا إيقافك لمدة

ستة أشهر

عليك أن تسلم سلاحك

وشارة الشرطة

!!لا شئ في حياتي حقيقي

والدي كما هو واضح لا

..يعمل في مصنع للورق

!!لقد افلام شاهد فور يو رحل.. أنتي بخير

انصتي لكل ما يقوله صديقي

فهو سيجعل كل شيء على ما يرام



كنت اتمنى أن اجد عندك

أية معلومات تدلني على والدي

في الحقيقة.. هذا أمر معقد

!!فهو رجل مهم للغاية

الحلقة الخامسة عشرة بعنوان



ربما لا تتذكرني

لم نتحدث منذ وقت طويل

..ولكن..قبل فاصل قليل

إبنتنا نجحت في الوصول لي

هل سمعت ما قلته لك؟

!إنها افلام ماي سيما حية


يجب أن نتحدث

نيثان، أما زلت معي؟

وحضرت جنازتك

اسمعني، ذلك الحريق

لم يكن في الواقع حادثاً

..شخص ما حاول أن يؤذيني

..والشرطة توقعت أنني بديل ماي سيما مت

ولذلك هربت

وماذا عن ابنتنا؟

لا بد أن لديها ملاكاً يحرسها

فقد تبنتها أسرة طيبة

في تكساس

إنها في السادسة عشرة من عمرها الان

وهي جميلة جداً

شعرها أشقر مثلي

كما أنها ذكية مثلك

ربما في يوم ما سترشح

نفسها للكونغرس

توقيت إتصالك..وقبل أسبوعين

..من خوضي مرحلة الإنتخابات

الأمر ليس مصادفة .. أليس كذلك؟

طفل خارج إطار الزواج

..سيكون خبراً مهماً للغاية

بالطبع لا تريد أن ينتشر هذا افضل افلام الأمر

فقد يهدم كل مشاريعك

كم تريدين؟

مائة ألف دولار؟؟

نعم .. هذا يكفي

للتكتم على الأمر

سأخبرك أين ترسلها

على مهلك

أمي، هل أنتِ سينما بخير؟

كنت بحال أفضل

ستكون بخير

تحتاج للراحة فقط

و وقتا كافيا لتتعافى

تتعافى من ماذا؟

لقد زارت طبيباً مختصا

..في سيما كلوب الأعصاب

وأجرى لها بعض الفحوصات

أية فحوصات؟

أمك تعاني من حالات

صداع مزمنة

كما أنها تعاني مؤخراً

من حالات فقدان الذاكرة

هل أخبرتهم بذلك؟

بالطبع يا كلير

الأمور تجري على مايرام

لا تقلقي ياعزيزتي

سأكون بخير

انظري، "موقولز" لا يبدو

قلقاً أليس كذلك؟

بالطبع لا

ديل لن يقع في الفخ

بالطبع سيفعل

الحب أعمى، والليلة الماضي

تثبت ذلك تماما

ولن يتمكن من رؤية

!اي شي لوقت طويل

نيكي" حبيبتي يجب أن انطلق"

أنا قادمة

رائع، تبدو بالفعل

كعميل سري حقيقي

أهو أمر ضروري لكل

الحراس الشخصيين؟

حراس شخصيين؟ لا افلام اكشن 2022 أحد يطلق

..علينا هذا الأسم

"يسموننا "الحرس الخاص

لا يهم الأسم.. المهم أن

العمل يسدد فواتيرنا

ألن نتحدث ابداً

..عن ذلك الموضوع؟

أي موضوع؟

ما نستطيع أن نفعله


اشعر أنه من الواجب علينا مكافحة

الجريمة أو شيء من هذا القبيل


لكن افلام عربي في الوقت الحالي استمتع

بدراستك ايها العبقري الصغير


حبيبتي، هناك رسالة لك

وضعتها على الطاولة هناك

شكراً لك

هل ستأخذ سلاحك؟

كبدل حمل سلاح

ولكنك لن تضطر لإستخدامه

اليس كذلك؟

"انا في الحقيقة "جليس أطفال

لأشخاص مهمين

لن يحدث شيء ابداً

اتمنى ذلك

حمدلله على اتصالك

بقائي في البيت

يربكني جداً

افهم الوضع تماماً، فالرجل سرق ماله

وهو الان يريده ميتاً

"ما يريده السيد "ليندرمان

فسوف يحصل عليه افلام سيما اكشن بالتأكيد

السيد. فيلم سطار السعودي مالسكي

انا مالسكي

"مات باركمن"

انا لحمايتك سيدي

شبــ الليل ــح

[email protected]

