Hacksaw Ridge
نظرة عامة
يرفض ديزموند تي دوس، طبيب الجيش الأمريكي في الحرب العالمية الثانية، والذي خدم خلال معركة أوكيناوا، قتل الناس ويصبح أول معترض ضميريًا في التاريخ الأمريكي يحصل على وسام الشرف من الكونجرس.
تاريخ الاصدار
تم إصداره
معرف IMDB
معرف TMDB
الشركات المنتجة
Vendian Entertainment
Summit Entertainment
Cross Creek Pictures
IM Global
Screen Australia
Screen NSW
Permut Presentations
Demarest Films
Bliss Media
Kylin Pictures
AI Film
One of the greatest heroes in American history never fired a bullet.

نص الفيلم

:تمت الترجمةَ بِواســطــة

قنات افلام مصرية كوميدية 2022 موقع افلام مقتطفات افلام جوني سيما روم ميراكولوس الموسم الخامس ديب

ما كل هذا فلم التأخير يا فشار افلام توم كروز كابتن؟

.. ماى سيما نحن ننتظر افلام افلام اكشن 2022 مترجم كامل جديد اكشن سيديّ

تنتظرون منهو ولدنا ماي سيما ماذا؟

!(برايفت دوس)

مَن (برايفت سيما لايت دوس)؟

لطالما حلمتُ أن اكون طبيباً

ولكني لم أحظى بهذا أثناء الدراسة

لا افلام ديزني يمكنني البقاء lone star 9-1-1 season 1 ماي سيما هنا في فور يو الوقت

الذي هم افلام اون لاين جميعا ذهبوا للدفاع عني

أتعتقد افلام هندي 2022 أن هذه الحروب وى سيما اندلعت

فقط لكي تتناسب مع افلام هندي مخططاتك؟

في الوقت الذي يحاول افلام سينما فيه سيما كلوب الجميع

سَلبْ موفيز الحياة منّا افلام هندية 2023 سأقم افلام اجنبي انا بالحِفاظ عليها

هكذا سيما فوريو مسلسل الاصلي ستكون طريقة خدمتيّ

"هذه هدية خاصة ماي سيما بالطو افلام هندية 2022 من حكومة "الولايات المتحدة

صُممت خصيصاً لجلب الموت الى الأعداء

.. معذرةً أيها افلام سيما ماي افلام رعب 2022 مترجمه الرقيب

لا افلام ديزني 2023 افلام مصريه 2022 افلام سيما أستطع ايجي افلام هنديه 2023 بست عرب سيد الأصلي لمس السلاح

ألم تقتل؟

كلا، افلام فور يو سيدي

أتعتقد أن القتل لن يحدث افلام اكشن 2022 افلام مصرية 2022 في الحرب؟

برايفت فيلم دوس) لا يؤمن بالعنف)

لا تنتظرون أن يُنقذكم سيما للجميع بساحة المعركة

لا أظن أنّ واي سيما هذا موقع سيما كلوب سؤال ديني

أعتقد موقع شاهد فور يو أن مسلسل the last of us موقع ماي سيما هذا هو ايجي بست الجبن ذاته

لقد وقعت في فيلم سطار السعودي حبك

لأنك افلام رعب لم افلام مصرية ويسيما 2023 تكن افلام هنديه 2022 مثل الأخرين

يقولون سينما أنك ربما قد تذهب للسجن

لا أعرف كيف سأتعايش مع افضل افلام 2023 نفسي

إن افلام ديزني 2022 موقع ماي سينما ماي سيما افلام موقع سيما لايت تويتر كنت لا أستطع القيام بما أؤمن فاصل به

بهذا العالم يتفتت كل شيء افلام شاهد شاهد 4 يو فور يو افلام موقع سيما نتفلکس 2022 بذاته

هذا لا يبدوا شيئاً سيئًا we cima بالنسبة ليّ

لكي أضع القليل مشاهدة افلام منه سويَا مرة أخرى

برايفت شاهد فور دوس)، افضل افلام أنت حرّ الآن سيما كلوب المؤسس عثمان الموسم الرابع وي سينما لتنطلق)

... في جحيم افلام اكشن 2023 مترجم كامل جديد افلام اكشن 2023 المعركة

بدون افلام هندي 2023 أي سلاح فشار افلام تحمي به نفسك

سأضعك افلام 2023 افلام نتفلکس 2023 ايجي بست افلام افضل افلام 2022 خارجًأ

هناك شيئاً سيما فور يو ستراه

من عالم سكر فعل هذا؟

دوس) الجبان)

يجدر بنا العودة غدًا

هناك هاي سيما العديد افلام وي سيما شاهد فور يو عربي من الرجال

لن افلام 2022 يرحلون فيلم سطار السعودي سيما كلوب بدونك


عليك من اشهر فاصل اعلاني افلام الجريمة من 6 حروف أن تثق سيما فور بيّ

من الأفضل أن موقع وي سيما تزورني افلام كرتون موقع بديل ماي سيما افلام بدون اعلانات وقت الافلام بمنزلي

رجاءً، ساعدني سيما روم للحصول على واحده افلام مصريه 2023 أخرى

ساعدني افلام ماي افلام رعب 2023 سيما للحصول على واحدة أخرى


Subtitled by CrazyIvan

Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God.

Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or wary.

And his understanding

no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary.

And increases the power to the weak.

Even you grow tired and weary.

And young man stumble and fall

But those who hope in the Lord.

Will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles.

They will run

And not be weary.

They will walk.

And not be frightened.


Hang on.

Hang on, Desmond.

We're gonna get you outta here.




Wait up.

Catch up.

Wait up. I got

something to tell you.

What Hal?

Race you to the top.

Hey cheater.

See you later slowpoke.


Wanna hand?

I got it.

Saved ya.

Ah, you don't. Quit it.

You quit it.

God sake.

Hey, get away from that ledge.

You damn fool kids.

You gonna break your neck.

It's them Doss kids.

Crazy as their old man.

They dug up the corner of Jack's remain.

Put him in the sidewalk.

You boys won't recognize it now.

Mind you I doubt

they'll recognize you.

They hardly know me

when I walked by.

It's like I died with you.

It's like we boys never existed.

Well that's all I

got for you today.

Block him with your

right Desmond.

Stop it.

Do you hear me.

What are they fighting about?

When did they ever

needed a reason.

Hey Tom do you

Why stop and save me

whipping them both.

This way I'd whip

the one that wins.



Oh God.


Wake up. Can you hear me?

What the hell did you done?

He can't hear me.

We'll get some ice.

You shift that basket.

I got it.

Is he breathing?


Hal can you hear me?

Hal can you hear me?


Come on.

Dear God help him.


What do you think you doing?

I'm going to have to beat you now.

You know the rules.

You hear me Desmond?


Tom. Stop.

It's not going to teach the boy.

His violence enough already.

Like I find you go smothering and kiss him.

You tell him the world is soft and gentle place.

Hal's gonna be okay.


I could've killed him.

Yes, you could have.

Murder is the worst sin of all.

And to take another man's life.

That is the most agregious

sin in Lord's eye.

Nothing hurts His heart the most.

I hate him.


Why does he hate us so much?

Oh he don't hate us.

He hates himself.


Your daddy and I met the real him.

I wish you knew him like

I did before the war.

How do we sound Desmond?

Like a heavenly host angels, Mom.

Now you know it's a

sin to tell a lie.

Especially in this place.

Well I never said they

were singing angels.

What's going on out there, Desmond?

Go on. Get him out.

Get him out.

Drag him out.

Just tug.

I'll phone an ambulance.


No time.

Joshua your pick up?



You gonna be fine, man.

You gonna be fine.

You in good hand.

What do we got here.

That's a severed artery.

Get some sutures.

Yes, doctor.

Put some pressure on it.

Did you apply this tourniquet?

Yes, sir.

Nice work. You might've

save this boy's life.

You staying with us.

You'll be okay.

We can get that.

Stay with us.

You should be okay.

You feel okay?

Certainly doc.

Army physical is that way.

This is for giving blood.

Are you alright?

Oh no. That's not mine.

I'm fine.

Thank you for asking though maam.

What do you need?

My belt.

I lend it to the boy

who hthe accident.

