Endless Love
نظرة عامة
عالمان منفصلان يقعان على جانبي الطريق في بلدة ساحلية. كلاهما قريب جدًا وبعيد جدًا عن بعضهما البعض. ماذا يحدث عندما يقع شابان من هذا العالم في الحب؟ كمال هو أحد الأطفال الثلاثة لعائلة معتدلة تعيش في أحد الأحياء الداخلية للمدينة. لقد علق عالم يده على الفم كل الآمال عليه. الدافع وراء هذا العالم ليس الأهداف السامية، بل هو كسب العيش والبقاء على قيد الحياة. إنها السنة الأخيرة لكمال في هندسة المناجم. أحلامه مقيدة بالحق ولا يؤمن بالمعجزات. وخاصة في المعجزات مثل الحب. سرعان ما يتم اختبار كمال بعدم تصديقه ويقفز نيهان إلى حياته الرتيبة. بعد ذلك اليوم ينقلب عالم كمال رأسًا على عقب ويفقد السيطرة على نفسه.
تاريخ الاصدار
معرف TMDB
الشركات المنتجة
Ay Yapım
O3 Turkey Medya

نص الفيلم


هل أنت واثق بشأن ذلك الأمر ؟

فلتُحضرهم جميعاً معاً في موقع واحد

هذا افلام رعب 2022 أمر خطير

أحد أصدقائنا الأكثر إكتساباً للثقة من جانبنا

ينوي القيام بضرر لا يُمكن إصلاحه بالمُنظمة

نحتاج إلى تسوية الوضع بشكل سريع

هذا أمر خطير

يُوجد خائن في العائلة

أنوي إيجاده

وإذا حدث خطبًا ما ؟

اصمد ، اصمد

لا ، فقط ... اصمد

ـ أين أنا ؟

ـ افلام مصرية 2023 استمر في التنفس

استمر ... ببطء

هذا جيد

ماذا يحدث ؟

(سيد (ريدينجتون) ، اُدعى الطبيب (هافيركامب

أنا طبيب مُختص تحت الطلب أتواجد ضمن طاقمك الطبي للطواريء

وكانت لديك حالة طارئة

لماذا لا ... لماذا لا أستطيع التنفس ؟

فلتمنح الدواء دقيقة

امنحه دقيقة واحدة فحسب

أحتاج منك إلى الإستماع إلىّ جيداً

أتعلم أين تتواجد ؟

ما الذي تتذكره ؟

عشاء ... مطعم

ما خطبي ؟

لسنا مُتأكدين تماماً بشأن الأمر

اعتقدنا في باديء الأمر

أنك اُصبت بسلسلة من سكتات دماغية قصيرة

لكن آشعة التصوير المغناطيسي والتصوير الكهربائي للدماغ

جعلنا نستبعد ذلك

ـ افضل افلام 2023 أين (ديمبي) ؟ سيعلم (ديمبي) بشأن الأمر

ـ لا أعلم من هو ذلك الشخص

لكن الرجل الذي أوصلك إلى هُنا غادر بمُجرد أن استقرت حالتك

لا أتذكر ذلك

سيد (ريدينجتون) ، لقد وى سيما قيل لي أنك تُصر على

معرفة التقييم الصريح للوضع

لذا ها هو التقييم

أنت تحتضر

كيف ؟

نعتقد أنك قد سُممت

لا نعلم بشأن الكيفية

لكن أعراض المرض شديدة وهي تتقدم

بمُعدل يُنذر بالخطر

خليط المُنشطات سيُساعد في تجنب الأعراض

لفترة قصيرة ، لكن إذا لم نتمكن من معرفة

... الكيفية التي تسممت بها

لكم من الوقت يُمكنك الإبقاء علىّ حياً ؟

من الصعب تحديد ذلك الأمر


رُبما يومان

ماذا ... ماذا

لا ، لا

... ماذا تفعل ؟ لا يُمكنك أن

هاتفك الخلوي

ألديك هاتف خلوي ؟

من فضلك يا سيد (ريدينجتون) ، أنت بحاجة إلى عناية طبية

حالتك حرجة

ـ إلى أين ... أنت ذاهب ؟

(ـ (إليزابيث

اجمعي قوة العمل

... أحتاج إلى مُساعدتك

لحل لُغز جريمة قتل

ماذا يحدث ؟

(تمت الإستجابة إلى دعواتك يا (دونالد

من الواضح أنني أحتضر

آرام) ، هل يُمكنك أن تجلب له كرسي ، من فضلك ؟)

لا ، لا ، لا ، أنا بخير

ـ لقد سُممت

ـ سُمِمت ؟ بواسطة من ؟

شخصاً ما بداخل مُنظمتي

شخصاً ما لديه إمكانية الولوج إلى حساب لي خارج البلاد

والذي تم إستخدامه لتمويل حوادث هجوم أخيرة ضدي

بليلة الأمس ، اتصلت بهم ودعوتهم لتناول العشاء لمُواجهتهم

ما حدث تاليًا ، أتذكر منه بضعة أجزاء فحسب

المطعم ، كيف كان يبدو

وليس أين يقع

أتذكر حملي لكأس من النبيذ

لكن ليس شُربه ، على الرغم من أنني واثق من فعل ذلك

ـ السُم

ـ أين (ديمبي) ؟


أفترض أنه يبحث عني

أو قد وقع في أيدي الشخص الذي يُريد قتلي

ينبغي عليك التواجد برفقة أطبائك

لا يُمكنهم تحديد المادة السامة

مُستشفى إذن

قِيل لي أنني أملك يوماً أو يومان للعيش على الأكثر


لا يُمكن أن يكون هذا صحيحاً

أحتاج منكم إلى إيجاد الصيدلي أخصائي السموم

والذي أعتقد أنه قام بإعداد ذلك الخليط القاتل

واحصلوا على الترياق منه

ماذا تعرف افلام فور يو عنه ؟

... حسناً

يُوجد رجل

لقد أخبرني أنه معروف بإسم


صيدلي تتسبب جُرعات دواءه في الإستيلاء على الجهاز المناعي للجسد

والتسبب في أى عدد من ردود الفعل we cima التحسسية

كل رد فعل منهم من المُستحيل تحديده

إلا إذا كُنت تعلم إلى أين تنظر

سُم غريب قد يكون مُماثل لأعراض تناول جرعة زائدة من المُخدرات

إنه يخلق رد فعل تحسسي مُصمم خصيصاً للشخص

قد يُؤدي فيلم إلى إنهيار القلب والأوعية الدموية

يُمكن للصيدلي أن يخلق إنسدادات

... من اشهر وي سينما افلام الجريمة من 6 حروف تمددات بالأوعية الدموية

صعوية في التنفس ، الحثّ على الإصابة بالشلل

جميع المُجرمين الذين تعرفون بشأنهم

يتشاركون عيباً واحداً شائعاً

عندما يتعلق الأمر بتجنب الإعتقال

يتركون جُثثاً خلفهم

ومع ذلك ، تُوجد أوقات حيثُ يُمكن لغيبوبة

أو lone star 9-1-1 season 1 ماي سيما مرض طويل الأمد

أن يُتم العمل بشكل رائع أيضاً

ذلك الصيدلي إذن ، كيف يُمكننا إيجاده ؟

ـ كيف يُمكننا إيجاد الترياق ؟

(ـ (ايلاريو بانيتي

(رئيس مُؤسسة (بانيتي

إنه على وشك أن يُتهم بإتهامات تتعلق بقانون الإبتزاز والمُنظمات الفاسدة

شاهد العيان الرئيسي للحكومة ضده

قد سقط في غيبوبة طويلة الأجل

أعتقد أن (بانيتي) استغل لصالحه

خدمات الصيدلي

كونوا سريعين ، لا أمتلك رفاهية الوقت

انتظر ، إلى أين أنت ذاهب ؟

(لإيجاد (ديمبي

، بينما تُحاولون إنقاذ حياتي

سأقضي الوقت المُتاح أمامي لإنقاذ حياته

(دعوني أخبركم بشأن (ايلاريو بانيتي

إنه يأخذ الجريمة المُنظمة إلى مستوى جديد موقع افلام بدون اعلانات كُلياً

كل ما يفعله مُخطط له بشكل دقيق

لم أر في حياتي شخصاً حذراً أكثر منه

في تجنب المُراقبة

لابٌد أنه كان من الصعب رفع قضية عليه إذن

من المُستحيل تقريباً

من الخارج ، يبدو أنه يعمل بشكل قانوني إلى حد كامل

لكنك لا تحظى بسيطرة كاملة

على صناعة البناء والتشييد

في تلك المدينة بدون أن تتصارع مع بضعة أعداء على طول الطريق

ـ لم أستطع إثبات الأمر عرب سيد فحسب

ـ ماذا حدث إذن ؟

لقد أصابه الجشع

قام بالقضاء على مُنافسه الأكبر

تم تدمير مكاتبه بالكامل

مازلنا لا نعلم بشأن هويته مُقابل تقديم خدمات لصالحه

ـ انتهت المُنافسة

ـ كيف تعلم بشأن ذلك الأمر ؟

لقد استطعنا قلب مُحاسبته ضده

(سيدة تُدعى (هيلين دالي

كانت الشخص الذي قام بتحرير الشيك وكانت مُستعدة

لأن تعترف بأن (بانيتي) طلب منها تسديد المبلغ

مُقابل القيام بعمليات الحرق المُتعمدة

وقبل بضعة أيام من المُحاكمة ، ذهبت لتناول العشاء

واُصيبت برد فعل تحسسي غامض من الطعام

وهي الآن ترقد موصولة بجهاز فشار افلام دعم الحياة

والأمر نفسه بالنسبة لقضيتي

نعتقد أننا نعلم بشأن الكيفية التي تمكن من

خلالها (بانيتي) الوصول إليها

هذا رائع ، كيف يُمكنني تقديم المُساعدة ؟

سنحتاج منك أن تُوصلنا

(لأطباء (هيلين دالي

لا أعلم بشأن أماكن تواجدهم

هيديكي) ، أين أنت بحق الجحيم ؟)

أحتاج إلى التحدث معك في الحال

اتصل بي حالما تستطيع فعل ذلك

... لم يظهر قط ، هل يُمكنك أن

حسناً ، هل يُمكنك التواصل معه ؟

لا ، لا ، لا

ضع (سيدني) على الخط

أتعلم إلى أين ذهب ؟

أجل ، افلام اجنبي أجل ، أجل

بمُجرد أن تسمع خبراً عنه

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لا تقلقي يا عزيزتي

سيكون الأمر على ما يُرام

لن أستسلم بشأنك أبداً


ستكون الأمور على ما يُرام فحسب

ـ أيها الطبيب

ـ ماذا تفعل هُنا ؟

في الليلة التي تعرضت فيها للتسمم

ليلة الأمس

... ـ لا أستطيع أن أتذكر

ـ سيراك الناس

سيرونا معاً

لقد وعدتني بالتحفظ

من المٌفترض أن تكون مٌساعدتي لك في سرية تامة

في الليلة التي سُممتُ بها ، كُنت أتواجد برفقة أشخاص

لا أعلم أين يتواجدون

لقد اتصلت بهم

لا أستطيع الوصول إليهم عداك

لكني لا أعلم أى شيء

أنت تعلم بشأن إحضاري إليك

لقد وصلتني رسالة رمزية

تم منحي موقعاً ، تجمعنا وكان الأمر مُهيأ

ماذا عن الرجل الذي أحضرني إلى هُناك ؟

حسناً ، لم أحصل على اسمه

أسود البشرة ، يحظى بلهجة أفريقية

تحتاج إلى التواجد بالمٌستشفى

أكان هو ؟

أجل ، أعتقد أنه كان هو

ـ كيف وصلنا إلى هُناك ؟

ـ لقد قادك بالسيارة

كانت في موقف السيارات

كانت مركونة افلام اون لاين بخارج ماي سيما بالطو مُكعب الفرز

منذُ متى وهي بتلك الحالة ؟

كانت تستجيب بالكاد عندما اعترفت منذُ أسبوعين

ـ ودخلت في غيبوبة في غضون يوم

ـ ماذا حدث ؟

حسناً ، لقد شخصنا الحالة كرد فعل تحسسي حاد

كُنا نُعاملها على أنها مُصابة بالحساسية فاصل اعلاني المُفرطة

لكن أعراضها لم تستجب للعلاج

في الواقع ، زادت الأعراض سوءًا

وألم تشتبهي في أنها قد تكون قد سُممت ؟

السيدة (دالي) مسلسل the last of us موقع ماي سيما كانت تُعاني من حساسية شديدة تجاه اللوز