منتدى الإقلاع

أود أن أشير إلى شيء مهم هنا

هيرو، لقد عدنا الآن

إلى لاس فيغاس

إلى نقطة البداية

..ولكن هذه المرة

سيكون علينا التسلل

"لفندق "ليندرمان

أمامنا أقل من أسبوعين

من أجل وقف القنبلة قبل

أن تدمر نيويورك

واجه الأمر يا هيرو

فالأمر مستحيل

أندو، تعرف انني لن أستسلم أبداً

ويجب أن يكون لديك

نفس الإصرار

يجب أن تكون عزيمتك اقوى

من عزيمة أي بطل

حسناً، اعثر لنا على خطة ندخل

بها مكتب ليندرمان

وعندها سيكون عندي أمل


هل أنت بخير

يا آنسة؟

هل نستطيع فور يو مساعدتك؟

..كلا، لا يمكنني

فنحن افلام هندية 2023 لا نعرف بعضنا

"أنا "أندو

"وهذا صديقي "هيرو

"وانا "هوب

#هوب أمل#

إلى افلام توم كروز أين أن ذاهب؟

حي دايموند.. تقاطع

برودواي مع الشارع السادس

إنه يوم من أجمل ايام لوس أنجليس

..فهذا الجو والطقس الجميل

...ذكرني بإسمك مجدداً

باركمان، مات باركمان

اسمعني يا باركمان

مهمتك سهلة للغاية

خذني لوسط المدينة حيث أقابل

رجلاً انهي معه صفقة مهمة

ثم تعيدني للمطار

احرص فقط أن لا يزعجني أحد

وهذا مسلسل the last of us موقع ماي سيما يشملك أنت أيضاً

أتمنى فقط أن يكون هذا الفاشل

قادراً على استعمال سلاحه

وإلا سنموت جميعاً

اسمي د. موهندر سوريش

من المهم جداً

ان اتحدث وى سيما معه

اؤكد لك.. إهتماماتي قانونية

انا الدكتور موهيندر سوريش

..من الصعب جداً شرح الموضوع عبر

انا الدكتور موهينر سوريش

..تغيرات جينية فشار معينة

هل لاحظت أية تغيرات

في مسلسل الاصلي تصرفاته؟

انا الدكتور موهيندر سوريش

أما زلت معي؟

لديك رسالة جديدة

"مرحباً، أنا افلام "زاين

زاين تايلور

استلمت رسالة منك

ويبدو ان شيئاً ما يحدث لي

لا يمكنني ماي سيما بالطو التحكم به

أظن أنه يجب أن نتحدث

ارجوك بسرعة

هل يمكنك مقابلتي الآن؟

...فالأمر بالفعل

خمس دقائق يا سيداتي

خمس دقائق فقط

تواعدنا لعدة we cima أشهر

وهو افلام مصريه 2023 يعيش في لوس انجليس

ويـأتي أحياناً لزيارتي

في البداية كان لطيفاً جداً

ولكنه الآن شخص سيء للغاية

إلى درجة أنه ضربني

اتقصدين أن صديقك

فعل هذا بك؟

انا آسف

غادرت هذا الصباح بينما هو نائم

ولكنني نسيت حقيبتي

انا وردية اللون وعليها

بعض الإكسسوارات

..وبداخلها نقودي وكل بطاقاتي الإئتمانية و

وبها دفتر الهاتف الذي

يصعب على العمل بدونه

يجب أن اذهب إليه

واتحدث معه

ربما يكون أهدأ الآن

كلا، دعي المهمة لنا


اسمحي لنا لو تكرمتي

ماذا عن مهمتنا؟

لقد ضربها، لا يمكنها العودة اليه

..سنتسلل ونحضر حقيبتها

اتريد ان تقتحم إحدى

غرف الفندق لتسرق سيما روم حقيبة؟

قلت لي أنني بحاجة للأمل

وهذه بالتأكيد إشارة ما

إنها مجرد مصادفة

لماذا كلما اردت شيئاً لنفسك

جعلته قدرنا كلنا

ولكن لما اطلب منك شيئاً

تقول انه ليس مهماً ابدا

شارلي.. وليندرمان

شارلي كان أمراً مختلفاً


هل كنت تتحدثون عن السيد ليندرمان

نعم، سيما ماي هل تعرفينه؟

ليس واي سيما شخصياً، ولكن الجميع

يعرف من هو

اعرف اشخاصاً يعرفونه تماماً

هذا رائع

بإمكانها مساعدتنا

لو أحضرنا حقيبتك

فهل تعرفينا بهم؟

نعم سافعل هذا

يبقى لدينا مشكلة

كيف نتجاوز الأمن؟

لدي فكرة

من هناك؟

خدمة الغرف

لم أطلب شيئاً منكم

إنها هدية من إدارة الفندق

غرفة رائعة بالفعل

كيف حالك اليوم؟

هذا يكفي

كانت فكرة غبية

كل هذا لإن الفتاة تعجبك

الأبطال فيلم لا يندمون على شيء ابداً

نحن نضيع وقتنا

يبدو أنه يجب على الذهاب

لمكتب ليندرمان بدونك

علينا ان نذهب الآن

"لماذا؟ هل وجدت حقيبة "هوب

الأبطال لا يهربون ابدا

توقف عن ترديد كل ما اقوله لك

يجب أن نغادر المكان

كلا، لقد وثقت بك

كل الفترة الماضية

والآن عليك فقط أن تثق بي

ولكنني بدون قواي

لست بحاجة لقدرات خاصة لتكون بطلاً

سنتصل بالشرطة

هيا سنغادر سيما فوريو الآن



يا إلهي.. أرجوك افلام رعب بسرعة

ارجوك تعال بسرعة

دكتور سوريش؟


شكراً لله


ظننت أنك لن تأتي ولم أعرف

ماذا كنت سأفعل

أعني.. إنظر إلى حياتي

نعم، افهم ما تقصد

انا شخص عادي


لم أكن ابداً مختلفاً عن غيري

أعني أنه لا أحد يأبه بي

حين ايجي بست افلام اكون في الشارع

اظن أنه يجب أن اريك، اليس كذلك؟

ما افلام اكشن 2022 مترجم كامل جديد يمكنني أن افعله

هل تريد أن تراني؟

نعم بالطبع

حسنا، لم اغادر الشقة

منذ اكثر من ثلاثة اسابيع

ويبدو افلام ديزني lone star 9-1-1 season 1 ماي سيما 2022 أنني سأصاب بالجنون

يستحسن ان ترجع

للوراء قليلاً

بعض الأحيان تصبح

الأمور فوضوية

نجني ثمار ما نزرع يا نيثن

ولا يمكنك أن تلوم أحد موقع شاهد فور يو غيرك

سوف اذهب بنفسي لتكساس

لأنهي هذا الأمر

رغم اقتراب موعد الإنتخابات؟

لا تكن سخيفاً

لو عرفت وسائل الإعلام

..هذه الأمور فستكون فضيحة

كنت أهتم بميريدث موقع سيما كلوب كثيراً

وانا مدين لها بأكثر من مجرد

اتصال هاتفي.. انا مدين لهما

كما أنني والد الفتاة

انت تبرعت بحيواناتك وي سيما المنوية

لا تربط نفسك عاطفياً بالأمر

كيف يمكنك أن تصبحي بهذا البرود

لإنني اعرفك تماماً يا نيثن

خلف هذه الواجهة الصارمة

لست سوى شخص ضعيف

في اللحظة التي تقع عيناك على الفتاة

الصغيرة فسوف تضعف وينتهي أمرك

وستعطي وهي ستستمر تأخذ

حتى هاي سيما افلام اون لاين لا يبقى عندك شيئاً تقدمه

لذلك رتب أمورك يا نيثن

حوّل المبلغ لتكساس

ثم ركز على الأشخاص

الذين يهمونك حقاً

كيف حال أمي؟

انها ترتاح

علمت أنك و "زاك" تغيبتما

عن المدرسة بالأمس

اخذت الأذن من أمي

كان الغياب لإعداد تقرير دراسي

ذهبنا لحديقة الأسماك

بهذه التذاكر؟

المطبوعة بواسطة كمبيوترك؟

انها مزيفة يا كلير

هل تتجسس عليّ؟

لا اعلم اين كنتي