My pants don't hold up

so good without it.

Well I dont' have your belt.

No. I know that maam. It's

out there with the boys still.


I'm just here to take blood.

I'll give you mine.


Go to that room over there.

Wait with the others.

I'll call you here.

That. That room.

You ever given blood before, Mr.


But my friends call me Desmond.

No, maam this is my first time.

I always dream about

being a doctor but ahhh

Didn't get much school.

Might be a little dizzy when we're done.

Somebody picking you up?

No, maam.

I'm walking back.

Where do you live?

Fort Ham, Maam.

That's away.

Five or six miles.

I cut through the woods.

Seven that way.

Must really like the woods.

Yes maam.

Sure do.


Put some pressure here.

You okay?

Where are you going looking

all spruce and nice?

Met someone yesterday.

Nurse over at the hospital name Dorothy

Schutte and I'm gonna marry her.

Goodness, does she know that?

Well not yet but about to.

Do you have even spoken to a woman?

Other than the one that's not family.

Spoke to her.

In that case, come give

your brother a big hug.

Oh hell. Get your greasy paws off of me.

Wish me luck mama.

Good luck.


Grab a seat.

You ever been given blood before?

Yes maam I have.

You the belt man.

Desmond that's me.

Well Desmond we can't take

your blood two days in a row.

That's good.

Can we get mine back?

You what?

My blood I need it back.

It dont work like that.

We can't just give it back to you.

Well you got to.

Ever since you stuck me with that

needle my heart is beating up fast.

Everytime I think about

you beat faster still.

I never heard that one before.

It's pretty corny.

It is.


That's a shame. I've been

practicing that all night.

No good?

I didn't say that.

What's the difference between

an artery and a vein?

What are you talking about?

The boy's accident.

Arteries spurt blood.

And veins?


I think you need to

practice your boys and

girls dating talk at home

before you come out.

I probably do.

I give you a book if you that interested.

On dating?

On blood.

Another medical question perhaps?

No, I just think you're the

prettiest thing I ever seen.

That's cause I'm

sitting in the dark.


And you're beautiful.

Out of the way!

You need to watch

where you going.

I'm sorry I didn't

think you mind.

You didn't ask.

I thought you might've like it.

Well I might've if you asked.

You coming?


Why didn't you say anything to us?

Cause you would've try and talk me out of

it and know what I'm doing is right.

And what about His commandment?

It's not killing in a war.

I woud protected lots of boys

from our church from going.

There's a war

and they need men.

Working in a paper mill aren't

going to save this country.

Looks like a movie star.

Huh boy?

Nice uniform.

Good hat.

Reminds me how hard he getting in his look

in this uniform when we went to France.

Remember him Dorothy?

Don't Tom.


I'm just saying how snappy

Hal looks in his uniform.

All you girls certainly

seems to think so.

He hthem flocking to him.

He was most proud.

I just hope that when all hell get shot

it's through the front of his jacket.

Like a simple entry wound

not what you miss.

Already got hit in the back.

It blew most of his

guts and intestines out his

front awful everywhere.

Wrecked his uniform entirely.

It was lucky he was deso he never

knew how awful his uniform looked.

Get out of my sight.

What are you park mountain guard.

Are you gonna help

me Desmond Doss?

Or you just gonna leave me stranded?

I'll help you.

But it's gonna cost you.


A kiss.

That is pure blackmail.

Well yes maam it is but

that is still my condition.

As indeed.

I gonna hold you to it.

Hold on now.

You ain't gonna slap me

are you?

Cause I'll fall off I'm

gonna take you with me.

Kiss me and find out.


I have to enlist.

I can't stay here while

all them go fight for me.

Yes, you can.

You can stay here.

Dorothy I have to.

I will be a medic.

I figure I'll be saving

people not killing.

I have to go to work and

don't want to be late.

Dorothy. Don't.

Dorothy. Dorothy.

So are you gonna ask me

to marry you or what?

I don't know you

still gonna hate me?

I wouldn't know you haven't ask.

Well I'm asking you.

With all my heart.

Will you marry me?

Then yes.

Yes I will.


Soon as you get your first leave.

But I still don't like you at this moment.



I love you.


Mama say come see you here.

These three were my bestfriends.

I grew up with them.

Got into trouble with them.

Chase girls with them.

I enlisted with them.

Then my friends are there.

Covered in dirt and grass eaten by worms.

I don't want to have to visit my sons here.

Daddy I signed up already.

I couldn't do otherwise pop.

Everybody else is doing it.

You ain't everybody else.

Everybody else jumps

in does thing quick

without thinking like

damn idiot fools we were.

You know that soldiers who live they

live cause they can do that. You can't!

You got to sit and think

and pray about everything.

Look at you.

You're doing it right now.

You won't be able to live

with yourself if you go.

No, I won't be able to live

with myself if I don't.

I'm going to be a medic.

That's going to be my way to serve.

There you go thinking it all out.

What you figure this war is

going to fit in with you?

Your ideas?

What I know I don't doubt

it's going to be hard.

It won't be hard.

It will be impossible.

You know whatever.

beliefs you hin your

crazy henow.

They don't ever play out

it don't work that way.

And if by certain I don't

know miracle chance you

survive you won't be

giving no thanks to God.

Break. Break. We all need some air.

C'mon fellas shake a leg. I'd understand

you got to say goodbye to mama.


Ladies please! Step away from the bus.

I almost forgot.

Do I need a crowbar.


I want you to have this.

It's mine.

You keep it right here.

Where I'll be.

I love you.

Do I have to gaze at your deformity

everytime I walk to my bed.

Gaze upon it in envy my friend.

You okay there?

You look lost.

Or you can sit right here.

Nice choice.

It got views to the

mountain down to lake.

Randall Fuller.

Desmond Doss.

Call him 'Teach'.

You won't understand

a word he says.

That because no one

else here can re

But testicles there belong to

a man calling himself 'Hollywood'.

They look like they

belong to a smaller guy.

You know testicles.

Oh hey.

I just got this shoes.

Hey ya.

Grease Nolan out of Redwood.

Where you from?


Will Billy huh?

You marry your first cousin?

Haha just joking.


That Smitty over there

withl Kirzinski's ass.

Like you were doing any

better chowder he

Hey, I didn't want to embarassed you.

Wal Kirzinski.

Nice to meet you.

Hey Ping Pong.

What you say your name was?

Desmond Doss.

That Tex Lewis over there.

Thinks he some kind of cowbow.

And Vito Rinnelli.

Now he maybe small

but he is a bulldog.

Hi how you doing?


This handsome guy right

here is Lucky Ford.


That's Walker and Pinnick over there.

Pretending they're card shufflers.

Pipe down greasy alright.

Unless you want to put

money where your mouth is.

Oh hey.

Good Book right?


I think ahh

I think Lucky's got a good book, right Lucky?

It's a good re



Line up. Move it.

Let's go.

Move it. Move it.

You're a strange looking individual

if you don't mind me saying so Private?


Andy Walker.

How long have you been deson?


I am not sir.

I am Sergeant Howell or Sarge.

Sir you say for useless people.

The name is Ghoul you say.



It is.

Yes, Sergeant.

There's something off with

your presentation Private.

Can't place it.

Is it your hair?

Is it the wrinkle in your trousers?

I have a knife in

my foot Sergeant.

Oh yes. Of course.

That's it the knife.

What is your name soldier?

Smitty Riker.

No. Your name is Private Idiot.

You know why?

Cause I have a knife in my foot.

Who place the knife there Private?

It was an accident Sergeant.

I was playing stretch.

I'm hardened by the knowledge you

did not placed it there with intention.

Who threw the knife?

I did Sergeant.

Private Kirzinski.

You're part Indian.

What tribe do you belong, son?

Don't know I'm polish.


I believe you must have

Cherokee or Shawnee blood in you.

No Sir.

Are you contradicting me?

You son of a bitch.

No sergeant.

Let me see your Indian war cry son.

I don't.

What is your animal spirit?

Are you a Garter snake?

No Sergeant.

Are you a chipmunk?

No, sergeant.

Are you a dancing reindeer?

No sergeant.

Are you contradicting me Private?

No sargeant.


Then I shall henceforth call you Chief.