وتم تشخيصها بذلك مرتان في الماضي

كان تشخيصنا يتوافق مع ماضيها الطبي

ماذا لو كان هُناك شخصاً ما قام بإعداد سُم لمُحاكاة

أعراض رد الفعل التحسسي ؟

سيعني ذلك بغض النظر عن الشخص الذي أعد السُم

أنه كان يعلم شاهد فور أننا سوف نُشخص إصابتها بالحساسية ونفقد وقتاً ثميناً

ما هي فُرص نجاتها من ذلك إذن ؟

لا يُمكنني الإجابة عن ذلك

، لم نعثر موقع سيما لايت على مواد غريبة مُحفزة بجسدها

لكن تقرير السموم الكامل قد يستغرق أسابيع ليظهر

ـ وحالتها لا تتحسن

ـ أهذا هو زوجها ؟

(أجل ، (روبرت دالي

هو ووالدىّ (هيلين) لم يتركوها قط

في دقيقة ما كانت تتوجه لحضور عشاء مع عميلة

، وكان كل شيء بخير

وفي الدقيقة التالية أصبحت بتلك هاي سيما الحالة

عشاء العميلة

من كان هُناك ؟

صديقة لـ(هيلين) من الجامعة

قامت الشرطة بتبرئتها من افلام رعب الأمر بالفعل

ما الذي أخبرتك به (هيلين) بشأن القضية المرفوعة ضد (بانيتي) ؟

لا شيء ، نصحها عالم سكر المُحامون بعدم فعل ذلك

، كانت تعلم بمدى خطورة ذلك الأمر

لكنها وافقت على الإعتراف بأى حال من الأحوال

لا أستطيع تصور مدى صعوبة الأمر بالنسبة لك

وهل كُنت تتواجد بجانبها طوال الوقت

بينما كانت تتعرض للغيبوبة ؟

(لا ، أنا ... ذهبت إلى (ساراسوتا سبرينجز

بُعطلة نهاية الأسبوع الماضي

هيا يا (روبرت) ، أخبرهم إلى أين ذهبت

(يُوجد فندق صغير في (ساراسوتا

يُعد بمثابة ملاذاً لنا

... نحتفل فيه بأعياد الميلاد والذكريات السنوية و

في عُطلة نهاية الأسبوع الماضي ، ذهبت إلى هُناك لأكون بمفردي

للتفكير بشأن ما يجب علىّ فعله

(مع (هيلين

... في حالة أنها لم

من فضلكم ، أنا أتوسل إليكم

فلتكتشفوا ما حدث لزوجتي

لا ، أتفهم ذلك ، أتفهم ذلك

(العميلة موفيز (نافابي

شكراً لك لقبولك افلام مصريه 2023 مٌقابلتي

يا لها من مفاجآة غير سارة

أصّر السيد (بانيتي) على أن يكون حاضراً

ـ لتلك المُقابلة

ـ لابأس بالنسبة لي

أنوي بشكل كامل أن أحضر اليوم الذي سيتم فيه الحُكم على مُوكلك

(بشأن تسميمه لـ(هيلين دالي

لم نلمس (هيلين) قط

ليس أنا ولا أى شخص يعمل لصالحي

لقد طلبتِ تلك المُقابلة وقد وافقنا على الأمر

من فضلك أخبريني أنكِ لم تحضرين لتُوجهي إدعاءات

لا أساس لها من الصحة

ولا يُمكنكِ إثباتها على مُوكلي

نحنُ نعلم بشأن الصيدلي

نعلم أنه مُختص في صناعة سموم لا يُمكن تعقبها

وأنك قُمت بتوظيفه لخلق رد فعل تحسسي

ما الذي تتحدث عنه ؟

(يُمكنك لعب دور الأبله يا سيد (بانيتي

مما سمعته ، لقد تمكنت من

ـ تجنب مسئولية حسابك على أفعالك

ـ الآن ، انتظري

يُمكننا إيجاده بطريقتنا

وعندما سنفعل ذلك افلام كرتون ، ستُدرك أن تلك المُحاكمة افلام اكشن 2022 التي تُواجهها

هي مسألة صغيرة مقارنةً بما سيحدث

عندما تأتي قوة فيدرالية كاملة لإلقاء القبض عليك

وإغلاق مُنظمتك

أو يُمكنك مُساعدتنا

(يتعلق ذلك الأمر بما هو أكثر من (هيلين دالي

يُوجد أشخاص آخرين نُحاول إنقاذهم

فلتقودنا إلى الصيدلي الآن وسنكون مُمتنين للغاية

عزيزتي ، لا أعلم بشأن ما تتحدثين عنه

... أعتقد أن ما يقصد مُوكلي قوله هو

ما يقصد مُوكلك أن يقوله هو أنني لم أسمع افلام جوني ديب قط

" عن ذلك " الصيدلي

(ولمعلوماتك ، إعتراف (هيلين دالي

لن يضرني أو يضر قضيتي على الإطلاق

ـ أهذا صحيح ؟

ـ هذا صحيح تماماً يا عزيزتي

يتفهم المُدعي العام الأمريكي الأمر بشكل خاطيء

لم أدفع أموال لأى شخص ليقوم بتدمير مُنافسي

أنا الضحية هُنا

(ـ أخبرها يا (أرنولد

ـ هذا صحيح

(أى كان من قام بتدمير مُنافس السيد (بانيتي

، تواصل معنا في اليوم التالي

مُهدداً بأن يقوم بتدمير عملنا

إذا لم ندفع له رسوم الإبتزاز

فقام فيلم سطار السعودي مُوكلي بمنح تعليمات لـ(هيلين) لتحويل

ذلك المبلغ ، لكن ليس من أجل القضاء افلام رعب 2023 على مُنافس

لكن لتجنب أن يُصبح ضحية أيضاً

أفترض أنه يُمكنك إثبات ذلك الأمر

يُمكننا فعل ذلك وسنفعل في المُحاكمة

(لذا ، كما ترين ، ليس لدىّ أى شاهد فور يو دافع لإيذاء (هيلين

الحقيقة هي أنني مُعجب بها وإذا لم تتمكنوا من إيجاد الوغد

الذي فعل ذلك بها ، فسأفعل ذلك

ومن ثم سيكون أمامك شيء يُمكنكِ إتهامي به

أرنولد) ، اعط العميلة (نافابي) نُسخاً من أى كانت الأوراق التي تحتاج إليها)

أعتقد أننا إنتهينا هُنا

فلتُعط الأمر شاهد 4 يو وي سيما مُحاولة يا عزيزتي


يُمكنكِ فعلها

هذا مثالي

أعلم يا عزيزتي ، لا أريد فعل ذلك

لكن لا أملك خياراً غير ذلك

لا أستطيع أن أثق بكِ للبقاء هُنا

إذا لم تكوني تحت تأثير المُخدر

قد تُحاولين الفرار مُجدداً

لم نصل إلى غايتنا بعد ، لكننا سوف نصل

أعلم أننا سنفعل ذلك

سيحدث ذلك

أستطيع الشعور بذلك

مرحباً ؟

من أنتِ ؟

من وضعكِ هُناك ؟

أهذه مُزحة سمجة ؟

! أنت من فعل ذلك

حسناً ، قام فاصل المُحاسب بفحص

(الأمور المالية الخاصة بـ(بانيتي

(لصالح معهد (ليبيدوبترولوجي

ـ البحثي المُتواجد على ساحل المحيط الأطلسي

ـ (ليبيدوبترولوجي) ؟

أجل ، موقعهم يُعلن أنهم شركة غير هادفة للربح

تُكرس عملها من أجل إجراء بحوث على الفراشات

لكنها ليست مُنظمة معفية من الضرائب وليست مُدرجة افلام مترجمه ضمن

أى دليل للمُؤسسات الغير هادفة للربح مما أستطيع إيجاده

في الواقع ، مجلس الإدارة الخاص بهم بالكامل

يُعد بمثابة صور من ألبوم ما

الجمعية الخيرية مُزيفة إذن

ذهبت الأموال إلى حساب في بنك سويسري وقد افلام نتفلکس 2023 تم

ربط الأموال بالعديد من البنوك الأخرى

لقد اختفى المال وحسب

بالسماء الصافية بحلول الآن

آرام) ، أرسلت إليك فيديو)

الخيط بشأن (بانيتي) لم ينجح في مسعاه

ـ أجل ، لم نحصل على أى شيء

ـ فلتُلقوا نظرة على ذلك

قال زوج (هيلين دالي) أنه اضطر إلى الذهاب ايجي بست الأصلي بعيداً

لتصفية ذهنه والتفكير بشأن مُستقبل زوجته

(حسناً ، لقد ذهب (روبرت دالي) إلى (ساراسوتا سبرينجز

، وأقام في الفندق الذي ذكره

لكنه لم يٌقيم فيه بمفرده

كان (دالي) يخون زوجته

أتقولين أن الزوج قام بتوظيف الصيدلي

لقتل زوجته ؟

أقول أنه يمتلك الحافز بكل تأكيد وحسب

متى قابلتك ؟

ـ أتتحدث بجدية ؟

ـ اضحكيني

ليلة الأمس

قبل أن تُلقي بي في السيارة وتقود بها إلى هُنا

هُنا ؟ أنا ... أنا ... من يعيش هُنا ؟

كيف لي أن أعلم موقع افلام ؟

لقد وصلت إلى هُنا في صندوق السيارة

هذا صحيح

... أعلم أن هذا

مأزق افلام هندي 2023 مُخيف غير إعتيادي

لكني أؤكد لكِ أنني لم أقصد إيذائك

يقول ذلك الرجل الذي يحمل السلاح

ما هو إسمك ؟

( لو لو)

(لو لو ماكليلان)

مهلاً ، مهلاً

هل يُمكنك توخي الحذر وأنت تُمسك بذلك الشيء ؟

هل كُنت بمفردي ليلة الأمس

أم كُنت مصحوباً برفقة شخصاً ما ؟

أى افلام شاهد فور يو شخص ... مُساعدي ؟



ـ ما خطبك ؟

ـ لا أعلم

أنت بحاجة إلى طبيب

نحنُ نبحث عن كورتيكوستيرويدز

ودواء مُوسع للقصبة الهوائية

اذهبي ، اذهبي ، اذهبي

أنا بخير


... لقد عشت بديل ماي سيما حياتي البالغة بالكامل مُحاط بـ

هالة الموت

في بعض الأيام كُنت أتشوق لها

... لكن مُؤخراً ، أجد أنني

أنا غير مُستعد لخوض تلك الليلة الجيدة

مُوسع القصبة الهوائية

تم إخبارنا أن (ايلاريو بانيتي) قام بتسميمها

هذا ما كُنا نعتقده أيضاً

لكن اتخذ الأمر مُنحنى آخر

لقد وجدنا افلام عربي لقطات من كاميرا مُراقبة

هل يُمكن لأحدكم التعرف على تلك السيدة ؟

ـ متى حدث ذلك ؟

ـ افلام هنديه 2023 عُطلة الأسبوع الماضي

هذا مُستحيل

يحظى (هيلين) و (روبرت) بزواج سعيد للغاية

إنه زوج مثالي

لقد كانا مُتمسكان وسعيدان ببعضهما البعض

من أول يوم تقابلا فيه

ما افلام هنديه 2022 كان ليحلم قط بالشرود بعيداً عنها

لقد اضطررنا إلى إجبارها على توقيع إتفاق ما قبل الزواج ، سيما روم بحق السماء

أهُناك إتفاق ما قبل الزواج ؟

والد (هيلين) ، (جون تادسن) ، كان أحد جبابرة صناديق التحوط

أطفاله وأحفاد أطفاله مُهيئين لعيش حياة كريمة رغدة

، ولحماية ابنته من الباحثين عن الأموال

قام (تادسن) بجعل (روبرت) يُوقع على إتفاقية ما قبل الزواج

الآن ، وفقاً للإتفاق

منذُ متى وهم مُتزوجان ؟

إنهم على بُعد أقل من أسبوعين للإحتفال بذكرى زواجهم العاشرة

... لذا إما هذه مُصادفة سيئة حقاً أو

اكتشفت (هيلين) أمر العشيقة

ووضعها (روبرت) في منطقة الجزاء

حتى لا يُمكنها تطليقه قبل أن إنتهاء فترة فترة صلاحية الإتفاق

أعتقد أنه يُمكننا إستدعاء ذلك الرجل واستجوابه

لا ، فلتتحدثوا إلى خليلته أولاً

دعونا نرى مقدار الحُب الذي تُكنه له حقاً

هل رجال الشرطة في طريقهم إذن ؟

من هي (إليزابيث) ؟

بعدما أعطيتك بعضاً من تلك الحبوب ، بدأت في إستعادة وعيك

حسناً ، نوعاً ما

كُنت تستمر في ترديد إسمها


أهي موقع شاهد فور يو شخصاً ما قد يفتقدك إذا مُت ؟

لا أعلم


أخبريني بإسمك مُجدداً

(لو لو)