ولا اريد أن اعرف

انت مراهقة وربما تحتاجين

...لبعض الحرية.. ولكن هذا التصرف

مرفوض تماماً

انت ممنوعة من مغادرة

المنزل ايتها الشابة

وعليك أن تكوني بالمنزل بحلول

الخامسة مساء كل يوم وحتى اشعار اخر

ماذا؟ لا يمكنك ان تفعل هذا بي

انا والدك

لست والدي الحقيقي

لا ، لست والدك

ولكنني قريب جداً

لأكون كذلك

لذلك موقع افلام بدون اعلانات الزمي المنزل كل مساء

وحتى تستعيدين ثقتي مجدداً



هذه انا، كلير

هل لديك وقت لتخبريني

عن والدي افلام اكشن 2023 مترجم كامل جديد الحقيقي؟

كلير يا عزيزتي انا

سعيدة جداً لإتصالك

ويسعدني ان اخبرك ايضا

انني وجدت والدك

انت تمزحين.. ماذا قال؟

بعد أن تجاوز حقيقة اننا

..مازلنا أحياء

كان في الحقيقة فيلم سطار السعودي سيما كلوب لطيفاً للغاية

قال انه يسعده جداً مساعدتنا

..وبدا كريماً للغاية

وقال انه سيأتي من نيويورك

جيد، أريد أن اراه


..في الحقيقة لا افلام نتفلکس 2023 أعرف

ولكنه والدي

..نعم، في الواقع

دعيني اتحدث معه

لأعرف رأيه حول الموضوع

آسفة يا كلير..يجب أن اذهب

..الآن ولكن

سأتصل بك لاحقاً، افلام نتفلکس 2022 موافقة؟


لدي ايجي بست الأصلي المال

دعني أرى الماسات

الأحجار تتراوح اوزانها بين

عرضي لك سيكون سخياً للغاية

وكأن الأمر يهم حقاً

..مبعوث ليندرمان

سيكون هنا في أية لحظة

ولن تغادر المكان حياً

سيدي ارجوك

يجب ان نغادر هذا المكان افلام سينما الان

انه افلام جوني ديب فخ

ماذا؟ كيف عرفت؟

لا يهم.. يجب ان تثق بي

اوافق على عرضك

يجب أن اذهب

من هو ليندرمان؟

رئيسي السابق

كيف عرفت أسمه؟

لا يهم

ولم يرسل شخصاً ليقتلك؟

لإنني سرقت مليوني

دولار من امواله

لو انني غادرت البلد

لكان الوضع افضل

رائع.. اذن انت سرقت امواله

كيف عرفت؟

انتظر لحظة.. يجب ان

تخرجني من هنا

خذ مشاهدة افلام هذا

وسأعطيك واحدة اخرى

اذا اخرجتني من هنا

لا يمكنك ان تعطيني رشوة

لا أريد أن اموت

رصاصتين للحارس الشخصي

ثم واحدة في بطن مالسكي

رصاصتين للحارس الشخصي

ثم واحدة في بطن مالسكي

انها هنا

سيكون الأمر ممتعاً

انا افعل كل شيء

ثم يأتي ويأخذ نصف الأرباح

لقد مللت كل هذا

لا وجدت شخصين من الصين

قالا انهما سيساعداني

ذرفت قليلاً من الدموع

فأصبحا تحت افلام ديزني 2023 سيطرتي


لقد ذهبا لجلب الحقيبة


"سأخذ الباص من منطقة "بريم

"واقابلك في "بارستو

احبك أكثر يا ليون


لم الاحظك تدخل

كنت تتحدثين عبر الهاتف

نعم كنت مع والدتي

وأين الحقيبة؟

لسنا من الصين.. نحن يابانيان

لا يهم

أين الحقيبة؟

انت شريرة

ربما نجحتي في خداع أندو

ولكنك سيما فور لن تخدعيني ابدا

شكراً على مساعدتك ايها المغفل

ماذا تفعل؟

لا يمكننا موقع سيما التوقف هنا

يجب ان نتحرك

!!حسناً.. من هنا ، هيا

!هيّا تحرك

حسناً اذهب للمصعد

لا يمكنك أن تفعلي هذا

يجب أن تتوقفي

لا تقلقي يا نيكي

فأنا لا اخطط ان اكون

ربة منزل للأبد

على فقط أن اجدد

حياتي من وقت لأخر

انت تلاحقين رجلين في وضح النهار

وبيدك مسدس

اتسمين هذا تجديداً؟

هذه افلام هندية 2022 حياتي.. وطفلي

لا يمكنك ان تفعلي هذا

يجب ان افعل

يجب علينا أن نسدد

اموال ليندرمان

اخذتي سيما فور يو هذه الصفقة لتخرجيني من السجن؟

لم يكن بإستطاعتي

..ترك الأمور لك

لم يصل المصعد بعد

بمن تتصل؟


لا يمكنك افلام هندي 2022 استدعاء الشرطة

تيري.. مرحبا انا باركمان

احرس افلام رعب 2023 شخصاً في حي دايموند

تقاطع الشارع السادس مع برودواي

ويبدو ان هناك شخص مسلح او اثنين

ارسل كل من لديك


حسنا.. اذهب للجانب الأخر من المبنى

الشرطة ستصل قريبا وانا سأحاول

الحصول على مزيد من الوقت

ارمي سلاحك

ارميه.. الآن

حسنا ، اين زميلتك؟


هيا.. زميلتك

سمعتك تتحدثين معها

اسمها موقع افلام "نيكي" اليس كذلك

اخبريني اين هي

"هل سمعت "نيكي

اين هي؟

لا بد أنها في طريقها

لقتل مالسكي

في هذه اللحظة

الرابعة في الأعلى والثالثة من الخلف

الرابعة في الأعلى والثالثة من الخلف

انت هنا .. هيا لنذهب

انا مرة اخرى

كلا .. لالا

مرحبا كلير

ماذا تفعلين هنا؟

يجب أن اقابل موفيز والدي

انت لا تفهمين

سأنتظر هنا طوال الليل

لو لزم الأمر

لما لا نمشي قليلاً

..انها أمي

انها مريضة وأظن ان الأمر خطير

يؤسفني سماع هذا

وكيف فاصل اعلاني اساعدك؟

قلتي لي أن والدي غني

وقلتي ايضاً ان لديه القوة

وبأنه يرغب بمساعتدنا

..وظننت انه من افلام اكشن 2023 الممكن ان يساعدنا موقع وي سيما

يا عزيزتي

لم اكن اقصد انه سيساعدنا

بشكل مباشر.. قصدت المال

لا افهم

..والدك.. انه

كيف اشرح لك هذا؟

عندما اكتشف والدك انني

..حامل بك

ما اريد ان اقوله لك

هو انك لا يمكنك الإعتماد عليه

سيعطيك المال لإن هذا سهل

ولكن ان اردتي شيء اخر فسيخيب ظنك

اتقصدين انه لا يريد ان يقابلني؟



لماذا لم تخبريني كل هذا؟

لإنه افلام ديزني يريد ان يمنحنا بعض المال

خمسون ألف دولار وانتي

تستحقين نصفها بالطبع

لا أريد امواله

انا سأذهب للمكسيك لبعض فلم الوقت

وربما لن نرى بعضنا مرة افلام 2022 اخرى

اريدك ان تعتني بنفسك


حتى لا أنسى هذا الوجه الجميل

!شرطة.. ارفع يديك

انا حارسه الشخصي

مرحبا، افلام كرتون زاين تايلور؟


لابد انك الدكتور سوريش

تفضل افلام رعب 2022 بالدخول

اتريد قليلاً من الشاي؟

اعتذر على تأخري في الوصول سيما لايت لك

لا فشار افلام تقلق.. لا مشكلة

"اتحب شاي "ايرل غراي

نعم ، يكون جيدا


كنت تبدو متوتراً

حين تحدثت بالهاتف

ويبدو أنك هدأت الآن

كانت لدي شكوك

ولكنها زالت هذا الصباح

هل تعرف ابراهام ماسلو؟

"'استاذ امريكي في علم سيما روم ميراكولوس الموسم الخامس النفس"

ولا اطروحاته حول

"تفوّق الذات"