As a sign of great respect to your people.

Thank you, sergeant.

Are you grinning at me boy

or is that your natural state?

No Sergeant.

Name private.

Desmond Doss.

I have seen stocks of corn

with better physiques.

Makes you wanna pull an ear off Private.

Can you carry your weight?

Yes Sergeant.

Should be easy for you then.


Make sure you keep this man away from strong winds.

Yes, Sergeant.

Private idiot.

Yes Sergeant.

Raise your foot.


Everyone outside now.

Move it.

I said move it.

I'm just getting my uniform Sarge.

Did I asked him to Corporal?

No memory of it Sarge.

I believe any man who take such

pride in his natural naked state.

Will surely enjoy the

brisk of the outdoors.

Now move your private, Private Parts.

Move it.

You son of an exhibitionist.

I'm gonna teach you how

to tie a bowline knot.

So you can get your sorry

asses down from a height.

So I make them kicked 'em.

Create a loop.

This is the rabbit hole.

The rabbit comes out of his hole.

Runs around the tree.

Goes back into the hole.


Let's go.

Very good Texas.

Keep struggling Teach.

Have you ever rope a goat, Hollywood?

No Sarge.

Have you ever looked into a goat's eye.

No sarge.

Good. That would be unnatural.

You know if you don't breath you'll die.

Good Private Idiot.

Congratulations Greaseball, you just

fell fifty feet and broke your neck.


Private Vito Rinnelli.

You strangle yourself numbnuts.

Are you a fan of Benilli?

No Sergeant.

You're American you'd be taller.

What do we got here Doss?

One for each titty

You're tying a bowline boy.

Not building a bra.

What is so funny Corporal?

Couldn't tell you Sergeant.

Come on.

Come on ladies.

Pick it up.

Move it. Move it.

I wanna see some fire here.

A little hustle.

Show me something.

Run like you need it.

Down. Down. Down.

Let's go trash town boys.

Move. Move. Move.

I wanna see you got it.

Let's go.

Get in. Get in. Get in.

Don't forget behind your ears.

Let's go. Move!

I bet you're enjoying

this naked degenerate.

Let's go.

Hustle. Hustle. Hustle.


Let's go. What are we waiting on.

Let's go.

Move your ass.

Get the wood. Get the wall.

Don't kiss quitters.

Drive. Drive.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

What the hell is wrong with you?

No one says take a rest.

Move your asses to the finish line.


Hustle. Hustle.

Get your asses across damn line.

Aye, nice work Doss.

This is a personal gift from the United States

government to each and everyone of you.

Standard issue U.S. rifle.

A clippard.

Shoulder fired semi

automatic weapon designed

to bring death and

destruction to the enemy.

This is to be your lover.

Your mistress.

Your concubine.


The only thing in life

you ever truly love.

Built with light stands.

Grab a girl.

Don't point your gun forward.

I do not want to be shot today.

No matter how much

you are tempted.

Place the weapon by your side.

Pay attention.

Problem private cornstock?

Is there not one in your size?

Or is it the color that is the issue?

No Sarge.

I was told I don't have

to carry a weapon.

Come again step forward Private.

I can't be hearing this right.

Well I'm sorry Sergeant.

I can't touch a gun.

What exactly is the problem?

No problem just a mistake.

I told the army when I joined up.

It's impossible.

You know why it's not possible, Private?

No, Sir.

Cause the United States

Army do not make mistakes.

There's a problem.

You must be that problem.

I was never supposed to be

sent to a rifle company.

He's a CO sir.

You're a conscientious objector.

And you joined the army.

Well no sir.

I'm a conscientious cooperator.

You just screwing with me Doss.

No. No sir. I volunteered.

I got no problem with wearing my uniform.

Saluting the flag and doing my duty.

It's just carrying a gun

and taking a human life.

You don't kill. That's all.

Yes sir. That's all.

You know quite a bit of

killing does occur in a war.

Yes, sir.

I mean that is the

essential nature of war.

Yes sir.


You have any other requirements

for the United States army.

Is there anything else that

we can do to ensure that

you're comfortable with

your stay here with us?

He doesn't wanna work on Saturday, sir.

Well Saturday is. I'm a

Seventh Day Adventist so.

Saturday is my sabbath so I'm

not allowed to work then.

I don't think that poses a problem.

Do you sergeant?

We should simply ask the

enemy not to invade on a Sabbath

cause Private Doss

here is a prayer.

Alright. Now we got that clear.

Now let me tell you my requirements.

They're not as

complicated as yours.

They are very simple.

As long as you're in this

company under my command.

You're gonna obey my orders.


If you can't do it here. I can't

trust you to do it in the battle.

Psychiatric discharge.



I want you to meet

Private Desmond Doss.


Private Doss does not

believe in violence.

He does not practice violence.

He will not even deign to touch a weapon.

You see Private Doss

is a conscientious objector.

So I plewith you.

Do not look to him to save

you on a battlefield.

Because he wil undoubtedly be too busy

wrestling with his conscience to assist.

Sarge, that's not true, sarge.

Private as you were.

I realize some of you might have

strong feelings about this.

It is what we men fight for.

To defend our rights.

To protect our women and children.

Even if Private Doss's belief

might cause women and children to die.

So I will expect every

one in this company

to give Private Doss the full

measure of respect he is due.

For the short time he will be with us.

Am I clear?

Yes, sergeant.

What you got here Daisy?

You know what that is?

Just seems kind of small.

It's halftheBible for halftheman.

Pete's sake, Smitty give

him back his Bible.

I don't remember

speaking with you.

So how come you don't fight?

Do you think you better than us?


Well, what if you're attacked.


Did you like that?

Bible says to turn your other cheekbone.

You see I don't think this is a

question of religion, fellas.

I think this is cowardice.

Plain and simple.

You alright Doss?

You chickenshit that it?

Go on.

Take a poke.

Okay I'm gonna give a free shot.

Right there.

Hit me Doss.

Go on.


What is this?

Give me that.

This is fine looking bro



Now this would be the kind of bro

That deserve a real man.

Give me that back.



Please give it back, Smitty.

Please give it back, Smitty.

Do you hear voices Desmond?

No, Sir.

I understand that God talks to you.

Is that right?

Sir, I'm not a crazy person.

Then how you feel most people regard you

Crazy person.

I'm different I know that. But

I'm not gonna pretend to

be something I'm not.

I am what I am.

Sounds lonely.

You lonely?

So you don't hear voices.

No, sir.

I pray to God and I

like to think He hears me but

it ain't a conversation.

Like how I won't gonna pretend we

have right now.

Pretending, private?

Yes, sir. I know what

you really wanna do is

me out of the army. But

I'm not.

Up above.

I just simply believe

what I believe.

Well I'm trying to understand.

Alright? Was it God who told

you not to pick up a rifle?

God says not to kill.

That one of His most

important commandments.

Most people don't take that

to only don't commit murder.

War is completely different

set of circumstances.

Jesus said a new commandment

I give them to you.

That you love one another.

Just as I love you.

This is satan himself we're fighting.

Sure as

good Christian you can see that.

I can see that sir and

that is why I joined up.

But I'm sorry I will not bear arms.

His religious view is

certainly unique but they

do not constitute ground

How am I suppose to maintain

discipline with a man like that in my unit?

I don't know.

But he is a legitimate

conscientious objector.

He must be allowed to work

as combat medic provided

he qualifies in all other

areas in his training.

Perhaps we could help

make alleviant his idea.

Yeah you restrict him to barracks in KP.

He throws God at you.

You throw hell right at him.

I want him gone.

Doss your area is in disgrace.

It's a pig stock.

Something funny Ryker?

No sarge.

You got some shit on your mind?

No sarge.

What you men fail to recognize

is a unit is no better

than its weakest member.

I hope you learned that lesson.

There will be no passes this weekend.

You all will be on KP.

Right now everybody on full

Let's go.

Let's go.

Get your heads right.

Don't start feeling sorry for yourself.

Makes me sick seeing you

feel sorry for yourself.

You dogs don't know

what tired is.

We gonna keep going till I drop.

Come on guys.

Hey knock it. Knock it off.

Trying to sleep here.

Get off me.

Get off.

Why the hell you still here?


As you were.