(لو لو)

لقد أنقذتِ حياتي يا (لو لو) ، شكراً لكِ

كما لو كُنت أحتاج إلى تأنيب ضميري

فيما يتعلق بجُثة ميتة

كُنت في حالة سيئة

حسناً ، حالة أسوأ من حالتك الآن

تُحاول إخفاء ذلك ، لكنك خائف

لم أكُن لأتركك فحسب

حسناً ، كان هذا كرم كبير منكِ

بالنظر إلى أنني قُمت بحبسك في افلام ماي سيما صندوق افلام 2023 سيارة

حسناً ، كُنت مُؤدباً للغاية بشأن الأمر ، لنأخذ جميع الأمور بعين الإعتبار

... لقد سُمِمت

بواسطة شخصاً ما مُقرب فور يو مني

أحتاج إلى تبين الفاعل

ماذا حدث بليلة الأمس ؟

لا أستطيع تذكره

أنت وصديقك قُمتما بإقتحام الشقة عبر الممر

اتصلت سيما روم ميراكولوس الموسم الخامس برجال الشرطة ومن ثم ذهبت لإلقاء نظرة خاطفة

من خلال الباب

كان مُحطماً بالكامل

وكُنت تتواجد هُناك

قُلت لك أن الشرطة في طريقها إلى هُنا وقُلت

أقدم لكِ خالص الإعتذار ، لكن في تلك الحالة "

" ستأتين معنا إذن

ومن ثم وضعتني في صندوق السيارة

ـ لماذا ؟

ـ فليتم لعني إذا كُنت أعلم

لكن بينما كُنت نائماً ، اكتشفت

أن إسم الرجل الذي كان يعيش في تلك الشقة

هو (مارفن جيرارد) ، هل تعرفه افلام سينما ؟

إنه المُحامي الخاص بي

(لقد انتهى الأمر يا (بروكلين

أخبرنا (روبرت) بكل شيء

لا أعلم ما الذي تتحدث بشأنه

لقد كُنتِ مُعلقة على الخُطاف منذُ متى ، عامان ، ثلاثة أعوام

تنتظرينه ليترك (هيلين) من أجلك ؟

لقد فشار تبينتِ أخيراً أن الطريقة الوحيدة

(التي يُمكنكِ من خلالها التواجد معه ستكون من افلام هندي خلال الوقوف على جُثة (هيلين

ولذلك وضعتم خطة لتسميمها

لن أقول أى شيء حتى أحصل على مُحامي

إنها في غيبوبة

لم يتخلى (روبرت) عنها

أخمن أنه قد غير رأيه

هذا ليس صحيحاً

حسناً ، لقد أخبرنا أنكِ سممتِ زوجته

الآن ، إذا لم يكُن هذا صحيحاً

من الأفضل لكِ أن تُخبرينا بحقيقة ما حدث

أنتم تعلمون أن تلك السيدة تُعامله وكأنه خادم لها ، أليس كذلك ؟

لقد كان يحمل أمتعة الأميرة لتسعة أعوام

! ـ ولم يستطع تحمل الأمر أكثر من ذلك

ـ لذا خططتم معاً للقيام بالأمر

لا ، لقد أخبرته أنني لا أود الإنخراط بذلك الأمر

لكنكِ علمتِ بما كان يفعله

هذا يجعلكِ مُتآمرة

الآن ، إذا كُنتِ تودين تقليل فترة سجنك

ستُخبرينا بالكيفية التي فعل الأمر بها

كيف تمكن من إدخالها في غيبوبة ؟

لا أعلم كيفية إتمام الأمر

ستحتاجين إلى إخبارنا بما تعرفينه

إنه سائل

قطرة من نوع ما

لم أره يستخدمها في الواقع قط

أعلم أنه يمنحها إياها مرتين بالأسبوع فحسب

من الشخص الذي حصل على السُم منه موقع سيما ؟

لم يُخبرني بذلك قط

لكن يُمكنني إخبارك بشأن المكان الذي يحتفظ فيه به

! ما الأمر بحق الجحيم ؟ أنت

... مهلاً ! ليس لديكم الحق للقدوم وإقتحام

مُذكرة تفتيش سيما للجميع للمكان

ليس لدىّ أدنى فكرة عما تبحثون عنه

لكن أضمن لكم أنكم لن تجدوه

إلا إذا كُنت تود التباهي بذلك أثناء مسيرك إلى الحجز

ـ أقترح عليك أن ترتدي ملابسك

ـ أتعتقدون أنكم ستُلقون القبض علىّ ؟

في واقع الأمر ، أعتقد ذلك

(لمُحاولة القتل العمد لـ(هيلين دالي

، وإذا كُنت تود تقليل فترة سجنك

فسوف تُخبرنا بهوية الشخص الذي صمم السُم لك

ليس لدىّ أدنى فكرة عن ماهية ذلك الشيء

دعنا نُوصل ذلك الشيء للمُختبر

ولنُحدد افلام ديزني نوع السُم أى كان

رُبما سوف يُخبرنا الأمر بشيء ما عن صانعه

كل شيء مررنا به استحق العناء من أجله في النهاية

أنتِ حِبلى

أردتُ بشدة أن أريكِ المكان ، لكن لم أرغب في جلب النحس لنا

أعلم ماي سينما ذلك ، صدقيني

أنا أشعر بالحماس مثلك تماماً

ما الخطب ؟

الهيكل المُتحرك ، أنتِ لا تُحبيه

أتعلمين ماذا ؟

أنتِ مُحقة

سأصلح افلام مصرية كوميدية 2022 الأمر

أود لكِ أن تكوني سعيدة

سيكون كل شيء مثالي

ماذا كُنا نفعل هُنا ؟


(لقد أخذتك إلى منزل خطيبة (مارفن

يبدو أنه غادر في عجلة من أمره

(مارفن) ، معك (ريموند)

نحنُ جميعاً نتواجد هُناك في (جونز) ، أين أنت ؟


أعرف ذلك المكان

ليس بعيداً جداً

يُمكنني إصطحابك إلى هُناك

... لقد كُنتِ

عطوفة لدرجة غير عادية

بالنظر إلى الكيفية التي بدأنا من خلالها تعارفنا

لكني لن أجرك إلى الأمر أكثر من ذلك

أنتِ لا تستحقين ذلك

سأتولى الأمر من هُنا

حسناً ، آمل أن تتحسن صحتك

وآمل أن تجد الإجابات التي تبحث عنها

آمل أن تتمكن من رؤية (إليزابيث) افلام مصرية 2022 مُجدداً

رفاق ؟

ذلك الصيدلي ، إنه ماهر للغاية

ـ هل تحصلت على تقرير السموم ؟

(ـ كان يعرف (هيلين دالي

أنا آسف ، ليس وكأنه قد قابلها

لقد علم بشأن تاريخها الطبي

وقد استغله ضدها

يعتقد أطباء (هيلين) أنها تعرضت لغيبوبة بسبب

رد فعل تحسسي من جوز الهند ، لكن الحقيقة هي

أن ذلك الصيدلي استخدم حساسية مُسلحة مُعقدة

من نوع ما لتحفيز موقع سيما كلوب نفس رد الفعل

الأمر الذي يعني أن الأطباء

كانوا يُعالجون الأعراض وليس السبب

كيف افلام اكشن 2023 افلام توم كروز يٌساعدنا ذلك الأمر مع (ريدينجتون) ؟

علينا إكتشاف ما إذا كان (ريدينجتون) لديه

حالات سابقة وأيهم قد تم إستهدافه

وإيجاد ترياق لعكس التأثيرات

خلال العدة ساعات القادمة

حسناً ، هذه هي الأخبار السيئة

أهُناك ويسيما أخبار جيدة ؟

عثر المُختبر على عُنصر مُميز

في الهيكل الجُزيئي للقطرات

(مأخوذة من شقة (روبرت دالي

(ببتيد فريد من نوعه مُرتبط بسم (بونجاروس فلافيسبس

(المعروفة أيضاً بإسم " الأفعى الأسيوية ذات الرأس الأحمر

ـ نادرة بشكل لا يُصدق

ـ فمن السهل تعقبها إذن

يُوجد أربعة مُوردين في العالم فحسب

(وواحد فقط في (أمريكا

(مزرعة زواحف قاتلة تتواجد خارج (سكرانتون ، بنسلفانيا

(بيت زواحف (هايتاور

... مملوك من قِبل

عيسى هايتاور) ، والذي وفقاً لرخصة قيادته)

مازال سيما فوريو يعيش في شقة تتواجد بالموقع

اذهبوا إلى هُناك الآن

! قوات فيدرالية

ـ آمن

ـ آمن

سأرسل تلك الملفات إلى (آرام) لتعقبها ومُقارنتها

بأى وفيات تسمم غير مُبررة

يُوجد العديد من الضحايا هُنا

(ـ ها هو ملف (هيلين دالي

(ـ (هيلين دالي

خُذ هذه الأشياء إلى المٌختبر

فلنأمل أن يٌساعدنا ذلك الملف في إيجاد الترياق لها

لقد غيرت الزوجة رأيها

(ستكون الأمور على ما يُرام يا سيدة (هايتاور

يتوجب علىّ إخباركم ... أين

هل تُحاولين إخبارنا بمكان تواجد زوجك ؟

ماذا حدث هُنا ؟

ماذا حدث ؟

ما حدث أنك قُمت بدعوتنا إلى هُنا لتناول طعام العشاء

وحبستنا في المطبخ بدون إبداء أى تفسير

لا تتردد في منحنا تفسير لذلك الأمر الآن

ثلاثة من مُحاسبيني ، اثنان من غاسلين أموالي

... حفنة من

مُستشاري الإستثمار والمصرفيين

صدقني يا (ديفيد) ، لا يود أى شخص الحصول على تفسير للأمر أكثر مني

من فضلكم

اقبلوا اعتذاري

خذوني فقط إلى طاولة العشاء وأخبروني بما حدث

سيد (ريدينجتون) ، لقد دعوتنا إلى العشاء

كُنا نجلس هُنا ، نهضت وقُمت بإلقاء كلمة

شكراً لكم جميعاً على القدوم خلال تلك المُهلة القصيرة

يجب علىّ الإعتراف بذلك الأمر

لم أحظ بمُتعة تناول الطعام

في تلك المُنشأة المُتميزة من قبل

آمل لو كُنا نستطيع الإستمتاع به

تحت ظروف ميمونة أكثر من ذلك

لكن هذا هو الأمر

كان يتعلق الأمر بالهجوم الذي شُن على افلام مسلسل الاصلي أصولك

بواسطة أى كان من قتل (زاك سمول) ؟

لقد وجدت دوماً أن قصص الخيانة

قهرية كثيراً

مأساوية للغاية لجميع من تورط بها

(يهوذا) ، (ياغو)