للأسف لا

..في الحقيقة

هي لحظة تجعلك تشعر

انك شخص مختلف

قد تشعرك بأنك تافه او عملاق

مقارنه بأشكال الحياة الأخرى

او الطبيعة او حتى الرب


كأنك تشاهد قطع الألغاز

وهي تجتمع معا لتكشف السر

وطوال الوقت، ماي سينما كنت

احاول محاربة هذا الشعور

أو ارفضه

..ولكن لا يوجد اي عيب

في امتلاكي مثل هذه القدرات

اليس من اشهر افلام الجريمة من 6 حروف كذلك؟

بالطبع لا

ستكون وكأنك افلام هنديه 2023 تنكر أن

لك عينان ايجي بست بنيّاتان



اظن انك تريد مشاهدة قدراتي


اقصد افلام مصرية 2023 أنني متحمس

جداً لتوثيقها ومشاهدتها

ربما عليك الرجوع للوراء قليلا

فهذا يبدو كمعطف جيد

!!يا الهي

اتريد ان تراها مرة أخرى؟

انظري ماذا استفدنا من كل هذا

يؤسفني تحول الأمور

بهذا الشكل

تعلمين انه كان يمكنني

..ان اكون

شخصاً مختلفاً في ذلك الوقت

انتم السياسيون

تعرفون حقاً كيف تتهربون

من الإعتذارات

انا وأنت

لم تكن علاقتنا معاً ممكنة

عالمين مختلفين

اتمنى أن يعوض هذا

حقيقة غيابي عن عالمكم

انتما الإثنين


أين هي؟


لقد غادرت للتو

هل طلبت رؤيتي؟


التقطت صورة لها

انظر كم هي جميله

انا متأكد انها كذلك

الق نظرة يا نيثن

جاءت هنا ومعها شاهد فور يو عالم سكر حقائبها

اعتقدت انك ستنقذها

من حياتها البائسة

ألم تتوقع هذا؟


انك ستأتي لدفع المبلغ

ومن ثم ستغادر

هل كان يجب أن استأذنك

حول هذا؟

بإمكاني الإتصال بها

وستعود لو طلبت منها ذلك

تصرفتي بشكل جيد

تصرفتي بشكل جيد تماما

من الأفضل الآن ان

اعود لعائلتي

إنهم الأطفال فقط

تعجبني حقاً قدرتك

..على التحكم افلام هندي 2023 بهذه


في الحقيقة هي

مثل ركوب الدراجة

للمرة الأولى في حياتك

حين تكون مهزوزا وخائفاً

قبل أن اكتشف شيئاً

قطعة مفقودة من اللغز


وهو ما يطلق عليه منهو ولدنا ماي سيما فقط


أريد أن اخذ عينة من

حمضك النووي



فقط وي سينما امسحها على

فمك من الداخل


اعذرني ويسيما قليلاً


اتريدني ان امسح هذه

في داخل فمي؟

نعم هذا موقع ماي سيما صحيح


عينة حمض نووي

شكراً لك


يجب أن تحذر من

..معرفه الناس

عن هذه القوة يا زاين

فهناك بعض الأشخاص

الذين لن يفهمونك ابدا

وربما يريدون إلحاق الأذى بك

ولما يفعلون ذلك؟

لا أدري الآن

..ولكنني اعرف

هناك افلام 2023 الكثير من المميزين

..مثلك تماماً


كم عددهم؟


وهم فقط الأشخاص

الذين اعرفهم

وبمزيد من الوقت والأبحاث

فقد نجد المئات منهم

وربما افلام مصرية 2022 افلام هنديه 2022 افضل افلام 2023 الالآف


انت اول شخص يرد

على اتصالي

ولكنني سأجدهم .. كلهم

استطيع ان ارافقك

يمكنني مساعدتك

فكر بهذا

قد يحتاجون لإثبات

ومن يمكنه فعل هذا؟

أندو.. من هنا


لقد أحضرتها، أنت بطلي

لقد احتجزت تحت السرير

!!صديقك ضخم افلام مصرية كوميدية 2023 الجثة

تقصد صديقي السابق


"يجب أن اذهب افلام هندي لـ "بريم

حيث منزل والدتي

انا واثقه من أنها تريد رؤيتك


أين هيرو؟

اخذته ليقابل الشخص

الذي سيقدمه للسيد ليندرمان

لم افلام مصريه 2022 ينتظرني؟

قال انه لا يحتاجك

..لكنني تأخرت في جلب الحقيبة

فلماذا انتظرتيني؟

يكفي انا وأنت

يجب أن نذهب





هذا انت؟ انا عالق هنا

انها امرأة سيئة

وقوية جداً

لقد لكمتني

انت لست أندو

انا غوستافسن من

لجنة القمار الحكومية

جئتكم بسلام

لم أرى سوى الشقراء

ولكنني افلام فور يو سمعتهم يتجادلن

ومتأكد انهن اثنتين

اؤكد لك ، كانت قوية للغاية

لقد كسرت القيود

الديك فكرة

عن مكان الماسات؟

الم تجدون الحقيبة؟


يبدو أن القاتلة القوية


قد أستولو عليها

الرابعة في الأعلى والثالثة من الخلف

...الرابعة في الأعلى افضل افلام 2022 والثالثة

يا له من شخص تافه

باركمان انه نكته

لا يستطيع حتى التمسك

بعمله كحارس مأجور

لن يضع شارة الشرطة مرة اخرى

في موقع سيما لايت حياته


هل انت بخير؟


نعم انا بخير

!امي لقد عدت

من أجل ان نصمد شاهد 4 يو في هذا العالم

نحيط انفسنا بالأشخاص

الذين نعتمد عليهم تماماً

ونأتمنهم على

آمالنا افلام تويتر ومخاوفنا

اذهب افلام مصرية كوميدية 2022 بعيدا

أمي.. مالذي يحدث؟

هذا الشيء المخيف

ظهر فجأة

أظن أنه مسعور

اذهب بعيداً

امي هذا كلبك

مستر شاهد سيما كلوب المؤسس عثمان الموسم الرابع فور موغلز

انت تحبينه

لا املك كلباً

ولا اعرف موغلز

ولا اعرفك انت ايضاً

ولكن ماذا يحدث

حين تنعدم الثقة؟

..إلى أين نهرب سيما للجميع عندما

تختفي الأشياء التي نؤمن بها

امام اعيننا

لقد حان الوقت

مايكا هل وصلتني رسالة اخرى؟

نعم، انها في ماى سيما غرفتك


سأفتحها الآن

عندما يضيع كل شيء

يصبح المستقبل مجهولاً

وحياتك يشوبها الخطر

نعم.. اتذكره جيداً

لا مشكلة ابداً

اعتبر الأمر منتهياً

...ساعتها لا يسعنا سوى


شبــ الليل ــح

[email protected]

منتدى افلام عرب سيد مترجمه الإقلاع


Where does it come from?

This quest, this need

to solve life's mysteries,

when the simplest of questions

can never be answered?

Why are we here? What is the soul?

Why do we dream?

Perhaps we'd be better off

not looking at all.

Not delving, not yearning.

That's not human nature.

Not the human heart.

That is not why we are here.

How's he doing?

I'm sorry. Did I scare you?


No, I just... I keep having

these amazing dreams

every time I close my eyes and...

...never mind.

He likes me to rehim the stock page.

Has he been conscious at all?


Been a week now. I think he's close.

A couple more days, maybe.

You know I don't know

what he'd do without you.