Where's Doss?

This isn't good for you buddy.

Sure ain't what I joined up for.

It's not about what you joined up for.

About the lives of

every men in here.

And yours son.

It's time you quit this.

Finish getting dress and

I'll walk you down.

It's okay Doss.

There's no shame in this.

Let's go.

I got an extra guard duty.

Today and I'm on KP this morning. So

I can't.

Alright Doss.

Private Doss.

Can you identify the men that beat you?

No sarge.

Are you saying that you

don't know who attack you?

I never said I was attacked sarge.

What the hell are you saying Doss?

You bruised half your body sleeping.

I sleep pretty hard.

Planning on getting wet this

week make sure you put on a hat.

I don't want anyone back piss in cream.

What you don't want to

offer your coffee sarge.

How about a shot right now Smitty?

Speaking from experience sarge.

You have to ask your mom

about that greaseball.

At ease.

Private Doss.

I'm afraid I can't authorize your pass.

This is a furlough for men who

hpass the basic training.

Respectfully sir I have.

I put in for this

furlough three weeks ago.

I'm getting married

this afternoon.

It says you're not


Well I'm not required to carry a rifle, sir.

Colonel Colonel Stelzer he he...

Colonel Stelzer stipulation was

Doss must be allowed to

work as a combat medic.

Provided he qualifies in all

other areas of his training.

And you have not qualified

on the rifle range, private.

Pretty clear.

Show me you know how

to handle a rifle.

And I'll sign your furlough.

Corporal Cannon.

Hand private Doss your firearm.

I won't touch a rifle, sir.

I'm not asking you private.

That is a direct order

from a company commander.

For God's sake Doss.

You stop this nonsense and quit.


And I will have no recourse

but to court martial you.

And you will spend the duration

of the war in military prison.

I can't, sir.

How much longer would you

like to wait, Dorothy?

I think it's been long enough.

I'm so very sorry.

Sometimes men just get cold feet.

Some men might.

Not my Desmond.

You probably thinking I'm

a really son of a bitch.

Who cares only about

regulations and not his men.

May I.

I believe in this Book as much as any men.

Just like any men.

I wrestled with my conscience.

But what do you do when everything you

value in this world is under attacked.

I don't know, sir.

I ain't got answer to question that big.

But I also feel like my

values are under attacked.

I don't know why.

I don't give a ratass about your

principles because the Japs don't.

If one of them attacks you and some

wounded soldiers. What are you gonna do?

Hit him with your Bible?

I'm prepare to give my life for my men.

You don't win wars by giving up your life.


I'm only here because I don't wanna see

you rotting in a prison cell.


Put yourself at the mercy of the court.

Maybe they'll let you go home and pray.

Let the brave men out there

go and win this war.

If I can't convince

you maybe she can.

They wouldn't let me call you.

I know it wasn't your making.

What did they done to you?

It's okay I'm alright.

Just a couple of rounds

with a wall and lost.

They're saying you could

go to prison Desmond.

It'll never worth.

There must be some other way.

I don't know what that could be.

I done everything they'd asked

me except this one thing.

They've been treating me like a

criminal just cause I won't kill.

You tried.

Nobody can say you didn't.

But who you gonna save in prison?

Probably nobody.

Then why can't you just pick up the

stupid gun and wave it around.

You don't have to use it.

Just made it halfway.

I can't do that.

Yes, you can. It's just pride.

Pride and stuborness.

Don't confuse your will with the Lord's.

I've been proudful.

Maybe I'm proudful.

But I don't know how I'm gonna live with

myself if I don't stay true to what I believe.

Watching us how you could live with me.

I wanna be a man and I

wanna be in your eyes.

I fell in love with you.

Because you weren't like anyone else.

And you didn't try to be.

Do not think for one moment

that you'll disappoint me.

I will love you.

No matter what.

I don't know what he's gonna do.

He loses no matter what.

They want him to pleguilty but

then it'll get him dishonorable discharge.

Otherwise he fights them he

will for sure go to prison.

Either way they'll call him a coward and

I don't see how he can live with that.

Thank you Dorothy.

If you get to talk to him.

Tell him that we love him and that we'll

pray for him and we'll pray for both of you.

I will.

Bye bye.

Of course I'm out of my mind.

What do you think I am.

I'm out of my mind.

Will you leave this room.

Don't Tom. Put it down.

Get away from me woman.

May I help you sir?

I wish to speak to Brigadier

General Musgrove.

Not without an appointment you can't.

That would be quite impossible.

If you would kinda tell me Corporal Thomas

Doss would've appreciate a brief word.

He is in a very important meeting.

I fought with him in France at

Belleau Wood. He was my Captain.

Please maam. It's most vital.

Be over in a minute.

You'll be home safe and sound

like nothing ever happened.

This is a hearing in the

matter of Private Doss.

The charge is disobeying a series of

direct orders from his commanding officer.

How says the defendant?

Private Doss wishes to

enter a not guilty plea.

Is that so Private? I

thought this was agreed.

You want to enter some

sort of plea bargain.

Yes, sir. But I changed my mind.

Just like that?

You wish to proceed

to a court martial.

Yes, sir.

You're on ahethen Private.


Your honor.

Private Doss.

Wave his morality like it's

some kind of badge of honor.

He flaunts his contempt.

By directly disobeying a series of direct

order from his commanding officer.

When the very best of our young men

are sacrificing their lives against evil.

You okay?


They still deliberating?

Yes, sir.

Okay you go take this in there.

I can't. It's strictly

military personnel.

Well you get one of

them to take it in.

They ain't no help. They're

fixing on to burying him.

There's only one question that any

military court need ask of the accused.

Do you deny disobeying Colonel

Sangston's direct orders?

Well. Do you private?

No, sir. I don't.

Why are you contesting it, then?

Why is it so important to

you, given your refusal to even

touch a weapon to

serve in a combat unit?

Because when the Japanese attacked

Pearl Harbor, I took it personal.

Everyone I knew was on fire

to join up, including me.

There were two men in my hometown

themselves cause they couldn't serve.

Why, I ha job in a

defense plant.

I could've taken a deferment,

but that ain't right.

It isn't right that other

men should fight and die

that I would just be sitting at home safe.

I need this, sir.

I got the energy and the

passion to serve as a medic,

right in the middle with the other guys.

No less danger, just...

while everybody else is taking

life, I'm going to be saving it.

With the world so set on

tearing itself apart,

it doesn't seem like

such a bthing to me

to wanna put a little bit

of it back together.

Sorry sir, nobody is allowed in. No. You

don't understand. My son is the defendant.

I understand sir. Nobody is allowed

I have information.

Well, the sentiment express are laudable.

Effects of the charge is incontestable so

What the hell is going on out there?

Let him go.

That's the Great War uniform.

It is, sir.

Sir, I need to show you this.

With respect, sir.

You are no longer a

member of the military.

You unable to attend this meeting.

I'm sorry.

Is that truly the way it works?

You fight for your country

You lose so much ever dear to you.

And then you're done with?

Uniform's forgotten. You have no voice?

You were enlist?

I was sir Belleau Wood.

Twice decorated. I see it sir.

I take it you're the father.

I am, sir. Thomas Doss.

Then as former military man.

You know there are laws here.

Sir, I know the law. I am. I know my

son is protected by those laws.

They are framed in our constitution.

And I believe in them as he does.

That's why I went and

fought to protect them.

It's what I thought I was

doing because if it wasn't for

that then I have no idea what the

hell I was doing there, sir.

Thank you Corporal Doss.

Let me have the letter.

You must go.

The defendant's rights as a conscientious

objector are protected by an Act of Congress.

And he cannot be compelled

to waive those rights.

That includes in this case his

disobeying orders to bear arm.

Signed Bridgadier General Musgrove. War

Services Commander, Washington DC.


I withdraw the charges.

Then this case is dismissed.

Private Doss you are free to

run into the hell fire of

battle without a single

weapon to protect yourself.

You may resume your duties.

Begin training as a combat medic.

Where is he?


Straight after. I begged him to stay.

I told him he want the same.

When you get home you

tell him that I love him.


You better come home to me.

♫ Uncle Sam is smiling.

Peaceful as a child. ♫

♫ But never get him rowdy. ♫

Cut it out, Tom.