رجال كانوا محبوبين من قِبل الأشخاص الذين خانوهم

كُنت تروي علينا إحدى تلك القصص التي تُحب روايتها

، إذا كُنت تُفكر حتى في ضرب المثل بواسطة قصة أخرى

فسأخنقك بنفسي

هذا مُثير للسخرية ، أليس كذلك ؟

أن الأشخاص الذين وضعنا بهم أعظم درجات ثقتنا

يتواجدون في أفضل موضع لوضع السكينة في ظهورنا

قُلت أنك جعلت (ليفين) يتعقب المال

أتت الأموال من أحد حساباتك

كانوا الأشخاص الوحيدين الذين بإمكانهم الولوج

إلى ذلك الحساب المُحدد

رُبما لم يمتلك (يهوذا) خاصتنا الجُرأة سينما ليحضر

العشاء الأخير

حسناً ، أستطيع أن أؤكد لكم أنني سأجد الشخص المُذنب

وهو أو هي سوف يخضعوا للحساب


لقد أرسلت الطباخ وطاقمه إلى منازلهم

أخذت الهواتف منا وحبستنا في المطبخ

أحبذ شيئًا ما أكثر قوة

سيفي هذا بالغرض لتلك سيما اللحظة

ما خطبك بحق موقع وي سيما الجحيم ؟


كُنت أمسك بكأس من سيما فور النبيذ في حفل العشاء

أكان النبيذ من إحدى تلك الزجاجات ؟

لا ، قام النادل بسكب النبيذ من افلام تويتر زجاجة كانت موضوعة جانباً

أى زجاجة ؟

" أنا آسف ، لم أستطع التواجد معكم يا صديقي العجوز "

(توقيع : (مارفن

(مارفن جيرارد)

آرام) ، نحنُ بحاجة إلى قائمة بكل المتاجر التي تبيع)

من دار الزواحف

ـ متاجر أطفال ؟

ـ ماذا عن (ريدينجتون) ؟

ـ هل وجدتِ ترياق ؟

ـ لا تُوجد أى سجلات طبية

لا شيء يخص (ريدينجتون) يتواجد في ملف

انتظروا ، لماذا افلام ديزني 2022 نبحث عن متاجر للأطفال سيما لايت ؟

زوجة (هايتاور) تعتقد أنه يشتري لوازم غرفة نوم الطفل

ـ إنها حِبلى

ـ اعتقدت أنها كانت بغيبوبة

ـ كان هذا عندما اعتدى عليها

! ـ يا إلهي

(أقرب متجر هو (آلبي بيبي) يتواجد في (هاردينج

أرسل إليكم العنوان الآن

هل تبحث عن ديكور مُتحرك ؟

فكرت في أمر الكواكب

لكن أعتقد أننا سنختار الديناصورات

للزواحف مكانة فريدة في قلوبنا

حسناً ، تهانيّ لك

لابُد أنك سعيد

منذُ متى وهي حِبلى ؟

إنه طفلنا الأول

ترتاح الأم على السرير ، لذا فحمل التسوق كله يقع على عاتقي

عيسى هايتاور) نحنُ قوات فيدرالية)

ارفع يديك حيثُ يُمكنني رؤيتهما

انظري حولك أيتها ايجي بست افلام العميلة

أتودين البدء في إطلاق النار حقاً ؟

لدينا ملفاتك ، زوجتك

إنها مُتشوقة للشهادة ضدك

ضعه جانباً الآن

! انبطح ! على الأرض

كيف علمتِ بشأن نجاح ذلك الأمر ؟

ألم يسبق لك وأن تعثرت بتلك الأشياء في الظلام ؟

إنها قاتلة

(ـ (ريدينجتون

ـ (إليزابيث) ، ايجي بست أين أنتِ ؟

عيسى هايتاور) ، الصيدلي)

لقد أمسكنا به وهو في حضانتنا ووجدنا مُختبره

هل حددتم السُم ؟

يعمل المُختبر على الأمر

ليس بعد ، لكنهم سيفعلونها

إليزابيث) ، لقد وجدت زجاجة النبيذ التي تم إستخدامها

لتمرير موقع ماي سيما السُم إلىّ

أحد رجالي يُحضرها إليكِ الآن

إذا لم يُخبرك الصيدلي

بما تحتاجين إلى معرفته

ستفعل فيلم سطار السعودي سيما كلوب الزجاجة ذلك الأمر

(حسناً .. ستكون على ما يُرام يا (ريدينجتون

ريدينجتون) افضل افلام 2022 ؟)

! (ريدينجتون)

حسناً ، دعنا نُبقي ذلك الأمر بسيطاً

لدينا سؤالان

من دفع لك لتُسمم (ريدينجتون) ؟

وكيف يُمكننا علاجه ؟

يتواصل عُملائي معي افلام اكشن بشكل مجهول الهوية عبر الإنترنت المُظلم

لا يُريدون مني معرفة هوياتهم

ولا أرغب في معرفة ذلك الأمر

(الترياق للسُم الذي أعطيته لـ(ريدينجتون

أولاً ، أنا لم أقوم بتسميمه

أنا قدمت الوسائل الضرورية ليفعلها شخص آخر غيري فحسب

لم أقوم بتسميم أى شخص قط

أنا واثقة من كون زوجتك ستعترض على ذلك الأمر

(كانت زوجتي تلهو برفقة (كلايف هوليس

أنا واثق واي سيما بشأن ذلك الأمر

لقد احتاجت لأن يتم ... كبح جماحها

إنها سيدة مُتحيرة للغاية

لكنها سوف تعي حقيقة الأمر

تعي حقيقة ماذا ؟

حقيقة أنك قُمت بإغتصابها مراراً وتكراراً ؟

، بعد أن داهمتم مُنشأتي

يُوجد بحوذتكم معلومات

يتم التوصل فيها إلى حل

وتغيير الحالات المرضية التي يُعاني منها أشخاص آخرين

سوف تُعيدوهم إلى حياتهم وعائلاتهم

حقاً ، ينبغي عليكم شُكري

ـ أنت مُضلل

ـ لستُ مجنوناً

أعلم أنكم سوف تتهموني بغض مشاهدة افلام النظر عن براءتي

لكني أمتلك شيئًا تُريدونه والعكس صحيح

ـ ما هو ذلك ؟

ـ هذا أمر بسيط

، تسحبون عقوبة الإعدام من على طاولة المُفاوضات

(وسأخبركم بكيفية علاج (ريموند ريدينجتون

كل ذلك التبجح

أنت خائف من الإبرة

لستُ خائفاً من الموت

لكن اتضح أنني

أمتلك شيئًا لأعيش سيما ماي من افلام نتفلکس 2022 أجله

سأكون أب

لقد تمنينا أن نحظ بطفل منذ فترة طويلة للغاية

حتى لو كُنت في زنزانة سجن

سنُصبح عائلة


أنا ... لم أعتقد أنه

الرجل المُحب للزهور فلم والبالونات

، كُنت سآتي بصُحبة النبيذ

لكن تذكرت حينها أن السيد (ريدينجتون) قال

... أنه قد يكون سُمم عن طريق النبيذ ، لذا أنا

وإلى جانب ذلك ، من لا يُحب الـ(بابايا) ؟

هذا مثالي ، سيُحب ذلك

سيد (كوبر) ، لقد أتيت

ماذا نعرف عن حالته ؟

أعطانا الصيدلي جميع الترياقات

هل تم منحها لـ(ريدينجتون) ؟

أجل ، لكن آخر مرة تفقدنا فيها حالته

كان مازال في حالة حرجة

ـ هل نعتقد أن الصيدلي كذب علينا ؟

ـ لا أعلم

سيكون على ما يُرام

لا يوجد عار في تمني الأفضل

حتى لو كان ذلك لصالح الأشخاص الأسوأ منا

أود تحذيركم من الإفراط في التفاؤل الغير مُبرر

لكن حالته مُستقرة حتى هذه اللحظة

ـ هل تعتقد أنه سوف يتعافى ؟

ـ من المُبكر جداً تحديد ذلك الأمر

ستمُر فترة طويلة قبل أن نعلم بشأن مدى الضرر الذي لحق به

بالفعل ، لكن يبدو أن الترياق يعمل بصورة جيدة

أهُناك شيء آخر تستطيع إخبارنا به ؟

حسناً ، أى كان الشخص الذي قام بتسميمه

هو على علم دقيق بتاريخه الطبي افلام 2022 فحسب

تم تصميم السموم بطريقة فريدة

لتستهدف كيمياء جسده

هل يُمكننا رؤيته ؟

حسناً ، لقد استعاد وعيه للتو

ينبغي عليكم منحه بضعة دقائق

مرحباً بعودتك

هل وجدت (مارفن) ؟

أجل ، لقد وجدت المُراوغ

أخبرني بما حدث

لقد نشرت الخبر

(وجدناه في (دالاس

كان بصُحبة فتاته الكبيرة

حقائبهم مُجهزة ، مُتوجهين إلى جنوب المُحيط الأطلنطي

شكراً لك يا (جلين) ، عمل جيد

و (ديمبي) ؟

فلتصطحب افلام هندية 2022 (مارفن) إلى ذلك العنوان

إنه مُختبر السموم

أجل ؟

ماذا ؟

... ـ أنا لا أفـ

ـ ما الأمر ؟

لا يُمكن لهذا سيما فور يو أن يكون صحيحاً

هل أنت واثق ؟

... ريدينجتون) ، نتيجة الـ)

ريد) ، عما يدور ذلك الأمر ؟)

أين (ديمبي) ؟

ديمبي) ؟ كيف لي أن أعلم ؟)

لا أعلم ما الذي تتحدث بشأنه

لا أعلم عن ماذا يدور أى أمر من تلك الأمور

انتظر بالخارج من فضلك

لسوء الحظ ، ذلك الأداء التمثيلي البريء

أعلم الكثير بشأن الأمر كله

أعلم بشأن النبيذ

(أعلم بشأن توظيفك لـ(إيزابيلا ستون

أعلم بشأن (زاك سمول) ، (ستراتوس) وزوجته

أعلم أنك كُنت شخصاً واحداً من بضعة أشخاص افلام اكشن 2023 مترجم كامل جديد قليلين

كان لديهم إمكانية الولوج إلى الحساب الذي قام بتمويل

الهجمات ضدي

أعلم أن هذا هو سبب عدم قدومك لحفل العشاء

الشيء الوحيد الذي لا أعلم بشأنه

(هو ما فعلته مع (ديمبي

(لم أحضر حفل العشاء لإني افضل افلام و(بيكي

(كُنا في طريقنا للذهاب لملاذ لمُمارسة اليوغا في (تاهيتي

إنه مكان وجدناه عندما أرسلتنا إلى هُناك العام الماضي

أتتذكر ذلك ؟

(أخبرني بمكان (ديمبي

ريد) ، أنا أقسم لك)

لا أعلم أى شيء مما تتحدث عنه

لا ينبغي علىّ أن أتفاجيء

نحنُ مُجرمون بعد كل شيء

تُعد الخيانة جُزء لا يتجزأ من طبيعتنا

لم أفعل أى كان ما تعتقد أنني فعلته

أتتذكر ذلك العمل الحقير

في شبه جزيرة ملايو ؟

كُنت إيجابي وكُنت لأتعفن بمفردي

(في زنزانة الحجز تلك في مُحافظة (سورات ثاني

كام يتم أكلي ببطء حياً بواسطة الحشرات

ناهيك عن ذكر التجديد المُستمر للضربات المُوجهة للجسد والصراخ

لم أستطع أن افلام مصريه 2022 أكون واثقاً بشأن وصول أى من رسائلي إليك

قاموا بفتح باب الزنزانة

وسلموني طرداً

نصف دزينة من عُلب كافيار الحيتان البيضاء المُبرد وملحوظة

" مكتوب بها " وقت الافلام مع حُبي ، مارفن

عندما أفكر في الأمر

حُراس مُتواجدون بقارتين

لابُد أن الرشاوى افلام اكشن 2022 مترجم كامل جديد وحدها قد كلفتك ثروة طائلة

مازلت لا أستطيع فهم كيفية تمكنك من فعل الأمر

من داخل سجن فيدرالي

، لكنك حظيت بإمتناني الأبدي

لذا عندما اُتيحت لي الفرصة

قُمت بتسهيل عملية حصولك على حريتك


لماذا قد أخونك ؟

سنتعرف على سيما كلوب المؤسس عثمان الموسم الرابع السبب قريباً جداً

، لكن أولاً

(أحتاج أن أعلم بشأن مكان (ديمبي

بحق المسيح يا (ريد) ، لا أعلم ما الذي تتحدث عنه بحق الجحيم

إنها (إليزابيث كين) ، تقول أن الأمر هام

ـ أجل ؟

ـ كان النبيذ نظيفاً

قال مُختبر السموم أنه لم يكُن بداخله أى شيء

هذا ليس مُمكناً

تفقدي افلام ديزني 2023 الأمر مُجدداً

لقد قالوا أنه لابُد أن السُم قد انتقل إلى جسدك

عن طريق شيء آخر به نسبة مُرتفعة افلام هندية 2023 من الكحول

... ـ كالجن أو

ـ سكوتش

أجل ، هل شربت منهو ولدنا ماي سيما (سكوتش) ؟


لكن يتواجد شخصان فقط يُمكنهم الولوج لتلك الزجاجة

وأنا أحدهم

من افلام مصرية كوميدية 2023 كان الشخص الآخر ؟

لا ، لا يُمكن ماى سيما لهذا أن يكون صحيحاً

ريموند) ، هل أنت بخير سيما كلوب ؟)

ريدينجتون) ، تحدث إلىّ)

من قام بتسميمك ؟

لا يُمكن لهذا الأمر أن يكون صحيحاً

تعديل التوقيت

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Kemal. Kemal...