You got a real gift.

Just doing my job.

No, you're like a son to him.

No, that would make us

like brother and sister.

Might be... might be a little awkward

if I ever wanted to ask you out.

I'm sorry, that was...

That was inappropriate.

No, it's sweet, it's...

I'm dating somebody.

Yeah. No, really, it's OK.

I need to change his IV.

I'm sorry, of course.

Man is a narcissistic species by nature.

We have colonized the four corners

of our tiny planet.

But we are not the pinnacle

of socalled evolution.

That honor belongs to the lowly cockroach.

They say that man uses only

a tenth of his brain power.

Another percent and we might actually

be worthy of God's image.

Unless, of course,

that day has already arrived.

The Human Genome Project

has discovered that tiny variations

in man's genetic code are taking place

at increasingly rapid rates.

Teleportation, levitation,

tissue regeneration.

Is this outside the realm of possibility?

Or is man entering a new gateway to evolution?

Is he finally standing at the threshold

to true human potential?

I'm sorry. I'm out of time.

I know, I know, I'm beginning to sound

like my father. I can't help it.

You know, they can fire me

too, if they like,

but there is something to it,

Nir As crazy as it sounds.

What is it?

It's your father.

He's de


Driving a taxi in New York City

is a very dangerous job.

The wrong fare, the wrong time.

We may never know what really happened.

No, I spoke to him two days ago.

He was convinced someone was following

him, trying to steal his research.

He died because of his theories.

That's crazy.

Is it?

The man left his family,

discredited his career, to chase wild

theories halfway around the world.

Where are you going?

To his apartment, to get his papers,

his research.

He was this close

to finding the first of them.

His Patient Zero, he tracked him

to Queens, New York.

Mohinder, listen to me.

Your father was my

colleague and my friend.

A respected professor,

a brilliant geneticist.

But he hclearly

lost touch with reality.

I've followed in his footsteps.

My thesis is based on his research.

Yes, you always wanted his approval.

And now you're telling me

that it was all for nothing.

I'm telling you to let go.

I need to know why he died. I need to

know that it wasn't all for nothing.

And then I need to finish

what he started.


Yeah, yeah, I'm at his place now.

No, no, no, he left everything behind

but his computer.

Research, the map.

Yeah, let's get a team in here

to bag and tag everything.

I gotta call you right back.


Time to get up, Micah.



Micah. Micah.


Damn it, Micah, don't do that to me.

Do what?

Just you need to be

careful. All right?

And I don't want you talking to

any strangers, do you understand?

I'm just working on my computer.

The logic board was b

so I hto build a new one.

A new one...

Did anyone ever tell you you're the

smartest little man on the planet?

You do. All the time.

What's this?

It's a pinhole camera. It's for the eclipse.

The moon's gonna cover up the sun today.

We're supposed to look at it at school.

Speaking of which, you need to go

get ready. Can't be late. Not today.

Mom, I'm already dressed

and I've packed my own lunch.

That's what I've been doing this morning.

What about you?

Hey, don't get smart with me.

All right, I've been working to pay our bills.

Yeah, that's why they turned off our gas again?

Go grab your stuff and

wait by the back door, OK?


Just do it.

Mom, what's going on?

Never mind, just keep your voice down

and stay close to me.

Camera ready?

Yeah, almost! Hold on.

This is so unreal.

OK, I'm good!

OK. Oh my...

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Claire?

Oh, my God.


This is Claire Bennet and

that was attempt number six.

You get out here, yes?

Yes, sorry. Thanks.

Mr. Linderman, I'm gonna have to call

you back in five minutes, OK?

Thank you.

I'm late. I've got a fundraiser and a

drinks meeting. What is it?

It happened two more times. Sometimes

I'm falling, sometimes I'm flying.

Sometimes you're in 'em.

I don't have time for this now.

They're not just dreams, Nathan.

Hold this.

I thought they'd go away, but they're not.

This morning when I got out of bed, my

foot hovered before it hit the ground.

Hovered. For a split second,

like I was... like I was floating.

I'm telling you, I think I can fly.

These all are "Undecideds"?


Tell you what, you think you can fly?

Why don't you jump off the Brooklyn Bridge?

See what happens.

Maybe I ought to start with something

a little lower first.

Just like learning to walk.

You're serious.

Oh, I'm serious.

You need to snap out of it, Peter.

Go see a doctor, get some drugs.

But do not pull a Roger Clinton

on me man,

I'm eight points down in the polls.

Look, this isn't about you, all right?

Look, something is happening to me,

and I have this feeling

that you're the only person

that's gonna understand this.

Why the hell would I understand that

you think you can fly?

Because you're my brother!

Mom, look, I can't talk right now. I've got...


What'd she do now?

She got arrested.

Arrested for what?


I'm so depressed.

What? What are you talking about? Why?

I mean, I mean, besides the fact that it

was so gross that I almost fudged myself,

this is the single coolest thing to happen

Not if nobody finds out, it's not.

Why'd you want me to tape it?

I have my reasons.

I still can't believe you asked me.

You stopped talking to me

It's safer this way.

Why? 'Cause I'm not popular,

so no one would believe me even

if I did tell? Which I won't.

Something like that.

It's not like you're not gonna be

popular anymore.


Who said anything about being popular?

My life as I know it is over, OK?

I've got the Bishop game

next week, SAT's in October,

homecoming's three weeks from today,

and I'm a freak show.

You're being a little

dramatic, don't you think?

No, I don't think.

I have busted, like, every bone in my body,

stabbed myself in the chest, I've shoved

a twofoot steel rod through my neck,

and I don't have a scratch on me.

What do you call that thing sticking out?


Just give me the tape, OK?


I can give you a ride on my handlebars...

...if you want.

That's OK, I'll walk.

Look, thanks, OK?

I'll talk to you in front of people

at school tomorrow.


What do we have?

Three clear.

Give me a count.

All clear.

How the hell did they know we were coming?

Railroschedules from the

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Routes for transporting

nuclear material. Right.

Not much else. Couple of notes here,

mostly Arabic.

Except for this.

"Odessa." What the hell

is this, a name?

Oh, it's a town in Texas. Odessa.

What's that?

You asked me what Odessa is. It's a town

in Texas. And a city in Russia, I think.

What are you talking about?

What do you think? CIA or FBI?

No, she's dressed too nice for FBI.

Saw the test scores got posted this morning.

Don't worry about it, man.

Not everybody's a testtaker.

Who wants to be on SWAT anyway?

Too dangerous.

You all right, man?

What're you doing here, son?

You're not authorized to be in here.

Wait a minute.


Don't shoot. Don't... Don't shoot!

Now, the train is registered to the

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

And there has been no official statement,

yet, as to what was in the car.

But judging by the amount

of security around here,

it's pretty clear it was

something very valuable.

Reporting live from Odessa, Texas,

I'm Laura Lancaster.

I want a lawyer.

You leme to the rest of your cell,

I'll think about it.

Until then, no one knows you're here,

which means no one will know if you're not.

You found him, didn't you?

You found the engineer.

He's here in LA.

Where is he?

Where is he?

This is LAPD jurisdiction.

We need to take him into custody.