So now you wanna play?

C'mon pipe down.

Shut up man.

Put a sock in it boy. You save the

choral for when we get there.

Your driver is here.

Give 'em room.


Clear blue sky.

What's left of 'em.

These are the guys who replaced them.

Seems good to me.

It's cool.

All clear sarge.

Captain Glover.

We've been assigned to you, sir.


Let's get these men some chow.

Yes, sir.

This is Sergeant Howell.

Good to meet you sir.

Who's Doss?

Over there.

You Doss?

Irv Schecter

You and me and peach here.

About the only medics we

got left in this area. So

I guess we're going to

be working together.

You just come off the line?

What's it like?

I said what's it like?


We caught it about six times.

Six times they threw us off.

Last time wasn't anything

left for something to fix.

They're animals.

Stinking animals.

Nips don't care if they live or die.

They wanna die.

They keep coming at you.

They never gonna give up.


Hey buddy.

The Japs deliberately target the wounded.

Lose all your red cross markings.

Nips put a premium on shooting medics.

That white's a bull'seye.

Here I got you a new helmet.


That's our objective.

Hacksaw Ridge.

We take it.

Maybe we get Okinawa.

We get Okinawa.

We take Japan.

Take a breather.

Our pals in the Navy are

gonna soften them up for us.

Nobody can survive that shit.

Oh, but they can.


This bunkers here. Here and here.

Is that accurate?

Yes, sir.



Yes, sir. Maybe they are gonna look

from the back but that's all.

It's all different.

Up there.

All here accounted.


Move out!

It's blood.

No shit.

We're not in Kansas

anymore Dorothy.

Keep climbing.

Here. Come on give me your hand.

Make way.

Ralph, get this to Jessop.


Get down!

Get down!

Where the hell are they?!!!

I can't see them!!!

Where the fuck?!!!


Over here!

Put your hand right here.

Put your hand on that gut.

Come on. We're gonna

get you under cover.

Keep moving forward.

Can't see anything.

It's that one.

I dunno where to shoot.

Alright let's go.


Oh shit!

Doss, Dino's down.

I'm coming.

Get out of the way!

You hurt?

I'm fine.

Come on! I got you.


Just breath.


It's okay.

Just breath.

Just breath.

I got you.

Hey! Hey!

Give him a shot of morphine

and move on.

He's not gonna last a day.

Please. Please Doss.

No. No.

Don't leave me.

Don't leave me.

Please don't leave me.

I got kids.

Please! Please dont!

Please don't leave me!

I ain't going anywhere!

I'm going to get you home.

I got you Ralph.


I'm gonna get you home.

Here's come the morphine.

Here's come the morphine.

Just gonna kick it real quick, Ralph.

We gonna get you shifted.



Get up!

Keep moving!

Sergeant. I'm wounded.

There's nothing wrong with you.


Hang on kid.


A soldier who doesn't is a deone.

You forgetten priority.

Priority. You haven't of triage?

He'll be debefore we get 'em down.

Get him down!





Okay. Go!

It's alright buddy. We

gonna get you home.


Help! Help!

I figured if we can't see them and

they can't see us neither.


I took it b

I got it Frank.

Where you hit?

I think they just did smart ass!

Give me your hand here.

Get down sir.

Over there!

The bunkers!

I do. Better stay down sir.

I got 'em!


Yeah. I see them too.

Get ready give 'em everything you got.

I'll sent them a weapon's

team to flank them.

Be there tight.

You gonna be right as new.

I got it Doss.

Got it.

You doing okay?




Son of a bitch!

Get 'em. Get on it!

Yes sir.





Go! Go! Go for it!

Get in the hole.



Be strong!





C'mon stick it.

Stick it Ghoul.

Cover! Cover!

Son of a...

Cover his ass!



I'm here.

Put your hand on it.

Put your hand on it!

Go! Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go!



Where you hit?

I don't know.

You not hit in the

hethat's okay.

What's your name?


Andy what?

Andy Walker.

Also known as?



Ghoul you're okay.

You're okay.

Good job men.

Good work.

Take it for the night.

We hold this spot.

We mop up the rest of

the ridge tomorrow.

Okay boys.

Find yourself a nice safe hole.

End or near the bunker.

We'll take watch every two hours.

We don't know what's out there.

Heads down, asses lower.

Shoot anything that

don't speak English.

That includes grease Sarge?

Particularly him.

I don't care if he needed

to take a piss or a dump.

It ain't safe to

go out there alone.

Where the hell you going Doss?

Still more wounded out there sarge.

I'll go with him.

Be smart keep your ears down.

Alright let's find a spot.

You know Henry dein

Just straight off.

It's straight off.



Stanford and Murphy.

In peace sons bury their father.

In war fathers bury their sons.

Wanna stop spouting that crap out?

It don't help none.


Yeah, you got that right.

Not here.


Give me that.



We got an abdominal wound.

This lis gonna need some plasma.

You got it. He'll be with us.

We got you.

Should we find a hole and dig in.

Sounds good to me.

Put your helmet on.

You gonna eat them?

I don't eat meat.

Help yourself.

Of course you don't.

That's one heck of a dame.

You know you find that you

wake us with her don't you?

Yes, I do.

Don't tell her that.

She won't be much happy

with a man like me anyway.

Yeah until she got to know you.

I'm an asshole sometimes.


You're alright.

These Japs are sneaky.

I take first watch.

Now you get a shut eye.

Hell of a dream.

I dreamed I got myself killed.

I can't do nothing.

Rifles just did.

It won't bite.

Yeah, well.

Look around you.

After what we've been through.

Any sane man would be

screaming for a weapon.

I never claimed to be sane.

My daddy's a drunk.

He fought it for years but it kinda got

a hold of him hard and made him mean.

At least you know when mine could've

been with any one of the ten guys

And none of them

would worth a damn.

So your momma raise you?

I knew her.

But she gave me to an

orphanage when I was five.

Never saw her again.

I know how to act quick.

But now I judge people quicker

and I got you very wrong.

My dused to beat me and my brother just

cause the sun rose and whip us cause it sets.

I could take that.

But when he would do it to our momma.

That's enough. No more.

Do you hear me?

Pull that damn trigger.

Don't Desmond. Stop!

But you didn't kill 'em.

In my heart I did.

So that's why I made my promise to God I

ain't never gonna touch a gun again.

Well I ain't giving you

mine cause you're crazy.

Move! Move!

Get your assess over there!

Why don't we let's go.

Go! Go!

Go back! Fall back!


They're coming from underground!

Sir! Sir! This is riker six

request immediate

Target is North Thirty Five One Five

Don't you notice where you are?

Yes, I notice where the hell we are but

I don't expect to be here much longer.

I called an artillery strike!

Fall back! Move! Move!

Fall back!

Get some!

Cover me!

Go! Go!


Get out of here, kid!

Come here, son!

You know what to do!

Keep pressure on it!

No! Don't need plasma!

Give it to him!

Over there!

I'll be okay. Go!




Get on the back!

You got it!

Okay see you soon.

C'mon. C'mon!

We gotta move right now!

C'mon! C'mon!

Move! Move!

I'm scared. I'm scared.

This gonna help the pain.

No! Don't! Dont'!

Don't you do that!


C'mon Smitty you stay with me!

Let's go we gotta move!

Hey! Help me get him down.

Help me get him down!

Come on let's roll.

Come on.

Can't help you buddy. He's gone.


Come on. We got to get out of here.

Down the rope!

After it.

Where does it He want me?

I don't understand.

I can't hear You.

Help me!


How many?

only came down, sir.

Good Lord.

Let sow them up.

Yes, sir.


It's Desmond.

We gonna fix you up.

You just gotta keep breathing. Okay

Colonel want to see you, sir.

I need your jeep.

You two stay here and keep watch.

Keep your eyes peel for Japs.

No. But the...

Stay here and keep watch!

Yes, sir.

Help! Help me.

Watch out!

I got you.

Put your hand on it.

Keep pressure on it.

I'm coming back.


Don't leave.

Easy fellas.


Here we go.

Okay guys let's go.

Coming through.



It's okay.

Just sit tight, okay.

You okay buddy.

Son of a gun. This is gonna work

One for each leg.