Mrs Nihan. are you OK?


Mrs. Nihan...

I'm sure that he was here I've seen him with my own eyes.

He was here.

Let me tell it to Mr. Emir.

No. no. No!


I've seen his eyes.

There was something on your neck, right?

No. there isn't.

Nope. There was something. There was a goodluck charm, right?

I don't have a goodluck charm anyway.

I've seen it on your neck. Has it fallen then?

Give me your hand, please. Mrs Nihan.

Mrs. Nihan...

Give me your hand please...

Mrs Nihan. paparazzi!

Isn't she Nihan Kozcuoglu. friends?

Oh. yes. yes. it's her.

Let's run!

Mrs. Nihan! Why is your hair wet? Mrs. Nihan.

Why is you hair wet?

Where is Mr Emir? Mrs. Nihan!

Why isn't there someone with you?

Why have you came alone?

Mrs. Nihan!

Mrs. Banu was at the party, too?

Was Mrs. Banu. at the party, we wonder?

Mrs. Nihan!

Where is Mr Emir? Why isn't Mr Emir with you

Mrs. Nihan. could you have a look at us?

Mrs. Nihan.

Mrs Nihan. please...

Mrs. Nihan!

Mrs. Nihan...

Mrs. Nihan...

Mrs. Nihan...

Mrs. Nihan...



Good bye

Thanks. Mommy

You're not going to take it off from here, OK?

OK. Mommy, don't worry. OK.


Be careful. OK?


Go secure, return in good condition. Brother. OK?

Don't worry.

My lovely brother...

Don't forget about me. there. OK?

How can I forget about you? How can I forget?


Come here, come here...

Come one. let us go then.

Son... Take care of your goodluck charm.

Well. OK. Mommy.

However you like.

Let's go. Salih

Salih, be careful, huh!

OK. brother...

Come on I'm leaving then, see you

May God unite you again'


May God unite you again!

Thanks, thanks.

Sister Nihan...

What are you doing here?

I've said, what are you doing here?


Oh. you've already bidden Kemal farewell..

Moreover, you've got him off here.

You've stepped on him and walked away.

Now, what are you looking for? Huh?


You're crying, too. What are you crying for? Huh? For whom?

Come on. tell me. are you crying for Kemal or yourself?

Indeed. I just can tell it to you.

Aaw. aaw. aaw. I'm not going to listen to your lies.

What is done, is done

What is broken, is broken, too.

The boy is ruined.

What else, can you tell me. ugh... Nihan? Go away from here.

My door is closed to you. too. from now on.

You've done it. already.

From now on. stay away...

from Kemal's life.

Hello. Zeynep.

Sister Nihan?

Zeynep. has Kemal returned? Is he. here?

Nope... Where did you get this idea?

Because I've seen him.

Oh. have you seen my brother Kemal, where?

On the seaside.

Ugh... Whatever...

Has he returned back or not? But took, tell me the truth.

I swear to God that he is in Zonguldak.

Besides, why should I lie to you. anyway?

I've been mistaken, then

Or I've thought someone else was Kemal, then.


I understand.

Anyway, I've bothered you, my dear, at this time of the night. Sorry for the trouble.


I'm happy that you've called, indeed.

Besides I'm happy to hear your voice. We haven't seen each other since when.

You may call me whenever you like. Let's meet, then

Let's meet. OK.

Look. but. don't putoff me. Let's meet soon.

Besides you were going to take me your own hairdresser You've suggested that, once but we haven't gone there, yet!

OK my dear Call me whenever you like and we meet. then.


Tomorrow. I'm available, indeed If you're available, too. huh?

Besides. I should have my pictures taken, too. They've asked from the agency, you know.

I've signed up for an agency, by the way I mean. I'm going to sign up. tomorrow.

Tomorrow, when we meet. I'll tell you about it in detail. OK?

When are you available, tomorrow?

Otherwise. you can take me from the school, huh?


If your brother calls


I'm not going to mention him about this phone call. I promise.


Enjoy it.

Has my brother came. Salih?

What's the connection, man?

I've told you not to call when I'm at home but message me. for a thousand times, right?

I've got excited when you've said that your brother has came, girl.

Has Kemal came, then?

Aaw. see. I ask you that, too.

Well, something has happened, that's why... Well...

Oh my... anyway, nevermind.

What have you done, by the way?

Have you finished your job. there?

Well, it’s going to finish Why? Are you going to come here, anyway?

Huh. I'll come. I'll come.

I'll tell the household that Borther Salih is going to take me out walking.

When your brother comes. I'll talk to him face to face Then, you'll see "Brother" Salih.

When I tell him that we've been loving each other since when...

everything is going to change, you'll see.

Huh I'm sure that you're going to tell him

I'll tell him. of course.

Don't we love each other?


Who am I talking to?

We weara ring until her school finishes. I'll say to him.

When she finishes her school, we get married. I'll say to him.

I'm waiting your your brother to come. Wait until he comes.

Hmm hmm

Are you going to come to the hunk of junk, tomorrow?

Nope My clothes smell like fish then.

It doesn't go away. then.

Look at that. now... Good gracious...

Insteof calling me there, you get out of there and take me around, nice places.

Take me to a cafe like common people, for example, huh?

Hunk of junk, hunk of junk You don't know anywhere else, indeed.

Fine. then...

We go to the cafe that you like. OK?

OK. fine.

Good bye then.

Come to the main ro tomorrow morning.

Don't take me. in front of the house, we good?

Alright, sir.


Good night.

Good night.


Oh. tell me the story, the story...

I've missed you. a lot.

Well, why haven't you told me that you were coming?


It has happened, suddenly a little


But you've found time to have a swim, at this time of the night?


You've came across with her again...

It was a moment like a dream, impossible to be real again.

I've seen Nihan's silhouette in the dark.

It was a total loss of consciousness, while thinking if it's her or not. if it's a dream or reality...

I've looked into her eyes as I was looking at the old years, under the water, again.

I've realized that I haven't lost anything from my anger and hatred, during these years.

She hasn't seen you. then?


You're going to be a rival to her husband, then.

You've returned here to take revenge.

You haven't lost anything from your anger and hatred, huh?

Hate is a feeling, too.

Besides, it's the most closest to the love, they say. I don't know.

What is this, now? Huh?

Gan you get nd of your feelings like you get nd of a tattoo, huh?

Are you sure that you've rooted Nihan out of your heart?

Have you been expecting someone?



I'm sony. I shouldn't have came here but

Yes Nihan. why have you came here?


What happened to you. Nihan?

Has it rained or have you fallen to the sea. again?

I know that makes no sense but the second.

You're trembling.

I've built up my courage...

and I've came here to ask you something.

I wouldn't like to invite you in but you should dry or you'll get sick, otherwise.

Indeed it would be nice if I drink something warm.

In that case, come in. Nihan

Thank you, very much. I'm not going to waste your time, much. I promise

Have a seat

I've been passing by here.

When I've seen that the lights of the mansion were on. I've thought of stopping by.

Aaw. Nihan..

Ask me what you're going to ask. We both know that you haven't stopped by while passing by here.

I've seen Kemal

Where ?

Under the water

You've taken some alcohol, a little. I guess?

You feel a little bit worried, too Huh?


I'm not sure but my gut tells me that it was Kemal.



Let's say that it was Kemal. Why have you came here, then?

Because I've thought that he would come here, first, if he has returned

Let's say that he has returned?

Has he returned?

No. my dear!

Let's say that he has returned, what's going to change in your lives, then?


I mean. I can't handle this

There is a lot of things that I can't risk

My marriage comes first

I keep a lot of things in balance, hardly, anyway.

I've even forgotten the possibility that we could come across with Kemal.

I don't want him to make me confused.

Have you rushed here because of that, then?

Kemal is going to rum your marriage. Is it?

He has been waiting for so long and decided to ruin your marriage after five years. Is it?

Nihan.. I wonder if Kemal still remembers your name

"Has Kemal returned?", huh?

it's none of your business if he has returned anyway

His family is here. He may come and go. It's none of your business

You're right.

I can't handle with Kemal's returning back.

It's my problem I mean


I've talked yourheoff Sorry for the trouble, please.

These are all my paranoia

Good bye

Honey, you're confused a little bit. Now. go home...

Have a nice sleep, there will be nothing in the morning.


You can't control Kemal's life.

But you can control your own life.

There isn't going to be any change in your life. OK? Any

Well, then'?’

Are you a returnee, now?

What was that. now? What have you understood from this?

She has already told you see

She doesn't want her peace broken.

At the time, she has left me not to break her peace, too

What happened, tonight?

What do you wonder about. I haven't understood. Emir

I wonder about you my darling, I wonder about my wife.

Should I refrom the newspapers that you've fallen into the sea?

I've missed my footing

I've thought that you've been jealous of me and committed suicide.

What a pity... I'm not the reason of it. again, you see

Emir, tell me what you're going to say quickly.

I want to go to sleep as soon as I take shower

Why do you hate me that much

It has been five years Nihan

I know.

I've been just waiting for five years

I've been waiting for you to love me.

Emir, could you leave me?

For five years. I've been waiting to see when this marriage is going to turn out to be a real one

Emir. I'm obliged to this marriage

Don't expect anything else than this from me

And I'm sentenced to you I'm addicted to you. madly

Emir, could you leave me?

I just wanted you

I've found an opportunity so I've used it

But I haven't obliged you.

You've threatened me with my brother

Your parents have made this choice, my darling

They didn't want to send their son to prison, they've sacrificed you. insteof it. they've sold you to me

God damn you!

Get away from Emir! Get away' You. jerk

I haven't changed, at all.

I've always been the same man I've loved you, stably I wanted to marry you

You've'c'hanged your mind. baby.

First, you didn't want me. Then, whatever the reason is. you have been desirous of getting married with me


Now. if you like, we may change the situation, immediately.

Immediately immediately.

Ozan goes, cops out and pays his penalty

Everyone suffers the consequences of it. What do you think?

Answer me'

Emir. OK. leave me OK. leave me!

OK.. From now on. I change all of the circumstances

means that after our fifth wedding anniversary, you're going to be my wife for real'

Mom! Where is my denim dress?

Aha. girl, would you wake up without making me shout?

Well, where is my dress anyway?

It should be wherever you've thrown It.


Go and look inside the ironing.

Look at me.. Don't wear it on you like that. Iron it quickly and then, wear it.

Oh!! can't believe'

What alive you done girl?

Perish the thought’

Shut up. girl, shut up. You've woken all the neighborhood up

They can wake up. I don't care My brother has came



Has my son came

Has my somcame


Oh. welcome, son.

Mr. Kemal has came. Have you known the way to here, huh?



Then, it's true

Welcome. Brother. Are you fine?

I'm fine. I'm fine You look fine. too.

I'm fine, have you missed your brother then?