He stays here till I tell you he leaves.

Who's the engineer?

Amid Halebi.

Saudi national with a PhD

in Nuclear Physics.

he didn't show up for the main event.

Turns out, he fell for an American girl

he'd met a few months earlier.

he went off the grid.

And they tracked him here?

He brought the girl back to bury her.

She died of cancer. Funeral was yesterday.

He's back on the grid.

Let's see if the Amazing

Karnack here has some answers.

Who is he?

Matthew Parkman. He's eight

years on the force,

no commendations, no disciplinary

issues. He's undistinguished so far.

You, come with me.

Help me understand. How did you know

he was in there?

I don't know. I don't. I just did.

If you know where the engineer is,

I think you better tell me.

The what?

You recognize these?

Switching codes for rail transport.

Top secret Nuclear Regulatory routes.

Nuclear material, nuclear devices.

Meaning: anyone with these codes

could wreak a lot of havoc

if they decided to send two trains

down the same rail line.

But you don't know anything

about that, do you?

No, ma'am.

I see in your file here

that you've taken the exam

to advance to the SWAT team three times.

Yes, sir.

You realize that there are

physical requirements.

I can...

I can lose the weight.

How does that make you feel, son?

Flunking that test that many times?


I guess... angry.

Angry enough to do something about it?

Take revenge in some kind of way?

You think I have something

to do with this guy?

Do you?

I'm telling you the truth. I...

I heard his voice.

Do you have some place you gotta be?

It's my wife, yes. I have a meeting...

At a what?

At a therapy session.

It's couples counseling. We're...

We're having some trouble at home.

This guy's worthless.

Yeah, I was real sorry

to hear about your father.

He seemed like a good guy.

Man, I thought I was a slob.

They were here, too.



I got a guy who can clean this

No. It's all right. I'll take it as it is.

We rent by the week.

I'm gonna need to know you can afford it.

I have a job.

Doing what?

Driving a taxi.

I'll get you an application.

Your son is a very intelligent boy.

Gifted, actually. That's not the issue.

His father's not around,

and sometimes I think he could use

a bit of a stronger hand, you know?

I work nights a lot,

but we can both work harder.

It's not about the work.

The truth is, I just don't know

if this school is the right fit for him.

But he's made friends.

I'm sorry.

He's on the soccer team.

I'm sorry.

to get him into this snob fest.

I was told that that's what it took.

That's on top of the tuition.

About the tuition. Your last

three checks have bounced.

that I gave you.

That was a donation. And it was

very appreciated.

Well, I want my money back.

I want my money back, now.

That money went to the capital

campaign for the new wing.

It's already been spent.

Then unspend it.

I'm sorry.

We could maybe discuss an extension

of the money that you owe, but...

I want my money back.

That's not possible.

Come on, baby, let's get out of here.

You're too good for this lousy school.


Leave me alone.

For God's sake, Ma.

Are you OK?

They dropped the charges.

I have to fill out a form. No big deal.

No big deal? I'm running for Congress.

Do you have any idea

what this is gonna do to me

if it gets out, with our family's past?

What could you possibly need so b

that you hto steal it?

Never mind, I don't wanna know.



Dleft you a fortune. What are

you thinking?

You know, it's been one ridiculous

stunt after another with you

for the last six months. Ds gone,

just get over it.

You know what? Leave her alone.

She's OK, that's all that matters.

Thank God Mom's fine. She's a

criminal, but thank God she's OK.

Next thing you know she's gonna be

telling us she's a crack whore.

I gotta keep this out of the press.

You know what? Just get out of here.

Go worry about your image,

I'll handle this.

Yeah. Good. I gotta make sure

this stays buried.

Thanks a lot, Mom.


What were you thinking?

I just wanted to feel alive again.

Nathan only cares about himself.

Your father was the same way.

Alpha dogs, both of them.

You, in the meantime,

for all your selflessness,

and sitting with dying people...

What? You're gonna retire on what you make?

Maybe I'll shoplift my socks.

Don't get smart.

When you put everyone else

first, you end up last.

You always put Nathan first,

he took advantage.

Yeah, it wasn't you that was just

pushing him right out in front of me?

He takes up more space than you.

Demanded more attention.

And besides, it's not my fault,

you allowed it.

He's my brother. I love him.

Love is overrated.

He loves me, too. I know him.

We've always been close.

Rosecolored glasses.

That's cruel, Mom.

Look, since Ddied, I know you've

been feeling free to speak your mind,

but it wouldn't hurt to edit

yourself, every once in a while.

I'm sorry if the truth hurts.

I'm just saying you heroworshipped him.

And those feelings were never returned.

You're wrong. It's biological,

and I can't help it, we're...

...we're connected.

I never told you this, but when

Nathan hhis accident,

I knew it.

We all got the same call.

No, I'm saying before the call,

I woke up, and I knew that he'd been hurt.

I hate it here. She doesn't even

have any books to re

Baby, I'll be right back,

I'm just gonna go and

pack up a few things.

We should really go see D

What good would that do?

He could help.

He should know that

someone's trying to hurt us.

Your ds not in any position

to help us right now.

Look, I made some mistakes,

I admit it.

Mom, what'd you do?

Hey. I need you to know that I would

never let anything happen to you.

I promise.

Mom, why'd you look at yourself

like that in the fish tank?

How long?

Just a couple hours, tops.

There's some ice cream in the fridge.

Go ahe

What happened?

I went to see Linderman.

How much?


You gambling again?

No, it's just bills.

And I used the rest to get Micah

into private school.

They didn't know what to do with him

at public, and I just...

I needed them to think

that we hmoney.

From the mob?

Hell, Niki.

You weren't born yesterday.

I'm just two weeks overdue.

I mean, I thought that I could

handle it, OK? It's just...

I'm under a lot of stress right now, OK?

Gee, I wonder why?

I feel like I'm kind of losing it a little bit.

I'm seeing things.


Like I keep feeling like

someone's watching me.

Yeah, Linderman wants his money back,

so he sends some mouthbreather

that's gonna put you in the hospital.

No, it is someone else.

It's someone that I can't see.

Does this make any sense to you?


I'm sorry, you know what?

But I'll tell you what does...

I shouldn't be telling you this.

No, no, let me tell you

what does make sense.

grand plus interest, now.

Or you gotta run.

Watch him.

All right.


Cool, huh?

How hot do you think it is in there?

Turn on the camera.

Scotty! Scotty! Come on!

Take it easy, you're all right!

I'm OK, I'm fine!

Take it easy.

There's no burns.

Get going!

One, two, three, four, five, go.

One, two, three...

I missed you, Amid.

Our bond is too strong

to be broken by a woman.

We are bound by our beliefs.

I don't believe in anything anymore.

We trained together, we prayed together,

went on haj together, we're still brothers.

You flatter yourself.

Everything you planned is coming to pass.

The computer virus got us

the NRC switching codes.

It's all happening right now.

We derailed the train

in West Texas two hours ago.

We have the device. When we get

the plutonium,

we'll meet up in Idaho next month.

We just need you to assemble it.

What makes you think I would do that?

We started this together,

we need to finish it together.