We gonna get you dress up in a jiffy.

and get you down.

I got you.

I got you now.

You can trust me.


Hold on. One of ours.

Hold on.

Let's go. Let's go.

I got you.

I got you.

Come on.

I got you.

You okay.

You okay.


Another one.

Colonel. Call off the artillery attack

on Hacksaw. Couldn't pull it in.

men left out there.

Tell them to call off the

artillery on Hacksaw.

Radio AbleBakerOne over.

Sit down Jack.

I get you a drink.

Just lost our cover.

They're starting.

We gotta move.

About time.

They just keep coming.


Pick it up.

I got this.




Help me.

You gonna have to trust me.

Take a breath.

Let's go buddy.

Let's go.

Jack. You don't know if your men

out there are deor alive.

We can't go back up there

without reinforcement.

You'll end up killing the rest.

So give me the reinforcement.

I don't have any fresh men.

I don't have any troops.

batallions got wipe out today.

And it'll take more than a

day to get men here.

I need them faster than that.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's alright. It's alright.

It's okay.

Morphine it's good.


Medic. Medic.

Medic. It's Doss.

It's Doss. Be quiet.

Be quiet.

We got you. Where you hit?

I can't see.

Be quiet. Just be quiet.

Hold still now.

I got you.

Hold tight.

There you go.

Try that. Try that.

I thought I was blind.


Keep it down.

Can you walk?

I don't know.

Cause we gotta get out of here.


Okay we got you.

We got you.

Hey, there.

It's me Desmond.

Fix you up.

You ready to get out here.

I'm sure am.

Please Lord.

Help me get one more.

Help me get one more.

Please help me get one more.

One more.

Help me get one more.

One more.

Help me get one more.

One more.

Coming through.

Where the hell these

guys coming from?


I thought they pulled out.

Not all of them.

Some nuts out there drive

the wounded from the top.

Even lowered a couple of Japs.

They didn't make it.

Get back with you directly.

Easy. Easy.

All set. Move out.

Let's go.

Get in here.

There's Nips everywhere.

Son of a bitch.

Private cornstock.

You're nothing if not

full of surprises.

You want some morphine.

Hell yes.

That or both.



There you go.


Easy. Let me see.

How's this?

Okay. Not b

Let me see.

I'll make much much than this.

But girls still won't kiss you.


You okay here for a while?

Yeah I'm fine.

Get outta here.

I'm coming back.

You ready?

Let's go.

You and me. C'mon.


Something you gotta see.

Our guys have been coming

down in droves all night.

And Hollywood's here.

I never thought I'd

see that guy again.

Come on follow me.

He's right here.

What the hell is this?

How you doing sir?

Hey, Cap.


It's good to see you kid.

God bless, sir.

How you get down, son?

It's Doss.

Howell's still out there.

Howell and Doss did this?

No, sir. It's just Doss.

Just Doss?

Just Doss.

Yeah Doss the Coward.

You like gum on a shoe ain't ya.

Give me this.

It's a bit late for target

practice now don't you think.

Jump on it.

You kidding?

No, I'm gonna drag you.

Let's do it.



Let's go!

We got company.

Come on.

We're gonna jump.

You gotta be kidding

me, cornstock?

You got a bowline, not building a bra.

Come on!


Ah huh.

Get off!

Put me down!

Yes, Sergeant.

Sergeant Howell.

Doss is still up there.

What the hell?

He's got Japs on his tail.

We got him.

It's good. It's good.

Woah. It's okay. It's okay. Doss.

You're safe.




Here come on.

Take a seat.

Are you wounded?



Let's get this soldier to a

hospital tent right now.

Come on easy now.

Easy. Easy.

Where's Irv?


You mean Schecter the Medic?

He didn't make it.

He died of shocked.

No plasma.


All I saw was a skinny kid.

I didn't know who you were.

You done more than any other men could've

done in a service to his country.

I have never been more wrong

about someone in my life.

I hope one day you

could forgive me.

We have to go back up tomorrow.

I realize that tomorrow

is your Sabbath.

Most of these men don't

believe the same way you do.

They believe so much.

How much you believe.

What you did on that Ridge

is nothing short of miracle.

They wanna piece of it.

They're not gonna go

up there without you.

What the hell is your delay, Captain?

You supposed to begin that

We're waiting, sir.

Waiting for what?

Private Doss to finish praying for us, sir.

Private Doss is praying for you.

Who the hell is Private Doss?

Let's go to work.


Get down! Get down on the ground!

On the ground now!

Lay down! Lay down!

I got the morphine.

Let's go! Let's go.

Let's get this man outta here.

Go! Go!

My Bible.

My Bible.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

My Bible. My Bible.


You going home Desmond.

We've taken the Hacksaw.

Hold up! Hold up!



I was praying the whole time.

I just start praying to the Lord

please let me get one more.

When I got this I said "Alright

Lord please help me get one more".

I would say anyone is wrong to try

to compromise somebody's conviction.

I don't care it's the army or what it is.

When you're on a conviction

That is not a joke.

That's what you are.

Even though I said those things to him

in regard to carrying a rifle.

Then he would never be on my damn

side at all unless he ha rifle.

But then in the long run.

Finding out that he was one

of the bravest person alive.

And then to have him ended up saving my

life was the irony of the whole thing.

Blood it ran down through this

fellow's face and eyes.

It was when that he go

in and called for medic.

I took the water from my

canteen and got some bandages.

And I wash his face.

And when I wipe.

Washed up his eyes.

Eyes came out

Man, he just lit up.

He says I thought I was blind.

And if I hadn't got anything

more to that smile he gave me.

I wouldn't have been well repaid.