We've missed, of course..

A lot. a'lot...

Look. You've entered home, immediately when my brother has came, right?

Mommy, don't ciy for nothing, now. You haven't missed me. at all. you've forgotten me. anyway.

Aha' What kind of a word is that, son? How can it be. such a thing?

Yes. Have a look at this rpom Where is my bed? You've turned it into a'pre.ssing room.

They've erased you. son

The woman has giyen up hope of you. What can she de. then?


My leonine son


Thank you


Thank you.

Haven't I told you?

Haven't I said that the son was going to come. hUjh?

You've said, you've said He has came at last see

Bi'on't you take care of yourself?

You've got thin, a little ? Well, your mother feeds me with heartfriendly herbs, that's why.

Of course, of course, of course

I cook it. put it in front of him and he eats. What "getting thin" are you talking about? Don't look at he's saying

Zeynep come on. r,un to the g'tocer's and buy sausage

Go to the bakery, buy Some bagel and bre

Let's buy a lot of things, and set the table' My son has came, neighbors! It's festive air at home, neighbors! My son is here!

Come on then

Come on

The number you are calling is not available

Would you buy some tissue

Thanks, honey.

But a pack is not enough for me.

You should bring me the whole package, then.

Have you broken up with your boyfriend?


Five years ago

What happened?

I've found it funny.

So you've been crying since I was bom. then

Go and apologize to him. make up then

wish that it was that simple, anyway.


Look, it happens like that. then.

The things that I couldn't tell him. drops from my eyes like this.

But I have to do so..

I haven't hany other option, at that time

Indeed, if he has known that I've done it for my brother..

But I can't tell him

In that case You're going to cry a lot more.

Has Ozan hhis breakfast? Has his medicine given to him?

He has told me that he wanted to sleep a little more

Wake him up. He shouldn't delay the hour to take his medicine.

Alright, my lady

The winner of the night is Banu Akmeric

Why do you let such a thing to happen? I really don't understand

Nihan has left the party, early and given the reporters to write something about

She doesn't listen to any word, we say.

Indeed, why isn't Emir careful about things like these?

So that such a nonsense thing can be on the newspapers, why does he leave his wife alone, then?

Sweetheart. Nihan doesn't care about it

OK. I mean, she knows that these news are a lie but she shouldn't leave her husband, anyway.

Vildan, this girl is unhappy You can reit easily from her face.

Onder what are you talking about for God’s sake?

They're talking about they're going to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary.

Also, the girl plans what to buy for her husband.

She is just tired

Look at me don't break everyone's peace by saying that she's unhappy all the time.

I'm.just angry with the things which are written on the newspaper: that's it.

Good morning What's happening?

Good morning... There's nothing, sweetheart

Good morning, son.

Aaw. don't let these nonsense things to be around

Let's don't be demoralized at this time of the morning, huh?

What's written, again?

Oh my... Stupid things, anyway.


Good morning, my daughter.

Good morning

How are you. Daddy?,

I'm fine, my beautiful daughter

Daddy. I'm so wet that I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused


Have you eaten anything yet?

No. we've waited for you

OK. I'll change and be back in a minute

Well Nihan.

Where is Emir? Galip is coming, too.

Yes. I know. D

Have you seen it?

There isn't any problem The girl is at ease, as you see

Yes. I see(')


Pack these newspapers away.

It's a big tender

It's a big tender

It's a big tender

I've came here as a fully fledged of the company.

I've came here as a fully fledged of the company

Praise be to my son

Well done, son!

If it was up to Mr Hakki. he was going to Get his coat and leave

Such an extent that h'e ihas lefttheheompany to me

Bravo to you

s it yours?

Yes. yes

Sister Nihan

Hello. Sema?

What can I do? I work hard not to b'e embarrassed, see

You are going to work, of course, con.

You shouldn't let this opportunity pass you by. of course'

Godspeed son

You aren't available. I guess.

Well. I was going to have breakfast and get out. I would like you to know that.

Come on. let's don't let them cold, come on to the table', quick'


OK. let's meet in an hour, at'the school. OK?

Would you like me to take you from the school, do you mean that?

OK. kisses, see you there. Sema

I can take you to school

It can be

Come on to the table!


Put that away.

Son. Icffik. I've put your egg at the same plate.

You don't like them to be mixed.

Fine, then you haven't forgotten about that, at least. Mom.

Veil. this girl should be hitting her heon the rocks, now.

She has been wasted, indeed, right

Leave it now. At this time of the morning don't spoil the enjoyment.

God has saved us from them

You're right. Mommy.

These are whimsical How can they live like that?.

Everyone is happy at their place, in their own lives

If you like, we can talk about this family, drawlingly, huh?

Oh my.. Huseyin... Let them to be away from us. directly to the hell.

Indeed. I.

May God not let them to see my son's face, once more

May God forbid him to come across with them, again.

Amen. amen. amen..

I hope that everyone is happy in their lives Let this case closed and have a breakfast, nicely


?, don't let them get cold Have^your breakfast meanwhile talking on the phone.

OK. I'm'coming in a minute.

His phone never stays silent from now on.

To be a businessman is something like that. then, right?

I'm listening.

Mr Kemal, good morning

There's a little change at the program.. I've called you to inform about it.

Mr Emir is going to meet with you. this evening, today

Is it?

That's right.

Can't it be anywhere else? I don't know. I'm going to feel very uncomfortable, there

Well but why? Ozan wanted there, especially. He likes there, a lot

Thank you. Mr. Kemal

He's an engineer at the mine of Hakki Alacah at Kilimh Zonguldak

That's right.

accident at the mine, he has became the partner of Hakki Alacali. sir

He's the manager of the mine, right now.

He has been an engineer for five years, he's a preppy business manager

Couldn't you contend with this man?

Shame on you!

He's not eyen a man He's just a little man

Yes. thank you.

Look, look How he talks like a boss

He's a boss, anyway How else could he talk'?

Well, could you leave me for a while. so that I can eat my egg?

Eat it. my leonine son

Son God bless you

Thanks to you. we've got a roof over our he

May God let you have the midas touch.

Don't mention it. Mom'

Huh indeed

You hold'something in this house, it turns into gold anyway.


Look a tiny slum has became a mansion for us in two minutes, you see

I hope that it can be a mansion, too. one day

I've told my mother to move into a larger home

Well, do we need a largerhouse than this! son?

Here is like a mansion for us. anyway.

Son. we've suffered a ISt..paying a rent for years.

Look, we're feeling content.in our own house, now.

Thanks to you

Don't mention it. D

Thanks to you. I mean May God give you more.



Son eat from these a little

I'm eating Mom

You're going to leave immediately, right?

Yes. I've got a couple of things to do. Let me handle them, first

I'll return, then

Don't say so...

Well, don't give him a hard time by asking "When are you going to return?" all the time, since the morning

Shame on you Huseyin! Have I said so?

Well then? How is it like, there?

Is there any beautiful girls etc.

There should be a lot of beautiful girls, under the ground, right. Brother?

We'll’ there was that girl, remember? Mr Hakki what about his niece?

Huh. you work atthe same job with that girl, right?

Mrs Fehime!

You can't find anything from here, let me tell you that.

Asu is my friend

Don't say that she is your friend, immediately and eut it short.

Well but she is

Oh. my mother has already got two grandchildren from you

We've already got over the marriage etc

I don't think of getting married or etc

For your information'

Why is that?

Are you going to lodge in five years ago and live there?


Look at me

like that girl. She was just a spoiled girl She was a liar Forget about her from now on

I've already forgotten about her 'Mom

No. you haven't forgotten about her

I've forgotten!

No you haven't forgotten

Look, you say that you're not going to get married etc

You say that it's over

Fehime. it's enough.

One from the right, one from the left. Leave the kid alone, a little.

Then, you ask him why he stays here for that little time.

If you do like that, does he stay then? Leave the kid alone for a while. I beg you.

Don't look at your mother She talks like that see

I'm fine. Don't worn

Come on. eat a little, you've became so thin

Eat from that halva, from that halva

anniversary, heto he with Emir in Pans but... he doesn't listen.to me

It's more meaningful to celebrate it altogether sweetheart.

Moreover, this wedding anniversary is very important for both of us.

Have you decided to have a baby, 'otherwise?

Without asking your opinion, how can it be. such a thing?

But I have convinced Nihan that she is going to be a wonderful mother, at last.

Aaw. Nihan.. Are you pregnant, otherwise?

Nope. Mommy We're enough for each other with Emir. for now

You're not enough, it's obvious.

You're altogether as a family, here

We couldn't have a world of twosome, you're right. Daddy.

But we try to get lost in between the crowd, anyway.

Nihan likes this house, a lot.

going to be wonderful that the babies are going bom in a crowded family

Nihan. would you like twins?

Look at me

If you are pregnant and hiding it from me.

Mom. I'm not pregnant or something like that


e don't want to wait more, little lady.

She means, your mother. I mean

Besides. Emir needs a son who he can trust after him too

Moreover, he needs two sons



What happened? What are you 'thinking of?

What should I buy you as a gift. I was thioking about that.

I owe my life to this marriage

Whatever I buy. it's going to be less, anyway.

Indeed, we owe to you

This marriage this happiness, right?

Ozan what about going to the track to race? Let me give you a hard time, a little bit. We haven't done that for so long

Well... It can be

s it a message, do you think. Ozan?

Does Emir want to get a new race car from you. I wonder?

I hope that it’s not like'that.

Well, come on. then... I shouldtgo to the atelier

You should have some works to do I think

You're right, my girl

Please, don't get in that car. don't race, please.

Well, it's enough. Mom.

There is a controlled track

I'm beside him. Nothing happens t@ him

May it be easy

To you. too

I hope everything's OK. fatherinlaw?

You like it. right? A A nd how

Well, what do you want. I don't understand?

Look, our children are happy We're joyful and healthy

Do you really believe that the children are happy?

It's a madeup news which is written by a nondescript impertinent person

Emir makes Nihan upset Gahp

I can understand it'

He has never given a break to his rakishness tours.

A man gets confused from time to time

The important thing is that he returns to his wife.


My child is not going to live according to.public. Onder

The public is going to live according to my child'

The public?

All of you. Everybody

Don't overshadow these children's marriage, too

Lay claim to your soninlaw. a little

You owe whatever you have in your hands, even this house to him

Behave according to that


Your son has done some fine coin

Sshh. for shame!

s it ours, now?

Huh. it's ours!


e've bought it for you... It's Kemal's, girl. Kemal's.


Good morning, sir

He has said "sir":

Huh. he has said it to you.

Mesut, we were going to meet at hereinabove

Why have you came here?

Sony for the trouble. I've thought that you've said at the street comer

OK. it's no big deal.

Come on. let's get in. I'll take you

Where are you going. Tarik?

Are ive going to the shop with an official car? Huh.

It's going to be a shame, then. son. They're going to say that we show off. There is no need, come on. let's walk

May it be easyto you. son

Have a nice meeting

Thanks. D


May it.be easy

If it's easy then.

What's happening, dude?

It's very nice. I wish that it was yours. Brother

s it Sema

Hmm hmm

Mesut, stop.


Man' Kemal! My Brother!


My Brother...

Are you OK?

I'm fine. I'm fine

You've came, for real Son. I was saying to myself that he would call me if he has returned

Wait. son I've just arrived

I've came by night. Where have you learned about it?

I've felt it. man I've felt it I've known that you were going to return, anyway

At last, you've returned to your neighborhood. I was talking about that see

Nope, my brother

How is it. then, dude?

I've came here to solve a couple of issues I'll return, again

Well, it's no good. then, see

OK. dude. OK. why do you get upset?

We’re going to spend time together, don't worry.


You'll see what's going to happen if you don't come.


Thanks to you. I have a place where I earn my bre son.

Come and see how your brother manages

I'll stop by

Let me take Zeynep to school, and finish the works. then I'll come, OK?

We're going to talk in detail. Look. I'm waiting, huh'


You rent a mansion like Sister's Nihan, soon, huh?


I'm reading. Zeynep

I've just wondered. my dear

Have you ha meeting? You've came late at night, that's why

She’s Fehime's daughter, see.

Have you gone to somewhere, then

Why do you ask?