Allah forgives you, so do I.

We can't do this without you.

It's because of her, isn't it?

I killed someone I loved.

I killed my own wife.

I will not kill anyone else.

What are you talking about?

She died of cancer.

I rethe obituary.

When they bombed our camp in Pakistan,

We dug their graves with our own hands.

Put flowers on them, cried, said prayers.

Just because you found love, doesn't

make the rest of the world stop suffering.

People don't respond to love.

They respond to action.

I'm sorry!

There was a big bust this morning.

Can we still make it?

Sure. Six minutes ought to be plenty

of time to face our marital problems.

And you're the one that

wanted to do this, remember?

No, I wanted this for us, OK?

You're unhappy, that's a problem.

Oh, right, it's my fault.

No, I didn't mean that.

I didn't pass. Again.

If you think that makes

a difference to me, then...

I never put any pressure

on you to move up.

I don't care.

I just want you to be happy for once.

I want to be where the action is.

I've told you this. I'm not

gonna retire a beat cop.

People get their dreams, why can't I?

I've made my dreams come true.

How long are we supposed to wait for yours?

Why don't you just tell them the truth?

Yeah, that's a great idea.

I'll just walk in there and tell them

I can barely re

I mean, half the words I see backwards,

the other half I can't even see...

Lots of people have dyslexia, Matt.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm under so much stress

right now, honey, you've no idea.

Yeah, well, so am I.

Actually, I think there's something

wrong with my ears, my hearing.

Well then, go to a doctor.

No, honey, listen to me.

I'm hearing, like, voices in my he

Like a crazy person... telling you what to do?

No, no, it's more like thoughts.

I'm hearing people's thoughts.

You know what, Matt, I have to go, OK?

I'll see you at home.

No. Please, listen to me.

This is...

I can't stand it anymore.

You suffocate me.

What are you doing?

morning. Who is this?

You've been looking for me.

Yes. Yes.

Thank you for returning

my call, Mr. Sylar.

How did you find me?

Mr. Sylar? Anyone there?

Using the Human Genome Project,

I created an algorithm that mapped

and traced chromosome changes in...

It's very complex to describe in layman's terms.

I'm sure you have lots of questions.

Oh, I have questions,

lots of questions.

Am I good or evil?

Are we cowards or heroes?

Does God even know the difference?

Saint John of the Cross said there

are two sides to a man's soul.

These two are at war within all of us.

Has God abandoned me, Professor?

I know how confusing this must be,

but you need to know that you are not alone.

There are others. How is it

manifesting itself for you?

Manifesting itself? That's good.

I have so many questions for you.

Can I meet you somewhere, someplace safe?

There's someone following me, so...

No, I'll find you.

Don't worry.

And what time does that one leave?

And it takes, like, what, couple hours?

Well, can I just buy it

there at the station?

Who are you talking to?


Great, I'm going down to the corner for

a pack of smokes.

You wanna come?

I'll be right back.

It wasn't easy, Nathan, but consider it gone.

I know I owe you big on this one, Tom.

I'm not gonna forget it.

Yeah, I won't let you forget it.


Sure thing.

Mom's rap sheet is now officially buried.

It only took half my political capital

to pull it off.

Why can't she get herself a hobby

like a normal person?

It's a plea for attention.

She's lonely. Give her some time, will you?

I don't have time.

I got eight days to make up ten points.

I need all the help I can get, which

is what I wanna talk to you about.

I wanna offer you a job.

A job?


I trust you.

You're good with people.

I need a coordinator to help organize

the volunteers,

and you got nice guy instincts,

I could use that.

I'm a shark, Pete, everybody knows it.

And it's starting to

show up in the polls.

I bring you on, and it kind of reflects

well on me, you know what I mean?

Yeah, all right, so I make you look good.

That's a new one.

No, it makes me look like I put family first.

I mean, I know that sounds selfserving,

but this is for you, too, right?

You've got to think of your future.

Why do you do that?

Do what?

Even try to make it look like this has

something to do with me?

You didn't hear anything that I

said earlier today, did you?

That bit about how you can fly? Yeah. I did.

I'm gonna pretend for both our sakes

you didn't say anything like that.

I'm trying to do the right thing here.

Look, I already have a job.

Yeah, watching old people die,

now there's a career.

It's not cute anymore, man.

The dreamy kid, sitting in the back

of the classroom, staring out the window?

It's time for you to grow up.

Look, I cast a big shadow, Pete, I get it.

Life isn't fair.

But there's nothing I can do about that.

I'm trying to do the right thing

by you here, OK?

I don't want your pity.

Hey. Corner of Center and Canal, please.


Solar eclipse.

Yeah, yeah, I wonder

if it's gonna be total.

Not here, no.

Some other part of the world, yes.

A global event.

Makes one appreciate just how small

our planet really is.

And we're all quite small really, aren't we?

What's your name?


I'm Peter.

Let me ask you something, Mohinder.

Do you ever get the feeling

like you were meant

to do something... extraordinary?

I'm driving a cab, you may have noticed.

No, I'm not talking about what you

do, I'm talking about who you are.

I'm talking about being special.

Yes, we are all special.

That's not what I meant.

Some individuals, it is true,

are more special.

This is natural selection.

It begins as a single

individual, born or hatched,

like every other member

of their species, anonymous,

seemingly ordinary,

except they're not.

They carry inside them the genetic

code that will take their species

to the next evolutionary rung.

It's destiny.

Hey. Hey.

I can't believe you just left like that.

Yeah, I know, I was there.

You saved that dude's life, he was OK.

Welcome home.

Get over there. Fifty grand

is a lot of money.


Mr. Linderman wants to be nice about this.

You should have rethe fine print.

Look, I have a son.

I'm all he's got.


Please, I can get you the money.

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna make you a little

business proposition.

minutes you take off your clothes?

Well, I'm gonna give you a chance to

lower your debt a little.

And see where it goes from there.

Come on.

Come on, show me what you got.

Lift up your shirt, baby.

Oh, look at that belly.

Smile for me.

Is that what you want?

Ah, yes.

What's the matter, baby? You just

started getting good here.

What's the problem, baby?

I said, what's the matter?

Screw you.

Screw me?

Nathan Petrelli. He served his

country in Bosnia.


Oh, God. What? The silent treatment?

Oh, boy.


What the hell is wrong with you?


OK, stop.

What... What, are you crazy?


I don't even remember painting these.

I was high, OK? I lied to you.

Damn it.

I've been chasing for a month.

Well, then, get yourself back into a program

and make it stick this time.

These are fantastic.

No! They're evil.

What are you talking about?

What am I talking about?

You know what I'm talking about?

You see this?

Suicide bombing in Israel.

I painted it three weeks ago.

Yeah, so?

So? That's this morning's paper.

Look at the number on the bus.

This happened yesterday.


It was just a coincidence. You were high.

For all you know, you could have

painted it this morning.


This is what I painted this morning.

Something's wrong with me.

OK, we'll get you some help. OK, Isaac?

I tried that, twice. There's only one way left.

And you know it. You can't go

cold turkey, not alone.

I mean, let me help you, please.


I'll drag you down with me,

I swear to God, I will.