طاقم التمثيل

مراجعات المشاهدين

من بين جميع الأفلام المرشحة لجائزة أفضل فيلم، هناك فيلم لا يحظى باهتمام كبير على الإطلاق. في Hacksaw Ridge، لا يوجد الكثير من السرد المحيط بالفيلم ليفعله بالفيلم على الإطلاق لأنه يبدو أن هويته تتمحور حول عودة ميل جيبسون. اقرأ المزيد: https://reviews.boxofficebuz.com/review/hacksaw-ridge
رأيت Hacksaw Ridge لأول مرة في نوفمبر عندما تم عرضه لأول مرة.. ذهبت إلى عرض بعد الظهر وكان مكتظًا. من المشهد الأول إلى الأخير، كنت في حالة من الرهبة. هذا هو أفضل فيلم رأيته منذ وقت طويل. في آخر 30 دقيقة من الفيلم، انهمرت الدموع على خدي. وبعد انتهائها، حصلت على تصفيق حار لمدة 5 دقائق. Braveheart هو فيلمي المفضل طوال الوقت وقد شاهدته أكثر من 200 مرة، ولكن قد يكون هذا هو فيلمي المفضل الجديد. لقد رأيت ذلك 6 مرات حتى الآن، وبكيت في كل مرة. إنه فيلم عاطفي. قصة البطل ديزموند دوس ملهمة حقًا. شكرًا لميل جيبسون وديزموند دوس جونيور لإعلامنا بالمزيد عن هذا الرجل الرائع. تم حرمان هوغو ويفينج من ترشيح لجائزة الأوسكار. أذهلني أندرو جارفيلد بأدائه، وهو أفضل أداء لفينس فون أيضًا. إنه أفضل فيلم لعام 2016.
**على جبهة القتال، كانت نيته هي إنقاذ الأرواح.** كان الفيلم رائعًا، ويرجع ذلك أساسًا إلى الرسالة الجيدة التي قدمها. هذا ليس كل شيء، الفيلم تم إنتاجه بشكل جيد مع طاقم الممثلين الرائعين وأدائهم الرائع. كانت المؤثرات الخاصة من الدرجة الأولى، بالإضافة إلى الموقع الذي تجري فيه غالبية أحداث النصف الثاني. هذا إنتاج أمريكي أسترالي مشترك. عاد ميل جيبسون إلى كرسي المخرج بضجة كبيرة بعد عقد من الزمن بالضبط. لقد حصل على ستة ترشيحات لجوائز الأوسكار، لذلك دعونا ننتظر ونرى عدد الجوائز التي حصل عليها. لقد كان موضوع الحرب العالمية الثانية، بناءً على شخص وأحداث حقيقية. يحكي قصة شاب أمريكي يدعى ديزموند دوس، الذي ينضم إلى الجيش للمساهمة في أمته. لكن بالنسبة لوجهة نظره الدينية فهو يعاني أثناء التدريب. بعد أن تمكن من النجاح، ركز الفيلم المتبقي على الكشف عن شجاعته في ساحة المعركة ضد القوات المسلحة اليابانية في أوكيناوا في مكان يسمى Hacsaw Ridge. وكانت القصة مبنية على إحدى الوصايا العشر. دوس، الذي يؤمن بشدة بذلك، يحمل نفس الأيديولوجية إلى منطقة القتال. لكن كل الجزء الأول من الفيلم يعكس سبب اهتمامه به. خاصة بعد مشاجرة مع شقيقه في طفولته، أعقبها إنقاذ رجل أصيب بجروح خطيرة في حادث سير قبل أن يقرر الالتحاق بالجيش. لذا فهو مثل كليهما، فيلم حربي، بالإضافة إلى كونه موضوعًا مناهضًا للحرب. والأهم من ذلك، أنه يخبرنا بشجاعة الرجل، كما يفعل غاندي في ساحة المعركة. لقد فعل ذلك فيما كان يؤمن به، لكن وجهة نظري تختلف. أعجبني الفيلم باعتباره سيرة ذاتية والرسالة التي يحملها. مسلية جدًا أيضًا، لكن عندما يتعلق الأمر باعتقاد دوس، أعتقد أنه كان معيبًا. في المقام الأول، لم يكن لينضم إلى الجيش إذا كان صادقًا في الوصية. هذه هي القاعدة الأساسية للوصية إذا أراد المرء أن يعتمدها. لقد كان مجرد واحد من الأشخاص الفريدين الذين لديهم مثل هذه الفكرة ولحسن الحظ نجح في اتباعها في موقف عدائي. فقط إذا كنت تفكر في كل حلقاته من منظور ملحد، فهذا ما ستشعر به. أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لذلك هو أنه ينقذ رجاله بترك عدوه يموت. لكن هذا جهد جدير بالتقدير، على الأقل من وجهة نظر الأميركيين. بطل حقيقي لوطنه. من أفضل أفلام الحرب على الإطلاق. بدلاً من قول فيلم يجب مشاهدته، أود أن أقول لا تفوته. _7.5/10_
John Chard
معظم هؤلاء الرجال لا يؤمنون بنفس الطريقة التي تؤمن بها، لكنهم يؤمنون كثيرًا بمدى إيمانك. Hacksaw Ridge من إخراج ميل جيبسون وتأليف روبرت شينكان وأندرو نايت. وهو مبني على الفيلم الوثائقي لعام 2004 المعترض الضميري. الفيلم من بطولة أندرو جارفيلد، وسام ورثينجتون، وفينس فون، ولوك براسي، وتيريزا بالمر، ورايان كور، وهوجو ويفينج، وراشيل غريفيث. الموسيقى من تأليف روبرت جريجسون ويليامز والتصوير السينمائي لسيمون دوجان. الفيلم عبارة عن تصوير لبطولات الحياة الحقيقية لديزموند دوس، وهو طبيب قتالي أمريكي مسالم في الحرب العالمية الثانية خلال معركة أوكيناوا. كم هو رائع أن يعود جيبسون إلى الإخراج، وخاصة عندما يتعامل مع وحشية الحرب وقصص الاهتمام الإنساني الحاسمة في داخله. قصة ديزموند دوس هي قصة ملهمة وقد جعل جيبسون وفريقه قصته فخورة. يعرض النصف الأول من الصورة تفاصيل نشأة دوس والتعرف على خلفيته العائلية ومعتقداته وتكوين علاقة حب مع دوروثي شوت. ثم بعد بيرل هاربور، يلتحق بالخدمة، ونشهد بعد ذلك معسكرًا تدريبيًا، والذي يأتي مع أهوال التنمر والنبذ ​​بسبب رفض دوس حتى لمس بندقية - ناهيك عن استخدام واحدة! بعد أن استنفد الرعد السياسي العسكري ترسانته، تم إرسال دوس وبقية فرقة المشاة 77 إلى أوكيناوا لمحاولة الاستيلاء على جرف مايدا (هاكسو ريدج). من حيث ولدت أسطورة حقيقية. كما هو الحال مع علامة جيبسون التجارية، فإن مشاهد المعركة حقيقية ودموية بشكل مرعب قدر الإمكان، وقد كشفت أهوال الحرب عن تأثير درامي. من بين المذبحة، التي تم تأطيرها بشكل رائع بالضباب الدخاني والمناظر الطبيعية التي طمستها الأسلحة، يظهر دوس (الذي أعاده غارفيلد إلى الحياة ببراعة) في المقدمة. من داخل الجنون تأتي الإنسانية في أنقى صورها وأكثرها أصالة، وتجعل المشاهدة على حافة المقعد بينما تثير دماء أولئك الذين استثمروا بالكامل في هذه القصة الرائعة. 9/10
*** تحية إلى "المتعاون الواعي" الواقعي في الحرب العالمية الثانية *** بعد بيرل هاربور، ينضم ديزموند دوس من لينشبورج، فيرجينيا، إلى الجيش الأمريكي ليصبح مسعفًا ويخدم في معركة أوكيناوا. بصفته أحد السبتيين والمعترضين ضميريًا، كان هدفه هو إنقاذ الأرواح، وليس القتل، الأمر الذي يسبب بطبيعة الحال مشاكل مع زملائه الجنود؛ حتى يلاحظوا شجاعته في القتال. تيريزا بالمر في متناول اليد في دور فاتنة دوس المحتملة بينما يلعب فينس فون دور رقيب الحفر. استنادًا إلى قصة حقيقية وأخرجها ميل جيبسون، يعد فيلم "Hacksaw Ridge" (2016) فيلمًا رائعًا وجذابًا من الحرب العالمية الثانية يتضمن تسلسلات التدريب المعتادة في النصف الأول متوازنة مع تسلسلات قتالية مكثفة في النصف الثاني. العامل الفريد هنا هو أن بطل الرواية الشجاع يرفض استخدام السلاح ويصمم على إنقاذ الأرواح فقط في خضم جنون الحرب. هذه قصة واقعية مثيرة للاهتمام يجب أن تُروى، و"Hacksaw Ridge" هو فيلم حرب جيد لا يشوبه سوى الاعتماد على البطولات بشكل مكثف للغاية بالإضافة إلى الافتقار إلى العمق في الشخصيات الطرفية، مما يجعلها غير مثيرة للاهتمام. هذا الأخير يتناقض مع فيلم "الفصيلة" (1986) المتميز الذي يضم العديد من الشخصيات المحددة جيدًا. تدور أحداث الفيلم حول شخص يؤمن