Last night. Sister Nihan has called me

Indeed. I haven't called her. huh

How can she Call you?

Do you still see each other?


I swear to God that we don't see each other

Last night she has called me like that, suddenly.

Has your brother Kemal returned, she asked me

And I've said "nope".

Well, then? Aren't you going to ask me anything? "What has she said?" or "Why has she called?"

I'm not going to ask. Zeynep

But I'll ask for something from you

You're not going to tell her that I've came here, certainly. OK?

Aaw. may I get off on the right, please?

zw •

Nihan is not going to know that I've came here

Promise me

OK. my dear. I mean. I premise.

See you. Brother...

Have I made you wait here for so long?

Nope.. I've just came here, anyway.

Gomeon. get in


You don't have to open my door, every time.

I have an arm and hand, too

But I'm doing my job. sir.

Fine, then

Now. we're going to the place that I love most

To the cll'ib

I've won! I've won

Don't fake it! I've passed you by my own efforts.

If you like thinking like that...

What happened? Are you feeling joyful, again huh?

Very much'

Why? Is it for the preppy engineer? Let him wait Take a picture of us.


You're welcome.

You look gorgeous.

I'll go and have my pictures taken, immediately, today.

Thanks. Sister Nihan.

Don't mention it. my beautiful.

You won't apply for nonsense places, then.

After you've taken your pictures, give them to me and I'll get in touch with my friend. OK ?

You mean, you're going to give them to the owner of the agency, directly Is it?

Do you really want this happiness to end?

Well, this is very nice, then' I'll be discovered, officially.


What happened?

There's nothing.

Well, then? What are we going to do. now?

I don't know. However you like.

I've missed you a lot. Sister Nihan. A lot!

But you slight me

There are some long times in between

Then we can't meet Also, if we haven't talked yesterday, we wouldn't have met. today too.

Zeynep, you know

Seeing you doesn't mean just seeing you.

I remember about the past, suddenly


In that case. I'll go to the lady's room, first, then let's go. OK?


I'm at the cash point, then.

Don't trouble yourself. Mrs. Nihan. I've came already

My Brother Kemal

Hello ?


Hello ?



Mesut, don't turn to Etiler, go straight



There is no voice

I'm ready'



Huh. there has been no voice, before

What are you doing? Would you like me to come and take you after the meeting ?

When does the school finish?

Nope. Brother. Well. I'll come home, on my own.

Sorry for the trouble: I can't speak, right now. I'm at the atelier lesson

OK. OK. fine, then

Come on. see you at home. then.

Well, what have you done. Sister Nihan

Unfortunately. sir I can't take you in

Mrs. Nihan has cancelled your reservation

Good evening, sir.


Have you got a reservation?

Kemal Soydere

I'm Emir Kozcuoglu's guest

This way. sir.

Here you are

Mr. Emir hasn't came. yet. I guess?

He hasn't came. yet.

What would you like to drink while waiting?

Thank you. I wouldn't like anything

Your guest has arrived, sir


Has he came?

Yes. he has came

He's on time, too

Sister Nihan.

I promise that I haven't lied to you.

I haven't known about it while I was talking to you on the phone, anyway.


eVe learned that he was at home afterwards.

Have you told him that I've called you and asked about him. then?


You have told him.

Well Sister Nihan. I swear that I'm telling you the truth. I haven't told him

Besides, if I have told him something like that, my brother would get angry with me. then.

Believe me. please...

OK. my dear See you later OK? Sorry for the trouble

Ugh. Sister Nihan.

Welcome. Mr Emir

Mr Emir has came

Is it? OK

Mr. Kemal

What is this, like that?

Where is my wine?

Sir. it was out of stock Tomorrow, we're going to supply it

So you tell me not to come here, again?

Oh my sir. how can it be such a thing

I'm sorry, it has seemed in stock on the computer

Well, then? Tell me... how is life at the country side?

I would like to know there.

But tell me about it. shortly.

It's not possible to tell about country side, shortly

You should really know there.

Is it?

You can't know it’while you're looking from a distance.

But if I should tell about it shortly.

It's a place that modest people live.

It gives you a hard time

The most important thing at the country side is time.

There is a time for everything

And you should try to be on time

But... in all aspects.

I can't see anything about you. suitable for there.

I've allocated a specific time for this meeting.

But you have used that time making me wait here.

See you at the tender, then

e'cf like to see you again sir

Mrs. Nihan.

Mrs Nihan..

I hope that you don't get upset because of the things that are written on the newspaper they're all a lie. madeup news.

Don't let them break your peace, please.

I don’t hear anything

I don't see anything

You may comfort yourselves

What does this man think he is

Who are you. man

Who are you? Jerk!


Something really bhas happened. Emir

I've came across with Nihan

With Mrs Nihan

Well, then?

She has shouted at me. slung mud at me.

You don't say!

Don't even ask, Emir, I feel very nervy, right now.

She has insulted you. to your face huh?

While I was trying to tell her that I've hno connection with the things that are written on the newspaper

She has walk all over me. officially. She has snapped my heoff

She has lost herself, you should have seen her I mean, please, give an end to this situation.

If you're going to get divorced, then get divorced as immediate as possible

I mean. I can't stand such a thing, anymore.

From one side, the press, from the other side, your wife..

She has been jealous of you. huh?

I'm dithering, officially

In that case, you're going to come to the party too.

To your wedding anniversary party?


We invite the most closet ones.

You're my most closest.

You're really crazy, huh..

Nihan has been jealous of me for real.

I'm listening...


Zeynep. what's up?

I'm doing fine What about you?

I'm fine. I'm fine...

Fine but remember that I've promised you to...

go to the cafe. I can't take you there, sorry

Your brother is going to come here, so I'm getting ready for him. that's why.

Here you are

It's no problem. I've gone there, today, anyway.

With whom?

When have you gone, girl?

gone with friends from school, see.

Anyway, then. I should shut the phone down. now.

I'm going to the nursery school for the apprenticeship There are people around me.

Good bye. then

Are we ready?

I'm ready

I'm listening. Yasemm.

Where are you. honey? Are you going to come to the atelier, today?

I'm on the ro

Why does your voice sound like that? What happened?

Kemal has returned.

Which Kemal is that?

Aha' Well, then?

>As soon as I've heard his voice. I've broken up into small pieces.

It seems that I was made of glass. I've been smashed to smithereens

Woe to you. Nihan!

Don't say so

Well, but.it is. Does it worth to get confused for no reason?

Well, but it is. Does it worth to get confused for no reason?

Don't you dare to answer me Come to yourself, girl. The past is the past

Also, the decision that you've made at that time was right, too

He has came to your mind because you've seen Emir on the newspaper. I know that

Look at the man... He has found the exact time to return

Nihan. look.. You have a husband who loves you. madly.

You know this. too. as sure as two and'two is four.

If Emir gets suspicious about something, he finds that boy.

he finds that Kemal and give him hell.

He doesn't know about Kemal, right?

Don't you dare. Nihan please, don't you dare..

Come on. gather yourself up. Forget about Kemal, anyway

Do you hear me? Please.

Wow. wow. wow...

Look. look. look, he's such a swagger!

OK son don't make me regret

I don't walk around in collarandtie. all the time, of course

There has been a meeting. I've worn it because of that. see.

I poke fun at you. son. Good gracious..

Well tell me. then

You've became a big boss Can't you get yourself nominated here?

There is a time for everything

Isn't there a chance of marriage with a good girl?


e should have a nice wedding for you. right?

There isn't, brother

First. I'll make you get married

Huh? Look at me

Isn't there someone,?

Indeed. I was going to talk to you about this subject but..


s there someone, dude?

Look at me We've talked on the phone that much Why don't you tell me. then?

It's not a thing to be talked on the phone, that's why.

I wanted to talk to you, face to face

She's from Yenikoy. right?

is she from neighborhood, man? Do we know her? Huh?


I'm talking to you Why are you sweating there? Tell me that, properly.

Well... What happened, happened

There is nothing, actually but...

Well, then

I'm doing., well, on my own

Well, then?

What's happening

Tea... Would you like some tea?




What happened? The doors are open, too

I've walked, a little

Have you been worried about something, today?

You've came across with Banu. I guess

Emir, please, don't start again. I'm tired.

OK I haven't started, anyway

Let me go then brother.

Days are numbered, anyway. Let me see my mother etc

OK. brother.

See you

Hi. everyone!

Hi. welcome

Aah. Dear Emir...

I can't thank you enough

You've made them bring my catalogue orders in between of all things.

Have they arrived, yet? I'm gl

They've told me that it could have taken months but.

A call from Emir Kozcuoglu was enough forthem. of course

Don't mention it. please.

What do you say to this, then?

We've raced for twice I've passed Emir at the both of them

Wow! This is the memory of that histohcal moment, then, huh?


Ozan has became very happy, today Thank you. very much

My most important duty is to make you happy, my dear motherinlaw.

I'll be fully happy after this wedding anniversary too. Right, my darling?

Welcome, brother

Are yob waiting for me. at the door?

Otherwise. have.your friend let you know about it?

Which friend of mine?

Nihan Kozcuoglu

I swear that I haven't told her anything

I haven't told her that you were here. I swear Brother


eVe met with her. today I mean, we've came across with Sister Nihan. like that incidentally

I went to the ladies' room At the meanwhile, you have called me on the phone.

She has understood She has heard it. I mean

I don'.t know, how she has understood

She has heard your voice etc.

She knows that you're here I haven't told her Brother

Look. I swear that I haven't told her.

Who else from the household, knows that you've talked to her?

No one


Look, for God's sake, if my mother hears about it. I swear that she's going to tear my hair off.

You are not going to tell her right?

Brother, look. I promise...

I promise. I swear off

I'm not going to see her face again. I tell you. honestly.

I'm not going to meet her again. I mean.

What have you done to your hair?


It's like that, by myself..

I've curled them, at home


Kemal! Is it you. there?

Brother... You're not going to tell her right?

You don't say to her. I know.


room, tonight He wanted me to tell you that he is not going to come downstairs

Huh. OK. I was going to work, anyway.

Would you like to have your meal, here?

Huh. nope. I'm not hungry

OK. good night

Why did you come to the hunk of junk, tonight?

I've missed you

Why have you run away. then?

Because you were afraid

If you'd came near me...

you couldn't have known how! was going to welcome you.

What if I haven't missed you. then?

What if I have forgotten your smell, then

What if the love is over?

Only hatred is left, then?

I'stilhlove you. a lot.

I wish that I could have told you everything.

I wish




I'm coming'

Is it a new habit of yours to lock the door?

I haven't realized it.

What's happening?

There's nothing Mrs. Motherinlaw. you may return to your room.

noA sj\f ueyiN

I'm fine. D I'm fine I've fallen asleep while I was working.

Emir has 'got worried about me. naturally

'm sorry..

You're not going to lock this door, again

Don't worry. I'm not going to cut my wrists because of you

You better not to do it. anyway.

Wish me good luck

Godspeed' You're going to get the tender, anyway.



I've been sending you a sign since the morning, hoping that you.realize it.

I wish that you've called me. It would be easier, then.

Iii that case, it wouldn't be romantic

Come here

But I have never fhed a kite before


It's like this.


if you to'uohdhe wind once, it reminds you about itself to you.

Afterwards, neither it forgets about you. nor you forget about

Huh it's falling' It's falling! It's falling

It goes away. it goes away! Pull it. pull it! Pull it. pull it

Pull it!

! can’t do it

It has fallen anyway

I haven't made it fall

Come, let me help you Yes. yes. line wrap, a little bit.

Am I just gp'ing to wrap it?

Yes. yes

Let me pull it.

Yes. yes. yes. It's falling

Wait Pull it. pull it. pull it!

You're such a fool Nihan

You're a fool...

A fool

A fool!

What have you thought, anyway?

Come, kitty, kitty... Kitty, kitty, come.

Where are you running like that?




I wonder what kind of a tragedy you've been through, again?


Wait. wait. wait!

You can't take any teardrops in from this doomay. Mrs. Nihan. You've forgotten. I guess

Kemal is here. I've seen him. last night

And our girl is ruined.

The one who has jumped into the water to save me. that night was him. too. I know.

I see the kite and I think that he is there

I look for him everywhere, madly.