Just leave me alone.

Get out of here!


Manifesting yourself. That's good.

Ten percent of nothing is nothing.

Jerk should be grateful I even signed with him.

It's not like I don't love her.

I just got horny, that's all.

Love isn't a pie. There's enough to go around.

In the quietest of places, in

the smallest moments,

God is within me always.


Captain. Captain, I got to talk to you.

I can find out where they are.

Where who are?

The rest of the cell.

What are you talking about? How?

The same way I found him. I just...

I just have to ask him.

And I'll need a translator.

It's gonna be in Arabic.



If he knows, I'll find out. But...

there's a condition attached.

Hi, this is Niki. Leave me a message.

Niki, if you're there, pick up. Niki, look,

please tell me that you have Micah,

because he's gone, along with

bucks from my purse.

Just call me, OK?


Where to, my friend?

JFK, please.

I'm going home to my family. These

business trips are wearing me out.

Suresh, huh?

I'm sorry?

Your name.On your llcense, there.

That's Indian, yes?

There was a Professor Suresh at the

University of Madras, a geneticist.

Interesting theories.

Don't think he's teaching anymore.

But you wouldn't know anything

about that, would you?

Probably lots of Sureshes

where you're from.

Like Smith or Anderson.

And then Carla hthe nerve to tell me

he's not breedworthy.

Like he didn't win five allbreed rallies,

two regionals.

She says he doesn't look

sexy enough to breed.

Can you believe it?

It's just not true, Mr. Muggles.

It's not true. He's a little stud muffin,

that's what he is.

He still humps my leg when I watch TV.

All right, enough about Mr. Muggles.

What'd everybody else do today?

Doug and I saw this Mexican guy.

A homeless dude, on our way to school.

We thought he was de but he wasn't.

I thought Dwas coming home today.

Well, I was gonna surprise you.

He finished up early, he's coming

home tonight. Isn't that great?

Just in time to re

my report card.

So what about you, Claire,

do anything special today?

I walked through fire and I didn't get burned.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

God, you're so crazy sometimes.


I think I know exactly what you mean.

Oh, here I am, talking dogs again.

And you go and say

something really profound.

We come up against all kinds

of fires in our lives,

and when we test ourselves

and face our fears,

we usually don't get burned.

You are very wise, sweetheart.

Whatever it is you did, I'm proud of you.

And so is Mr. Muggles.

He's just so proud of Claire.

Aren't we? We're proud of Claire.

Yes, we're so proud of Claire, aren't we?

She's the best.




What are you looking for?


What for?

I need you to come

with me someplace.


You'll see.

Look, there's... There's something

I need to tell you.

Now that is gonna have to wait.

No. Look, I need to tell you

about this, OK?

I need to stop living for other people.

My whole life I've hno idea

what I'm supposed to do,

what I'm supposed to be, if I

even have a destiny of my own.

I promise you we will

talk about this later, OK?

But right now I really

need you to come with me.

You're a nurse, you can give

out a shot, you can help him.

Help who?

I thought we could go to the movies

this Saturday,

maybe try on some shoes

at the new mall in Gardendale.


I love you, Mom.


No buts. I just...

I just wanted to tell you that.

Now you think I'm trying to be

your best friend again, admit it.


It's all right, we can go to the

movies together. It's no big deal.

I just miss you, that's all.

I wanna be your mom, I wanna

give you advice.

But I don't wanna push you away.

I want advice, I do.

I won't push you away, I promise.

I just don't think you should be so

worried about fitting in all the time.

About being so popular.

I don't want to see you

make mistakes like I did.

I wanted to be someone more

interesting than I am.

You are interesting. You breed

show dogs. Whose mom does that?

No, I wanted to hitchhike across Europe.

Study art. Fall in love with

some... poetryquoting Frenchman.

Not that your disn't

wonderful, but my point is,

you should know who you are

and know that it's enough.

'cause who you are is special.

About that.

There's something I need to say.

Something I never talked about 'cause

I thought it would upset you and D

Sweetheart, you can say

anything to us, you know that.

I think I'm old enough for you

to tell me who my real parents are.

Of course you are.

Honey, I'm home.

Your father.

Hey, honey.

B Mr. Muggles. No.

I'm glyou're home.

Oh, me, too.

I have such a headache. I slammed my he

getting out of a taxicab.

Hi, Daddy.

Hey, baby.

I'll ask you one more time.

And only one more time.

Are you in?

You found me seconds before I died.

How is that possible?



Maybe I was not meant to die.

And maybe she was.

Allah is merciful.

He always has a plan.

He has a plan for you, Amid.

You'll help us.

It's your purpose.

Bring me a glass of water.

The device you stole...

you'll need more plutonium.

How do you know that?

And not just plutonium.

enough beryllium mixture,

and you will need a lot more

to take out your target.

A lot more.

Where do we get it from?

Untie my hands.

Six months ago, I woke to something extraordinary.

An ability.

A curse.

Where it came from? I don't know.

But now,

I think it might be my purpose.

from the palm of my hand.

Enough to give cancer to those I love.

Enough to detonate a five megaton

thermonuclear device.

Turn around! Get against the wall!

Get against the wall!

Get against the wall, now!

Now, damn it! Move it!

Hey, get your hands where I can see them.



Hello, New York!

You sure your ride's coming?

Yeah, I'm sure.

You be careful, son.


I'm just saying it's impossible, OK?

Nobody can predict the future.

I saw it with my own eyes, Peter.

Isaac? I brought someone here to help.

He's a nurse.




Maybe he went out. I don't know.



Oh, God.


Oh, my God. Isaac?

I need a tourniquet.

What have you done?

I need an ambulance here immediately.

Someone has cut off his hand.

No, no, he's conscious. Just barely.

I know. Listen, could you just come?

Did you find something? I think

there's some towels in the sink.

OK, baby, it's OK, they're sending

an ambulance right now, OK?

You just hang in there, OK?

We have to stop it.

Oh, baby...

We have to stop it.

This quest, this need to solve

life's mysteries.

In the end, what does it matter

when the human heart

can only find meaning

in the smallest of moments?

They're here. Among us.

In the shadows, in the light. Everywhere.

Do they even know yet?

All right, I'm here. Now what do you want?


I've been up here all night

thinking about this.

Thinking about my destiny.

What are you doing, Pete?

It's my turn to be somebody now, Nathan!

Come on, Peter, quit screwing around!


Peter, hang on.

How did you... You're flying.

You're flying!

I don't know.

I don't know. Oh, God.




طاقم التمثيل

توصيات المستخدمين

Heroes Reborn
تبدأ الظاهرة الخارقة للطبيعة مرة أخرى مع مجموعة جديدة من الأبطال الملهمين الذين يخوضون الصراع النهائي بين أولئك الذين يتمتعون بقدرات غير عادية وأولئك الذين لديهم دوافع شريرة لمطاردة وتسخير قوتهم. تنتظر مغامرات ملحمية هؤلاء الحلفاء الذين تم تمكينهم حديثًا أثناء تقاطعهم مع بعض الشخصيات الأصلية، مما يفتح المصير الغامض للكون ومكانهم داخله.

مراجعات المشاهدين