بالسلامية المطلقة، وهي موقف سلمي يرفض اللجوء إلى العنف أبدًا، حتى ردًا على الشر أو لغرض الدفاع الوطني. وهو يعتقد أن هذا يدعمه الكتاب المقدس، وعلى وجه التحديد، العهد الجديد، لكنه ليس كذلك. يدعم الكتاب المقدس المسالمة المحدودة، وهي موقف سلمي لا يلجأ إلى العنف إلا عندما يكون له ما يبرره. تتعلق تعليمات المسيح "بإدارة الخد" بالرد على صفعة على الوجه، والتي كانت إهانة في تلك الثقافة. بمعنى آخر، يمكننا جميعًا أن نوفر على أنفسنا الكثير من المتاعب في الحياة إذا تعلمنا تجاهل عداء مختلف الحمقى الذين يرغبون في تحويل تركيزنا وإفساد يومنا. وهذا ما يعلمه العهد القديم أيضًا: "الجاهل يُظهر انزعاجه للوقت، والذكي يتجاهل الإهانة" (أمثال 12: 16). لذلك كان المسيح يتحدث عن إعطاء الخصم استراحة من أجل السلام في حالات الإساءة الشخصية؛ ولم يكن يشير إلى حالات الأعمال الإجرامية الخطيرة أو الدفاع عن الأمة. كدليل على ذلك، كان لدى فريق خدمة يسوع صندوق خزينة وكان بعض عماله يحملون سيوفًا للحماية من اللصوص/القتلة في رحلاتهم. كما ترى، لم يكن المسيح وتلاميذه من دعاة السلام المطلقين. في مناسبتين، أخرج المسيح سوطًا وطرد جميع الحمقى إلى خارج الهيكل – حيث رموا الطاولات، ولوحوا بالسوط، وصرخوا. لقد كان رعبًا مقدسًا، بكل وضوح وبساطة، مما جعل القادة الدينيين الناموسيين يخشونه ويخططون للقتل (مرقس 15:11-18). إن دعاة السلام غير المؤذيين لا يثيرون الخوف ولا يثيرون مؤامرات القتل. علاوة على ذلك، تنص رسالة رومية 13 بوضوح على أن الشرائع البارة للحكومات البشرية قد رسمها الله بغرض معاقبة المجرمين، المحليين والأجانب، الذين يهددون حياة المواطنين. وهذا يشمل الحق في التنفيذ عند الاقتضاء. غالبية المسيحيين العقلاء يدركون ذلك، ولكن هناك عدد قليل من المتطرفين، مثل دوس في الفيلم، الذين يرفضون الموازنة مع الكتاب المقدس في هذا الشأن ويصرون على أن الصراع العنيف ليس مناسبًا على الإطلاق. إنهم مخطئون. في بعض الأحيان يكون الأمر ضروريًا، كما حدث بعد الهجوم الياباني على بيرل هاربور، دون استفزاز، مما أسفر عن مقتل أكثر من 2300 من الأبرياء وإصابة 1100 آخرين. مدة الفيلم ساعتين و19 دقيقة وتم تصويره في نيو ساوث ويلز بأستراليا. درجة ب-
Filipe Manuel Neto
**فيلم جيد حقًا، ويفتقر إلى بعض التفاصيل فقط.** لم يكن هذا هو الفيلم الحربي الأول الذي أخرجه ميل جيبسون. سبق له أن أنتج فيلمًا عسكريًا واحدًا على الأقل بعنوان "We Were Soldiers" تدور أحداثه في فيتنام. ومع ذلك، فهو فيلم يتناول مواضيع أكثر إنسانية وحميمية، في رأيي، من خلال متابعة عائلة دوس، وهي عائلة من ريف فيرجينيا، ومسار أحد أطفالهم، ديزموند. ابن لأم متدينة للغاية، نشأ على كنيسة سبتية، يتعلم ديزموند في طفولته إنكار العنف (يظهر الفيلم قتالًا بين الإخوة كان من الممكن أن ينتهي بشكل سيء للغاية، لكنه في الحياة الواقعية كان قتالًا بين والد ديزموند وشقيقه). - القانون) وأن يتبع بدقة عقيدته ودينه. عندما تنضم الولايات المتحدة إلى الحلفاء في الحرب العالمية الثانية، يقرر الأخوان التجنيد، لكن ديزموند يصر على القيام بذلك وفقًا لشروطه الخاصة، أي كمنقذ قتالي، معفى من استخدام وحمل أي سلاح. وبطبيعة الحال، فإن الجيش الأمريكي لن يأخذ هذا في أفضل صورة. الفيلم يفضح نفسه بشكل مطول إلى حد ما ويلتقط تعاطفنا بشكل جيد للغاية، لكن رغم شكوى الكثير من الناس من أن الجزء الأول من الفيلم بطيء ومتعب، إلا أنني شعرت بذلك أكثر في المشاهد القتالية المطولة، رغم فهمي لما دفع جيبسون إلى التفصيل. لهم بشكل شامل. ومع ذلك، من الضروري أن نكون صريحين: إنها مشاهد معركة ممتازة، بتفاصيل غنية ودرجة شديدة من الخشونة. لسوء الحظ، الحوارات ليست جيدة جدًا، فهي تبدو مبتذلة بعض الشيء، ومن المزعج رؤية ذلك في فيلم به الكثير من الصفات. يبذل الفيلم أيضًا جهودًا لإنشاء حبكة فرعية رومانسية حول زوجة ديزموند الأولى، لكن الأمور لا تسير على ما يرام، والمواد سيئة بصراحة. بشكل عام، يقوم جيبسون بعمل جيد في الإخراج، على الرغم من أن ذلك لن يشكل مفاجأة للمراقب الأكثر انتباهاً. لديه بالفعل عدد من الزيارات في فيلمه السينمائي، وهو، إلى جانب كلينت إيستوود وبرادلي كوبر، أحد الممثلين الذين أحب أن أراهم على كرسي المخرج. حتى الآن، لم أفكر أبدًا في قيمة الجهات الفاعلة المشاركة في هذا المشروع. البعض لا أعرفه جيدًا. أندرو جارفيلد مثال: لقد رأيته في أعمال أخرى، لكن الممثل لم يقنعني تمامًا أبدًا، لذلك أعجبت جدًا بعمله هنا. كما أبهرني سام ورثينجتون بشكل جيد جدًا، على الرغم من أنه ممثل أتعرف عليه بسهولة أكبر، وقد رأيته يعمل جيدًا في أفلام أخرى. Hugo Weaving ممتاز، وفينس فون يستحق الثناء أيضًا. يبدو أن تيريزا بالمر هي الوحيدة التي تواجه صعوبة أكبر في فصل نفسها عن العمل الحالي، ربما بسبب ضعف المواد التي تلقتها. من الناحية الفنية، يحتوي الفيلم على الكثير من الأشياء الجيدة التي يجب النظر إليها، بدءاً بالطريقة الصارمة إلى حد ما التي يسعى بها جيبسون إلى إعادة تمثيل بيئة القتال والحرب، من معسكر التجنيد إلى الميدان. على عكس العديد من أفلام ماضيه، حيث داس المخرج على الحقيقة التاريخية، يبدو أنه يبذل جهودًا صادقة لاحترامها هنا. المؤثرات البصرية والخاصة جيدة جدًا حقًا، كما أن تقنية CGI المستخدمة ممتازة حقًا وتضفي على الفيلم واقعية ملحوظة، خاصة في المشاهد القتالية. المجموعات مثيرة للاهتمام والأزياء أيضًا. أعجبني بشكل خاص الزي القديم الذي يرتديه ويفينج في مشهد قصير، نظرًا للاختلاف عن الزي الرسمي المستخدم في ذلك الوقت. يستغل التصوير السينمائي كل هذا وأكثر، وتتحرك الكاميرا بذكاء، وتضعنا في القتال، وتجعلنا نعاني مع هؤلاء الجنود، ونشعر بما شعروا به، وما تبرزه الموسيقى التصويرية لجريجسون - ويليامز أكثر.
لا أريد أن أقول إنني لا أحب ميل جيبسون كممثل، أعني أنه شارك في الكثير من الأفلام التي أحبها... لكن مثل كلينت إيستوود، فهو يصنع مخرجًا أفضل بكثير مما صنع ممثلًا على الإطلاق. Hacksaw Ridge هو مجرد واحد من تلك الأفلام التي يقوم فيها بعمل رائع... لسوء الحظ، إنه ميل جيبسون، لذا فهي مذبحة مبالغ فيها ولم يتم الاستهانة بها على الإطلاق. لكن لا يمكنك أن تلوم جيبسون لأنه صنع فيلمًا لجيبسون، فيجب أن تعرف حقًا الكثير مما سيأتي. وقد جعل أندريه غارفيلد يقوم بالتمثيل، الأمر الذي قد لا يمنحه مكافأة، لكنه بالتأكيد ينبغي أن يكون، هذا شيء يمكن أن يجعل الرجل يقدس... وكانت مشاركته هي التي جعلتني أؤجل مشاهدته عن طريق الخطأ بضع سنوات. يبدو وكأنه ممثل حقيقي في هذا، بلهجة وكل شيء. وبعد ذلك، بالطبع، إنها قصة أحد دعاة السلام الذي ذهب إلى الحرب لإنقاذ الأرواح... وفي النهاية، هذا أمر نبيل جدًا بالتعريف الأكثر صرامة وتشعر به رغم ذلك، وهو على الأرجح المغزى... على الرغم من مذبحة مبالغ فيها.