I dream as he might have sent me a sign or something like that.

I swear that I've gone crazy

How do you know that he hasn't sent you a sign, anyway?

Nope, my dear. I don't know anything I just ask you\ like that.


Distinguished guests, welcome

UVe initiate the tender of Bandirma Region

Hendekh Kaya Location. Thermal Power Station Licence.

We've started to open the bidding envelopes

Kit as Energy

Bolkas Holding

Alacahan Holding

And I rethe.last proposal

Kozcuoglu Holding

Well, be quiet please

We're starting the open bidding, now

According to the proposals, in front of us. the tender

is going to be between The Kozcuoglu Holding and The Alacahan Holding.

The open bidding has started

Million Dollars

Million Dollars

The bid is closed

Good luck with it

Good luck with it

The winner is always foretold. Mr Kemal but it was nice to know you. anyway.

I neither have the courage to see him

just cry. foolishly, like this. see.

Don't cry Think

Let's say that Kemal is sitting at the opposite of you.

What are you going to say to him'?

Huh? Nihan?

See. think about this

When is the meeting at the company?

An hour later, sir

I mean, at what time, exactly?

Mr. Hakki.

Yes it has just ended, now

Kozcuoglu has won the tender.

I'm ready for the other target, sir

Maybe, the whole life is that all

It was with him.

But it couldn't have happened, see Some things were missing for that.

Aaw... How old are you. Nihan. for God's sake?

At first of all. throw away the rust of your soul.

Or I'm going to faint here, indeed.

What have I asked you and what y^ou tell me

I'm Kemal then

Tell me

Go away from here. Kemal

I beg you to leave.

What else? Why is that?

Because I can't go on with my life as it was before when you're here.

It doesn't bother me! Istanbul is a very big city Besides, my father and mother is here. too.

I can come and go whenever I like. I'm not going to ask you about it

Besides. I'm not chasing you anyway You are chasing me

Kemal, please, go away...

Because I feel you here. Please.

In that case, who are you going to tell to go away, then Nihan?

If Kemal is here, anyway?

Mr Emir

Sony for the trouble

We've made you wait.

Yes. you've made me wait.

There has been a couple of little changes that we should have taken care of.

Z^s long as it doesn't effect Kozcuoglu it's no problem, anyway.

On the contrary, we're working hard to make our service perfect.

I hope that you haven't moved heaven and earth

e've gone to an amalgamation of business, a local company.

They're highly experienced, too You're so lucky that we've signed the contract, half an hour ago.

There has been some changes at the management, too. naturally.

From now on. for the licence that you've taken, you're going to deal with..

With me

Nehize Group, our local industrial partner Turkey director Kemal Soydere

Such a nice coincidence, isn't it. Mr Emir?

Mr Kemal

You already know each other, then

I've told you


is a very precious thing.

If you like, we may start talking about the project without wasting more time.

Because Mr. Emir... You don't need just time.

e.v.enly. you need me too

Mr. Kemal

You're mistaken that a person like Emir Kozcuoglu is going to need someone.

I think that it's becuse of your lack of experience in our world.

Have a nice day

Are you aware of what you're doing, Emir?

The same thing as I always do. I bring the incalculable people into line, like I have no other business to do

Be careful, son

Otherwise. I'm going to think that you consider me as one of those incalculable people

I can't tell you to do anything. DI've learned it. so early.

"As the twig is.bent. so 'grows the tree." Let's come to what you're going to tell me. anyway.

they've told me that Mr. Emir hasn't signed it.

I've said to them, we'll have it settled


e it, then


I don't lay waste to the investment and the business law of those many years, because of your arrogance

You have to work with these men because I work with these


LVe don't have to work with these men

Tufan is going to bring the list of the new companies, now.

You haven't understood what I've told you. I guess.

At the tender

with a nondescript ambition

you've given an offer of twofold of the land's worth

Now. we have that land as a writeoff

Do you suggest me that I'm unsuccessful. D

I don't suggest you. Emir. I say it. directly to your face.

caused us loss insteof moving into profit Moreover you've done this with just one move.

Now. you would like to embark on more expensive adventures with new companies

You're going to dissatisfy the people whom I've been collecting for years and you're going to increase the loss, too

Am I right?

Huh? Am I right?

If I'm right..

Settle this then


You are never going to forget about that

The only cock which can crow at this dump is you

But the dump is mine

EM te Mmjp) is mins

You're going to crow according to that.

Who are you. Kemal Soydere

Who are you?

The contract has came with wet signature. Mr Kemal

They're looking forward to give start to the project with your directorship

Thank you. Ash

Mr. Hakki

The contract has been signed

How nice' It has'worthed to your effort, then. Kemal son

To the effort of all of us. sir


eVe taken what we've been expecting for.

And Emir Kozcuoglucouldn't figure out the the part to come.

You've killed two birds with one stone.

As veil as you've caused Kozcuoglu a loss, you've obliged him to work with us.

Well done, son

Thank you. sir

Look. Asu is here, too She would like to congratulate you too

Of course. I'll be very pleased

Hello. Kemal?

Congratulations you've done a great job'

Thanks. Asu

Good luck to all of us.

Well when are you going to return?

Wait. wait, wait. It's an important issue.

Give that phone to me

Kemal, my uncle would like to speak to you. again

Anyway, ive may talk later, then.

Congratulations, again.


Thanks. Asu. See you. then.

Well then?

What's going to happen now Kemal?

Like whahsir?

! mean, what are you doing

Are you going to stay in Istanbul to manage the work or planning to return?

Huh. Let me settle those last protocols.

I'm coming, tomorrow

Think once again, child.

I've already thought, sir

There :is no need for me. here

I'm doming to Zonguldak.

See you. then.

Don't get upset Father Huseyin. let him go and work at. his job. there.

You're right, he should go. of course

Mine is because of fatherhood We've been longing to see his face, that's why.

We couldn't get enough of him

Dhe will go. it's so natural

We're small business owner Here today, gone tomorrow.

But Mr Kemal is he like that?

I shouldn't have gathered you. around this table, anyway.

But you're lucky because I'm still here, enjoy it!

Let's drink a toast to your work, to your job son!

Come on. then, to the more beneficent business'

Thanks. D

Don't look at him. D

Altogether. @od willing!

Thanks to you. son.

Look, you've made us enjoy a nice night like this

Thank you

When will you come again and I'll see a table like this...

Shame on you. Brother Tarik! Come to the hunk of junk, let me set you a table for kings.

Really, dude?

Of course, brother

Father Arif

Look. look. look... Look!

He has made him turn on this music, again

You see this man he has finished the school with a radio do you know. D

You see this man. he has finished the school with a radio, do you know. D

What was the name of this

Time Travellers


Time Travellers

I know, I know

He was the only one who was listening to it. huh There was no one else listening to it. other than him. anyway.

Exactly, brother He was listening to this, till the morning, again and again. D

Well. son. turn it off! Nope, he doesn't turn it off...

You've thought that he has been studying, of course..

Nope, my son has been studying

Huh. he has been studying

I mean. nope. D I hasn't beent studying that much, indeed

Kemal, brother, you go away from here, don't stay. Listen to me. OK?

No stopping!

Come on. Daddy... Brother Tank.. Come on. come on. come on... Cheers'. Cheers' Cheers!

Come on..

From the wine of love

I've drunk without knowing.

From the way of love.

I've passed through, without knowing..

Your love was a flame

Darling darling

It was a ball of fire..

Without knowing. I've given my heart to fire.

Without knowing. I've given my heart to fire.

Loving for once means dying a thousand times.

Loving for once, means dying a thousand times

It means dying a thousand times from love but not dying for real

It means dying a thousand times from love but not being able to die for real.

Your wine was poison

I've died as much as I've drunk

There is a cliff, everywhere...

I've died as much as I've fallen

Your love was a flame

Darling darling

It was a ball of fire.

I've died as much as I've given my heart to the fire.

I've died as much as I've given my heart to the fire

I've died as much as I've given my heart to the fire

Would you excuse me. please

I’ve lost my mind.

I have lost my mind

To love for once means dying for a thousand times

To love for once means dying for a. thousand times

It means dying for a thousand times being not able to die for real

Dude, brother

Don't let this girl, once again.

Oh. my dear brother..

Go away from here..

Go away from Yemkoy

Go. immediately, my leonine brother...

Very nice* Ash. I was going to ask for that from you. anyway

Kozcuoglu Holding's requisition file is here

There's one more thing an invitation has came from Kozcuoglu Holding, in the name of you.

What is that?


e would like to see you in between us at our wedding anniversary party while leaving five joyful years behind.

Oh. this party is tonight, anyway

You can't join it because you're retuning to Zonguldak. tonight. I guess

Wouldyou like something else from me?

Well, thanks. Ash. There isn't anything, right now.

s the honeymoon suite ready?

Yes. sir.

I've left Mrs Nihan's gifts there too. sir

Everything must be perfect, today. I don't want anyone to make me nervous.

I'm refreshing my honeymoon. At least it should go right.

Certainly, sir.

While leaving five joyful years behind.


e would like to see you in between us at our wedding anniversary party

Thank God. you return tonight, anyway.

You return', right?


I'm done with her husband

I don't have a work to do with Nihan. anyway.

Five long years.

I've been such a fool...

Leave these, now. Kemal. "Every cloud has a silver lining."

Nothing is a coincidence I've told you. remember?

I mean.. The destiny has made them,come across you. again, you see

Besides, you're as much powerful as they are. too

Besides, you are a human. I mean

to work at the mine which that man has bought You know that, right?

Because of that, you have always onepoint leover them Don't forget about'this!

Well, then'? What were you going to say?

I was going to say Well.

What can I say. Kemal, see? I was going to say "Have a nice journey".

Good bye

Say hi to everyone from me. ®K? To Mr Hakki. Asu...

I can come there at the new year's eve maybe

How nice, it would be

If Nihan stops by your house, again..


Tell her that: "A place for everything and everything in its place "

®K' I'll tell her so

But I don't think that she comes here, again

OK. kisses.

Kisses from me. too sweetheart. Have a nice journey See you

You are fools.


Just like me

I hate both of you. both of you!

Huh. Where are you. Onder?

Well, you've sent the driver?

I'm at the seaside, taking sdme'fre.sh.air. a little

Sweetheart. I'm ready I'm waiting for you to get out

Come on. let's check the place Gahp has asked for us to do


Besides. Emir has been in the mopes as I've heard. You've got the tender, then why is he in the mopes, then?

@K, we'll talk later.

OK. my dear OK I'm waiting. then

Mr. Kemal

Mr Tufa n ?

Mr. Kemal, hello. I've been waiting for you. indeed

To present you this

What is this?

Mr. Emir would like you to accept this

As a gesture of goodwill

He would like me to add that he believes that we're going to work together in harmony together

Take the money and shut up? you tell me. then

Don't interfere in our business, we're going to feed you. is it?

Who knows, how many people more work around you like this?

Indeed. Mr. Emir gives a big importance to you

I mean, our collaboration, our union

Tell Mr Emir that I thank him.

We're going to work with him in harmony as our job necessitates.

In any case

He has accepted it. sir

He would like me to tell his thanks to you

He has jumped on it. right. The Prince of Country Side

I've told you. Tufan.. There isn't anything that money can't buy.

Have a good time, sir

Emir I can't believe you.

Isn't our marriage, a circus, anyway. Dear Nihan?

I would like it to be without anything missing, because of that.

I feel woozy

You are really jealous of me

Nope. I really feel woozy

Welcome, sir



Mr. Kemal.

It has been a surprise for me

I've thought that you weren't going to join us

After the envelope you've given to me

I would like to give you an answer.

So that it's your wedding anniversary

In that case. I would like to give you a little gift, then

Here you are.

You haven't surprised me. at all. Mr Emir

You've thought that you could buy me. too. as everyone around you with a great deal of money.

This is just a piece of paper for me.

But this is your life.

You may buy another necklace for your wife.

Mrs. Nihan.

I wish you eternal happiness.

Sweetheart, let me introduce you. Kemal Soydere. director of NYZ Group Turkey.

We're working together in the business of thermal power station.

Is it?

Do you know each other?

Yes. I know your wife.

Nihan Sezin.


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